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Access to Insight: Readings in Theravada Buddhism
Access to Insight is an Internet website dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down through both the written word of the Pali Canon and the living example of the Sangha. Access to Insight is not an organization, nor is it affiliated with any institution. It is a personal website. The assembled material is meant to help deepen an understanding of the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha's essential teachings are presenetd here in ways that make them easy to explore, so an individual may discover new and useful connections between them.

Amitabha Buddhist Center
In Singapore, Amitabha Buddhist Centre, or "ABC" as it is more affectionately known, is a member of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition and traces its origins back to a 1979 visit to Singapore by the late Tibetan master Lama Thubten Yeshe. It was during Lama's visit to Singapore that ABC was conceived and given its name. Amitabha Buddhist Centre was established for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism from the Tibetan Vajrayana Tradition. The aim of the Centre is to provide a friendly and conducive environment for people to contact, learn and put into practice the teachings of the Buddha. The resident teachers are Geshe Dawa and Ven. Sangye Khadro. Ven. Sangye Khadro's book How to Meditate, published in 1984, has been a continuous Buddhist best-seller. Ground has been broken for construction of a beautiful, new building to house the Centre.

Arizona Teachings, Inc.
Arizona Teachings, Inc. (ATI) is a non-profit, religious and educational institution whose purpose is to make available, and encourage, teachings by leaders of all worldwide religions and faiths. ATI's goal is to provide, and help others provide, religious and educational conferences, teachings and retreats that offer a restful and interactive setting which nurtures participants' spiritual growth and development. ATI sponsors international conferences featuring known religious and spiritual leaders, such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who provide in-depth teachings. We also sponsor, and co-sponsor, other conferences, teachings and retreats in Arizona, as well as in other locations in the Americas.

Arya Tara Page, The
A student created web site in praise of the 21 Taras of Mahayana Buddhism (from which Tibetan Buddhism has its origins).

Ashoka New Media Buddhist Learning Center
This site is meant to simplify and enrichen your experience of Buddhism on the web. Links are organized by subject, from the most basic Buddhist teachings to the most advanced, spanning the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. The outline is organized in the fashion of a lam-rim. If you were to start at the beginning and work your way down, you would have a basic understanding of the entire Buddhist path. The site has unmoderated forums for discussing Buddhist-related issues. Visitors can read and submit news and articles related to the world of dharma.

Asian Classics Input Project
The Asian Classics Input Project presents a database containing texts from the Kangyur and Tengyur (classical collections of Sanskrit literature in Tibetan translation), and the Sungbum (Tibetan language commentaries on these) transliterated into roman (ASCII) characters. These texts span the time period from the Fifth Century, BCE to the twentieth Century, CE. The database has been produced primarily for scholars of classical Asian literature and other interested persons. Text entry is accomplished by Tibetan monk scholars at Sera Mey Monastic University and other nearby centers in southern India.

Australian Tibetan Society
These pages document how Tibet has come to the most perilous moment in its 3,000 year existence. The Australian Tibet Society believes that anyone who hears of what has happened in Tibet will support its cause and will be moved to become actively involved by contacting one of the many Tibet Support Groups.

Bodhi Pines: Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Item and Gift Catalog, The
Bodhi Pines is a mixed group of family and Buddhist practitioners living on five and half acres in the backwoods of South Carolina. One of the facets of the Buddhadharma is 'Right Livelihood'. This catalog is their effort to put this 'fold' of the path into practice, while at the same time, facilitating the practice of fellow Buddhists by making available to them the items in the catalog.  The new site for Bodhi pines is under construction, offering Dharma books, ritual items, malas and accessories, hand-rolled incense, singing bowls, khatas, hanging banners and prayer flags.

Bodhisattva Institute, The -- Tucson Dharma Center
The Bodhisattva Institute was founded by Karma Tenpa Gyeltsen, an American Buddhist monk and disciple of His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche, in February, 1994 and is affiliated with the Karma Kagyu Order of Tibetan Buddhism. The Institute exists for the sole purpose of making the teachings and practice of Buddhism available to all who are interested. It is centrally and conveniently located just north of Tucson, Arizona on 8 acres of rural property that fronts the Rillito River. The Center invites and hosts Buddhist teachers so that everyone can benefit from their wisdom and compassion.

Buddhanet.net: Buddhist Information Network
BuddhaNet is the result of a vision to link up with the growing world-wide culture of people committed to the Buddha's teachings and lifestyle, as an on-line cyber sangha.  In this way, an ancient tradition and the information superhighway will come together to create an electronic meeting place of shared concern and interests.  The site is packed with information.  The Kalachakra Initiation is explained here, and there is an on-line magazine called BuddhaZine.  Also, a Buddhist Studies section contains Buddhist Teachings, Buddhist Scriptures, a Buddhist Library and Buddhist Resources.

Buddhism 101, Buddhist Basics: The ABC's of Buddhsim
From Tricycle, comes Buddhism 101, Buddhist Basics: The ABC's of Buddhism. The site contains a glossary, a description of the various forms of Buddhism, a brief description of the Buddha's life, and some discussion of the practice of Buddhism.

Buddhism Depot
This site contains a wealth of information, including an Introduction to Buddhism, a Vitual Buddhist Temple, Buddhism Depot Magazine, Buddhist Scriptures, Dhammapada translations, Buddhist Mudras, Buddhist Humor, Buddhism Art Gallery, Recommended Readings, a Buddhist Glossary and Buddhist Resources. There's also a chat room, mailing list, and a discussion forum.

Buddhist Door, The
The Buddhist WWW Magazine by Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Canada Society, a non-profit charitable organization registered with the Canadian Government in Ottawa. It serves the community in spiritual health and moral enrichment, providing an accessible venue for Buddhists to worship and study the teachings of Buddha. It also seeks to inspire the public towards a more enlightened and harmonious way of living through the spirit of Buddhism.

Buddhism in the National Capital of Canada
This site contains information about local activities in Ottawa and the region as well as more links to sites around the world.  There are also several information pages on meditation, Buddhism, Four Noble Truths, mindfulness training, life of the Buddha, karma, etc.).

Buddhist Monastic Code, The
The site is an online version of a book by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) which translates and explains The Patimokkha Training Rules. The book is an attempt to give an organized, detailed account of the Patimokkha training rules and the traditions that have grown up around them. It is aimed primarily at those whose lives are affected by the rules -- bhikkhus who live by them, and other people who have dealings with the bhikkhus -- so that they will be able to find gathered in one volume as much essential information as possible on just what the rules do and do not entail. Students of Early Buddhism, Theravadin history, or contemporary Theravadin issues should also find this book interesting, as should anyone who is serious about the practice of the Dhamma and wants to see how the Buddha worked out the ramifications of Dhamma practice in daily life.

Buddhist Reading Room
The site has many Buddhist text files (Prisoners of Karma, Things As They Are, Vitakka-santhana Suttra, Bodhinyana, other archived readings, too), a chat room and a discussion forum.

Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library
This document keeps track of leading information facilities in the fields of Buddhism and Buddhist studies. The site is maintained by Matthew Ciolek (Head, Internet Publications Bureau, Research School of Asian and Pacific Studies (RSPAS), Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia) and a host of volunteers. See also Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library, which is maintained by Matthew Ciolek.

Canada Tibet Committee
The Canada Tibet Committee (CTC) was formed in 1987 in response to growing unrest inside occupied-Tibet. Its goal was to create a structure within which concerned Canadians could work together with their Tibetan friends to develop increased Tibet-awareness in Canada. CTC is a registered, non-profit organization with eight branches in several cities in Canada. It is funded entirely by private donations, special events and its membership campaign. CTC works at both the local and national level to develop a base of support in the citizenry and within the government. The CTC site offers daily news updates on the situation in Tibet. In addition, the CTC holds rallies, organizes lectures, and issues reports, pamphlets and news releases on Tibet-related matters.

Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies and Meditation (Sakya Phuntsok Ling)
The Center offers a full range of programs in Buddhist philosophy and meditation for beginners, advanced students and children. Sakya Phuntsok Ling Retreat Center is located in a lovely wooded setting which merges into miles of forest, trails, and streams in suburban Silver Spring, Maryland. The retreat center combines the best of both worlds, the seclusion and quiet of the forest, with the convenience and comfort of the city. Just 15 minutes from the study center and 5 minutes off the Capital Beltway’s Colesville Road exit, meditators can practice in comfortable solitary retreat rooms, in secluded forest meadows, or beside gently flowing streams. Venerable Lama Kalsang Gyaltsen leads the activities.

Centre Bouddhiste Kankala
This Centre is located in Montreal Canada and is a member of the New Kadampa Tradition founded by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Kadampa Buddhism is a special tradition of Mahayana Buddhism founded by Atisha, an Indian Buddhist Master who is largely responsable for the reintroduction of Buddhism in Tibet during the 11th century.

Chagdud Gonpa Online
Chagdud Gonpa Foundation was established in 1983 by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to preserve Nyingma teachings and to provide instruction in the traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially the arts, philosophy, and meditation practices. It sponsors many events and retreats throughout the year. The foundation's headquarters are in Rigdzin Ling, located in the beautiful Trinity Alps region of Northern California, 50 miles west of Redding. This busy hub administers the many Chagdud Gonpa Centers in the United States and Canada. Tibetan Treasures catalog sales office, located at Rigdzin Ling, helps to support Chagdud Gonpa Foundation. A wide variety of books, tapes, dharma items and imports are available. Rigdzin Ling is also the home of Padma Publishing, the branch of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation devoted to translating sacred Tibetan texts and producing dharma related books. A long-term project of translating Longchempa's Seven Treasuries is also underway.

Charleston Tibetan Society, The
The Charleston Tibetan Society (CTS) offers teachings in Tibetan Buddhism, space for meditation, and cultural events to Charleston, South Carolina. They've just opened the first Dharma Center in Charleston, where Dharma teachings are offered four days a week. CTS is also committed to promoting understanding between different religions and offering charitable aid to Tibetan refugees. The Venerable Geshe Dakpa Topgyal, of Drepung Loseling Monastery, is resident teacher.

