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Submission details...If you want to send a story to add to our collection, PLEASE DO! There's only three tiny guidlines. First, they've got to have Matt SOMEWHERE. I don't mind if it's not a huge part but y'know at least a few lines. Second, no NC-17 stuff please, All That is Ishida no longer takes yaoi, or icky stuff. Third, the stories must be longer than one written page. We simply don't have room to post every paragraph-long story here. That's it! Thanks and happy writing! Now on with the fics!!

*THAT,* my friends, was Ashi-sama, the o mighty webmistress of this spiffy site! Since she was overloaded by the ton of inspired Digi-fics, an agreement and an e-mail later, I was given control of this section of her website. I intend to update as often as possible (Hopefully every two days, but at least once a week if not...) and make sure to get all the fics up! Since Ashi-sama is no longer in charge of this, you can e-mail me your stories (or LINKS to your stories, which I prefer cuz I'm lazy) at: Make sure it has a title and you give your pen name and URL (if you have one)

Arigatou gozaimasu! ^_^

And THAT, children of ATII, was Ucchan, webmaster of the fanfiction section here at All That Is Ishida. He was also completely overloaded, another victim of webmaster overload... *sigh*

BUT, Easter-chan is here, to take over until Ucchan comes back. So I'll be your webmistress for the time being. The rules are written above, so almost everything is taken care of. Please, do not send Ucchan your stories, he's already overloaded. We'd appreciate it if you would hold on to them for a while until we are running smoothly again. If you must send them, or if you have questions, you can reach me at Thank you!!!

And THIS, dear friends, is Ucchan's (me!) big return! Well, not really, I'm going to be updating sparatically to help out Easter-chan. To start out with, though, is the main reason that I took time off in the first place: THIS HUGE STORY!!!! My friend, AngelHeero (CALL ME ANGEL!), and I have been busily working away at this fic (posted under Angel's section) and have finally been able to start putting it up.
ANGEL: Please READ!!! ::holds up blinking neon sign!::


The new fanfic authors will be posted on PAGE TWO of Fanfics. Since we ran out of room, the only thing still posted on this section will be original authors and art of fanfics on this page. Basically, I'm dividing these pages by author now. So... if a new author comes in, they are on page two (I'll try to mention them on this page as often as possible) And if they are already on this page, I'll simply add to their section here, of course they'll be mentioned on this page.

MORE STUFF TO TELL YOU GUYS! I'll post my updates right here!
NEW! Hey! I'm UPDATING! YES! Who knew? It DOES HAPPEN! I found out some tragic news, guys... I heard from Jen-chan that she might be leaving the site... leaving us poor ATII-ers all by our little lonesomes again without a leader. So! I propose to all you responsible (and interested) Yamalovers out there, PLEASE HELP US!!!! We're in danger! But I will NOT be shut down! Even if all of Yamato's fansites die in simulataneous horror... this fanfic page will remain! But more importantly, I'm updating! In the deep depths of our recycle bins, Angel and I have found a lost chapter of Magic chapter should you want to check it out ^_~. PLUS! The exciting continuation of what happens AFTER the most recent chapters. HEE-Hee! Also, I've decided I will take fanart donations again, and will be happy to view them. Not post them, I have no time for that, but if you like to draw, I'd like to see it! ^_^ If you draw a pic for one of the fics already posted here, I'll even put it up (if I ever have time!)
HEY EASTER! Where are you? I need help here! If ATII closes, we've got to take responsibility here! Which is another thing, I'm opening a new site soon with Angel that I'll end up making this page a part of if no one will help us in our quest for leadership. That is ALL! Ucchan signing out! "Parents? What exactly is a parents?" -Gomamon, ep2


AUTHOR: Ashmoria

URL: All That Is Ishida


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Matt and Tai discover a new evil when they get lost in the woods and have to learn to work together...or die trying. Insanity and mayhem insues. (Geez, I'm melodramatic) Some swearing and stuff. PG-13ish.

Nightmares and Realities poster By Jen-Chan ^.~


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

WARNING: This is a darker story. Contains foul language, violence and some adult themes. Please don't read this if you don't think you can handle these things. PLOT: 12 years in the future, the Digidestined must once again battle to save their world. Yes! This is the if Digimon was a Final Fantasy game fic... PG-13 and you gotta have a pretty open mind!

'Darkness' Art!

Yes, people have actually been kind enough to draw me some 'When Darkness Falls' related art! Well, one person actually. Ukyoluvr! Domo arigato gozaimasu!

