*Theme song: Moonlight Densetsu, movie style*





“Erg!  Astra, this soup is cold!” Michelle yelled at Astra.

“It’s gazpacho soup.” Astra replied.

Michelle gave a blank stare back at her.

“It’s SUPPOSED to be cold.” Astra explained.

Michelle gave a head nod, then returned to eating her soup.  Her apartment was a mess due to the 2002 New Years party she had given last night.  Confetti and glasses and stains filled her living room.  Her name was Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, the Sailor Titan known as Sailor Moonshine.  Did you know that beer and liquor in the past was sometimes referred to as Moonshine?  Michelle took those words to heart when she consumed quite a bit of alcohol the previous night.

“Helps a hangover my ass, Astra.” Michelle said to her cat, Astra.

“Well, it’s what Reuisu told me to do.  You shouldn’t be drinking at all!  I don’t even know if it’s legal in Japan!”

“Well, I lived in FRANCE.  There’s quite a bit of difference from France than Japan.”

“Well, you LIVED in France.  In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not in France anymore!” Astra shouts.

“Well, obviously.  And please stop shouting, it hurts!” Michelle yells.

“Well, it’s not my fault for letting you drink so much.  You keep telling me to just butt out of your life, because you don’t need a guardian 24/7.”

“Because I don’t!  I’m eighteen years old, and I think I’ve at least earned a little freedom!  I’m not a little girl anymore, fighting the bad guys solo, etc., etc.”

“That’s right.  You’re eighteen.  So start acting your age instead of like a reckless teenager.  Things are starting to calm down for a change, and you know what that means.”

“That we get a break in our lives, so a new enemy is going to, by chance, pop up out of nowhere and we’re going to have to fight them for a few months, then beat them.  It’s the same drill over and over again.  I want something different, like beating an enemy on the first try, or finally just stop playing hero and get on with my life!”

“As long as evil exists, you know that’s not possible.”

“I know, but I just feel as though I don’t know who I am anymore…”

“You are Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, pretty soldier of the moon’s light and shine.”

“Yeah, but who am I really, anymore?”

The phone suddenly rings, forcing Michelle to grab her ears in pain.  “ERG!  Has that phone always been that loud?!”

Michelle went over and picked up the phone.  “Hello?”

“Hello, my love.”

Michelle suddenly got over her hangover, ignoring it completely.  “Tyrael?!”

“Yes, it is I.”

“Oh God!  Tyrael, how are you?  Where are you?”

“I accidentally landed in Germany.  I’m taking a flight to Tokyo as soon as possible.”

“Couldn’t you fly yourself here?”

“Yes, and reveal angels to the world.  Very intelligent move there.”

“Okay, then just take a flight.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The phone hung up, and Michelle fell back onto her bed in passion.  She smiled and took in a deep breath.

“Isn’t Tyrael just a wonderful guy?  I mean, I think every day I’m with him how lucky I am.” Michelle says.

“But isn’t it a tradition for the male to propose to the female for marriage?” Astra asks, leaning down.

“It’s a silly tradition, one I intend to break when I propose to him.” Michelle replies, smiling.

“And you’ve apparently gotten over your hangover.” Astra narrows her eyes.

“Oh that?  Tyrael’s all I need to get rid of a headache!” Michelle exclaims.

Michelle then quickly begins to get up, but a shooting pain courses through her head and she collapses back onto her bed.  “Scratch that.”





“‘I love you.’  That’s what she said to him.  Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, you’ll pay for what happened.”





“Poor Lucy, she still doesn’t have anyone with her.” Michelle says.

Astra and Michelle were walking down a street on their way to Darien’s apartment, where, on the roof, Reuisu’s void was.

“You know, plenty of times you have had this conversation about her.  Why don’t you just stop trying to pout over it and actually do something about it?” Astra asks.

“Well…  Um…” Michelle stutters.

“Thought so.” Astra smiles.

All of a sudden, as they pass an alleyway, two large arms reach out in an attempt to grab Michelle.  However, Michelle, being the secondary Guardian of Time, was faster and could see things faster than normal people.  She immediately grabbed out her time staff and whacked the general area of the attacker’s head.  She continued to walk unabated.  However, the attacker lept out in an attempt to grab Michelle again.  He grabbed her and pulled her back in the alleyway.   Just as he reached for her skirt, Michelle whacked the time staff once more against his head.  Stunned for a moment, Michelle proceeded to raise her leg up and kick him in the stomach.  The kick blasted him back into the opposite wall.  She then picked him up and shoved him into a wall.  She placed the time staff up against his neck.  His clothes were somewhat raggedy, and his pants were unbuttoned.

“So you’re that serial rapist I heard about.” Michelle said, glaring.

The man tried to push the staff away, but this only had Michelle shove it in deeper, making him choke on breath.

