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Check The New Website For The 2017 Marathon.

Cosmo,Pepper (RIP), and Roxy send a big thank you to all the volunteers,Alec Muthig, and Journey Man Adventures.
We Look Forward To Seeing You Next Year.


39th Annual

Vedauwoo 5k Walk/Run (3.1 miles)
Medicine Bow Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
ROCKY MOUNTAIN 50k (31 miles) replaces the former Rocky Mt. Double Marathon

DATE: 7:00 a.m. Sunday, May 29th, 2016. The 5k walk/run begins at 8:00 a.m. and is an out and back.

LOCATION: Lincoln Monument Rest Area, Exit 323 and I-80, 10 miles east of Laramie, Wyoming. No transportation provided. Please do not park immediately in front of the rest area building.

COURSE: Hilly out and back on mostly dirt and gravel roads (100% for the Half and 77% for the Marathon) in Medicine Bow National Forest. Begins at 8,700 feet and drops to 8,000 feet at the turn around. Weather is variable. Temperature is 40-60 degrees. Please see the course profile and map below. The course closes at 4:00 pm.

NOTE: Law enforcement agencies will monitor the events and issue citations to handlers and drivers who break traffic laws, block roads, trespass, etc. All clothing and personel articles left on the course or at the finish will be donated to a charity group. We will not mail them back to you.

AID STATIONS: All runners must carry a water bottle. There are three (3) aid stations located approximately every four miles. Gatorade, water, and snacks are available. No cups or bottles will be available. You must provide your own water bottle or drinking container to fill from the five gallon dispensers. This rule has been adopted to cut down on liter in Medicine Bow National Forest. Thank you for your cooperation. Runners caught littering the course will be disqualified.

DIVISIONS: No overall or age group awards. All finishers are winners. Please see the race moto if you don't understand:-)

ENTRY FEE: the non-refundable fee is $25.00 (5k), $60.00 (half), $80.00 (full), and $100.00 (50k) prior to May 28th. Ultra marathon race directors run for free (include proof along with your registration.

NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION. Packet pickup: available at Foot of the Rockies starting Monday, May 23rd. Pickup will also be available at the pasta dinner and the morning of the race.

PASTA: A pasta dinner will be served from 5:30-7:00 pm on Saturday, May 28th. Venue TBA. The cost is $15 in advance ($18.00 at the door) payable to Southern Wyoming Runner's Association (SWRO). You may register at this time with a $10.00 late fee and pick up your number and t-shirt.

BENEFIT: Proceeds will be donated to the Cheyenne Boys and Girls Club.

AWARDS: All ultra finishers receive a custom belt buckle. All marathon, half-marathon, and 5k finishers receive custom completion medals (the Wyoming State Seal). Refreshments are provided and extra t-shirts are for sale.

HOTEL: Numerous rooms available in Cheyenne and Laramie.

FIFTY STATES MARATHON CLUB, 50 PLUS DC MARATHON GROUP, and MARATHON MANIACS: Our race is the oldest continuous marathon in the state and the ultramarathon is the oldest ultra in the Rocky Mountain Region. For several years the marathon was the only marathon held in the state. Please support your club or group by planning to attend.

RESULTS: To view complete results from last year's race, please log on to: See link below.

MOTTO: "Where the race director promises you nothing, and he delivers."

Click for Laramie, Wyoming Forecast

RACE HEADQUARTERS: Foot of the Rockies (1740 Dell Range Blvd.). PHONE: (307) 778-7866


....The first thought that came to mind at the 6 a.m. start of this year's Wyoming Marathon Races was "Gorillas in the Mist," except that we were Runners in the Mist. Our huddle of a hundred or so runners was shrouded in dense fog as we tried to make out the dirt road disappearing beyond the start line. While competitors talked and warmed up, the race starter asked for a moment of silence as he said a sort of runner's prayer. The prayer at the race start was a new twist for me, and I immediately liked the vibe surrounding this race. It seemed a fitting tribute to the Memorial Day weekend.

The course started on a gently-sloping downhill, a welcome beginning to a long day ahead. Competitors comprised half-marathoners like myself, marathoners, and ultra-marathoners. This was a tough bunch. Lush greenery and gurgling streams cheered us on from the sides of the road, and a certain calm settled over the crowd as we found our respective rhythms under a quiet blanket of morning mist.

At the first mile marker, I marveled at the environmental conscience of the race organizers. A line of flour (yes, baking flour!) stretched across the road. This was in addition to the requirement that all competitors carry their own water bottles as well as the warning that anyone caught littering would be disqualified. (Lacking any pockets in my shorts, I dutifully - and proudly - stuffed my used "goo" packets in the next best spot, my sports bra!) Granted, these measures were probably stipulations of the race permit in a state park, but I was impressed nonetheless. Other race organizers should take heed. This is a superb example of a running race with an unbelievably small footprint, so to speak.

The miles passed surprisingly quickly, and I'd like to think that the beautiful race setting had something to do with that impression. As we ran along the backcountry dirt road, the fog periodically parted to show the rock monoliths and towers that make Veedauwoo so well-known. Or, coming around a corner, we were treated to a serene pastoral landscape stretched before us. People cheered each other as they passed one another. It was simply impossible not to enjoy this race.

After the turn-around for the half-marathon, we began a short descent and then a gradual climb back to the finish. Almost on cue, as late-race fatigue began to set in for me, the sun started to come through in earnest, treating racers to new views of the previously-hidden landscape. A race official in a truck drove up beside me and asked if I needed more water. Hallelujah! Roving aid stations have got to be a definite advantage of a small, well-run race like this one. Thanks to that kind man, whomever he was, even if I didn't need water at the time.

The finish line welcomed me at the top of a long grueling hill, the same one that I had greeted so happily going the other direction at the start. There was no music, no crowds - just some amazingly nice and encouraging folks congratulating me and handing me my finisher's medal. This was certainly one of the most enjoyable off-road half-marathons I've ever raced, and I hope the race stays this way. Thanks to all who gave their time and efforts to make this race happen!

Erin Whitney
2003 Half Marathon Finisher


2015 Winners and Course Records

  • 50k: Nick Scalfone (3:47:24). Karen Kantor (4:46:51)
  • Marathon: Adam Utroske (3:43:51). Jennifer Malmberg (4:21:46)
  • Half Marathon: Gabe Adams (1:41:45). Emma Fenelon (1:57:32)
  • 5k: Damon Utroske (30:57). Amanda Laban (32:06)
  • Course Records Listed Below
  • 50k: Nick Scalfone (3:47:24). Karen Kantor (4:46:51)
  • Marathon: Men, 3:02:18, Dave Mackey, 2001. Women, 3:37:02,Tania Pacev, 2005
  • Half Marathon: Men, 1:25:36, Steve Cathcart, 2005. Women, 1:40:00, Lisa Goldsmith, 2005
  • 5k: Men, 17:05, Mark Mazza II, 2006. Women, Esther Hartsky, 20:51, 2012

Web Sites to Help You Plan Your Trip to Wyoming and Your Running Future

Results for 2015
Past Ultra Winners
50 States Marathon Club
Vedauwoo Rocks
South Pole Marathon Expedition
Students Can Follow The North Pole Marathon Expedition
Big Horn Trail Races
Casper Running Club
Antarctica 100 Miler and Stage Race
Laramie Running Club, The High Plains Harriers
View 2009 Race Photos
Register for the 2016 races