Chokling Tersar Foundation
The Chokling Tersar Foundation located in Petaluma, California is a place for teaching and practice of the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism following the lineage passing through Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. The spiritual head is Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, the abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, one of the largest monasteries in Nepal.

Chopa Imports
Vast array of Buddhist and Asian clothing and art items: Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Supplies; Meditation Cushions; Japanese, Zen and Shambhala Arts; Ikebana and Japanese Flower Arranging Supplies; Oriental Brocade; Kimonos; and more... There is a walk-in store in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Citizens Against Communist Chinese Propaganda Home Page -- Free Tibet!
The intent of Citizens Against Communist Chinese Propaganda Home Page -- Free Tibet! is to provide a collection of information to tell the true story of Tibet.  There are many, many links to organizations working for the freedom of Tibet. 

Clare's Mandala Page
Mandala is Sanskrit for whole world or healing circle. It is a representation of the universe and everything in it.  Khyil-khor is the Tibetan word for mandala and means "center of the Universe in which a fully awakened being abides."  Circles suggest wholeness, unity, the womb, completion and eternity. This site provides good background information for those interested in the subject of mandalas.  Clare Goodwin, the site's creator, is a certified Psychosynthesis therapist and an established artist.  Since 1979 she has been painting personal mandala portraits as visual tools for growth.  She provides a good background for those interested in mandalas.

Committee of 100 for Tibet
The role of the Committee of 100 for Tibet is to inform the public about the unique national, cultural and religious identity of the Tibetan people and to work to preserve that identity and assure the survival and human rights of the Tibetan people.  We ask for full support of Tibet as an independent nation, and for recognition of the democratically elected Tibetan government-in-exile. We ask for international support of a withdrawal of China from Tibet.  And we ask for full privileges in the United Nations for the Tibetan government-in-exile.

Dalai Lama, Books By and About The 
This is a link to Snow Lion Publishing's page of books by and about the Dalai Lama.

Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness The 
This site contains information about the Dalai Lama: a short bibliography including information about his discovery, education, political leadership, and work in establishing the Tibetan Governement-in-Exile in Dharamsala, India. There are also several quotes from the Dalai Lama and short excerpts from his work.

Dalai Lama, His Holiness The
The material on these pages has been prepared from the official brochures, newsletters and press kit of the Trust for the Visit, with additional material compiled by Ven. Sönam Chökyi, the Trust publicity officer for Dunedin.  It was been html-ized for the WWW by Sönam Tenzin. Thanks to Clive Arrowsmith, Snow Lion Publications and Wisdom Publications for use of photos of H.H. the Dalai Lama.  Information includes a brief biography of His Holiness, a synopsis of the Tibet situation, various Dalai Lama teachings and his award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

Dalai Lama, H. H. - Power of Compassion: Q & A
An excerpt from 'The Power of Compassion' - a collection of lectures by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa.

Dechen Dharma Community
Dechen (Tibetan for "great bliss") consists of a group of centres across the UK and Europe. The founding teachers of the Dechen Community are the venerable Karma Thinley Rinpoche and his English regent, Lama Jampa Thaye. Rinpoche was born in 1931 in Nangchen, Tibet, and was recognised by the heads of both the Kagyu and Sakya traditions as an incarnate lama. He met lama Jampa in 1973 and subsequently appointed him his regent. Both Rinpoche and Lama Jampa have studied and practised the Kagyu and Sakya teachings for many years with many revered teachers, and have given a great many teachings.

Dechen Dharma Community
Dechen Dharma Community are a group of centres across Europe and the UK under the guidance of Karma Thinley Rinpoche and Lama Jampa Thaye, both Kagyu and Sakya masters and recognised authentic lineage holders. They have been established for more than 20 years.

Deer Park Buddhist Center
Deer Park Buddhist Center, located in Oregon Wisconsin, originated in a community of people committed to practicing Buddhism within the tradition developed by Tibetan spiritual masters and scholars. The community has included monks and nuns, and laypersons from all walks of life, under the leadership of Geshe Lhundup Sopa, director of Deer Park since its founding in 1979. Deer park is part of the Gelukpa tradition, headed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who has honored Deer Park with several visits.  Deer Park also has a special connection to Sera Chay monastic university in Lhasa and South India.

Dhargyey Buddhist Centre Home Page
The original Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin is a charitable trust founded in 1984 for the study and practise of Buddhism under the guidance of the senior Tibetan Lama, Gen Rinpoche, The Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. To our immeasurable loss he passed away in August 1995. Since March 1996 the Venerable Jampa Thupten Tulku has taken over the role of spiritual guide. A commemorative stupa has been built for Gen Rinpoche and it was finished and consecrated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in September 1996. The Dhargyey Buddhist Centre is located within a few minutes walk of the centre of Dunedin, a university city with a population of about 115,000 in the southeast of the South Island of New Zealand.

Dhammapada, The
The Dhammapada is an anthology of 423 Buddhist verses embodying ethical and spiritual precepts arranged by subject.  At the site you can click on one of the 26 links to read verses related to that particular subject.  Translation from Pali by John Richards.

Dharma Haven: A Harbor from the Storms of Panic and Confusion
The Five Havens are interconnected sites on the World Wide Web, focusing on the essential requirements of our common livelihood from a Buddhist perspective.  Haven Home is at the center, focusing on whatever one views as central in the situation: oneself, one's family, one's neighborhood, and so on. The emphasis of Haven Home is individual integrity and leadership.  From Haven Home, the central trunk, grow four great branches:  Learn Haven - training, education, and self education;  Health Haven - pounds of prevention, ounces of cure;  Work Haven - cooperation and organizational sanity;  Earth Haven - economic and environmental stability.  Also, the site has Tibetan Buddhist teachings, information on reducing stress and on Tibetan Medicine.

Dharmapala Centre - School of Thanka Painting
Dharmapala Centre is a Thangka Painting Schools, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, with an experience of more then 20 years in Thangka painting of high authentic quality based on Tibetan Buddhist texts. Their artists have joined many international exhibitions. The site contains photos of several hundred Thankas produced by the Dharmapala Centre's artists. You can order a Thanka directly from the Centre according to your specifications. A healthy portion of the proceeds from sales benefits an orphanage in Kathmandu.

Dharma Publishing
Dharma Publishing offers an excellent opportunity to learn skills while working on projects of great beauty and lasting value: Preservation of Ancient Tibetan Texts and Art, Creation of Tibetan Prayer Wheels, Publishing New Books in English, Reprinting Backlist of more than 100 Titles, Book and Art Exhibits, Bookstore Relations, Worldwide Distribution Projects.

Dharma Ring- Homepage of
Dharma Ring is a group of web sites about Buddhism. It is as simple as the most basic teaching, and almost as helpful. By joining Dharma Ring the Webmaster of a Buddhist site will increase traffic to his or her site while also helping other sites in the ring.

Dharma Wheels
Dharma Wheels brings together the tradition of the East with the technology of the West to create prayer wheels according to the Tantra of "Unceasing Dharma Wheels," with the difference that the mantras they contain are reproduced on microfilm. In this way, they are able to offer both larger prayer wheels with millions of mantras, and small pendant prayer wheels with tens of thousands of mantras.

Diamond Way Buddhism
This Web Site provides information about the lay Buddhist centers of the Karma Kagyu Lineage. The members share the responsibility for guiding meditations, answering questions and giving teachings. Worldwide, the centers are visited by several thousands of Dharma students every week, which makes this one of the largest Dharma groups in the West. There are over 220 Buddhist Centers and Retreat Sites of the Karma Kagyu Lineage spread over 33 countries under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje and directed by Lama Ole Nydahls.

Digital Dharma
Digital Dharma's mission is to capture and mass distribute Tibetan Buddhism teachings by videotaping Dharma teachings of the highest accuracy and integrity. Digital Dharma broadcasts these teachings on its weekly cable TV show, distributes audio excerpts over the Internet, and donates or sells videotapes to the general public. The teachings are available to anyone regardless of geographic location or economic status.

Dip Tsechokling Monastery & Tantric School Home Page
In 1986 the main temple was rebuilt in exile. Today there are also rooms for the monks, classrooms, toilets and showers. This monastery is also a school and the monastery population is mainly of young Tibetans, most of them orphans, aged 9 to 26, who wish to receive a traditional Tibetan education and to practise their ancestors' religion and maintain the tradition. There are nowadays more than fifty monks at Tsechokling (India) and the daily monastery costs average more than two hundred US dollars, so we are always seeking new sponsors for the new children wishing to be admitted to Tsechokling. Get further information regarding donations at the site.

Drikung Kagyu Homepage
This homepage was created mainly for the purpose of serving as an information center for Buddhism in general and the Drikung Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist tradition in particular. This homepage is presently *not* officially connected with any particular Center or Organization although it focusses on the teachings and activities of Ven. Khenpo Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche. In the future, this homepage hopes to include the teachings and activities of other Drikung lamas including Ven. K.C. Ayang Rinpoche and Drubpon Rinpoche, Ven. Lama Sonam Jorphel.

Dudjom Buddhist Association
This is a Tibetan Buddhist organization established in Hong Kong belonging to the Nyingma School. Members are specially dedicated to Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, his incarnation and his enlightened activities all over the world. The spiritual advisor is Kyabje Chadral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, and the spiritual leader is Kyabje Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche. Yeshe Thaye is instructor-in-charge of the centre. An English-Chinese bilingual Buddhist journal entitled "Pema Osel" is distributed free to peoples all over the world. Anyone interested in receiving a free copy should send some contributions to cover the expense of mailing. The Dharma centre offers classes on meditation, Buddhist teachings and the Tibetan language to the general public. Puja offerings and sojongg are conducted on special days of the Tibetan Calendar.

dZi - The Tibet Collection
dZi Inc. is a company dedicated to bringing Tibetan artisans better opportunities for employment through the development and marketing of their handcrafted works. The store is expanding and the changes should be in effect by 1 September 1999.