“You’re an idiot.  And a pervert.” Michelle said.

“I do what I do to be satisfied.” He choked.

“And I do this to annihilate all that you represent.”

Moonshine released her time staff within milliseconds, using her limited time abilities to move faster than him and whack the staff hard into him three times.  The man collapses onto the ground with immense pain running through every nerve in his body.

“I just broke three of your ribs.  Remember this the next time you try to mess with Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, or any woman for that matter.”

“I’m going to…  *Cough* Get you back for this…  You little-…”

“Victims.  Aren’t we all?” Michelle whacked him in his rib cage once more, breaking another rib as he collapsed, face first.

Michelle brushed her hair behind her and walked away, leaving the rapist shouting profanities.  Astra joins her shortly afterwards.

“Why didn’t you help me?” Michelle asked.

“I thought you said you didn’t need a guardian.” Astra replies.

“I don’t.  Especially not when dealing with people like that.  But I think a few scratches in the face would be nice.” Michelle speaks.

“I think you’ve done enough damage already.  We’ll call the police later about it.” Astra says.





“Ah, the idiocy of the mortal realm.  I can’t believe I used to exist in their world.”





“Here we are.” Michelle says, coming out of the stairway that led to the roof.  She pulled out her time staff, and pressed the red button.  However, the portal that opened only opened enough for the ladder to drop down.

“Astra, you go up ahead, I’ll open it.” Michelle suggests.

Astra nods and jumps up the ladder into the void.  After two minutes of fiddling with her staff, Michelle opens the portal all the way for her to go in.  She went over to the ladder and slowly went up it.  But as she reached the top, she felt suddenly a great force trying to repel her from the opening.  Thinking it was just a residual side effect of her hangover; she pushed back against the force and climbed up.

“Sorry I’m late, I-…”

Michelle didn’t make any noise further.  Sailor Centauri was standing right in front of her, giga cannons primed and armed, glowing as if ready to shoot at a moment’s notice.  Michelle could only blink in surprise as her mouth hung open at the sight in front of her.

“Who are you?” Centauri asked.  “And how did you get into my void?”

“Reuisu, what are you doing?” Michelle whimpered.

“I asked you two questions, lady.  Now you are going to answer them or I’m going to blow your head off.” Centauri growled.

“Reuisu, it’s me, Michelle!” Michelle yelled.

“The only Michelle I know is Sailor Neptune.  Are you saying you’re her?” Reuisu suggested.

“No!  I’m-…”

“You’re dead meat unless you tell me WHO YOU ARE.” Centauri shouts.

“Reuisu, I’m Sailor Moonshine!  I’m a Titan!” Michelle pleads.

“Oh really?”

Michelle looked behind her to see the other three Titans slowly approaching her.  Sailors Cephiros, Love, and Asteroid.  All of them were glaring at Michelle.

“Guys, it’s me!  I’m Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, Sailor Moonshine, your friend!  I’m a Titan!” Michelle exclaims.

“We’ve never seen you in our lives.  Only the four of us are Titans.  We always have been, and always will be.” Asteroid says.

“Astra?  Astra, are you there?” Michelle shouts beyond them.

The tannish gold cat walks out from behind Centauri.  She looked at Michelle, as if trying to place her somewhere in her mind.  “And how do you know about me?”

“Astra, I’m your owner!  You’ve been my guardian cat ever since-…”

“Ever since when?  I have clear memories since the time of Moon Kingdom, and I’ve never seen you in my entire life!” Astra shouts.

“But Astra, I was there at the-…”

“You are going to start making sense right now, or you are going to be feeling very light-headed!” Centauri demands.

“Wait!  There’s proof!  Um… photographs!  Right when you found me in France, Reuisu-…”

“I only found Astra in France.”

“Just shut up!  We took a picture!  We took a picture together in front of the Eiffel Tower!” Michelle exclaims.

Sailor Love reached down and grabbed Michelle, pulling her up.  She immediately restrained her arms.  Centauri went over to his private bookshelf next to his bed and grabbed the photo album.  He flipped through a few pages and grabbed a single photograph.  He showed it to Michelle.  It was a picture of Reuisu and Astra in front of the Eiffel Tower, leaning against a gate.  Michelle was not in the picture.

“But…  That doesn’t make any sense!” Michelle gasps.

“It makes perfect sense to me.” Centauri says.

“Care to enlighten me?!” Michelle shouts.

“You are either some deluded woman who somehow knows about us and found a way to get into the void, or an enemy of our who thinks she can just waltz up to us claiming to be a Titan.” Centauri insinuates.

“Wait!  There’s one thing that can confirm who I say I am!” Michelle pleads.

“What?” Cephiros asks.

“The Titans paper!  The one in the Sin War book!” Michelle says.

