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This web page provides a list of helpful links for learners and teachers of EFL
(English as a Foreign Language) and ESL (English as a Second Language).
 Note that some sites contain information on non-standard English such as slang.

AmeriSpeak - expressions of American ancestors: phrases that have been passed down through the generations! Check it out!
Common American Slang - Over 280 Common American Slang Expressions presented in a Quiz Format.
ESL Cafe's Slang Page - Comprehensive listing of American slang.
Twists, Slugs and Roscoes: A Glossary of Hardboiled Slang

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English to English - American English to British English dictionary, showing differences in spelling as well.
Mike's English/American Dictionary - fun look at the differences between US English and UK English. Written by the Brit who lived in Tossa Lane Texas.Check it out!
Notes on American English - shows differences between American and British spelling of common words.
What a load of codswallop, pet! - words that could be confusing and embarrassing in the UK & US. Check it out!

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Aussie Slang Dictionary - A-Z of Australian slang words and other well-known icons.
Australian Slang Dictionary - have you met some Aussies in your travels and can't understand some of the things they say? Find out here.Check it out!
Glossary of Australia Slang - Virtual Australia Dictionary.
Larry's Aussie Slang and Phrase Dictionary

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About Terms - Listing of British slang and expressions.
BritSpeak - English as a second language for Americans. Check it out!
Cockney Rhyming Slang Page - comprehensive rhyming slang database with examples of correct usage.
London Slang Page - deals with slang usage in and around London.

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Bag of Rubber Hammers from Prince Edward Island - Whether you're feeling "as stupid as a bag of rubber hammers" or "useless as a screen door on a submarine", you'll find an expression to suit your condition.
Cornerstone's Canadian English Page - compares Canadian, US and UK spelling; lists some uniquely Canadian words; and discusses pronunciation. Check it out!

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Ebonics - 21st Century Racism?
Ebonics Information Page - from the Center for Applied Linguistics. Improving communication through better understanding of language and culture.

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Aviation Glossary - Useful for those teaching Aviation English. - Everything about cooking! Check it out!
Dictionary of Mountain Bike Slang
English for Mountaineering, Hiking, and Camping - A free glossary in four installments in EdUSA International's free ezine "English Outlook".
Infotech - Produced by Cambridge University Press, this site is for students that use the English of computing for study or work. Check it out!
International Directory of Professionals in ESP - Maintained by Thomas Orr; you'll find a directory of names and contact information of ESP professionals around the world.
Law - Special practice activities with Legal English.
Medspeak: The Dictionary of ER - Lots of medical terms from the popular American television program, ER. Check it out!
On-Line Guide to Scientific Presentation - Mark Peterson's site provides ESL/EFL students access to resource materials relating to scientific presentation.
Online Music Dictionary Check it out!
Resources for Teachers of English for Science and Technology - This excellent resource from Roy Bowers is also mirrored in Mexico, France, and Hong Kong.
Using English for Academic Purposes - Information and help for international students studying in English medium higher education. Check it out!

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Cambridge EFL Examinations - A detailed description of the following Cambridge EFL Examinations: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, and CPE.
English Diagnostic Test - Gives you a score on a proficiency scale of 1 to 10.
International Info [Kaplan]
TOEFL - official site.
TOEIC - the Test of English for International Communication is the standard for assessing English

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11 Rules of Grammar - concise writer's guide to the most frequently violated rules of grammar, with dynamic links to more detailed online references.
Basic Guide to Essay Writing - a step-by-step guide to writing a basic essay. Includes links to other on-line essay resources. Check it out!
Common Errors - discussion of errors in English usage which are so common that some people don't recognize them as errors.
Common Errors in English - site which simply and entertainingly explains a number of common spelling and usage errors in English.
Darling's Guide to Grammar - prepared by Professor of English/Humanities Charles Darling for his English courses at Capital Community-Technical College. Check it out! Grammar - presents tutorials and quizzes on aspects of grammar such as verb tenses and prepositions. Check it out!
Grammar and Style Guide - guide to grammar and style, prepared by Jack Lynch of the University of Pennsylvania.
Grammar Bytes - explanations, handouts for students and teachers, and interactive exercises.
Grammar Lady
Grammar Slammer Online - online English grammar help. Includes letter writing, confusing words, and easy search engine.
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices - definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, which can be useful in improving the effectiveness, clarity, and enjoyment of your writing. By Robert Harris of Southern California College.
Michael Bonner's Proper Grammar Page
On-Line English Grammar
Handouts - ranging from precisely targeted help (Comma vs. the Semicolon in Compound Sentences) to general guidance.
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant - guide to writing, composition, rhetoric, editing, and style.
Pop-Up Grammar - online English grammar instruction site with interactive quizzes.
Writing for Multimedia: A Guide - style guide.
FAQ - Style - style and usage questions and answers from the copyediting-l mailing list.

