-I- _WhiteWolf_s' Den -I-
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May I Stand Unashamed Before You

Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breathe gives life to the whole world, hearken!

I come before you as one of your many children. See, I am small and weak; I need your strength and wisdom.

Permit me to walk in beauty. May my heart treat with respect the things which you have created; may my ears hear your voice!

Make me wise that I may understand the things which you have taught, which you have written in every leaf and rock.

I long for strength, not in order that I may overcome my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, myself.

Make me ever ready to come to you with pure hands and straight eyes, so that my spirit, when life disappears like the setting sun, may I stand unashamed before you.

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"You're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here."

LadyBird & Brother Wolf
"They say the things we fear most are the things we do not know."

Misty-Wolf's Den
Welcome To MY Den ........ Misty-Wolf

Spirit of Wolf Mountain

Desert Moon Pack
Wolves are intelligent, complex creatures .........

¥ N.A.W. ¥ ~Wolf Heaven~

Freedom Pack

WolvenFalcons Den

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Music Selection

( SiouxSong )

( Tunshin )

( Last Buffalo )

( Celtic )

( Nothing )
( Gathering )

( Dreaming )

( Peaceful )

( Savage Garden )

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