The Titans looked to one another.  No one really ever knew about the Titans paper except for the Sailor Soldiers and themselves.

“Alright.  But there were only four silhouettes on the paper.” Centauri says.

“No there weren’t!  There were five, I was the first person!  I helped you destroy a group of Fallen ones-…”

“I was never attacked by Fallen ones then.  I found Astra, we took the picture to commemorate the moment, and we left the same day.” Centauri says.

“Just get out the paper so I can prove my innocence!” Michelle shouts.

Centauri sighed and withdrew his giga cannons into his back.  He shouted for the library to appear, and a section of the void shimmered and phased.  It was replaced with row after row of giant bookshelves.  The five moved through the halls until finally reaching the section marked, “Prophecies and Legends.”

He got on a large ladder and walked up it, sliding it over a little.  He looked through a few book titles until finally one labeled, “The Sin War.”  Centauri climbed down and turned to the last page.  It was torn out of the book, and Centauri brought the paper in front of Michelle, whose pupils’ size decreased as soon as she looked at the paper.  The image of Sailor Moonshine was not there.  It was just the other four Titans.

Michelle was speechless.  She didn’t say anything; she just stared in horror at the paper.  However, the other Titans dragged her away from what she was seeing.

“You are not, and never was a Titan, Michelle whatever-the-heck-you-called-yourself.” Sailor Love says.


And with that, the Titans threw Michelle out of the opening of the void and down onto the roof.  Michelle slowly looked back up, despite the slight pain in her body.  The ladder was being risen up, and as soon as it was at the top, the entrance closed.

“I’m Michelle.  I’m your friend!  I’M A TITAN!” She shouted up into the sky.

There was nothing.  Just silence.  Moonshine collapsed onto her knees, still staring up.  Her eyes slowly began to water, and she began to breathe more deeply.  She put her head in her hands as she cried and sobbed.  The hot tears ran down her face and moistened her hand.  Suddenly, she could smell a rose in front of her.  She cried more slowly now, but looked ahead of her.  A rose was in front of her, held in the hand of Darien.

“Why are you crying?” he asked.

Michelle jumped into him, her arms around him.  “Oh dear God, Darien, it’s like a nightmare!”

Darien raised an eyebrow.  “How do you know my name?”

Michelle stopped crying and slowly let go of him.  “Damn it, not you too!”

Michelle started crying again and ran in the opposite direction, back downstairs from the roof.  A perplexed Darien stood there, trying to understand what had just happened.

“Who are you?”





“Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku.” Tyrael spoke.

Tyrael looked outside the window at the countryside below him.  He was on the plane bound for Tokyo.  His face was uncovered, but it still glowed with an angelic resonance.  His eyes were a handsome shade of green, his hair straight and brown.

“The most beautiful girl I’ve known in my existence.  She’s a Sailor Titan, you know.” Tyrael explained.

Sitting next to Tyrael was a man whose face was covered by a scarf and a hat.  The reason for doing so was because of his unusually pale appearance and the golden helmet on his head.  He wore a heavy trench coat and obviously looked uncomfortable.

“Are you alright, Zauriel?” Tyrael asked.

“It’s my wings.  It is…  Uncomfortable for me to hide them in such a manner, Tyrael.   As you know, I do not have the option of retracting them as you do.  Anyway, she is a Sailor Titan?  Does that not bring her into a dangerous life, indeed?” The Angel known as Zauriel asked.

“We all live dangerous and uncertain lives, my friend.  You of all people should understand that.” Tyrael says.

“I know, but still- hey, what’s that out there?” Zauriel asks, pointing out the window.

Tyrael looked back outside the window.  Much to his surprise, there was something with wings, glowing in the distance.  Tyrael had to squint a little to make out the appearance of the winged being, but then recoiled in shock as he realized whom it was.

“It is Izual!” he exclaimed.

“Your former Lieutenant?  I thought he was locked in the body of a demon, a servant of the now-deceased Prime Evils.” Zauriel asks.

“Yes, but during the crisis involving the Prime Evils two years ago, the Titans freed him of his demonic imprisonment.  I assumed heaven had let him back in, I never bothered to ask while I was there.” Tyrael explains.

“Rumor has it that heaven still did not trust him after his betrayal with the soulstones, so he was sent to earth as penance.” Zauriel says, picking up a newspaper.

“I’m going to go out to talk to him.” Tyrael says.

Zauriel opens the paper and replies, “Very well.  Don’t miss the flight, though.  I’m only flying like this because of your insistence that angels not be seen in the open like this.  It will be a boring flight without someone to talk to.”

Tyrael smiled and phased through the wall of the plane.  Immediately, the ribbon wings of the Archangel Tyrael spread out of his back, and his cowl came over his face, with three glowing white feathers on his shoulders.  Azurewrath appeared in a sheath on his belt.  The plane flew faster than him, and Izual just floated there, glaring at Tyrael.  Tyrael flew over to him.