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Everyday English and Slang in Ireland - A comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Slang.

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American Language Review - journal for English language teaching professionals. Information on ESL/EFL, bilingual education, product reviews, examinations, training, current issues and policy discussions.
EFL WEB - an on-line magazine for those Teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language.
EL Gazette - international trade newspaper for the English language industry.
ESL Magazine - a bi-monthly magazine serving ESL/EFL teachers and other professionals with feature and department articles, news and product information.
ITS-Online Check it out!
GoUK - e-magazine for overseas students studying EFL in the UK.
Soon - advice, self-assessment test, UK language schools and how to choose one. Links to many resources, problem page, and more.
Topics Online Magazine - for learners of English as a second or foreign language to express their ideas with writings and illustrations. Also has a section for teachers that discusses technique and methodology.
US Education Journal - information about US schools, colleges, universities, and other programs for foreign students. Check it out!

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Applied Linguistics Virtual Library - Outstanding resource from famed Linguist Larry Selinker.
Center for Applied Linguistics - Publications, databases, listservs related to language education and research.
Constructed Human Languages - Links and information on man-made human languages.
Corpus LinguisticsCheck it out!
English Made in Brazil - Educational ESL site makes available original teaching materials based on contrastive linguistics (English & Portuguese).Check it out!
Human Language Page - A comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources, including online language lessons, translating dictionaries, programs to help you study a language, and more.
Introduction to Linguistics - A complete online course from Inter American University of Puerto Rico.
Multilingual Web at the ACF - Links to worldwide multilingual computing resources on the Internet.

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AAA EFL Links - hot links, resources and addresses for students and teachers. Check it out!
Aardvark's EFL Resources - guide to resources and contacts for students and teachers of English, harvested by a web aardvark. Check it out!
Business English Links for ESL - educational resource for ESL teachers and students interested in teaching or learning Business English.
English as a Second Language
English Grammar Links for ESL Students - includes references, exercises and quizzes.
ESL Cafe's Web Guide - categorized listings of relevant links. Check it out!
ESL Emporium - resources to help you learn English on the Internet.
GlobalStudy - provides links to study abroad programs and sites for international educators.
Links to ELT Sites

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ComAudio - listen to news, songs, and other items in English while the text appears on the screen.
Good Neighbors - Listen to fictional characters talk about their lives using RealAudio, take a quiz, and then use the same characters in a roleplay game.
Improving Your Listening - From the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Interactive Listening - Interactive listening comprehension activities using authentic Real Audio materials.
Listening Activities for ESL Students - Super resource from Kent G. Trickel.
Listening Advice Sheets - From the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Randall's Cyber Listening Lab - These self-grading JavaScript listening quizzes will help you check your listening comprehension in English. Wonderful resource from Randall Davis. Check it out!
Sound Symbolism - summary of research on the alphabet and the word, portions of a phonosemantic dictionary, bibliography of sound symbolism, summary of consonant and phonetic feature meanings.
Streaming Audio Web Page Creation for Language Learning - An Online, streaming audio presentation on how to create Web-based listening activities for ESL/EFL students.
The English Listening Lounge - The English Listening Lounge is a great place to study real English. Try it. They have lots of free lessons.
The ESL Wonderland - Contains activities for Listening practice using natural RealAudio materials. Also contains some reading and writing activities and links to other resources.
TimeCast - the Real Audio Guide - A complete listing of Real Audio broadcasts from all around the world.
Web Radio Stations - Gigantic collection of links to radio stations on the Net.
What? Listening Activities - A mixture of Real Audio and Wav listening activities for ESL students.

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American Memory
America Past and Present Online - "Dedicated to the love of people, history, culture and literature of England as well as the countries and regious associated with her including Scotland, Ireland, Wales, New Zealand and the Isle of Man."
Author Webliography - pointers to individual author guides.
U.S. History
Voice of the Shuttle
Xenophobe's guide to the Americans Check it out!

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Andreas Lund's ESL Resources - resources for teachers and learners of English as a second language. Sources, Activities, Research, many links to information on Norway.
BBC English - part of BBC World Service - uses radio, magazines, and cassettes to teach English as a second language. Check it out!
BenJX: Language Learning - resources and information for students and teachers.
Business English Quizzes - grammar and vocabulary quizzes - plus a business English Hangman game.
Computer Enhanced Language Instruction Archives (CELIA) - archive of software for Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) of English as a Second Language (ESL) maintained at Graduate School of Education, La Trobe University, Australia.
Cutting Edge CALL Resources - includes the latest in cutting edge lessons, quizzes, and activities for students of ESL.
Current News for EFL and ESL Learners
Dave's ESL Cafe - assistance for ESL/EFL students and teachers. Check it out!
Digital Education Network- English Language Teaching and Learning - resources, forums and information for those teaching or learning English as a foreign language
EF Englishtown - community for English learners and teachers with chat areas, pen pals, learning resources, and online courses.
English Practice Check it out!
English Page - resource for intermediate and advanced English learners. Check it out!
English for Internet - study English grammar, pronunciation, writing and reading through free Internet courses.
English Zone - learn idioms, basic grammar, and spelling. - articles, resources, and information for ESL students and teachers. Check it out!
ESL Hub, The - informative site for ESL students.
ESL Study Hall - links and reviews of sites to improve reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar skills.
Impact! Online - news articles with vocabulary and pronunciation help.
Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students