Dzogchen - Chögal Namkhai Norbu
This site contains a schedule of the Australian teaching and retreats of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, a Tibetan master who has lived in the west for more than thirty years. He teaches Dzogchen, a path of self-liberation that communicates the essence of Tibetan Buddhism. The teachings are complemented by practices of the Vajra Dance, which harmonises the energy of the individual into the state of contemplation and the Yantra Yoga, which co-ordinates energy, breath and movement.

Dzogchen Foundation The
Dzogchen is considered by some to be the consummate practice of Tibetan Buddhism. It is practiced mainly by the Nyingma Lineage in Tibet, although all four sects of Tibetan Buddhism practice it to some extent. It is considered the summit of all the vehicles, or approaches, to enlightenment by its proponents. It derives from the Maha Ati Tantra, and represents the nondual, or absolute/ultimate teaching of pure and total intrinsic awareness, innate wakefulness.  The Foundation was established by Lama Surya Das.

This online magazine is devoted to exploring Buddhism and Buddhist-inspired culture, spirituality,
practices and trends. The site provides a comprehensive guide for the Buddhist: teachings; links; book, movie and music reviews; original essays; a Buddhist Horoscope; a newsletter, an on-line store and more.

Electo Grosso
This site contains a collection of writings on general Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, a list of books on Tibetan Buddhsim with links to Amazon.com for purchase, and a few links to other Buddhist related sites.

Empty Frame Page, The
This site wants to maintain solidarity with the millions of Tibetans who are now under government edict banning all pictures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama inside his own country.

Endless Knot Project, The
The Project began as a fundraising effort for the Tibetan Resettlement Project. The symbol was so well received and cherished that we decided to take the project global. We have created a line of jewelry, clothing and accessories that reflects this powerful symbol and all that it embodies.

Engaged Buddhist - Dharma
Many lists to get people active by following the Buddhist path, by boycotting certain products, and by championing the rights of Tibetans and other persecuted peoples the world over (Africa, East Timor, Brazil, etc.).

Enlighten Yourself with Knowledge, Compassion, and Love
Background on the situation in Tibet, addresses for letter writing to make a difference, information on the Tibetan flag, the Panchen lama, mandalas and other Tibetan or Tibetan Buddhist items.

Evam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Centre
The Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center was established to provide an opportunity for the practice and study of Tibetan religion and culture. The Ven. Lama Kunga, Ngor Thartse Rinpoche, born in Lhasa in 1935, is the founder and resident lama of Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center. At the age of 7, he was recognized as the reincarnation of Sevan Repa, a Heart Disciple of Milarepa, the great 11th century yogi and poet of Tibet. Ewam Choden has been visited by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the heads up three other major schools of Tibet, as well as many other lamas.

Exploring the Mandala
In Tibetan Buddhism, a mandala is an imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation. Each object in the palace has significance, representing some aspect of wisdom or reminding the meditator of some guiding principle. Most mandalas contain a host of deities as well as inanimate objects. This site provides an overview of the mandala with many images and links to other sites dealing with mandalas. The site is courtesy of Ben Trumbore from the Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University.

Extended Wylie Method
This page gives the rules of transcription for Tibetan characters using the Extended Wylie Method.

Faces of Buddhism
Part of the site A Glance into the eyes of Asia, which also features photos from Tibet, Nepal, Northern Thailand, Pakistan and China.

Faces of Tibet
Part of the site A Glance into the eyes of Asia, which features photos from Nepal, Northern Thailand, Pakistan and China, and Faces of Buddhism.

Flaming Jewel, The
The Flaming Jewel (Michigan) is a Nyingma Terma lineage of Vajrayana Buddhism devoted to the sublime teachings and practices of the wisdom Buddhas, Padmasambhava and Yeshé Tsogyel.  Practicing in the Ngak'phang style of non-monastic, non-celibate Tantra and Dzogchen, Flaming Jewel works to integrate the radically skillful means of the Buddhist path into all aspects of our lives. Upcoming events, a Tantric Calendar, teachings and an e-mail alert function are found on the site.

Fluent Tibetan
This site is an interactive Tibetan language tutorial with audio pronounciation.

Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-1984) and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, together as teacher and disciple since their exile in India, met their first Western student in 1965 and by 1971 had settled at Kopan, near Kathmandu in Nepal. Due to demand, they began teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation to increasing numbers of travelers, who in turn started groups and centers in their own countries. In 1975 Lama Yeshe named this fledgling network the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Now, more than eighty centers and other activities make up the FPMT and it grows yearly. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the current spiritual director.

Four Yogas Of Enlightenment, The
The Four Yogas Of Enlightenment, a meditator's guide to don Juan's Nagualism, esoteric Buddhism, and the mastery of awareness. The Four Yogas electronic book simplifies the teachings of masters of awareness through comparative analysis and progressive meditative exploration. Linking the Nagualism of Carlos Castaneda's don Juan, Jungian analysis, modern physics, transcendental psychology, and the quintessence of eastern and western Buddhist masters, The Four Yogas Of Enlightenment is an essential study for the discerning meditator.

Free Tibet Campaign
Free Tibet Campaign, based in London, stands for the Tibetans' right to decide their own future. It campaigns for an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and for the Tibetans' fundamental human rights to be respected. It is independent of all governments and is funded by its members and supporters.

Free Tibet Mailart
In late 1996, as a consequence of Stephen Wayne Upham's interest in the culture and plight of the Tibetan people he initiated a project with the theme of Free Tibet.  Very quickly this call reached out into the community of artists using the postal and digital networks to freely exchange artworks.  The contributions of the artists have been combined into a collage on the site.

Friends of Buddhism, The
The mission of the Friends of Buddhsim is to spread Buddhadharma and support all Buddhist projects worldwide. FOB's home page on the Internet was officially consecrated and blessed by the 50th Patriarch of the Soto Zen Lineage, Ven. Master Miao Dzong, Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche, Khenpo Sonam Rinpoche, Khandro Lhodro Rinpoche, Rinchen Trinley Dorje Rinpoche, Pema Lowu Rinpoche, Pema Khamtul Rinpoche.

Friends of Buddhism's Meditation Class On Internet
An internet-based meditation course adminsitered by the Friends of Buddhism.

Friends of Drepung Gomang Monastery 
Friends of Drepung Gomang Monastery is the official representative of Drepung Gomang Monastic College and is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which was established "to provide funds and assistance for rebuilding the Drepung Gomang Monastery in order to preserve its religion, the Tibetan culture and traditional education for the world."  Over the past 10 years the number of monks that escape from Tibet to study at the Drepung Gomang Monastery in South India has more than quadrupled. From the original 59 monks the college has grown to 1300.  Every year an average of 150 new monks arrive having great difficulties adjusting to the very hot climate and suffering from diseases unknown in Tibet. Many monks have a bleeding stomach ulcer caused by the bad water quality.  Malnutrition, tuberculosis and dysentery take their toll. The monastery cannot provide enough food, shelter and medical care for all the monks.  Nearly 200 of them are under the age of 18. Many of the children are orphans. Drepung Gomang Monastery needs your help!  This fall will mark the first US-Tour of Gomang monks. For more information, call: 914-830 7477 or visit the web site.

Friends of Drepung Gomang Buddhist Monastic University 
This is an unofficial site giving an inside view of life at Drepung Gomang Buddhist Monastic University. The site was established by the Friends of Drepung Gomang Buddhist Monastic University. The original Drepung Monastery was established in Tibet in 1416 by Jamyang Choj, a close disciple of the Tibetan Scholar Je Tsong Khapa. Since the Chinese occupation of Tibet, Drepung Monastery has been exiled to South India.

Friends of Tibet Women's Association
Friends of Tibetan Women's Association (FOTWA) is a nonprofit educational organization. Its mission is to aid Tibetans living in exile and to expand worldwide awareness of the refugee experience. It has been a difficult journey for Tibetans who have left their homeland; FOTWA sponsors lessen the hardships by providing funds for education and family support, food and shelter, clean water and medicine. When basic needs are met, the important work of cultural preservation begins. The language of Art is used here.  Tibetan Refugee children are producing beautiful artwork, which is available for purchase.

Frontline: Dreams of Tibet
Great site from PBS detailing the chronology of the colonial Chinese occupation of Tibet. Also,  information about Tibetan Buddhism and explorers journeys to Tibet, and interviews with Tibet's many supporters (e.g., Scorsese, Schell, Kissinger, Gere, Seagal, Norbu, Wolf).

Gaden Samteng Ling: Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Society
Gaden Samten Ling Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Society (GSL) is a registered, non-profit, charitable Buddhist organization, which was established in 1986 at the request of a number of interested people. Since that time it has grown into a large Sangha (Buddhist congregation) of members and friends.  The aim of GSL is to provide interested students with instruction in Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism.  A literal translation of the Tibetan, Gaden Samten Ling: Gaden means Toshita or Pure Land; Samten means single pointed mind-stability; and Ling means centre. Among other things, the GSL practices single pointed mind training for inner peace.  Gaden Samteng Ling was founded by Geshe Ngawang Kaldan, who passed away in February 1998.

Gaden Shartse Monks' Yamantaka Sand Mandala
Beginning July 16, 1999, monks from the Gaden Shartse Monastery in South India are coming to the Fine Arts Museum of Houston, Texas and are building the Yamantaka Mandala. Yamantaka represents the triumph of wisdom over evil, suffering, and death. Yamataka literally scares Yama, or death, to death by showing him the interconnectedness of all things. The progress of building the mandala can be seen live on-line. Highlights will be available after the event.