“Hello, old friend.” Tyrael says.

“I hardly consider myself your friend after what happened.” Izual said.

“I have forgiven you, I don’t see why heaven has not.” Tyrael says.

“I did not come here to discuss my expulsion, Tyrael.  I have come here to talk to you about Sailor Moonshine.” Izual growls.

“What of my love?” Tyrael asks, suddenly having his hand on the handle of his sword.

“Stay away from her.” Izual commanded.

Tyrael rose an eyebrow from within his cowl.  “I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me, Tyrael.  Stay away from Michelle.”

“She is the one I love, and not you or anyone else can keep me away from her.”

“I WILL keep you away from her.  I cannot allow her to be with you!”

“And why is that so important, Izual?  Some cruel punishment for letting you be turned into that demonic form you took?”

“Nothing so mundane as revenge, Tyrael.  My reasons are entirely personal.”

“But you have only met Michelle when she helped free you from your demonic form!  I’ve known you your entire-…”

“My entire what, Tyrael?  My entire death?  You don’t know who I was before I became an angel.  The truth is, Tyrael, you don’t know a thing about me!”

“I know you well enough to know you aren’t stupid enough to try anything like attack your former superior!”

“You don’t know me, Tyrael.  You don’t know me at all.”

And with that, Izual charged at the Archangel Tyrael.





“No birth certificate for Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku?  What about Miriam Elgres?  Joseph Tsuki-Kagayaku?  Okay, thanks anyway.”

Michelle hangs up the pay phone in the park.  She looks around, seeing people walk in every direction in the park.  She once again collapsed onto the ground.  She took off her glasses and looked at them.

“These glasses were a Christmas present from the Titans after I broke the last ones.  Now they can’t even remember who I am.” Michelle spoke to herself.

She grasped the glasses tightly and began to cry once more.  After two minutes of it, she suddenly became aware of a strange whistling sound.  She stopped crying and looked up.  Something large was falling from the sky.  It was engulfed in fire because of the rate of speed it was coming down from the sky, but Michelle could make out its shape.  It was red, with several areas painted black.  It appeared to be separated into cubic sections, with a cubic torso, rectangular legs and arms, and a square head.  It suddenly slammed into the ground twenty feet away from Michelle.  The minor wind shockwave from impact blasted into Michelle and she was suddenly on her back.

Getting back up easily, she took another look at the thing from the sky.  It was getting up, and its head looked round with glowing yellow eyes.  Its black hands suddenly charged with a red intensity, and fired pulsing energy blasts at a nearby deli store.  The store’s glass exploded out into the street and deli burst into flames.  Immediately, people in the area began to run away like crazy, scared for their lives.  The creature continued to fire energy blasts all around, and everyone ran but Michelle.

“I have a duty.  I may not be a Titan right now, but I’m not going to let some stupid robot continue to ruin my day!  MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!!”

A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.

Sailor Moonshine ran at the creature, her staff raised up.  The creature’s back was turned to her, so Moonshine jumped into the air and struck down with her staff.  With a grunt, the robotic creature collapsed onto the ground.  Moonshine jumped up, somersaulted back, and landed safely on the ground.  The robot slowly got up and turned around.

“Erg, who are you?  I came here to make the name Blastor known to a planet, maybe fight Sailor Moon or the Titans, who do you think you are, some nobody attacking me?” the robot known as Blastor asked.

Michelle gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes.  “The name’s Sailor Moonshine, and if I have anything to say about it, I’m not going to be any nobody for long!”

Moonshine lept into the air, and kicked Blastor right in his face, but it had no effect. Blastor merely swat Moonshine away and onto the ground.  She jumped back up, and readied her staff.

“Moonshine mirage!” she shouted.

Sailor Moonshine shimmered for a moment, and then disappeared.  Blastor looked around, trying to make sense of what had just transpired.  All of a sudden, Blastor’s right eye was smashed in!  He grabbed it in pain, and collapsed onto the ground.  Moonshine reappeared in front of him, still holding her staff in the pose of smashing something.

“Leave now, and never return.” Michelle ordered.

“Never!” Blastor roared.

Blastor got back up, ignoring the sparks flying from his eye socket.  He charged at Moonshine with a roar, but Moonshine merely held out her staff in front of her.

“Moonshine time stopper!”

Blastor was one foot away from Moonshine when he suddenly stopped in mid air.  He did not move, he did not speak, he merely floated there.


Moonshine’s staff suddenly changed into a mirror, and the light of the moon reflected off of its surface, concentrating into a beam of light, which fired out of the mirror and into Blastor.  Blastor’s head took the brunt of the blast, and it began to melt off.  The electronic circuitry inside exploded when touched by the light, and Blastor exploded into an array of red metal and electronic circuitry.





