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Digimon the Movie will come out on August 9th. Season Finale will be in Aug .

Music and Love! And nothing!>>June 14,2000 Gatomon

I got my CDS! Now, I have to try and learn to put them in a mp3 player or something and then upload it because I have no clue how, but if you do, email me. Second, you know some music, like on Piximon's Digimon World? Well, from PDW (Piximon's Digimon World), the music for Butterfly on her site is called "Yokoku." I know because it is in my CDS. Third, the site of DigiDog wants a award and now I've gotta review it. And I'm going to put up their fan fic later. See ya!

New Digimon02 Episode>>June 13,2000 Gatomon

I just had my two finals, english and religion. Okay, I updated the season02 summaries and there is a new digimon! The new digimon is Starmon! He might sound familiar if you have the starter set of DigiBattle Card game because he is in it! Just look up Starmon! Only if I knew where my cards are I would tell you. Second, we still need more votes and remember, if your the 3000 visitor, email because you won the hit gift!

My CDS!>>June 12,2000 Gatomon

I'm going to get my CDS very soon! You know the ones I said? I'll put them up as soon as I get them. Second, I must be crazy but I joined another topsitelists but it's just that it only has 2 so if you guys keep clicking we might be sky-high! Hehehe. If you joined our topsite list, here is a new image to use, besides the Salamon. <~img src=""~> Remember, take out "~" And here is the new topsite:

Our First Picture for Digimon the Third Movie!>>June 12,2000 Gatomon

Go to the movie section! We have a new picture or advertising for Digimon the thid movie! It even has the pictures for the new digidestines digimon! And I made up my mind. I put the disable click code so, sorry if you wanted it. Besides, I got the picture from megchan. I kept the logo on too. So if you are going crazy or something to get it, email me and we'll work out a deal.

Digimon Toys>>June 11,2000 Gatomon

I put up this link with Digimon toys, including Digimon02, so check it out!

Awards>>June 10,2000 Gatomon

I was bored so I decided to make an award. Go to link "Awards" in the sidebar. And a football team has signed a contract to sell Digimon products (football!). And since I went to the Toei site for a new show, they didn't have it. Maybe tomorrow or something. Bye.

The Mega of Patamon!>>June 9,2000 Gatomon

I found out that the mega of Patamon Angedramon and not Holydramon! Holydramon is the japanese name for Magnadramon, the mega of Gatomon. I don't feel like putting the picture up right now, so if you can't wait and want it right now, email me and I'll send it to you. And in Digimon 02, Gatomon doesn't have the ring by the way, which makes Gatomon less powerful. I'll put the digimon 02 attacks.

Digimon Pictures>>June 9,2000 Gatomon

I put some links for some pictures in the spoiler section, like the picture of the new digimon, and when Tai gains courage (read why he gains courage in the spoilers than!). Also, I have a picture of the Digimon Kaizer as a boy when he wins this computer. Click here to see. And I found this picture somewhere and it is weird. I mean weird. Click here to see. And the two movies are called (in the third movie): Digimon Hurricane TouchDown and something something (I forgot! Oops!). I'll find my email about the title again. Bye!

Digimon The Third Movie Pics>>June 8,2000 Gatomon

Guess what? I told you there would be a movie? Well, I'm going to get screen shots, only if I can but I will get them from this new friend of mine who will live in Tokyo so I shouldn't get the credit, he does so when I get them (maybe), I will put the pictures up and the friend who helped me! Also, at the bottom you may see a new button topsite, well it is a new one I joined. It is one of the popular ones, so click on it. And I am doing a hit gift. Click on the link at the left for info!

The Profiles are Up>>Jun 7,2000 Gatomon

Okay, I have some of the kids in Digimon 02 finished. Go check them out by clicking the link on the sidebar. I've also included pictures. Second, there is a third Digimon movie. In it, Kari's and TK's digimon digivolve into mega, their is a new digidestine called "Wallace," who is from America. I'll get the english name and pictures for thje last two episodes, besides the big looking devil guy and Biyomon and Sora.

The Opening Theme Song for Digimon02 June 7,2000 Gatomon

Okay, I got the title for the opening of Digimon02. It is called "Target." The song of course is japanese. It is sung by Wada Kouji, the same guy who sung "Butterfly" for Season1. I'm to busy right now with stuff, so the profiles will be delayed. I need time to do them. Bye.

Digimon02 June 6,2000 Gatomon

Hi there. I totally got rid of the banner we had above to this one. Second, probably later today, I'm going to have a update in the Season2 section with the in-training forms and info on the new kids and original kids. For example, in the Mimi section part, I'll put she has pink hair (in the season2 summaries, the girl next to daisuke in the picture of Mimi). And also, I'm planning to do a "Hit Gift" or a "Who's that Digimon." I'll draw you anything you want (I will try). I draw good at least. When I get my picture of the grown Kari, I'll put it up and let you see. Pick which contest you want by emailing me. The one with the most votes will win. Third, the theme song for Digimon02 is call "Target." It is also sung by Wada Kouji, also the one who sung Butterfly for Season1.

New Summary June 5, 2000 Gatomon

I added the new summary for Digimon 2. Also, if I get the CD soon, I might be able to put music from Digimon02. Bye!

Megas June 3,2000 Gatomon

I added a new section called "Megas." They contain the megas of the digimon.

My New Contact! May 31, 2000 Gatomon

I got a new screen name! It's Hikari n Taichi. Just email or IM me. I'm bored so do whatever you want.

I Got an Affiliates! June 2, 2000

I got a new affiliate. The site is called "Digimon Jungle's Digi-HQ." It contains all kinds of animes, so check her site out by clicking on the button on the side bar.

No New Episodes until... May 30, 2000 Gatomon

AUGUST! Yup, Fox Kids will be airing the two new episodes in August because it has to deal with the movie and coming back home. So I don't think there is must to update.

I Got It! May 29, 2000 Gatomon

I can now use AOL! Don't email any emails to me at If you did, send them to me at AOL. Second, I got the interactive Digivice! I'm going to put a section up for the interactive digivice. I'll tell you want I know. Third, I'm putting a "advertising" place where you could sign up and you'll get more hits. You just have to link to us, be affiliates (optinal. Now go click on the link on the sidebar. PS, in Digimon 02, Mimi lives in the east coast of the USA.

Updated May 27, 2000 Increase hits to your site.

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If your the 3000 person, email me because you won the hit gift!