Giant Thangkas of Tsurphu Monastery, The
The giant banners of Tsurphu monastery in central Tibet - traditional seat of the Karmapas - were both destroyed during the colonial Chinese invasion. Between 1992-1994, the making of a 23x35 metre silk/brocade applique banner of Sakyamuni was undertaken fusing Tibetan and Western expertise. The first ceremonial display of this image, in May 1994, marked the revival of an age old tradition that had not been observed at Tsurphu for 36 years. The same team of artists (Terris Temple and Leslie Nguyen) is presently focused on the making of a second large scale applique hanging- 9x9 metres-for the same monastery.

Give a Hand to Free Tibet
Just send an image of your hand on paper and add your name, country and a message for the Tibetan people.  Since "Give a Hand to Free Tibet" was begun, close to 20,000 hands have been collected from all over the world.  The project has made contacts with many organizations and support groups and of course has been able to present the project on this web site. All this has allowed the project to disseminate information globally to many tens of thousands of people about the desperate situation for Tibetan people and their land under Chinese rule.

Granny G's Canadian Neighbourhood: Tibetan Resource Directory
Granny G's site is home to information/resources on Tibetan women and the international web initiative "Fly a Flag for Tibet".

Great Datsan near Ivolginsk, The
The Great Datsan near Ivolginsk is situated in the Buriat Republic, which is a part of the Russian Federation. Buriat culture is historically strongly connected to Mongolia. The Mongolians and the tribes under Mongolian influence were converted to Lamaism in the 16th century AD. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, religious activity flourishes again and many new monasteries are now under construction. This site covers one of two Buddhist monasteries in Russia that stayed open during communist rule.

Great Perfection Buddhist Centre Limited, The
The belief and mission is to awake those who are apathetic and deluded back to the spirit of Buddha, the pristine wisdom that is concerned with all sentient beings.  BSAM-GTAN-CHOS-GLING is located at Yau Yat Chuen in Hong Kong.  It is a glory place filled with prominent people and BSAM-GTAN-CHOS-GLING marks the well-being of Hong Kong.  BSAM-GTAN-CHOS-GLING was founded by Chogtseg Dorje Rinpoche in 1994 with the prime objective to disseminate Nyingma,  especially the Dzogchen tradition, in multi-faceted approach.

Gyudmed Tantric Monastery
Gyudmed Tantric Monastery (pronounced "gyoomay" and often spelled "gyume") is also known as the Lower Tantric College of Lhasa, Tibet and is one of six major learning monasteries within the Gelugpa School of Tibetan Buddhism. The first tantric monastery of the Gelugpas, Gyudmed was founded in 1433 by Lama Je Sherab Sengey, the most eminent and celebrated disciple of Lama Je Tsongkhapa, the Tibetan Buddhist master and founder of the Gelugpa School. Monks from Gyudmed Tantric College will be on tour in North America April through July, 2000.

Gyuto Gampa: A Celebration of Spring
Following a successful and exciting visit to South Australia by the Gyuto Monks, they agreed to return to show another of the sacred and unique tantric art rituals which have been seen only rarely in the West, and never before in Australia.  The monks were in Adelaide from Wednesday, 6 September - Sunday, 24 September 1995.  This time the venue where the monks worked resembled a typical Tibetan style 'gompa', richly decorated with the wall and ceiling hangings reflecting their usual monastic environment as they create a Gyuto Gompa.  This site is an electronic monument to their visit.   There's a photo gallery, information page and an audio gallery.

Heritage Trust
Heritage Trust produces translations of esoteric Buddhist texts, transcriptions of Buddhist oral teachings and research on Terma.

Himalayan Art Project, The
The Himalayan Art Project of the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation has as its goal to preserve the sacred Buddhist art of the Himalayas. This art emanates from the sacred traditions around which the profound and ancient cultures of Tibet and its neighbors have flourished over the last thousand years. There are more Thangkas on view at tibetart.com than there are presently on display in all the museums in the western world. tibetart.com will make Thangkas available to scholars, lay people and religious practitioners. In the future, there will be scholarly forums and a searchable database of Thankas from around the world.

Holy Mountain Dharma Center
Holy Mountain Dharma Center (in Tibetan, Palden Ri-wo Cho-khor-ling)) is a small meditation retreat center in the Carmel Valley Mountains, near Monterey, California. The meditation style is based on the lineage-teachings of Buddhist Yoga and the classical forest traditions of India, Burma, Nepal and Tibet.

Homeless Yak Productions: "Yakless in Seattle"
As a consequence of the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese army and its subsequent annexation to China, the Tibetan culture and people are in danger of extinction.  Homeless Yak Productions sells garments and handicrafts designed to raise awareness of the plight of Tibet and help fund efforts to achieve its liberation.  There are many Internet sites dedicated to Tibetan issues! Links to them are provided in a section below.  The proprieter is Yeshe Dolma, Tibetan weaver, singer, dancer, and Yak Herder.

Home Page of Tibet
This site is sponsored by the Tibet Study Association (formerly America-Tibet Association). It has a wealth of information related to Tibetan religion, science, art, sociology, and life.

Inside China Today: Welcome to Inside Tibet
The European Internet Network, who brought you Central Europe Online and Russia Today, now take you to the Far East, where news and views about China fill this site five days a week.  The Inside Tibet section was launched to coincide with a very special interview with the Dalai Lama granted to Inside China Today in September 1997.  Inside Tibet provides demographic information about Tibet, its people and culture and background on the issues facing the region.  There's a shopping link and classified section here as well.

Institute of Buddhist Learning and Practice
The Institute of Buddhist Learning & Practice, or IBLP, with it's headquarters in Sydney, Australia, was established by His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche in 1989. Since then, many more branches, which all bear the same name, IBLP, have been established by Rinpoche and his disciples throughout Australia, Canada and Asia. The Dhe-Tsang Monastery in Tibet, with His Eminence as it's abbot, is the root monastery and spiritual centre of all IBLP branches. The IBLP is dedicated to spreading the Buddhist teachings, in particular the pure teachings of the Gelugpa tradition as taught by Lama Tsong Khapa. A regular program, of prayers, meditation sessions, teachings, talks, retreats and other special courses, is offered at each of the IBLP branches. Most of the courses are taught by the Founder and Root Guru of IBLP, His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche. Other highly qualified masters of Buddhism serve as resident teachers or guest teachers at the IBLP branches.

Interactive Tour of the Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life illustrates in a popular way the essence of the Buddhist teachings, the Four Truths: the existence of earthly suffering, its origin and cause, the ending or prevention of misery and the practice path to liberation from suffering.  This page is courtesy of Buddhanet.

International Buddhist Art Festival '98
Although International Buddhist Art Festival 1998 held at the Tibet Culture Centre International in Tokyo Japan is over, the beautiful images remain. The theme for Festival '98 was Bodhichitta. Enjoy the images and respect the authors' right of ownership. Plans are currently underway for Festival 1999. See the Festival '99 Web Site for further details and a look at the latest submissions.

International Campaign for Tibet
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) is based in Washington, DC and is a tax-exempt, non-profit membership organization. ICT works to promote human rights and self-determination for Tibetans and to protect their culture and environment. ICT conducts fact-finding missions to Tibet, India and Nepal; testifies before the U.S. Congress, the United Nations and other international bodies; networks with exiled Chinese democracy and overseas Chinese organizations; works with Chinese language media and conducts research on Chinese rule of Tibet; promotes news coverage of issues in Tibet; sends out Action Alerts!; publishes two newsletters, the Tibet Press Watch and Tibetan Environment & Development News; and speaks to academic, civic and community groups.  ICT current news and news archives are available here.

International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet
The International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet (ICLT) advocates self-determination for the Tibetan people. Through legal action and education, ICLT promotes human rights, environmental protection, and peaceful resolution of the situation in Tibet. A non-profit membership group, ICLT is supported by attorneys, other concerned individuals, and organizations.

International Tibet Independence Movement
The International Tibet Independence Movement (ITIM) was founded by Thubten Jigme Norbu (Taktser Rinpoche) and Larry Gerstein on March 18, 1995 to obtain Tibet's Independence through non-violent methods.

Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation
The Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation (Association of Love & Compassion) is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting Tibetan refugees who have fled their native land. The mission is to offer financial assistance to those who have found their freedom, but freedom at a great personal loss. Many Tibetan refugees are homeless, and are in urgent need of education and employment. There is a hope that through linking those in need with those willing to give we are not only helping to sustain the survival of the individuals and their culture, but are actually giving life. Contact the Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation today and help give life through direct one-to-one sponsorship or a one time donation.

Jewel Heart Web Site
Jewel Heart is a spiritual, cultural, and humanitarian organization that translates the ancient wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism into contemporary life. There are Chapters located in several American cities and in some foreign countries as well. The Center offers talks by Kyabje Gelek Rinpoche, Spiritual Director, as well as meditation classes, group practice sessions, Lam Rim teachings, and discussion groups. Many groups receive Rinpoche's Ann Arbor 'Tuesday Night Teachings' on video, and meet regularly to view and discuss the videotaped teachings.

Journal of Buddhist Ethics
The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics, and is innovative in adopting a totally electronic mode of publication.  In most other respects, however, it will function as a traditional scholarly journal.  Research articles as well as discussions and critical notes submitted to the journal will be subject to blind peer review.

Kham Aid Foundation
The Kham Aid Foundation (KAF) was founded in 1997 by Pamela Logan in order to support her work to conserve Tibet's architecture and art.  Since its founding, she has developed a broad range of assistance programs.  Nevertheless, KAF is still a small outfit, with two full-time employees in China and one full-time unpaid staffer in the U.S. Logan herself.  KAF is a California non-profit corporation, and tax-exempt according to section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code.  The Web site provides information on how you can help Tibet.  There are greeting cards and books for sale to support KAF's efforts.  The site also has a Tibet related photo gallery.