“What is this I see?”

Sailor Pluto looked at the swirling time stream around her.  The passageways of time in the universe she lived in seemed to have changed.  The colors where Sailor Moonshine usually took care of were turning darker, as if something had happened to her.

“I don’t understand, young Michelle never neglected in her time observing abilities before…  I must see what the trouble is!”

Pluto aimed her long staff at a cloud in the stream.  It showed five lines, each one representing the five Titans.  However, Michelle’s line was going backwards!

“Something is erasing Michelle from the minds of everyone on their earth!”





Reuisu took another slice of pizza on out of the box sitting on the stand next to him.  He was looking at a computer screen that was searching for another Beryl plague.

“My computer’s been malfunctioning for the past year, there may have been more percent of the Beryl stone gone than we thought.”

“Whatever you say, Reuisu.” Lucy said, looking at a fashion magazine.  Miya and Chris were sitting next to Lucy, and they looked like they were deep in thought.  Lucy noticed this.

“What’s on your minds, you two?” she asked.

“It’s that Michelle girl.  I just get this weird feeling of nostalgia when I think of her.” Miya replies.

“Me too.” Chris confirms.

“Whatever.  That girl was a glorified psycho in my opinion.” Lucy said, returning to her magazine and realizing she was on the last page.

“Hey, Reuisu, could you hand me that copy of Vogue over there?” Lucy asked, pointing to a magazine sitting beneath the Titans paper.

Reuisu looked over, and lifted up the Titans paper and grabbed the magazine with his other hand, handing it to her.  However, when he let go of the Titans paper, he realized that one of his fingers had a clear liquid on it.

“This is odd.” Reuisu remarks.

“What?” Chris asks, looking up.

“There’s some kind of liquid on the Titans paper.” Reuisu explains.

“So?  It’s probably just water or something.” Miya says.

“Well, that’s what I’d think at first.  Except for this one little thing about it.” Reuisu replies, now holding up his finger.  Everyone goes over to look at it, and then pull back in surprise.

Reuisu’s fingerprint is gone.

“What is it?” Astra asks.

“Some kind of solution that seems to hide an image of some kinds.  It’s resistant to paper, or else the Titans paper would be damaged somehow.” Reuisu explains.

“But why would anyone put that stuff on the Titans paper?  What’s there to hide?” Chris asks.

Miya raises an eyebrow.  “Didn’t that girl, Michelle, say that her image on the Titans paper was gone?”

The others look at one another.  Reuisu orders, “Get that photograph she talked about!”

Lucy runs over and grabs the photo.  She hands it over to Reuisu, and he runs his finger over it.  Reuisu confirms, “The solution is on the photo, too.”

“Could it be that she was telling the truth?” Astra asks.

“Only one way to find out.  Computer!  Analyze the liquid sample, and give me something to destroy it with.  Everyone, I’m going to do a detailed scan of each of your minds.” Reuisu tells them.

“Why?” they ask.

“Because if she is for real, something’s altered our minds.  Something doesn’t want us to remember her in any way.  And that means that Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku is in terrible danger.”





Michelle continued to walk aimlessly through the roads of Tokyo.  She had bought a jacket to help her with the cold, for her other one had been in her apartment, and her apartment no longer belonged to her when she went to get a coat or some kind of evidence for the Titans.  All she could do was look up and try to understand what was happening to her.

“Was my entire life a lie?  Have I just been imagining my life with the Titans this entire time?  Am I just going insane?” she asked herself.

No answer came.  Finally, she screamed into the sky, “Why won’t you answer me!?!?”

The people around her merely stared at her and walked off.

Come in here.

The voice had come out of nowhere.  Michelle suddenly looked around, trying to discern who had said it.  She saw no one looking at her or making any kind of gesture for her to come over to them.

“Great, I really am going insane.” She grumbled.

Come inside the building you’re in front of.

The voice was there again; she looked around, and suddenly saw that she was in front of an old, half-demolished building.  She eyed it, trying to make out how the voice had called to her and where it was calling from within the building.

Just come inside.

Michelle carefully readied her transformation necklace, just in case.  She walked up to the door, and opened it.  She walked inside, coming into a dark room.  It looked like it had originally been a hallway, but had been demolished down by something.

“Who’s there?” Michelle asked.

There came no answer.

“‘Come into my parlor,’ said the spider to the fly.” She said.

Interesting analogy.

“Where are you?” She yelled.

Come closer.

Skeptical at first, Michelle slowly walked forwards three feet.  All of a sudden, chains lept down from the ceiling and from the floors!  They wrapped around her legs and arms, separating them.


A hand reached out and covered her mouth.  It also ripped away her transformation necklace.

“Wouldn’t want you to transform in the middle of this, now would we?” the voice said.

