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Welcome to Teslier Weyr!

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Pern (R) and Dragon Riders of Pern (R) are registered trademarks of Anne McCaffrey and are used by permission of the author. All works written by Anne McCaffrey are protected and any reproduction, display, distribution or other use without her permission is a violation of the copy right laws.

Welcome To Teslier Weyr!

    Teslier is a new Weyr in Pern Fandom, set in an alternative timeline during the Second Long Interval.  The present turn is 2392, and Thread is due to fall in 13 short turns.  Now, as said, this is an alternative timeline.  AIVIS won't be found, due to the fact it is buried so deeply.


    Our BoD is made up of 3 members, and we are the ones who do a lot for the Weyr, mundane-wise.  BoD is the acronym for Board of Directors, for those who aren't familiar with the term.

     Teslier's BoD is:

Weyrwoman Tikathi -Amanda-
Junior Weyrwoman Treviata -Rana-
Junior Weyrwoman Neala -Cleo-

    Amanda is the one who collects all applications and sheets, and basically runs around like a wherryhen with her head chopped off.  Amanda approves persona sheets.  Cleo is our wonderful webmistress, as well as our wonderful zine-manager.  Rana keeps our morale up, and is usually in charge of the Weyr when our Leaders are off in RL-la-la-land.

Rules- Our's and Anne's

    We have two sets of rules to go by, and those are Anne's and ours (the BoD's).  Anne's are absolute and not to change, not even a little bend.  If you plead hard enough, maybe you can bend the BoD's.  But here they are, Anne's first.

1. Gold dragons look only to females, bronze and brown only to men.
2. Goldriders- only heterosexual females
Bronzeriders- only heterosexual males
Brownriders- heterosexual males, the occasional bisexual male, and the very rare homosexual male
Blueriders- homosexual and bisexual males and females, distinct prefrences allowed
Greenriders- homosexual males and females, bisexual and heterosexual females open to female partners.
3. Gold, bronze, brown, blue and green are the only allowable dragon colors.  The dragon may be any shade of those colors, but no sport dragons.  Ruth was  the only.  And please, no silver, purple, red or pink dragons with white stripes.  Please.

4. Benden Weyr, Ruatha Hold, and the Harpercraft Hall exist but are off-limits to our stories.  You may have a character from there, but you cannot write a story in any of those locations.

5. You cannot use any of Anne's characters.  No Sorka, no Lessa, no F'lar, Robinton or F'nor. Nope, not even a Brekke or Menolly.  And please, no relatives or descendants.

6. There is no religion on Pern.  Nor will there ever be.  Don't thank God,  thank Faranth.

7. Nor is there any magic or elves or faeries.  Our dragons are fantasic enough.

8. No one on Pern is psychic.  Beyond a dragonrider's ability to hear their lifemate (or the occasional dragon who deems you worthy of talking to), that is all the psychic ability anyone has.

9. No world crossers.  There are no Crystal Singers, or even Hive Queens. :)  Besides the fact that Pern is in the middle of nowhere, who would ever take  the time to go there, when it is already inhabitated?

    Now, here are OUR rules...

1. Hearing All Dragons is a rare ability, if you think you're persona should  have it, please contact Amanda.  There will be 2 positions open, and neither are filled at the moment.

2. Please no 'color wars'.  Status is a human trait.  If it is seen, the offender will be asked to leave. That consitutes dragon-fighting as well.

3. Keep PG13, and no use of Terran slang or cuss words.  Pern is filled with their own version of  slang and obscenitites.  For a list of Pern oaths and  swear words, see the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern by Jody Lynn  Nye.  If you  don't have DLG, ask a member, they'd be glad to help.

4. Timing is a no-no.  We won't be allowing it because not only does it add chaos, but it is very dangerous.  It is taught to Weyrlings in the early stages of learning to ::between:: .  If any rider is caught doing it, it will earn you a lecture by the Weyrwoman, or Weyrlingmaster, depending on the case.

5. Major plots, (such as Weyr-wide plots, or ones that can endanger a character), should be run by the BoD before usage.  Not that we don't love plotting... :)... because we do!

6. On Teslier, we ask that you use a standard method of dragon to rider communication. Firelizards tend to convey images and feelings.

 {{Dragon to rider}}      [[Dragon to human]]

((Human to dragon))      >>Human to dragon<<

~~firelizard images/feelings~~

7. Please keep the amount of firelizards your character has to a minimum.  3 to start with is maximum.  And if your character has a gold, that character won't get another.  Also, we are trying to keep the metallic's well spread,  that way no one persona will have a gold, as well as 3 bronzes.

8. We are reserving the right to ask you to change something on your persona  sheet, even after approval.  After all, we are all humans, and things do get  by.  We will do our best not to abuse this right.

9. Gold eggs will now only be clutched when there is sufficient membership and we see a member very deserving of the great honor it is.  Not to mention great writing abilities and a general helpful attitude.

The Zine

    Presently, our zine has no name.  If you have a name you like, it can be submitted to Cleo at  The Zine will come out 4 times a calendar year, hopefully in Febuary, May, August, and November.  Months occasionally change due to personal reasons (other Weyr deadlines, mid-terms  for more then 1 person..), etc.  Zines come out in email, as an attachment.  Due to the way we publish them, they are free in cost.  Someday, as we get more accustomed to the Weyr, maybe we'll have the option of hard copy (a real paper zine in your hands).  But thats in the future.

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