Karma Kagyud Buddhist Center
The Karma Kagyud Buddhist Center of Singapore belongs to the Kagyud School of Tibetan Buddhism. According to Abbot Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche the Centre's objective is to establish an Institute where unique expertise can be sought from qualified teachers to impart the vast teachings of Buddhism to more and more people. With this condition, the hope is that the teachings and cultures of Buddhism can be preserved and benefit the future generations.

Karma Kagyu Institute
The Karma Kagyu Institute is a non-profit, educational corporation. Its purpose is to preserve, study, and make available the philosophical and psychological teachings of the Tibetan tradition, especially as propounded by the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism. The Institute currently has a publishing house and a project studio (Karma Thegsum Choyang Music) dedicated to the recording and preservation of Tibetan liturgical music. The Institute offers Tibetan language courses in various parts of the country and has plans for a future university.

Karmapa, The - Website
Website for the spiritual head of the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

Karma Tashi Tobjal - Homepage of
The aim of this site is to allow meaningful communication between like minded people.  The site has a host of public domain teachings on a wide range of Buddhist subjects.

Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
This site is devoted to the authentic representation of the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, one of the four major schools of Buddhism preserved and practiced in Tibet. The term Karma Triyana Dharmachakra is from the Sanskrit and translates loosely as "the place under the spiritual guidance and protection of His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa (Karma) where all three (Tri) levels (yana) of the Buddha's teachings (Dharma) are preserved and taught (chakra)." The term, as used for this Web site, refers in particular to His Holiness Karmapa's main monastic seat in North America at Woodstock, New York, and generally to all of the projects and activities that manifest from there through His Holiness's inspiration, blessings, and activities.

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Home Page of The Venerable
The present, ninth incarnation of Thrangu Rinpoche is an eminent scholar. He has founded many centers around the world and is involved in numerous worthy projects. This site houses some of his teachings, details his schedule and projects, and has a newsletter available to keep his students abreast of his activities.

Kopan Monastery, Nepal
Kopan Monastery sits atop Kopan Hill just north of the ancient Buddhist town of Boudhanath in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. Kopan is a thriving monastery of 260 Nepali and Tibetan monks, a place of study for the 150 nuns of nearby Khachoe Ghakyi Ling Nunnery, and a spiritual oasis for hundreds of visitors yearly from around the world. It is the wellspring of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, a network of some ninety centres and activities world-wide, themselves expressions of the Buddha activity of Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Kundun - Movie Review
Review of the movie Kundun (directed by Martin Scorsese, screenplay by Melissa Mathison) on IMDb, which is part of the Amazon.com group of companies. Its objective is to provide useful and up to date movie information freely available on-line, across as many systems and platforms as possible.

Kunga Tibetan Archives
Click on this link to explore Tibetan Buddhism as categorized, literally, from "A" to "Z."

Kunzang Palyul Choling
Kunzang Palyul Chöling (KPC) is a center for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the Nyingma tradition (the "Ancient Ones"). KPC is the seat of the Palyul lineage in the Western world, and is headed by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, spiritual director and resident Lama. Jetsunma has been recognized by HH Penor Rinpoche, head of Tibet's most ancient Buddhist lineage, the Nyingma, as a reincarnate lama or "Tulku." Thus she is upheld as one who has accomplished the realization of the wisdom mind and intentionally reincarnates in order to guide others to that same result. KPC is located on 72 acres in the Poolesville, Maryland countryside near Washington, DC. The Temple/Dharma Center is open 365 days a year. The facilities include a breathtakingly beautiful shrine room which is home to our 24 hour a day prayer vigil to end suffering. The Center also houses a main teaching room, an elementary school, a children's center, and a community meeting room and kitchen. The Center also has 65 acre wildlife refuge and the 38 foot Migyur Dorje Stupa dedicated to healing of mental and physical suffering.

Lama Surya Das - Website 
Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars. He has traveled throughout Europe and the East, and he has spent nearly thirty years studying Zen, vipassana, yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism with the great old masters of Asia. Surya Das is the author of Awakening the Buddha Within: Eight Steps to Enlightenment (Broadway Books, 1997). His new book Awakening to the Sacred: Building a Spiritual Life from Scratch (Broadway Books, 1999) has recently been published. A regular contributor to Tricycle magazine, New Age, Yoga Journal, and The Shambhala Sun, he is also the author of The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane: 155 Wisdom Tales from Tibet (1992), and coauthor of Natural Great Perfection: Vajra Songs and Dzogchen Teachings (1995).

Lama Tsongkhapa Center
A Gelugpa Dharma center which is a "Gaden for the West" branch chapter in Kalamazoo, MI.  Ven. Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, spiritual head.

Lancashire Tibetan Buddhist Centre
An independent Gelugpa tradition centre in Lancashire England, under the guidance of Serje Khensur Rinpoche Jampa Tegchok.  And following the advice of HH Dalai Lama. Weekly meetings in Blackpool & Preston.

Learn the Tibetan Alphabet
If you'd like to learn the Tibetan language, a good place to start is by learning the Tibetan alphabet. This site, maintained by Eden Golshani, introduces the Tibetan alphabet in a quick and non-threatening format.

Ligmincha Institute
Ligmincha Institute, founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 1992, was created to preserve the Tibetan Bön culture and teachings, especially the practices of dzogchen. The purpose of this site is to provide information on Bön and dzogchen as well as the activities of Ligmincha Institute and its associated centers. Check back periodically for new announcements of upcoming events, new resource materials, transcripts of teachings, and all the issues of the quarterly newsletter.

Loseling Institute (USA)
Drepung Loseling Monastery was the largest monastery in Tibet, with approximately 10,000 monks. In 1959 the monks and the monastery became refugees in India. In 1991, friends of Drepung Loseling established a headquarters for the Drepung Loseling Monastery in North America. It has four agendas: The Loseling Institute (Losel Shedrup Ling), a center for Buddhist studies and practice, based in Atlanta, Georgia and affiliated with Emory University. The Mystical Arts of Tibet which promotes artistic activities of Drepung Loseling.  Drepung Loseling Educational Fund which raises money and materials (medicines, etc.) to support the 2,500 refugee monks at Loseling in India. Tibetan Traditions which is a not-for-profit business distributing high quality Tibetan carpets in America, and also distributing Tibetan ritual objects, artifacts and crafts.

Magic Life of Milarepa, The
This site details the legendary exploits of Tibetan Buddhism's most renowned saint, Milarepa. Full of intrigue, disaster, and amazing feats, it is the heroic story of a man who transforms from an avenging black magician into a supremely powerful yogi, pointing the way to self-knowledge and liberation.

Magic of Tibet, The
This site contains news, stories, teachings and information related to Tibetan Culture, Tibetan Politics and Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan products are also available here from Potala Corporation (commercial enterprise of the Tibetan Government in Exile).

Mahakankala and Khandakapala Buddhist Center
These are Tibetan Buddhism Centers located in Los Angeles and Santa Barabara, California. The Centers are members of the New Kadampa Tradition founded by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The resident teacher at Mahakankala (Santa Barbara) is the English Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Rigpa. The resident teacher at Khandakapala (Los Angeles) is Gen Kelsang Lekma.

Maitreya Project, The
A project close to Lama Yeshe's heart was the building of a magnificent statue of Maitreya--the future Buddha--in Bodh Gaya, the place where Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment. Now in the planning and design stage, the statue will be in a specially-created meditation grove. At over five hundred feet, the statue will be the largest in the world and in accordance with Lama Yeshe's vision, the statue will be built to last a thousand years! On March 3rd 1996, His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessed the land on which the statue will stand in a special Bumi Puja celebration to inaugurate the Project. As well as the statue, the Project will recreate the ancient Nalanda University to repay the Buddha's kindness by spreading the Dharma. The leading organization involved in the Project is the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is spiritual advisor to the Project.

Newsmagaizne of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.

A resource guide for Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism in Italy.

Michael Aris Memorial Trust for Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, The
Michael Aris's entire career as a Tibetologist and Himalayan specialist was spent recording the history and extant traces of this "fast disappearing civilization". A few weeks before his death on 27 March 1999, his 53rd birthday, he had convened a Steering Committee at St Antony's College, University of Oxford, for the purpose of seeking funds to endow posts, studentships and resources for Tibetan and Himalayan Studies at the University of Oxford. Michael Aris's family and his academic colleagues have now established an educational and research Trust entitled "The Michael Aris Memorial Trust for Tibetan and Himalayan Studies".

Milarepa Fund, The
First launched in 1994 in conjunction with the Beastie Boys, the Milarepa Fund has been moving at the speed of light ever since. By its list of accomplishments, it's easy to see that its most powerful tool to promote nonviolence is a combination of hard work and the spirit of enjoyment. The result is events such as the Tibetan Freedom Concerts, the distribution of over $800,000 to other nonprofits, numerous successful economic and political campaigns, a fast-growing membership, award-winning web sites, and talks at hundreds of schools and universities.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
The official web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. There is an English version of the pages as well as a Chinese version. Once inside the site, there's a feedback option so you can let yourself be heard with respect to the situation in Tibet.

Namgyal Monastery Institiute of Buddhist Studies
Sonam Gyatso, the Third Dalai Lama, officially founded a monastery, which later came to be known as Namgyal Dratsang (Victorious Monastery). Since its inception, the monastery has assisted the Dalai Lamas in their public religious activities and performed ritual prayer ceremonies for the welfare of Tibet. In 1992, Namgyal Monastery began an important new chapter in the history of Buddhism and Tibetan culture in America. Monks from the monastery travelled from Dharamsala, India to Ithaca, New York to establish an actual branch of Namgyal Monastery in North America. The Namgyal Monastery Institiute of Buddhist Studies, which is open to women and men from all over the world, provides an opportunity for the systematic study in English of Tibetan Buddhism in a traditional monastic setting. As an Institute of Buddhist Studies, Namgyal combines its Tibetan faculty with an adjunct faculty of preeminent Western scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. Using Ithaca, New York as a base, the monks of Namgyal Monastery will continue to be available to create sand mandalas for museums and galleries in America.