UkyoLuvr: ::blushes:: Thanks, Ashi-sama! ^_^

Tai's Courage Fire
Yamato's Light Blade


The Story

Another of Ashi-sama's excellent fanwritings. This is a story about the breakup between Matt and TK's parents and how the breakup affects Matt himself. Touching, and I really don't know what else to say, 'cept for "READ IT!"

Here's > Angel'sfanart for One-Winged Angel


The Misadventures of Digital Camera!

Page 1

Page 2

Our first comic strip done by a great fanartist: Angel! About Izzy, Sora and the infamous digital camera!


Page 1 Digi-Fruit! ^_^

Page 2 Digi-Fruit! ^_^

Page 3 Digi-Fruit! ^_^

AngelHeero begins a series of comic strips, called Digi-Chibi-Theatre. Starring our heroes as Super-Deformed Versions of themselves. Cute, funny, and has a fairly low download time. Black & White, maximize screen for best viewing ^_~

~~~~~~~~MAGIC CHAPTER~~~~~~~

Magic Chapter: Fanart Poster A cute little thing AngelHeero drew from this story.

Parts 1-5

Parts 6-8

Parts 9-12

Parts 13-17(Actually, it's only to 16)

Lost Chapter 17
EEEEK! WE'VE SCREWED UP! ::Ahem:: You DIDN'T hear that.... Reallly... truly... clearly... it was your imagination. Angel and I shall now direct you to the forgotten... er.. um... misplaced... I mean... uh... LOST! Yes... Lost Chapter of... Magic Chapter..? Yes, for those of you who DIDN'T notice... I'm sure none of you were included in that category... but, Ch 17 of our story was well... lost. But that's okay, it wasn't THAT important, just most of the story's character developement, and best Yamato chapter of the the entire story that ever was and ever will be written... hope none of you missed it. ^_^ But for those of you who did, we've decided you will be priveleged to read this masterpiece of creamy Yama-goodness. Peace out! ^_^ V-

Parts 18-21

Parts 22-24

Parts 25-28 NEW!

Ah, yes, the SAGA! What if... Digimon was a fantasy story? Would the Digi-tachi be greatly affected? Would Yamato still be blonde? At least he could finally be someone's 'Knight in Shining Armor!' What? QUEEN Kari? Oh, wait, that's already been done... Anyway, This is Ucchan, my friend, Angel and I have spent the past month writing this story (or most of it, there's about 40 chapters total... and about 10 more after that...) And has been the MAIN reason that I took some time off from my updating... So if ya missed me, please read this and send me (and ANGEL!) some feedback to show you care about us.. I mean, Yama-chan! Side note: Koushirou is the main character, though Yamato shares that position with him! ^_~



The Story

First point perspective of Yama-kun pondering about his bro...



The Story

Matt thinks about himself and the other DigiDestined kids...

AUTHOR: DigiGirl125


Part One

The group of Digidestined meet up with a new girl, Judo and sparks between her and Matt fly...

AUTHOR: Peeka713


Part One

A mysteriously new digidestined called Lilly shows up and wastes no time in getting close to Matt.
NOTE: This is a different story than the one above!

AUTHOR: Joanna


Part One

Gennai tells the Digi-tachi about the newest Digidestined, Silver, and her infamous Mewmon, creator of the Digiworld!
NOTE: This is a different story than the one above!


Mae's Fic

Part one(Unfinished)

An interesting fic in script format by Mae. A definate TaiXSora pairing story. I hope to see more soon!

Sora's Best Moments... hehehehehe...

The Story

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA! I like this one... Its a funny humor fic that cracks on Sora... loads of fun for all! WARNING: If you like Sora, don't take this seriously... its a joke, so don't flame me or Mae.

AUTHOR: Karana

And So it Begins... Again?

Part One

Part Two

The Digidestined are once again summoned from the lives to save the digiworld. This time, though, some new faces as well as old will grace the digital screen.
This one looks promising! ^_^



Part One and Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Part Nine NEW!!!

A story that takes place right after Part One of my fic "When Darkness Falls" with a new twist (; The DigiWorld is thrown out of whack when Gennai dies and it's up to the DigiDestined to save it once again.
Ucchan here! This story has its good roots, but if not for that, its developement and surprisingly uncorny-ness is a good reason to read it. You're in for a surprise ~_^!


The Poem

One of our first contributors gives us this beautiful poem about Matt's feelings for the group and especially TK.

I Lie in the Dark

The Songfic

A pretty dark fic about THE divorce. Also a songfic!

Sound of Silence

The Songfic

