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Culture and Foods

North America

          British Columbia
          New Brunswick
          New Foundland and Labrador
          Northwest Territories
          Novia Scotia
                Nova Scotia
          Nunavut Territory
          Prince Edward Island
          Yukon Territory
           Fortress Louisbourg

United States
Cajun Grocer
           A Cajun Family's Recipe Collection (2000 plus recipes)
The administrators of this site recommend their two complete Cajun cookbooks for classroom use. Each of the online cookbooks contains more than 500 recipes and is divided into the usual categories of recipes: appetizers, entrees, drinks, salads, side dishes and so on. Under entrees you will find scores of Cajun dishes, including gumbos, etouffees, and jambalaya. What may strike you as a bit unusual, however, is the number of dishes not normally considered Cajun. Upon closer examination, you'll find most of these are recipes for traditional dishes with a Cajun twist.
Char's Original Cajun Recipes
Designed to look like a kitchen, Char'scollection features a small but interesting variety of Cajun and Creole recipes that highlight the essentials of Louisiana cooking. Among the unique offerings here are Char's recipes for Cajun-style chili, spaghetti,and vegetable beef soup. Of course, there are plenty of Cajun standbys, including red and brown jambalaya, Louisiana roux gumbo, and shrimp/crawfish creole. Be forewarned, however, that some of the recipes call for such ingredients as andouille and tasso pork, which may be difficult to find.
           SOAR Cajun Recipes
           Chef John's Kitchen
           Renee's Louisiana Recipes
           Tailgating Across America
           The Creole and Cajun Recipe Page Food History
           SOAR Ethnic Eskimo Recipes
           Food History Cafe Hawaiian
           SOAR Hawaiian Recipes
           Maui's Chefs and Recipes Page
           Hari's Kitchen
           Hawaii's Kitchen Weekly Recipes
           Sam Choy's Weekly Recipes
           Hawaiian Electric Kitchen Native Americans Sure Save Supermarkets

Native North Americans

Great Plains Indians

Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook of The Grandmothers This is a terrific site. The cookbook includes recipes from Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Iroquois, Mohawk and Navajo Nations. It offers 164 recipes that can be searched through TraditionalRecipes, Contemporary Recipes, Tribe or Type of Dish options. The site also offers Native American Dining, Over 92 Plant, Herb and Fungi Identification, Food Sources, 35 How to Instructions and even a Homework Help page.
SOAR Ethnic Native American Recipes
Shawnee Scavenger Hunt
A Gathering of Cultures

New England Indians (Northeastern Coast & Woodland)

Oneida Indian Nation Native American Three Sister's Cookbook The cookbook contains corn, bean and squash recipes. In 1994, the Oneida Indian Nation Health Department began a community health effort called the Three Sisters Nutrition Project,to help bring nutrition and exercise to the Native Americans of Central New York. The lifestyle changes that have occurred among Indian people over the past 200 years have contributed to the high incidence of such disabling diseases as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is the goal of the Three Sisters Nutrition Project to help our people regain healthy diet and exercise habits by returning to their traditional foods, with the added benefit of current nutrition knowledge, which teaches us how to limit the amounts of fat and salt in our diet. The Three Sisters Cookbook was produced by the Oneida Indian Nation Health Department, with funding from the New York State Department of Health, Division of Nutrition. It is our hope that you will refer to it often when meal planning for your family, so that you may enjoy the benefits of healthy eating.

Pemmican: Recipes, Stories and Stores

Pacific Northwest Indians
Native American Nations The site has information on many Native American Nations. History, cultural information, issues, biographies. Expect discussions on serious topics of concern to Native Americans.
The site has information on many Native American Nations. History, cultural information, issues, biographies. Expect discussions on serious topics of concern to Native Americans.

Southeastern Coast & Woodland Indians

Southwestern Indians

       New England
              The First Thanksgiving
America's Homepage Plymouth Mass. Follow the link to New England Style Recipes

      Pennsylvannia Dutch
            Wonderful Life Recipes Pennsylvannia Dutch
             Authentic Berk County Recipes Pennsylvannia Dutch
Teri's Recipe Page:Pennsylvanua Dutch Recipes Most of my ancestors were Pennsylvania Dutch of German descent. They were primarily farmers who came to this country, possibly to escape religious persecution. The cooking reflects both the German heritage and the hearty foods associated with the physical work involved in farming. Women spent a lot of time preparing three hearty meals a day. Preserving, such as canning and drying, was a necessity to help get through the winter months, and many recipes using preserved items are still popular. Hope you enjoy
      Puerto Rican
            The Original La Cocina De Flora Southern
      Soul Food
            A Dash of Soul Flavors American Cuisine
            How to Make Authentic San Francisco Sourdough French Bread
      Southern Cooking
             Cooking with the Colonel
             Mother Red's Southern Country Kitchen
             On Southern Cooking
             Recipes From the Heart of Missouri
             Southern Specialities
             Southern U.S. Cuisine
             Southern Cookin' The Burgoo Page
            The Burgoo Page Southwest
            Foods of New Mexico
            Texas Cooking Online
            Texas Foods
            Hispanic Pages in the US

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