New Kadampa Tradition Website
The New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) is a Kadampa tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. It was founded by the contemporary Buddhist Master, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, in order to preserve and make available in a modern context the teachings of Buddha, as transmitted through the lineage of the Indian Buddhist Master Atisha and the Tibetan Buddhist Master Je Tsongkhapa. New Kadampa Tradition Centers throughout the world are dedicated to helping people find happiness through applying Buddha's teachings to their everyday lives. They provide a wide range of Buddhist studies and meditation classes, from basic introductory classes to detailed study programs, as well as an environment that is conducive to study, meditation, and spiritual practice.

Nitartha International
Nitartha International, the home for digital Tibetan, is dedicated to preserving the ancient wisdom of the arts and sciences of Tibet with modern computer technologies. Nitartha international was founded to help conserve Tibetan Arts and Sciences against a variety of threats to Tibet´s continued existence. It provides background about the history and relevance of Tibetan Arts and Sciences. There's an online Tibetan-English Dictionary here, an extensive collection of Tibetan texts in pecha format and on microfiche, a collection of art work, a list of Nitartha's publications, and Tibetan language word-processing software for purchase.

Nyingma in the West
This site is a production of the Nyingma Institute. Founded in 1973, in Berkeley, California, the Institute has been pioneering effective ways of bringing the wisdom of Buddhism to the West through quarterly courses, summer seminars, weekends, and long retreats. The Institute offers classes in Buddhist Studies, Tibetan Language, Introductory Meditation and Kum Nye Relaxation, the independent inquiry of the Time, Space, and Knowledge vision, and Skillful Means, a dynamic synthesis of daily work and spiritual practice. Its extended programs attract students from the U.S., Europe, and South America, who participate in a way of life that combines study, practice, and Dharma work.  Centers are also located in a few other countries.

Odiyana Buddhist Center
The Center, located in Manchester, Connecticut, offers meditation instruction at all levels, and a wide range of practical teachings on Buddhist psychology and philosophy, in the tradition of "Kadampa Buddhism", first established in the West be Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in the 1970s. Gen Kelsang Sangkyong is the Principal Teacher of Odiyana Center. He began his training in England before moving to the United States in 1994 to establish Kadampa Buddhist Centers on the East Coast.

Online Dharma Libraries
DharmaNet International is committed to building community resources to serve the online Buddhist parisa.  Many of the text files available at the site through DharmaNet's Dharma Book Transcription Project were transcribed by hand to make them available for electronic distribution, and the authors and/or publishers of the works have granted permission to make these electronic editions freely available to the public.

Orgyen Kusum Lingpa, His Holiness
His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa is a pre-eminent Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen teacher and Nyingma lineage holder. He is known as one of the greatest living tertons. Click here for more information and news regarding His Holiness. The San Francisco Bay Area Vajrakilaya Centers were established by His Holiness to serve as a focal point for Vajrakilaya practitioners.

Osel Shen Phen Ling
This Tibetan Buddhist center of the Gelugpa sect, located in Missoula, Montana, USA, is a member of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.  It has an active schedule including visualization practice, dharma study and meditation sessions.  The site has many high quality Buddhist images which are free for downloading.

Padmasambhava Buddhist Center
Padmasambhava Buddhist Center spreads the teachings of Buddhism according to the Nyingma school lineage of Tibet. The Center was first established in New York in 1989, with the encouragement of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, by the Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab, Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal, Rinpoche. Khenchen Palden Sherab and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal, known informally as "the Khenpos," are the teachers and spiritual leaders of PBC. They also direct the activities of the New York Center, its many branches in the U.S.A., Puerto Rico and Russia, and its retreat center Padma Samye Ling in upstate New York. Their Sarnath Project in India has flourished with a traditional monastic institute and retreat center called Padma Samye Chokhor Ling; another monastic college and retreat center located in Shravasti, India called Padma Samye Jetvan is under construction.

Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa
See also Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness and the Palyul Tradition.

Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness and the Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa
His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche is the Supreme Head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism and the Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage of Nyingma.  He is considered one of the of the foremost masters of the Buddhist tradition of Tibet.  Throughout the Buddhist community he is respected for his vast knowledge and accomplishment and for the integrity and strength with which he upholds the Buddhist teachings.  This web page is offered as a resource for information about His Holiness and his work to preserve and promote the spiritual traditions which he has mastered. Information here about the Nyingma School, the Palyul Lineage, Palyul Monastery (Tibet), Nandroling Monastery (India), Ngagyur (Nyingma Institute), Nyingma Retreat Centers, Teachings, Palyul Centers and more...

Planet Dada
Planet Dada features the art, music and poetry of Sean Woodward and other artists from around the globe. The site was created to highlight the plight of the world`s youngest political prisoner, Tibet`s Panchen Lama.

Plum Village
Plum Village, located in France, is a Buddhist monastery for monks and nuns and a practice center for lay people; it was founded in 1982 by the Vietnamese Zen-Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thây).  During the course of the year, Plum Village welcomes thousands of retreatants from all over the world.  Due to its rapid expansion in recent years, the community is now comprised of seven hamlets.

Project Tibet
Project Tibet is a non-profit organization founded by Tibetan refugees in the United States and friends sympathetic to the Tibetans' plight.  There is an on-line store with Tibet and Tibetan Buddhist related items.

Quiet Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Resource Guide
Quiet Mountain originated in 1995, out of a need to contribute to the awareness of Tibetan Buddhism, its culture and methods for attaining a compassionate mind to the world. Quiet Mountain considers the contribution of links and resources to the authentic representatives of Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Centers, Dharma Teachings and Resources an honored and integral responsibility to the preservation of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.

Ranjung Yeshe Gomde
Ranjung Yeshe Gomde, located in Denmark, provides a European place for teaching and practice of the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism following the lineage passing through Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. The spiritual head is Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, the abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, one of the largest monasteries in Nepal.

Ranjung Yeshe Gomde Tibetan-English Dictionary
This special frameset page lets you do a free trail search of the Nitartha international online version of the Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dictionary. Enter a Tibetan phrase in Wylie format and get the English equivalent. The site also gives information on purchasing the version 2 of the dictionary.

Ranjung Yeshe Gomde Tibetan-English Dictionary
Another portal into the Tibetan-English-Dictionary of Buddhist Teaching & Practice by Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications (in cooperation with the Karma Kagyu Buddhist Network). A bit friendlier than the one above and ideal for those whose browsers do not support frames. Use in conjunction with the Learn Tibetan site and you'll be able to form words and phrases in Tibetan.

Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Rangjung Yeshe Publications is dedicated to presenting high quality translations of authentic Buddhist literature as well as commentaries by contemporary Buddhist masters. The name Rangjung Yeshe means self-existing wakefulness, the natural wisdom that is the spiritual potential innate in everyone.

Rigpa is an international network of meditation centers and groups under the guidance of Sogyal Rinpoche and HE Dzogchen Rinpoche. The site has available latest events listings, a quarterly dzogchen newsletter, a retreat schedule, and a Rigpa tape club.

Sakya Foundation, The
The Foundation will be a great blessing for all those who have the will and the wish to learn more about the wisdom of the Sakyapa masters, who have contributed greatly to the rich Buddhist tradition practised and preserved in Tibet for the past many centuries.

Sakya Resource Guide
As its name implies, this website is intended for those interested in the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The site was developed by Jeff Watt of Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Jeff warns that the site is unofficial and has no affiliation with any Lama and has not been sanctioned by the Sakya School. This site does, however, have a wealth of information: a Sakya fact sheet, a listing of Sakya teachers, a collection of Sakya teachings, a listing of Sakya Holy Days, a complete translation list, Sakya news & miscellaneous, Sakya art and pictures, a Sakya address book, a glossary, and Sakya links.

Sakya Trizin, Web Site for His Holiness 
Buddha's teachings have been preserved as living spiritual traditions within four Orders of Tibetan Buddhism, of which His Holiness Sakya Trizin is the Patriarch of one: the Sakyapa. In this capacity His Holiness is known to countless followers throughout the world as a wise and compassionate teacher of these ancient doctrines. This site contains a biography of Sakya Trizin and details his schedule and houses several of his teachings as well as Sakyapa images and information on the Sakyapa Foundation.

Seven Points of Mind Training Website
This website contains a database of commentaries by Oshno Rajneesh, Chogyam Trungpa, Pema Chodorn, Jamgon Kongtrul, and Alan Wallace on the pratice of Tonglen and Lojong and the Seven Points of Mind Training. The core practice involves taking on others' sorrow and pain and sending them your joy; not as a masochistic practice but with the aim of getting away from the self-centeredness and self-seeking that cause us so much pain. These practices were brought to Tibet in the eleventh century by the Indian Buddhist teacher Atisha. The site also has an on-line bookstore.

Seven Years in Tibet - Movie Review
Review of the movie Seven Years in Tibet (directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, based on book by Heinrich Harrer, screenplay by Becky Johnston) on IMDb, which is part of the Amazon.com group of companies   Its objective is to provide useful and up to date movie information freely available on-line, across as many systems and platforms as possible.

Shambhala Meditation Centers
Shambhala is a worldwide network of meditation centers providing instruction, classes and programs, founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a master of the Shambhala and Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Meditation in the Shambhala tradition uncovers a natural sense of goodness, fearlessness, and humor, a way of personal warriorship, and a vision of enlightened society.

Shambhala Publications
In the twenty-seven years of Shambhala's publishing, as the cultural landscape has transformed, areas of interest that were once considered marginal or esoteric have entered the mainstream.  In this spirit, Shambahala Dragon Editions offers a treasury of readings in the sacred knowledge of Asia.  In presenting the work of authors both ancient and modern, Shambhala seeks to make these teachings accessible to lovers of wisdom everywhere. Thus, Shambhala has quietly continued to fulfill its original mission of publishing serious books of lasting value that, in the words of Sam Bercholz, "present what's real and not the glitz."