Another of Kira's great songfics, this one finds Matt in a cavern, reflecting on inner themes of his life. Even though it's a songfic, it's more like the words are being said for the first time in Matt's mind.

AUTHOR: Yakumei

Message in the Night

The Story

A cool Matt fic that shows just how much he cares for his brother.

Maintained separately

AUTHOR: Easter


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

This is a good fic. But not just any good fic, this fic is hilarious. This is a funny story, its written in script form. Read it anyway. Go! click now! ITS GOOD! READ IT! CLICK IT NOW! YOU'RE STILL HERE!! *GO!* (Note: This fic is best read with a friend present!)

Solitary Dreams

The Story

The Sequel

The Threequel

The Fourquel NEW!!!

Images of yet another world... TK in danger... a frightening lady who visits at night. These images are haunting the digidestined. In a desperate attempt to solve the puzzle, Tai visits an old friend, and brings all eight children together once again, in a completely new mission.


Return of Something Evil

Part one

Parts two, three, and four

Parts five, six, seven, and eight

Parts nine and ten SUGOI!!! ^_~

A MATT AND TK FIC! ITS SO CUTE AND ANGSTY AND GOOD! Its by Jade and you should read it, it centers on Matt and his feelings for his bro. It's finally up and finished too! YAHOO! I like!

~I need you still~

The Poem

An absolutely adorable poem about how TK feels when Matt leaves him during the Puppetmon arc.

~What Tears Can't Express~

The Poem

An angsty poem about Matt's internal sturggle during his posesion by the darkness of the final episodes.

Eternally Grateful

The Story and Poems

::sniffle:: I love it! Read it! It's a Matt POV with Mimi and himself as main characters (not really a Mimato, though) It's sad and depressing... but very well written and kinda upbeat near the end. At anyrate, it also contains some of Jade's own poetry instead of a song like in a songfic. Cool! ^_~

I'll Do Anything

The Story

As Matt thinks about his loneliness, family, friends, and brother, he remembers the sacrifice he made in the divorce, four years ago. Matt is seven, and must make the hardest choice of his life at the divorce court; his happiness, or his brother's. It's very sad, and very introspective! ^_^ An excellent Yama-sama fic!

AUTHOR: Fallenange13

Betraying Savior

The Story

A Matt angst fic where he reflects on his life before the digiworld, and about his childhood friend Kat. By the queen of the Matt angst fics herself, Fallenange13!

No Reason To Go On

The Story

The angst queen of Matt fics returns to write a story of what went on through Matt's head when he decided to leave the group.

Can't Let Go

The Story

Another angsty fic by the queen, this one revolves around Matt's feelings and how they are being sorted out while the other digidestined battled the final duel with puppetmon. Written in third person, but still worthy of FallenAnge13 ^_~

AUTHOR: Samantha

Digimon on Jerry Springer!

The Story

THIS IS YET ANOTHER HUMOR FIC! Gotta love 'em! Matt. Tai. Digimon. AND JERRY SPRINGER! Sounds interesting? Well, actually, it's just Hilarious, READ!

AUTHOR: Jennifer

Jen-Chan's Fan fic

Now all 6 parts of 'The Foximon saga' can be found by clicking on this link here! Saga #2 is coming soon ^_~

The Character Bio A character bio on Jen and Foximon, complete with pics that I worked VERY hard to add to her bio... please don't send me pics within stories... it's too much work.

Matt's dreams and a new Chosen Child lead to an epic story... written in script format! A romance adventure fic involving everyone's favorite Digidestined! Good Story! It screams "READ ME PLEASE!"

Matt's Exceptance Speech

The Speech

Jen-chan writes a little bit on what she thinks Matt would say if he ever won!

Sweet Revenge

The Story

Jen-chan pairs up with friend, Sammie, for a cute little continuation of the Foximon saga with an even NEWER twist.

AUTHOR: Lady Mimi

Trails of the Heart

Part One

Part Two

The ever-so-famous Mimato story that almost EVERY SITE (but us) HAD! Finally! We're back the game! Very sweet, very touching, very well written. So well, in fact, you've probably already read it!

AUTHOR: Haley Dale

Sleepless in the DigiWorld

The Story

Another of the infamous Mimato fanfictions! Sweet! I hope its new to you! Or maybe you'll just want to re-read it!

AUTHOR: Heather

A New Digidestined... And a Date, TOO!

Parts One-Three

The title says it all, Matt and Heather have a sweet relationship in this ever-so-inspired fic. More Soon, hopefully!

AUTHOR: Sounasha

Inner Turmoil

The Story

