days 'til the draft!!
vikeray trade pick to Miami for Sage Rosenfels VOR Penn State QB Zack Mills
RandyMoss2002 anyone not overaged or overhyped
yikes BPA BPA BPA MossWilliamsHenderson Texas LB Derrick Johnson TheHighRoad Texas LB Derrick Johnson hardy008 Texas LB Derrick Johnson ViKiNgSrEMiX013 Texas LB Derrick Johnson JoeyInNorseJersey
Texas LB Derrick Johnson Vikes581
Texas LB Derrick Johnson godhead Texas LB Derrick Johnson PegViking Texas LB Derrick Johnson albuddah
Texas LB Derrick Johnson SpanishVike Texas LB Derrick Johnson vikesforever Texas LB Derrick Johnson Montana Vike Texas LB Derrick Johnson vikings84 Texas LB Derrick Johnson MG427 Texas LB Derrick Johnson yoopervike Texas LB Derrick Johnson vikingpatrol Texas LB Derrick Johnson VikingsSuperbowlChampions05
Texas LB Derrick Johnson MadSkillz Texas LB Derrick Johnson Peterpepper Texas LB Derrick Johnson viken77 Texas LB Derrick Johnson GCBen trade down and select Texas LB Derrick Johnson dwyte Texas LB Derrick Johnson Vikeduck Texas LB Derrick Johnson moorhead Texas LB Derrick Johnson leetlenitz Texas LB Derrick Johnson b3rz3rk3r Texas LB Derrick Johnson iavikingmaster Texas LB Derrick Johnson swarf Texas LB Derrick Johnson Viking33 Texas LB Derrick Johnson JR Texas LB Derrick Johnson Nikkk Texas LB Derrick Johnson JMon348 Texas LB Derrick Johnson Daunteman11 Texas LB Derrick Johnson BumOnaLaptop Texas LB Derrick Johnson akarogue trade down to #11 and select Texas LB Derrick Johnson VikingInCO Texas LB Derrick Johnson Daunte11 Texas LB Derrick Johnson Daunte Miami S Antrel Rolle Parosuia Miami S Antrel Rolle osubud Miami S Antrel Rolle walleyevike Miami S Antrel Rolle BobbyBouche Miami S Antrel Rolle BudGrantFan Miami S Antrel Rolle ProVike Miami S Antrel Rolle Calminnfan trade down and select Wisconsin DT Erasmus James purplepat69 trade down to #16 and select Wisconsin DT Erasmus James VikingVick USC WR Mike Williams vikingwacko USC WR Mike Williams ViNSaNiTy15UnC9 USC WR Mike Williams GBFan4 USC WR Mike Williams JIMVK55 USC WR Mike Williams flexboy USC WR Mike Williams Vikefaninoh USC WR Mike Williams PurpleMosster USC WR Mike Williams Wolf on the Prowl USC WR Mike Williams vicoden4 USC WR Mike Williams RioGrandVike USC WR Mike Williams DELAWAREVIKE USC WR Mike Williams zer0effect USC WR Mike Williams losangelesvike USC WR Mike Williams kmvikes USC WR Mike Williams drhoades USC WR Mike Williams Vikings66 USC WR Mike Williams Mossasser04 USC WR Mike Williams Rtyler USC WR Mike Williams purplevein USC WR Mike Williams Arctic Warrior USC WR Mike Williams playa768 USC WR Mike Williams Otosis USC WR Mike Williams w3junky USC WR Mike Williams OskiVike USC WR Mike Williams ssven USC WR Mike Williams Kaneohevike USC WR Mike Williams VikingBlitzkrieg USC WR Mike Williams TheCrimsonKing USC WR Mike Williams golfervike USC WR Mike Williams bdbviking USC WR Mike Williams TeddieBrown USC WR Mike Williams VikingDavid USC WR Mike Williams purpleparty USC WR Mike Williams Prospectsrising USC WR Mike Williams SuperGonzo USC WR Mike Williams KWillsABeast USC WR Mike Williams Moss4President USC WR Mike