“Who are you?!  What do you want?!” Michelle demanded.

“A lesson in history.”





“Reuisu, let me in!” Tyrael shouts while on top of Darien’s apartment building’s roof.  The hole leading into Reuisu’s void opened, and a ladder shot down.  Ignoring the need for a ladder, Tyrael flew up into Reuisu’s void.

“Reuisu, we have a serious problem!” Tyrael shouts.

“Yeah, well one at a time Tyrael!  Just give us a moment!” Reuisu replies, typing more into his computer.


“Shhhh!” The Titans all shout.

Four images appeared on the video screens on Reuisu’s computer desk.  They all showed four different brains with a section of them blinking yellow.

“Does that mean what I think it does?” Miya asks.

“I’m afraid it does.  A section of our brains have been slightly altered, it’s disabling a section of our memories.  It’s confirmed people: our memories have been altered.” Reuisu tells them.

“Do you know how to remove it?” Lucy asks.

“I’m afraid not.” Reuisu says.

“Would someone mind explaining to me what’s going on?” Tyrael asks.

“Some girl named Michelle managed to open the entrance to my void, and she claimed to be a Titan.  Obviously, we-…”

“But Michelle is a Titan!  She’s Sailor Moonshine!  She’s my love!” Tyrael shouts.

“You mean you remember who she is?” Chris asks.

“Yes!  Are you telling me you don’t?!” Tyrael replies.

“Indeed.  And she had no evidence.  Anything that featured her picture had been altered by a solution, which hid it from eyes.  I stumbled upon it, and I’ve just confirmed that something’s purged our memory of this Michelle girl.  Who is she?” Reuisu asks.

“She’s a Titan!  She’s the first Titan you found, Reuisu!  She’s Sailor Moonshine!” Tyrael shouts.

“No need to shout, Tyrael.  We may not remember her, but she obviously needs our help!  Now, what kind of serious problem do you need our help with, Tyrael?” Reuisu inquires.

“It’s Izual!” Tyrael says.

“The Fallen Angel?” Chris asks.

“What about him?” Lucy asks.

“He’s been cast out of heaven.  They apparently still don’t trust him over his betrayal to the forces of heaven to the Prime Evils.  All he told me to do was to stay away from Michelle, Sailor Moonshine.  It’s why we have to find Michelle right away and protect her!” Tyrael says.

“Tyrael, since she’s a Titan, she’s family.  And the Titans always protect family!  You guys ready?” Reuisu queries.

The other Titans grab their transformation devices.


The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.


Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.


A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.





“Why are you here, now, in this place, in this life?!” the voice demanded to know.

“I was meant to be here!” Michelle shouted back, still struggling against the chains.



“By whom?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then how can you be sure?”

“I don’t know!”

“No, you don’t!”

“Does it matter?!”

“What do you mean?”

“If I believe I’m here now, for a-…”

“And if the world says otherwise?!”

“Then the world is wrong!”

“AND MICHELLE IS RIGHT?!  Perhaps the world is right and MICHELLE is wrong!”

“Let me go!”

Michelle struggled and struggled with the chains.


Electrical bolts surged through the chains into Michelle’s body.  She screams in pain.  The bolts stop, leaving her gasping for breath.

“Tell me why you are here.” The voice ordered.

“No!” Michelle shouted, raising her head up.


“Up yours!”

Michelle got more electrical streaks into her, surging and shocking every nerve in her body.  She screamed, but did not plead, did not beg to be released.

“ALRIGHT!  Alright!  You want the truth?  You want to know where I came from?!”

“Yes.  And then I’ll show you who I am.” The voice said.

Michelle lowered her head.  She looked down at her shoes, and then spoke.

“My story begins in the time of the Moon Kingdom…”





I don’t know who my true parents were back in that time.  I was found on the steps of the palace.  Ah, the palace.  The days of the Moon Kingdom were glorious…


The scene shows a baby in a basket at the base of the steps leading into the palace of Queen Serenity.  Queen Serenity walks down the steps and picks up the basket.


Serenity adopted me into her court.  Do you what kind of honor that was?  Queen Serenity was the leader of the most powerful kingdom in the known universe!  I met her daughter, Serena, as well.  Serena fell in love with a knight of earth, known today as Darien.

“And you?” the voice asked.

I was trained as a proper girl.  I did as my Queen commanded, and she never hid the fact that she adopted me.  She was kind and kind-hearted.  I adored her as an idol.  At least, for a time…

“What changed it?”

The day I met HER.


The image shows a young Michelle, a chibi version if you will.  She was about five years old, and standing before her was Sailor Pluto.


I was allowed apprenticeship with Sailor Pluto.  For the next few years of my life, I learned the ways of time and how to protect them.  She taught me how to live, how to defend, how to be kind, how to fight, and how to die.  She taught me everything I know about time and the strands, the webs that control time.  I devoted all of my free time to studying time.

