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White Mountain Rock Springs side


White Mountain, Rock Springs side, note this page may be a bit large and therefore take longer to load on slower connections.

There are 4 antennas and one signal bouncer on White Mountain's RS side. We will be going from south to north.

Description....The smaller antenna on the left is owned by the BLM and is used by Union Telephone as a celluar relay. The taller tower to the right is described a ways below in this page.

Looking up at the Union telephone tower. The top bays are the celluar extensions.

After searching this registration # seen on the door of the building for UnTel it came up being owned by the BLM. Thats wierd, although they do show three other sites in SW County.

Ok, now the taller tower

This is the base of the large tower. This tower is owned and operated by Sweetwater Television (cable) inc. The main responsibility of this tower and its base relays is to recieve television stations from the Evanston relay. Evanston picks up almost all of Salt Lake Citys TV reception. This tower basically is the transciever of those signals. It relays the rx to the studios in downtown RS and walla, you've got KSL on cable now! The next few pictures show the tower and several details.

Here is another view of the tower.

Yet another tower feature

The building that also serves as a relay to other towers in the county.

And finally, a look at the tower itself, complete with the details...Company: SWEETWATER TELEVISION CO INC
Registration ID / Type: 1009408 / TOWER
Longitude: 109.3206 (109D 19M 14S)
Latitude: 41.5786 (41D 34M 43S)
Directions: WHITE MOUNTAIN 8.21 KM W
Elevation/Height: 2322.0 / 122.0 meters, 7618 / 400 feet

Description...... This is a signal bouncer (known as a Microflector in correct terminology) used for every airwave that hits it. It uses no freqencies, no electronics, nothing but a sheet of metal. This picture below shows the company that made it, Microtech.

Read about the full use of these here

Description...... This is a translator for a radio station K299AG on 107.7 mhz FM. It is pretty small for a translator if you ask me, but it must serve some listeners. Exact Loc. N Lat 41 37 54 W Lon 109 17 28, Format: LP Religious (Western Inspirational Broadcasters). Here are two other pictures from the site.

The Yagi that does most of the transmitting.

Deffinately proof of its format of broadcast. This is on the tower cement.

And last but not least, a buried tower that serves for nothing but a lightning rod.

This tower is considered by some as a lighting rod and has no broadcasts radiating from it what so ever.

We leave you with a shot of Rock Springs in the distance as seen from K299AG 107.7 FM.