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    What did Jeffery Dahmer sing while he ate??

              "My bologna has a first name....."

     Did you know Dahmer left a blender on his doorstep??

             He wanted to greet all the boys with a handshake.

Q: Did you hear that the F.B.I. was investigating Dahmer?

     A: Yeah, they thought he might have been selling arms to IRAQ.

Q: What did Jeffrey tell his mother when she told him that she didn't like his friends?

     A: "That's Ok, Mom, just eat the noodles!

  Q: What did Dahmer do when he finished his vegetables?

     A: He threw away their wheelchairs!

Q: What were Jeffery Dahmer's favorite foods?

     A: Ground Chuck and Quiche Lorraine.

  Q: What did they find in Jeffery Dahmer's medicine cabinet?

     A: Head and Shoulders.

  Q: What did Jeffery say when the judge was coming down real hard on him?

     A: Come on judge....have a heart!

 What did Dahmer do after he dumped his girl friend?

     A: He wiped!

Q: What did Jeffery Dahmer say to Loraina Bobbit?

     A: Excuse me, but are you going to eat that?

Q: What did Jeffery Dahmer do when he broke his leg?

     A: Threw it away and got another one from the fridge.

 Q: Did you hear about the new Jeffery Dahmer action figure?

     A: Sure comes with detachable body parts.

Sooooooo...Jeffrey Dahmer passes a friend in the woods......

Q: What would Jeffrey Dahmer considered a six course meal?

     A: The McCaughey sentuplets.

 Q: What did Jeffery Dahmer do when the police asked him for the evidence?

     A: He gave them the finger!

     Q: What did the FBI find when they did the autopsy on Jeffery Dahmer?

     A: Jimmy Hoffa

     Q: What do cannibals sing at Christmas time?

     A:The Little Dahmer Boy

     Q: Why did Jeffery Dahmer have a bowl of noses on his counter?

     A: He was preparing a Dahmer-Nose Pizza.

     Q: What is worse than picking J. Dahmer's zits?

     A: Finding a blackhead in his refridgerator.

     Q: Did you hear that they were going to release Jeffrey Dahmer from jail?

     A: He wanted to go to Waco for the barbecue.

     Q: What do a penis and J. Dahlmer have in common?

     A:Both are beaten in the bathroom.

     Q: How badly was Dahlmer beaten when he was killed?

     A: So badly that they had to carry him out in three separate refrigerators.

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