Shambhala Sun
Inspired by Buddhism and the world's great contemplative traditions, the Shambhala Sun magazine brings compassion and insight to the arts, politics, relationships, social issues, livelihood, and all aspects of life in the modern world.  Shambhala Sun has won the Utne Reader award for best magazine with a circulation under 50,000.

Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus, The
Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus (STEDT) is a research project at the University of California at Berkeley. It is directed by Professor James Matisoff of Berkeley's Linguistics Department, and administered through the International and Area Studies division. Its goal is the publication of an etymological dictionary of Proto-Sino-Tibetan (PST), the ancestor language of the large Sino-Tibetan language family. This family includes Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, and over 200 other languages spoken in South and Southeast Asia. The project was founded in 1987 and has enjoyed the support of the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Snow Lion
Snow Lion is an English-language publisher of scholarly and trade books and other materials on Tibet, Tibetan culture, Tibetan Buddhism, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Formed in 1980, Snow Lion is dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan culture and, in support of His Holiness, Snow Lion has become a major force in bringing Tibetan culture and Buddhism to the West. In addition to books, Snow Lion publishes postcards, posters, audio and videotapes, and a free award-winning Newsletter/Catalog. The newsletter has been published quarterly since 1987, featuring a distillation of the latest news on Tibet and Tibet-related events, plus a catalog of over 1,400 items gathered from around the world. It features books on Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama, plus works of art, textiles, Buddhist practice supplies and ritual objects, language, music and chanting, travel books, and much more.

Some Important Buddhist Dates
Important Buddhist dates courtesy of Roger Garin-Michaud.

Spiritual Healing and Counseling
Spirituality is the fundamental part of all of our religious and philosophical systems. This site explores spirituality as it relates to Hindu Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, Western Mystical Traditions, Western Science, and Western Psychology. The site offers links to spiritual healing and counseling web sites as well as links to other sites more generally related to the spiritual journey. Here is a direct link to the site's Tibetan Buddhism Page.

Students for a Free Tibet
Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) was formed in August 1994 to speak out on behalf of the Tibetan people. SFT recognizes the historical and legal status of Tibet as an independent country and supports the Tibetan people's right to determine their own future. Its goal is to educate campuses and communities about the situation in Tibet and take action to assist the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom. In the past two years, SFT has exploded onto the international scene. It currently has nearly 400 chapters at universities, colleges, high schools, and junior highs, with new chapters forming all the time. Most of its members are students, but Students for a Free Tibet is open to everyone. SFT welcomes the support of anyone who is willing to dedicate compassion and commitment to the Tibetan people's struggle for freedom.

Students for a Free Tibet (University of Montana-Missoula)
Students for a Free Tibet at the University of Montana educates young people about human rights violations in Tibet and translates awareness into action through non-violent political, economic, and social campaigns. SFT works with a coalition of peace and social justice, interfaith, and human rights organizations to accomplish their goals and foster dialogue and understanding within the global community.

Stupa Information Page, The
This site provides links to stupas under construction and finished, books about stupas, photos of stupas new and old, histories and even a taste of the meaning behind the architecture. There is a simple history, distilled from a highly scholary essay by by Giuseppe Tucci, and some text from Robert Thurman. There's also an explanation of stupa symbolism coutesy of HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

talk.politics.tibet FAQ
This FAQ was created for the Usenet newsgroup talk.politics.tibet and addresses various issues that are discussed in that newsgroup on a recurring basis.  Also included are the addresses of various organizations that deal with Tibet and a guide to the additional sources of information that are available, both on the Internet and in print.  There is an excellent glossary of terms here and a chronology of major events in Tibet.  Other topics related to Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism are addressed as well.

Tengboche Monastery
The official page for the Tengboche Monastery about Buddhism, ecology and sustainable tourism in the Sherpa region of Mount Everest, Nepal.

Tengye Ling Tibetan Buddhist Temple
This is a Tibetan Buddhist Temple located in Toronto, Canada. It is affiliated with Thukche Choling Monastery Nunnery at Swayambhu, Kathmandu, Nepal. Weekly discourses are given in English by the Spiritual Director, Ven. Lama Tenzin Kalsang, on Lam Rim, the Graduated Path to Enlightenment. These teachings are from the lineage of Lama Tsong Khapa, the Root Guru and founder of the Gelug-pa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The Temple also engages in walking and breathing meditation. People of all levels of familiarity with Buddhadharma are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Courses are offered on various subjects as well.

Thankas by Jukka Halso
Very nice pictures of thankas in this gallery are based on original paintings of Jukka Halso. If you are an enthusiaist and find the figures pleasing, it may be possible to have Jukka paint a custom thangka for you.

Tharpa Publications
Publishers of books and sadhanas by the highly acclaimed, prolific Buddhist teacher, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The series of publications offers westerners an understandable explanation of a wide range of Buddhist subjects and practices.

Tathagata Gallery
Tibetan Buddhist statues & thankas of exceptionally high quality at lower prices than most.

Note: Links beginning with "Tibetan" are located after links beginning with "Tibet".

Tibet Art
See The Himalayan Art Project for a description of tibetart.com.

Tibet Art Studios
Leslie and Terris Nguyen Temple are in Asia working on two Tibetan projects. The first is work on two ceremonial banners to complete Tsurphu Monastery's giant applique collection, and the second is a major project for Katok Dorjedhan Monastery in Kham, Eastern Tibet. This work is to revive the original art style introduced in Tibet during the 8th century from India's ancient Pala Dynasty.

Tibet Central
This site is dedicated to freeing Tibet from the tyranny of the colonial Communist Chinese Government. It has a message board, a forum, a chat room, news, downloads, and links which deal with the situation in Tibet.

Tibet House
Tibet House is located in New York City. Tibet House's mission is (1) To present to Westerners Tibet's ancient traditions of art and culture by creating a Repatriation Foundation for the future repatriation of outstanding examples of Tibetan art and by developing traveling exhibitions, publications and media productions. (2) To preserve and restore the full spectrum of Tibet's unique cultural heritage by acquiring a photographic archive and a resource library, working with Internet and Web sites to distribute information on Tibet and activities to preserve its culture and providing support to conservation activities both within and outside of Tibet. (3) To share with the world Tibet's practical systems of spiritual philosophy, science of the mind, non-violent approach to confrontations and human development using intercultural dialogues in cooperation with educational, historical and other cultural institutions. The current president of Tibet House is the noted western Buddhist author and scholar Robert Thurman.

Tibet Information Network
An independent news and research service providing information and analysis of developments in Tibet. For 12 years (since October 1987) TIN has been reporting on developments in Tibet and publishing specialist reports on a wide range of social, economic and political issues. The research and publications of TIN are used by journalists, governments, academics and international agencies worldwide, and by others interested in Tibet.

Tibet Journal, The
The Tibet Journal is a quarterly publication of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA), devoted to the presentation of scholarly and general interest articles on Tibetan culture and civilization by Tibetans and non-Tibetans.

Tibet News
The site is produced by the Department of Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration. The task of this department is two-fold: it undertakes the international relations activities of the Tibetan Administration through the network of Offices of Tibet abroad, and disseminates information on all aspects of Tibet through both print and audio-visual media. The Tibetan Bulletin, the Official Journal of the Central Tibetan Administration of H.H. the Dalai Lama, is available on-line here as well.

Tibet Online or Tibet O.R.G.
Tibet Online is operated by the international Tibet Support Group community, providing information on the plight of Tibet and serving as a virtual community space for the movement. This movement is dedicated to bringing about substantive negotiations without preconditions between the Chinese and Tibetan Governments, so that they can find a solution which will bring an end to the suffering of the Tibetan people, in accordance with the people's right to self-determination.

Tibet Photographs by Frank Borges Llosa
Professional photographer Frank Borges Llosa has fine art prints, stock dupes, and High Res CD Roms available for publication. Many of the beautiful, high quality photographs are on-line for viewing.

Tibet Resources - University of Virginia Library
A site with resources for those interested in Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism: Electronic newspapers, journals, and newsletters; Images and Symbols; Tibet Collection - University of Virginia; Links to Internet Resources; Video Resources at UVa and elsewhere (films).

TibetShop is a part of Dharma Centre of Finland, founded in 1980 as a place for Buddhist practice. Its aim has been to gather knowledge of Buddhist traditions, practices, texts and art. Buddhist meditation courses are held regularly at the centre. Also the collection of Tibetan Art has grown quite large during the past 15 years.  The on-line store is incredible with over 250 high quality thangka paintings, statues and other Buddhist items.

Tibetan Archive
Photographic images related to Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Awareness Site
A great deal of information related to the current, untolerable situation in Tibet. Major categories include Tibet's Political Situation, News-What's New, Aspects of Tibetan Culture, How You Can Help Tibet, Internet Links on Tibet.

Tibetan Buddhist Texts Download Site
Translations are made by Rime Lodro Waldo, PH.D, who has been a Buddhist practitioner and translator for more than twenty years, primarlily as a member of the Nalanda Translation Committee, a non-profit organization associated with the Shambhala Centers.

Tibetan Center of Philadelphia, The
The Center's educational focus is to teach basic principles of Buddhist thought and practice, but it is not necessary to be a Buddhist to participate in the Center's programs and activities.  Many people especially appreciate the wonderful meditation room. The Center offers classes in Buddhist topics, meditation sessions, seasonal retreats, workshops in traditional arts such as ritual dance, and social gatherings. The Center also sponsors special events such as performances by monks on tour. The activities are directed to participants on all levels of experience and knowledge, from introductory classes to advanced practices. The Spiritual Director of the Center is Venerable Losang Samten.

Tibetan Clipart
Clipart related to Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Collection -- Univ of Michigan. (Harlan Hatcher Grad. Library)
The University of Michigan Graduate Library Tibetan Collection holds approximately 3200 titles of books and manuscripts in Tibetan language.