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How to Speak Like a Kiwi
Kiwi Words - A comprehensive listing of New Zealand English, brought to you by John Thornley.
New Zealand Expressions - list of expression and words commonly used in New Zealand followed by the U.S. equivalent definition.

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Scots Language Resource Center - SLRC Check it out!
Scottish National Dictionary Association - includes a Scots language database and history.
Scottish Slang Productions - Scottish slang and their sound files.

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American Spoken English - Accent reduction advice with many online resources.
Did the Cat Get Your Tongue? - Entertaining article on how to improve spoken English.
English Pronunciation - This excellent resource from Hong Kong Poly University includes Realaudio sound clips. Check it out!
Phonetic Games - Great ideas from Marmo Soemarmo.
Phonetic Symbols and Exercises for Learners of American English - Sounds of American English, Phonetic Transcription Exercises, Stress Patterns, and Pronunciation Exercises.
Pronouncing American English - helps ESL learners understand the importance and effects of the technical aspects of correctly pronouncing consonants and vowels, linking, word stress, rhythm, and intonation.
Sentence Stress - Sentence stress is the music of spoken English.
Speech on the Web - Numerous links related to phonetics and speech sciences.
Webfolio: Teaching Pronunciation - Fantastic resource from Allen Quesada.

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English Teacher Connection
English Teachers' Room - lesson plans, handouts, classroom activities, articles, and workshops.
ESL Games, Lessons, Links, and Resources - for ESL, bilingual and classroom teachers working with K-12 language minority students. Resources include information, staff inservicing, lesson plans, activities, bulletin boards, etc.
Holiday Zone: Activities for English Language Learners - thematic exercises and activities for holidays throughout the year. Check it out!
Language and Learning Awareness
PIZZAZ! - Resource site for English / language teachers. - resources, job listings, and discussion forums for ESL and EFL teachers.Check it out!
The English Teacher's Assistant - a periodical designed for ESL/EFL teachers, with ideas and activities for teaching conversation, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Tips ESL Department
Trinity College Allan K. Smith Writing Center

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A Base for Tongue Twisters and Rhymes - Tongue twisters, rhymes and poetry. Nursery rhymes, and songs for kids.
How Much Web Would a Web Browser Browse? - alphabetized list of tongue twisters.
Tongue Twister Database - collection of English-language tongue twisters.
Tongue Twisters
Very Silly Tongue Twisters

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AltaVista: Translations
Translation Netwrok - One-stop place for people who need to translate anything. free on-line translation, pocket translators and more.
ITI - Institute of Translation & Interpreting

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Acronym and Abbreviation Dictionary - Dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations.
American Slanguages - Local slang from cities across the United States, as well as Australia, England, Canada, Ireland, and South Africa.
Antagonyms - words that have opposite meanings (e.g., "bad" can mean bad or good depending on usage).
Collins Cobuild Dictionary Check it out!
Dictionary of Occupational Titles - A listing of thousands of job titles.
Dictionaries, thesauruses and other vocabulary resources on the WWW
English Vocabulary Builder - daily newsletter to help you increase your vocabulary.
English Dialect Links
Focusing on Words - This advanced English-language site is here as a guide by your side so you can experience the wonder of words and the English language.
Heteronyms - words that are spelled identically but have different meanings when pronounced differently.
List of Dictionaries - One of the best collections of links to dictionaries from all over the world.
Jesse's Word of the Day
Newlingo Internet Language Dictionary - A comprehensive listing of new vocabulary from the World Wide Web.
Old English Pages
On-line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang - searchable dictionary with more than 3000 street drug slang terms.
Oxford English Dictionary: Word of the Day - features a different word each day, including comprehensive etymology and usage. Check it out!
Parlez.Com's Word-Of-The-Day - Every day, an interesting new word for you illustrated with anecdotes, origins, quotes and current events.
Roget's Thesaurus - Online version of this timeless classic. Check it out!
Synonym Dictionary - This cool page generates copyright-free lists of English synonyms.
The English Language: Internet Resources - A comprehensive index of more than 100 online dictionaries.
Travlang's Word of the Day - subscribe to receive a new word every day in your choice of 50 languages. Check it out!
WWWebster Dictionary - From Merriam-Webster, searches include pronunciation, etymology, and a built-in thesaurus. Check it out!
Wordsmyth - The educational dictionary-thesaurus Check it out!

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