“ALL your free time?”

You seem to know the story already.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.  Did you devote all your free time to it?”

Well, maybe not ALL my free time.

“Oh really?  And why not all?”

Because of the day I met him.




The image changes to Michelle bowing before a knight of earth.  He wore a similar knight’s outfit to Darien’s.  He had a reddish brown color to his hair, medium-short and sideburns.  His eyes were a powerful brown.  He stood taller than Michelle, who looked around sixteen at that time.


Jason Novus.  He was the first boy I ever fell in love with.

“Nice looking guy.  I’m not surprised.”

It was more than just his good looks.  He was sweet and caring.  He loved me just as much as I did him.  I stopped studying as hard as I used to with Pluto.  She was slightly disappointed by the drop in my understanding of time, but she understood I was in love.  It looked like clear sailing from there.

“Except all good things must come to an end.”

Not really.  Good things always come back, in one form or another.

“Except Jason didn’t.  Care to tell me what happened?”

A great evil.


The scene now shows the attacking force of Queen Beryl, annihilating anything in her path.  Jason and Michelle were running back inside, trying to gain cover from the assault.  Except one of Beryl’s generals stood in the way.



“Horrible fellow.  But he had a love too, you know.”

Screw his love.  Mine was more important to me.


Malachite charges an energy blast, and Jason blocks Michelle.  Malachite fires the energy, smoking a hole in his stomach.


He died in my arms.

“And then Malachite killed you, as well.”

Yes.  But sometimes the shine of a falling star can be brought back.


The image switches to Michelle, fifteen, walking around the streets of Paris with shopping bags in hand.  All of a sudden, a giant, cockroach-like youma jumps out in front of her.  She screams, and runs in the opposite direction, she suddenly trips and lands in front of a tannish-gold cat, who is holding a necklace with a crystal locket in it in it’s mouth.


“The first time you met Astra.”


“And that day, a new agent of love and justice was born.”

She just told me to put on the necklace and shout, “Moon Crystal Power!”

“Admit it, you enjoyed it.”

Yes.  I did.  I was the defender of the city, being the hero was always a wonderful thing.  I always stopped the bad guys, never did I fail in my mission.

“And a year or two later, you met Reuisu, and your true destiny was revealed.”


“What's the idea?!?!” Michelle shouted at Reuisu, who had run into her.

“Sorry.  I didn't see you there- Hey, you're speaking English!” Reuisu exclaimed.

“Yeah, I took a course on it.  I recognized it by the way you were talking to yourself.  Could you help me up, please?”

Reuisu stood up and helped her up.

“My name's Michelle.  Please look where you're going.”

“My apologies.  My name's Reuisu.  I'll see you later.

Reuisu ran off.  Suddenly, Astra came out from behind Michelle.

“I've got a strange feeling about that boy.” Astra says.

“You have a strange feeling about every guy I meet.”

“True, but I'd like you to keep an eye on him.  He may be trouble.”

“Right.  I hope you're just overreacting this time.”


“And she wasn’t, was she?”

She thought he was trouble.  Whether or not that’s true is still to be decided.

“But he did lead you on most exciting adventure of your life.”

Yes.  And there’s my story.  Now, who are you?





The being who stepped out of the shadows was certainly not what Michelle expected.  It was Izual!

“Izual?!  You’re the one behind everyone’s forgetting of me?!”

“Yes, Michelle.  I did it all.”

“But- But why?!”

“I’d have thought you would’ve deducted that sooner.”


Izual grabbed the hood over his face and slowly lifted it up and down, off of his face.  Michelle gasped in surprise when she saw who it was.  It was Jason Novus.  Michelle merely gaped as she stared, her pupils growing smaller.  The blood drained from her face.

“Certainly not what you expected; was it, my dear?”

“Jason…  You were Izual the whole time…”

“Correct.  I was not as lucky as you.  I was not resurrected.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this when we last met?”

“I could barely remember anything but my betrayal, much less that I had known you in a previous life.”

“Oh, Jason…  I’m sorry…”

“Sorry?  SORRY?!  Do you have any idea what I went through?!”

“No, and I won’t pretend I do.  But why?  Why did you erase the memory of myself from my friends?”

“Because you betrayed me.  You’re in love with Tyrael!”

“I thought you were dead!”

“I was!”

“You know what I mean, Jason!  You were dead and I doubted you would ever come back to me!”

“But you betrayed me, still.  You betrayed the love I thought you cared about so much.”

“I did care!”

“A long time ago, you did.  But that’s not the case anymore.  Now, I have only one choice left: to kill you.”

Izual walked over to a wall and picked up a glowing sword.  “It’s not as good as Azurewrath, but it’s good enough to do what needs to be done.”