Tibetan Cultural Center
The Tibetan Cultural Center, located on a 90-acre site in Bloomington, Indiana, grew out of an active university and community involvement with Tibetan culture. It was established not only to acquaint people with the history and culture of Tibet, but also to support Tibetans everywhere, both in Tibet and in exile, and to preserve Tibetan culture through educational and philosophical endeavors. Throughout the year, the Tibetan Cultural Center provides a place for workshops, teachings, seminars, initiations, retreats, and ceremonies relating to Tibetan religious practices. Currently, the Center holds meditation sessions every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. followed by informal discussion. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will give the Kalachakra Initiation at The Center 17 - 28 August 1999. This occasion will mark the fourth time His Holiness has presented this teaching in the United States and the 25th time it has been offered over the past four decades by His Holiness. Registration information is available on the site.

Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Web Site
In exile, the Tibetan Government has been reorganized according to modern democratic principles. It administers all matters pertaining to Tibetans in exile, including the re-establishment, preservation and development of Tibetan culture and education, and leads the struggle for the restoration of Tibet's freedom. The Tibetan people, both inside and outside Tibet, consider their Government in Exile based in Dharamsala, North India, to be the sole legitimate government of Tibet. This site has the latest news, current status and information on the Tibetan Governement-In-Exile. It also includes the teaching schedule of the Dalai Lama and information about Tibetan Buddhism, the Panchen Lama, Tibetan Medicine and Tibetan culture.

Tibetan Incense Company
Tibetan Incense comes from a centuries old tradition of combining special medicinal and therapeutic substances derived from herbs, flowers and minerals that when burned, deliver an aroma which can help to sooth and calm a restless mind. Tibetans living in India hand roll our incense sticks, in their home cottage industries, to make these fragrances. They use sandalwood, rose petals, jasmine flowers, cedar bark and numerous other ingredients to obtain these wonderful fragrances. Order on line or print out an order form and experience the soothing benefits of Tibetan Incense.

Tibetan National Flag, The
An explanation of the history and symbolism of the national flag of Tibet.

Tibetan Nuns of Kathmandu 1999 North American Tour
Traditionally, ritual arts and scholastic study have been a prerogative of Tibetan Buddhist monks. In the Tibetan community-in-exile, this is changing. Nuns are now training in classical Tibetan debate, the performance of ritual music, the creation of sand mandalas, and other ritual arts. This tour will be the first opportunity for most North Americans to see the accomplishments of this first generation of newly-trained young, Tibetan nuns. In addition, the tour has been organized to raise money to support the nuns of Khachoe Ghakyil, most of whom are refugees from Tibet. The nunnery started when five nuns arrived at Kopan Monastery. Eventually so many nuns arrived that a new facility, Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery, was built especially for them. However, there are more and more nuns requesting permission to join the nunnery. Plans are now being made to arrange facilities and accommodations for another 100 residents.

Tibetan Resource Page
Fonts, audio tapes for learning Tibetan, Tibetan Texts and a list of terms are all available here.

Tibetan Software Archive
This is a small archive of Tibetan software for DOS (Tibetan Texts Publishing System), Windows (TibKey) and MAC (MacOS Tibetan Language Kit) environments with a few graphics items on the site as well.

Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library
This site keeps track of leading information facilities in the field of Tibetan studies. It is a part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library and of its specialist subsection, the East Asia WWW Virtual Library. The site is maintained by Matthew Ciolek (Head, Internet Publications Bureau, Research School of Asian and Pacific Studies (RSPAS), Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia) and a host of volunteers. See also Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library, which is maintained by Matthew Ciolek.

Tibetan Web Hotel
The Tibetan Guest House and Webhotel is made to ease the buddhist surfers in their search. Primarly Tibetan centers, organisations and projects in Denmark are hosted; however The Tibetan Webhotel is not limited by nationality. The Tibetan Webhotel is a nonsecterian and nonprofit project designed to serve people with an interest in Tibetan Buddhism and Tibet in general, and to give organisations etc. with a small budget a possibility to destribute their Tibet related information on the World Wide Web.

Tibetan Women Refugees
Roslyn Dauber and Vanessa Smith, independent American documentary producers are currently in production of "Tibetan Women Refugees", a one hour documentary which examines Tibetan women's lives as refugees in India, Nepal, and the United States. This site offers several ways to contribute to the production of this documentary and to get updates as to its progress.

Tribute Page to Guru Rinpoche

Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
Founded in 1991, Tricycle is a non-profit quarterly magazine with an educational charter to spread the dharma. It is a subscription-driven magazine (in contrast to an ad-driven publication) and needs your support. It is urged that you subscribe rather than purchase individual copies on the newsstand. It greatly benefits Tricycle and it's cheaper for you! All donations to Tricycle are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.

Tsurphu Foundation
The Tsurphu Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt organization incorporated in the U.S. to raise awareness and funds for the monasteries and activities of His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa, particularly in Tibet, where the 17th Karmapa presently resides at his monastery of Tsurphu.

21 Praises to Tara - Tibetan Dharma Supplies
Tibetan Buddhist Artifacts and Dharma Supplies. Ritual aids, Meditation Supplies, Tibetan & Bhutanese Incense, Books by HH Dalai Lama, Tibetan Links, Photo Galley and much more.

Vajrayana Buddhist Center
Vajrayana Buddhist Center (Chicago, Illinois) was founded in 1997 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso as a non-profit organization and a member of the New Kadampa Tradition. Vajrayana Center offers classes and retreats on various aspects of Buddhist thought and meditation. The classes are open to everyone, regardless of any experience of meditation. Gen Kelsang Khedrub is the Resident Teacher at Vajrayana Buddhist Center. He is a close disciple of Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and has studied Buddhist scriptures extensively at Harvard University and at Manjushri Buddhist Center, England.

Vajrayana Foundation 
The Vajrayana Foundation hosts numerous lamas and artists in addition to resident lamas Orgyen Thinley Rinpoche, Tulku Thubten Rinpoche, and Lama Tharchin Rinpoche.  Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, who founded the Vajrayana Foundation in 1988, continues to dedicate his entire life energy to benefiting all beings through teaching the dharma as it has been passed down from teacher to student in an unbroken lineage since Padmasambhava.  In 1997, the Vajrayana Foundation College of Buddhist Studies was established, thus continuing a tradition of Buddhist education which began twelve centuries ago in Tibet. The program is designed for both advanced students as well as those new to Buddhism. In addition to the College, the Foundation offers retreats and hosts the Tibetan Art Institute.

Vipassana Research Institute
This web site was created with the purpose of providing reference material and information on the core teachings of The Buddha and specifically on the Vipassana Meditation Technique as taught in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin under the guidance of his chief disciple, S. N. Goenka. The objective is to provide an insight into the practical aspect of The Buddha's teaching and get a deeper understanding of true Dhamma - the Universal Law of Nature.

Virtual Tibet
This site contains Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism related material, including information on the Dalai Lama; a photo gallery of Tibet, India and Nepal; Japanese Thankas, Buddhist links, explanation of the Mani Mantra, and free files to download (Tibetan Clock for Windows, rotating Mani Wheel, Tibet National Anthem sound file, etc.).

Voice of Tibet
"Providing unbiased news and information." Voice of Tibet (VOT) broadcasts a daily 30 minute service. The program's production is carried out by Tibetan journalists stationed in several countries, including Europe and the US. All VOT programs are produced in the Tibetan language, and focus mainly on Tibet related issues. You'll need Real Audio Player to be able to hear the broadcasts (comes with latest versions of Netscape or can be downloaded for free from the VOT site). Broadcasts can be listened to online or downloaded for later listening.

Windhorse - Website for the Film
"Three young Tibetans search for freedom and fulfillment...and confront the power of a ruthless Chinese regime. Windhorse explores the violent abuse of Tibetan human rights at the hands of the colonial Chinese government."  A film by Paul Wagner.

Wisdom Publications
Wisdom is a specialist publisher of books on Buddhism, Tibet and related East-West themes with a special commitment to preserve and transmit important works from all major Buddhist traditions. Wisdom is a non-profit, charitable orgranization affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.

Women Active in Buddhism
Women Active in Buddhism (WAiB) is the Web's first comprehensive collection of links and resources on contemporary Buddhist women.  Female teachers, activists, scholars, nuns, and yoginis (practitioners) may be found on these pages, as well as teachings and special events, projects, organizations, bibliographic and contact information.  The site also offers a complete guide to the many female meditation deities found in Tibetan Buddhist practice.

World Artists for Tibet
This project’s vision is to use the power of artistic expression to bring attention to a major struggle facing us today; human rights violations. The focus of this project is the situation in Tibet. The artists believe that if people around the world were informed about the Tibetan plight, there would be a world-wide response of compassion which would lead to the alleviation of the suffering of the Tibetans, and therefore our suffering.

Still in its early stages of development, Worldbridges is being designed as an internet based network of cultural exploration and appreciation. It begins with the beautifully spiritual culture of Tibet. Sadly, Tibetans and their culture have suffered tremendously during the last 50 years. Once one of the world's most secretive cultures, it is now one of the most endangered. It is the hope that this site will contribute to the awareness, appreciation, and understanding of this wondrous culture. Hopefully, it and its creators hope to work toward a peaceful and fair resolution to the politically sensitive 'Tibetan Issue'. Worldbridges will make use of webcasting technologies (audio and video) whenever possible to enhance the Web's ability to build connections between individuals and peoples.

World Tibet Day
World Tibet Day (WTD) is an annual worldwide event, linked to the birthday of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, which celebrates the unique beauty of Tibetan culture and also strongly supports basic rights of the Tibetan people to religious, cultural and political freedoms.  In July of 1999, in its second year, the event was held in 51 cities in 10 countries; at the same time, tied to WTD, over a thousand houses of worship joined the Interfaith Call for Freedom of Worship in Tibet and for Universal Religious Freedom.

Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region
Information on Tibet (altitude, annual rainfall, land area, population, etc.) from Chinese Business World.  

Eternal Knot