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Bridge of Sighs - Venice

Not having children with us in Italy, I'm afraid that I don't know very much about the schools here. The following information has been gathered from the Benvuenuti a Napoli 1998/99 manual and friends. If there is any other information you would like to see on this page please e-mail me and I will contact the appropriate school.

Naples Elementary and American High School are located at the Support Site at Gricignano.

The Naples Elementary School currently houses 930 students, kindergarten through 6th grade. A Sure Start program is offered, which is similar to the Head Start program offered in the States. Currently there are 39 teachers, supplemented by teachers in physical education, music, art, and Host Nation. The staff is augmented by a nurse, reading teacher, computer teacher, and a school psychologist. A program of Italian Language Immersion is offered for students in kindergarten through 5th grade, for those students interested in learning the local language, though enrollment is limited. A child must be 5 years old for kindergarten before October 31st of that school year. Kindergarten is consists on a 1/2 day schedule. For further information concerning the Elementary School please see their web site at .

The Naples American High School is a combination of grades 7 through 12. The daily class schedule is offered in a block format. Students may take Advancement Placement coursework in selected subject areas, and explore Learning Through Distance Education by computer. The school offers a wide range of curricular and co-curricular activities to include athletic clubs, organizations and study trips. There is an NJROTC course offered starting in 8th grade (1/2 year), 9th through 12th grade offers NJROTC as a full year course. For further information concerning the High School please see their web site at .

To register your children for school, DoDDS requires transfer papers with the student's final report card, updated shot record with a Certification of Immunization, and one copy of the sponsor's PCS orders. Also required is the student's social security number, or passport number if the student is not a U.S. citizen.

School buses are provided for transportation to and from all schools, including an extra-curricular bus for after school sports, etc.

School lunches are available at both schools. Children may bring or buy their lunch. The schools use lunch tickets which are purchased at the NEX, though the high school students have the ability to pay for ala carte items, other than ala carte, no money changes hands at the school. A free or reduced lunch program is offered. When you register your child for school do complete the application for reduced price lunches, you may be pleasantly surprised. My friend is married to an E7 with two children, they qualified for 40 cent lunches at the high school.

Text books and other educational materials are furnished by the school. You are responsible for furnishing pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, etc. Each summer a list can be found at the NEX with a description of items that you will need to send to school with your child. These items can be purchased at the NEX or locally.

Other educational options include a Montessori School and the International School of Naples both located on AFSouth (NATO base).

Families with college students: Students are eligible to attend the resident campus of the University of Maryland. The former Munich campus was relocated to Mannheim, Germany and provides a regular two-year junior college curriculum similar to that taught at the university's stateside campus. Active duty parents of students attending college stateside are authorized transportation or reimbursement for one round trip annually between the parents overseas duty station and a school in CONUS, Alaska, or Hawaii, for the member's unmarried dependent child under the age of 23 who is attending undergraduate school. Personnel Support Activity Detachment, Naples has details on this entitlement.

College: Those seeking a college degree have both undergraduate and graduate courses available. The following fully accredited institutions offer degrees and certificates in Naples.
City College of Chicago
University of Maryland & 2 Maryland community colleges
Charles County Community College
Montgomery College
University of Oklahoma & an Oklahoma consortium university
Cameron University
Students can earn degrees during their Naples tour of duty or transfer credits earned here to stateside schools.
Degree Programs include Associate Degrees in :
General Curriculum Child Development Italian Studies
Management Studies Business & Management Computer Studies
Law Enforcement    
Bachelors' Degrees are offered in:
Psychology Government Business & Management
Management Studies Computer Studies General Curriculum
Information Systems Management Computer Studies - General Curriculum Computer & Information Science
History English Communication Studies
Graduate Degrees are offered in:
The Masters of Business Administration The Masters of Human Relations  

There is also a "Gateway to Italian" program designed to teach conversational Italian. This course is offered by the University of La Verne, and is given at various times and locations.

For further information contact:
Tri-Service Education Center
PSC 813, Box 174
FPO AE 09620-0174
(DSN) 625-4243 / 640-2474