Who is Robert Lavelle?
As you may or may not know, there is a spammer who goes by the name "Robert Lavelle".
He is the guy responsible for all those obnoxious "Space Ends and Moves" emails sent constantly into people's mailboxes.
Perhaps you have received one? Their main portion looks like this:
E=MC The equation for the atom bomb. It says that matter and energy
are the same thing. So then what is that? Matter, look at a brick. Its
in a three dimensional form. Its made of electrons, protons and
neutrons (atoms) and they are moving so the brick is moving. Energy,
sunlight. Its in a three dimensional form. It comes to us from the sun
therefore it is moving. 3D and moving Both matter and energy are 3D
and moving. I outproduce Einstein. We already know all matter has
gravity. The bending of light shows that energy has gravity also. So
matter and energy are 3D moving with gravity. The universe is made of
matter, energy, time and space. That just stated is the matter and
energy part. Time and space. Take everything in the universe and stop
it. Does time progress? No. Therefore time is the motion and the
understanding of all the motion is the understanding of all of time.
Space, it ends. Space does not go on forever. Space is in a three
dimensional form. It moves but does not have gravity. Space moves like
this. O /\ + \/ O
And that is the understanding of all of time.
O This is what was first in the beginning.
/\ This is the old kings and queens.
+ This is democracy.
\/ This is socialism.
O This is when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
And that is the understanding of the universe. Glory be to the Father the Son
and the Holy Ghost. Revelation chapter 10 & 11; 15-19. It is very important the
people receive this information. You may tell someone about this.
Thank You
Robert Lavelle
Now some of you might be saying "So what? It's a little screwy, but why bother setting up a page against it?" Others may even agree with his theory, and so not see the point in this site. Well, I had three reasons for setting it up.
First of all, whether you agree with his theory or not, Lavelle's spam campaign is illegal. I would like to see it stopped, but he is difficult to track because he keeps changing email addresses. He signs up on a free email server, sends his spam, and after he is terminated he signs up for another address, either with the same server or another one! So his victims keep getting his email from different addresses. I'm hoping that this site can contribute to stopping him.
Second, the subject, and sometimes the beginning contents of his emails are getting extremely offensive.
Here is a recent sampling:
Another recent offering bore the subject: "YOU HAVE THREE MONTHS TO LIVE!"
As you can imagine, I'm getting sick of this kind of email, with it's references to cannibalism and such.
Subject: When Everyone Starts to EAT Everyone
Are you comfortable? Got enough food in the house?
Electricity working? Got fuel for the car?
Well come January 1, 2000 all that is going to change.
You know that little Y2K thing where many of the computers
in the world are just going to shut down on Jan 1.
Well that little problem is going to collapse all the economies
in the world. No more food, electricity, fuel, communications etc.
all those things are going to shut down like that "snap" (maybe a week or so)
and the survival of the fittest will become the law
until the antichrist takes over the world.
Contrary to Mr. Lavelle's ravings; I'm not going to be killed during any Y2K chaos, and no one will have to resort to cannibalism. Why? Because there will not be any such chaos! Mark my words, conspiracy nuts; come 1 January 2000 Absolutely Nothing Will Happen! (at least not on a large scale; a few old PC's may get messed up, but I don't believe all the doom-and-gloom prophets.)
I just find his email disgusting, and am sick of receiving it over and over again.
The final reason I set up this web site is that I couldn't send him my objections personally, since he blocks all responses to his spam. So I had hoped Mr. Lavelle would find this page and read the message for him which I originally put on this first page (I've since moved it to this page). Well, judging from the two posts he put on the Message Board, he has found this site. He undoubtably read both that original message and the "Open Letter to Robert Lavelle" which I posted on the board. But he has not stopped sending his emails. There is obviously no reasoning with him (I guessed that from the start, but I wanted to give him the "benefit of the doubt).
What This Site Is Not About!First, this site is not about mere retaliation. I did not post it to exact some petty revenge against the spammer for his email harrassment. There are plenty of pages which do that in varying degrees (see hyperlinks below). This particular site does not seek to merely mock his opinions, but to stop his illegal cyberstalking activities. Mockery and revenge may provide temporary satisfaction, but they hardly constitute a true victory against his spam campaign.
Second, the Stop Robert Lavelle Page does not encourage or promote direct retaliatory tactics, such as flaming, mailbombing, or harrassing everyone on the Net with the name "Robert Lavelle". Any momentary emotional satisfaction derived from such activity is not worth the trouble it causes the Internet community as a whole. In the past, servers which Lavelle has abused to send his spam have been swamped with angry responses and mailbombs, creating havoc for both the server and its other customers. (Imagine if Lavelle signed up with your email server, and you could not access your mail for a day because scores of mailbombs sent to him had crashed it! Wouldn't be too cool, huh?)
This site also strongly discourages any attempt to locate Lavelle personally and send him complaints. Many innocent netizens, who just happen to have the same (or a similar) name as the spammer, have received angry emails from irate victims of Lavelle's cyberstalking. Please do not carry on this practice! It is completely conterproductive. We are all innocent victims of his spam, let's not create more innocent victims.
Finally, though I disagree with Lavelle's "O /\ + \/ O" theory, I have no intention of censoring it! He has freedom of speech, which gives him every right to spread his message via the Web, even if it is scientifically erroneous. My objection is that he's using an illegal means: spam. If Lavelle would just promote his beliefs on his web site (like the rest of us!), a campaign against him would be quite unneccessary. The ultimate purpose of this site is to stop the spam!
Some Relevant Links
Mr. Lavelle also keeps changing the location of his web site (possibly because he is kicked off by the server). He is no longer at the following two urls:
The following is Mr. Lavelle's current web site:
Also, notice the message from him on the second page of his site: "All the problems in the world can be perfectly solved, but I must be allowed to be heard".
This guy actually thinks that he can solve all the world's problems. How? By annoying everyone with his obnoxious, unwelcome email messages? I can't see how that will make the world a better place; if anything he has caused even more anger with his unChristian tactics.
Here's what I mean: some of his victims have set up pages on their sites which mock his theories and tactics. This is a partial list of them.
[But do remember to come back here. :-) This site has a lot to offer!]
Take a PollI've received many comments about Lavelle's spam campaign, both by email and the message board. People seem to have different opinions on it; most seem to hate his spam, while others feel indifferent and a few even seem to agree with him. So I've set up a poll, asking for people's feelings about Lavelle and his messages. Feel free to register your opinions (forgive the dark grey background on the poll; SiteGadgets set the color. I'm going to suggest they change it).
Note: This poll has ended. Here are the final results:
I agree with him 100%. Repent! the End is near!!! 7Message Board and Contact InformationI agree with his theory but not his tactics. Spam is annoying. 11
I just find his emails amusing; I'm not angry or fed up. 3
I receive them, but my feelings are neutral. 3
I can't stand it anymore! Make him stop!!!!!!! 60
Never received one, so I can't say. 0
This site has a Message Board, which I strongly encourage everyone to visit. It is the main interactive aspect of the Stop Robert Lavelle Page, and so a very important part of this site! Many people other than myself have been harrassed by Lavelle's emails. The board is a place where they can post their own opinions on this matter, and where we can all share ideas on how to stop the spam! It makes the Stop Robert Lavelle Page more than just the thoughts and efforts of one person.
Please read the Guidelines for the Message Board first.
You can use this button to email me:
stoplavelle | @ | My email address isangelfire.com |