Michelle’s eyes began to water as she stared at her former love.

“I couldn’t very well destroy you when you had the other Titans on your side.  But now, you have no allies, no Titans, no friends to help you!”

Izual raised the sword up above his head, preparing to strike.  Michelle closed her eyes.

“You’re wrong, Izual!”

Michele and Izual looked up to see where the voice had come from.  They looked up to an open window, a level above them.  There, standing there, were the Titans and Tyrael!

“Michelle will ALWAYS have friends to help her!” Centauri shouted.

And with that, the Titans lept down from the window at Izual.


Two cannons came out of Reuisu’s back plate, rested on his shoulders, and aimed at Izual.  They fired two yellow energy balls at him, blasting him away from Michelle and into a nearby wall.


A flaming white sword fired down, and snapped Michelle’s leg chains.  It then swerved around and cut the arm chains.  Michelle fell down into Sailor Cephiros’ arms.  She put her down and handed her the transformation necklace.

“I believe this is yours.” She said, winking.

Michelle smiled and put it on.  “MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!!”

A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.

“You messed with the wrong Sailor, Izual!” Love shouts.

“How dare you alter our memories of our friend!” Asteroid shouts.

“We are agents of love and justice!” Cephiros shouts.

“Handsome and Pretty soldiers!” Centauri shouts.

Sailor Moonshine lept in front of them.  “And in the name of the moon’s shine,”

“WE SHALL PUNISH YOU!” they all shout.

Izual got back up and readied his sword.  “Go ahead, Titans, do your worst!”

Centauri was about to charge, but Moonshine put her hand in front of him.  “This is my fight, Reuisu.  Let me handle it.”

“Alright.  Good luck, moon face.”

Moonshine smiled, and readied her staff.  “Let’s dance, angel boy.”

Izual roared and charged with his sword.  Immediately, Moonshine blocked with her staff.  Moonshine then kicked him away, and slammed the staff into his stomach.

“I don’t get it!  I erased you from the memories of your friends, of the world!  You should’ve gotten weaker!” Izual growls.

“You think I need my friend’s memories to be strong?!”

Moonshine runs at Izual and slams her staff upwards into his chin and having him onto the ground.

“Ever since I got my Sailor powers, I asked myself, ‘Am I who I was anymore?’”

Michelle kicked Izual in the face, and he charged at her with his sword again, but Moonshine ducked down and punched him in the stomach.

“Well, I know the answer now!”

Moonshine punched his face with the other hand, knocking him away.

“I KNOW WHO I AM!  My name is Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku,”

Moonshine blocked another strike from Izual’s sword again.

“I’m a bit of a smart, over-confident person,”

Moonshine slammed down with her staff onto Izual’s sword.

“But in reality, I’m an agent of love and justice, pretty soldier in a sailor suit,”

Moonshine slammed down once more onto his sword.


Moonshine slammed once more, shattering the sword.  Izual collapsed onto his back.

“Go ahead, Michelle, kill me.  I deserve it.”

Izual closed his eyes.  Michelle looked down at him, and then threw her staff in the opposite direction.  She held out her arm to him.

“Jason, I loved you once.  You’re a changed person, and as much as I loved you then, things have changed.  I love Tyrael now.  But you deserve heaven for what you gave me when I first met you, not oblivion.  Tyrael, can you arrange that?”

Tyrael nodded.  “While I was in heaven, I was just given a promotion for my services with the Titans.  I can arrange for Iz-…  JASON to be brought back into heaven.”

Izual looked back to Michelle.  “I’ll always love you, Michelle.”

“Jason…  I…”

Everyone leaned in.  “I’m sort of fond of you.”

Everyone face faulted.  Jason’s face turned pale.  “I’m just kidding!  Geez, Jason, you need to develop a sense of humor!  You know I love you, too.  Goodbye, Jason.”

“Goodbye, Michelle.”





Tyrael and Michelle were drinking tea in Michelle’s apartment.  Michelle was hiding the engagement ring behind her back.

“Tyrael, do you love me?”

“With all my heart.”





“Well, then…”

Michelle began to cry a little, she brought out the ring, and then tried to say the words, but she just continued to cry in joy.

“Damn it, there’s a reason why girls don’t do this.” She exclaimed.

She handed the ring to Tyrael, and he held it out to her.  “Michelle, my sun and moon, will you marry me?”

Michelle smiled, and jumped into Tyrael’s arms.  “Hell yes!”

The two’s lips began to slowly meet, but then a crying voice from outside the doorway shouts, “Can we come in now, we’re dying out here!”

Michelle rolls her eyes, puts the ring on, and opens the doors.  The other four Titans run in.

“Well?” Chris asks.

“Are you engaged?” Miya asks.

Michelle holds the ringed hand in front of them.