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This is our first submition and it is by Jade. Her story is called: The Return of Something Evil. Click on the link to below to read it.
The Return of Something Evil

The Crest Of Beasts
It was about four months after the digidestined defeated the Dark Masters[Metalseadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon]. It was early in the morning when Tai heard a bang. He ran and looked outside and there he saw an evil digimon. It was Myotismon. he had a bad feeling about this because he remembered defeating Myotismon and his next form Venommyotismon. He woke up Kari and thier digimon. Then Agumon digivolved to Greymon and Greymon digivolved to Metalgreymon. Then Gatomon digivolved to Angewomon. Tai called the other digidestined because Myotismon was to strong it was like he got an ultra boost of energy. Izzy used his digimon analyzer to see if it was Myotismon, he thought it looked different. Of course Izzy was right, this was Myotiswomon. Izzy was feeling proud of himself for being right but the analyzer told him Myotiswomon was a rookie digimon he was going to scream. That meant there was three more forms and if this was a rookie form with loads of power they were in trouble. If seven ultimate forms and one champion form could not beat her then they needed mega forms. Meanwhile T.K. and Kari almost got hurt. Angemon then digivolved for the first time to his ultimate form Magnaangemon. The digidestined almost completely defeated Myotiswomon but she left like a puff of smoke. Five minutes later Izzy noticed Genni sent him E-mail. The E-mail read "Izzy I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that Myotismon has a little sister Myotiswomon a rookie form digimon. The good news is that there is a ninth digidestined. His name is Jake. He is located in Tokyo." Tai said "Great there is a new digidestined in Tokyo we only know his name, how do we find him?" "I don't know but we better find him fast,"said Matt. The next day the news was talking about the fight the day before. Tai thought this was annoying he thougt it was none of thier business. Later that day there was a lot of banging Tai and Kari went outside to see what it was it was an evil Metalgreymon fighting a big Cheetah like monster The Cheetah digimon screamed "Howling Beasts" and defeated the evil Metalgreymon. Then a kid came running up to Tai. "Hi are you Tai one of the digidestined?" "Yes I am,"Tai said confused. "I'm Jake." "You are, Me and the digidestined were looking for you who is your digimon?" "He is Metalcheetahmon. His first form is Katigramon, second form is Lionmon, and his third form is Cheetahmon." Tai told the other digidestined about Jake. They went to the digi world and saw all these evil digimon like Devimon, Megeseadramon, Kuwagamon, Tyrannomon, and Etomon. The digidestined all got ready for battle. Agumon and Gabumon eachwarp digivolved to Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. Palmon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Patomon, Salmon, Gomamon, and Lionmon digivolved all the way to there ultimate forms Lilymon, Megakabuterimon, Garudamon, Magnaangemon, Angewomon, Zudomon, and Metalcheetahmon. Everyone attaked. The only problem was the evil digimon were five times stronger than the first time they fought the digidestined. Will the digidestined be able to defeat the five evil digimon? Will they be able to save the two worlds? Is this the end of the digidestined? Find out on "The Crest Of The Beast Part two."