Matt has left the digidestined, and ten long years pass with no sign of him. The group believes him dead- until they follow a digivice signal to a castle and are trapped by the one they once called friend. All of them- especially Matt- must then deal with almost-forgotten memories and emotions that come with the sight of long lost companions...

^.^ Sounasha wrote that for me because I just could not find the words to describe this wonderful fic! ::sniffle:: Its really good, please read it! ::sniffles:: You didn't see that! ::begins outright puppy crying::

When Evil Strikes


Sounasha writes a 'sequel' of sorts. It follows Inner Turmoil and its just as cool. I love it! Seems to be the catchphrase today...

Lone Wolf

The Story

a fic that takes a deep delve into Matt's personality and his relationship with the others.

I Remember...

The Poem

Sounasha's own poem to add to our surprisingly large colection of poetry. I like it, very cool.

Walk on the Edge

The Songfic

A SPIFFY SONGFIC!! The song is Yama-sama's japanese theme! YAY! I love it, I love it! GO SOUNASHA!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_~

AUTHOR: 7 of 11

The Complete Tsunorimon Saga

The SAGA! All 21 chapters and 85 pages!

This is a LONG fic. This is a GOOD fic! This poor author has been neglected too long!! Very dedicated! This story revolves around most of the Digidestined, including a new one! I know what you're thinking, "Another one?" Well, don't let that stop you, cause even if you don't like reading about new kids, you'll LOVE this one! It's very digi-plot based. Did I mention it was long?


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

A song-inspired fic about the Digidestined as adults. REALLY KEWL! And on going as well... so expect more soon...

Mirror Mirror

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

A continuation of Reunion! above^


Together We Stand

Part One

When the Digidestoned think Myotismon is destroyed, they find other evil Digimon still in their world. Will this be their final battle?


Trapped Deep Within

The Story

This is a really well-written Digimon fic, it makes you think you're READING an episode, not in script form by the way! ^_~ Set after "My sister's Keeper"

Digital Disaster

Part One 1

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Part Nine

Dark Fic. Tai has an attitude problem, and Matt is accused of betrayal twice! Exciting fic set after "My Sister's Keeper."

AUTHOR: SSJ_Hotaru & Kirya_1


The Story

This fic is color-coded for easy reading! It's about TWO new digidestined instead of the usual one. Nice twist.


Brother of Mine

The Poem

Two poems; one by Matt, one by TK, about each other. They show that, despite their differences, both brothers really understand each other's thoughts. *bawls* It's so sweet! It's the kind of thing you'd want to have engraved on a locket, or into a picture frame!

AUTHOR: Jessie

Digimon in your BackPack

Part One

A group of kids meet up with the mistransplanted digidestined in North America (??)KEWL!

Just another pointless story

The story

A cute fluff!Read it!^_^!!!!

AUTHOR: Zendiogimon

It's His Choice

Part One

These stories are about the gang having a new task. They have a mysterious digi-vice that takes them to worlds parallel to their own. In order to save both worlds in their own dimension they have to fix what is plauging the parallel worlds first. This is the first world. It is from Matt's pov.

Maintained separately


Anji's Poems

Night, Squirt

Lone Wolf

Little Bro

Anji writes three different poems all narrated by Matt about different things in his life!


Digimon 03

Prologue 1

A prologue placed in the far future of the digidestined. Their children take the center stage, and are off on a trip to summer camp! Will history repeat itself??

AUTHOR:Jenny Locke


The Story

A short fic about a 'neko transformation' aimed at Matt!!

AUTHOR: Jenny Surkan

A Personality Disorder

The Story NEW!

YAY! Another humor fic! Jen wrote the most hilarious story. It all began with an innocent idea for a fanfic... and before she knew it, Jen and her friends were being held hostage and cruelly made to act out their own story, by none other than... the DIGIDESTINED!!! *bum bum buuuummmmm* ^_^ Like Ucchan says, Hell hath no fury....


Hey look! Someone drew a picture of me [Ucchan] as a Puppy/Koinu! I'm so happy! Thanks AngelHeero! Easter, we still need a description of you so we can draw your piccy, too! ^_~

Remember to send me your fics at: Thank you!!!

Email our esteemed webmistress: Jen - Chan !



This site is STOLEN FANART FREE! But since I love fanart SO much, I'll redirect you to Japanese site: > Tir na Nog, with some of the best fanart, like the one above.