Williams PApurple USC WR Mike Williams dustcrow USC WR Mike Williams natedogge7 USC WR Mike Williams Bolstad79 USC WR Mike Williams CycloneJim USC WR Mike Williams Akvike trade up to #3 and select USC WR Mike Williams GunnVike trade down and select USC WR Mike Williams Galaxy USC WR Mike Williams Rasputen USC WR Mike Williams kajjansiblackmamba USC WR Mike Williams royy2 USC WR Mike Williams Viking CT USC WR Mike Williams FLVikesFan trade up to #4 and select USC WR Mike Williams IndyVikings USC WR Mike Williams sullytool trade up and select USC WR Mike Williams Mosstradamus USC WR Mike Williams jbarnes1393 USC WR Mike Williams Packerhaters USC WR Mike Williams rudyVike USC WR Mike Williams DonT77 USC WR Mike Williams SoSly USC WR Mike Williams toledoviking USC WR Mike Williams Wolverine USC WR Mike Williams rousuvikes USC WR Mike Williams Viking Tom USC WR Mike Williams sodakvikefan USC WR Mike Williams footballdiehard USC WR Mike Williams 1VikesFan USC WR Mike Williams Purplexing USC WR Mike Williams DauntesInferno USC WR Mike Williams VikeFaithful USC WR Mike Williams King84 USC WR Mike Williams vikeincheeseland USC WR Mike Williams taz24 USC WR Mike Williams Biekert55 USC WR Mike Williams toolvike USC WR Mike Williams foreverpurple USC WR Mike Williams nokio8423 USC WR Mike Williams DubsOnD trade down and select Georgia S Thomas Davis ThankGod4Winfield trade down and select Georgia S Thomas Davis SLIPKNOTXRAVEN Michigan WR Braylon Edwards wolfpack87
Michigan WR Braylon Edwards trojanvike
Michigan WR Braylon Edwards Hobgoblin Michigan WR Braylon Edwards HissingBoomslang
Michigan WR Braylon Edwards PurpleRugger Michigan WR Braylon Edwards skolvikings44 Michigan WR Braylon Edwards mossyspeed trade #7 and #18 for Cleveland’s #3 overall and take Michigan WR Braylon Edwards
KnowledgeVike trade #7 and #18 for Cleveland’s #3 overall and take Michigan WR Braylon Edwards
BlackMagic7 Michigan WR Braylon Edwards PurpleEskomo Michigan WR Braylon Edwards FolsomPPE Michigan WR Braylon Edwards Hinezer Michigan WR Braylon Edwards nordicvike Michigan WR Braylon Edwards NWVikingFan Michigan WR Braylon Edwards MRLTIBBS Michigan WR Braylon Edwards Norsewin Michigan WR Braylon Edwards SWELL1 trade up to #6 Michigan WR Braylon Edwards Vlibf99 Texas RB Cedric Benson TheBeez67 Texas RB Cedric Benson AGRforever Texas RB Cedric Benson bitterbruce Texas RB Cedric Benson BozoSkeleton Texas RB Cedric Benson DarkVikingLord Texas RB Cedric Benson PurpleLibrarian Texas RB Cedric Benson SFVikeFan Texas RB Cedric Benson BennyHillVike Texas RB Cedric Benson CaliforniaViking Texas RB Cedric Benson Vikes1 Texas RB Cedric Benson vikingjedi Texas RB Cedric Benson michiganvike Texas RB Cedric Benson MichVike1 Texas RB Cedric Benson viketyke Texas RB Cedric Benson UncleBillyBonz Texas RB Cedric Benson FutureViking Texas RB Cedric Benson vikeswin Texas RB Cedric Benson SanDiegoVike Texas RB Cedric Benson 1128446 Texas RB Cedric Benson ACSChief Texas RB Cedric Benson ScottR Texas RB Cedric Benson VIKESIN2003 Auburn RB Ronnie Brown kispoko Auburn RB Ronnie Brown notch17 West Virginia CB Adam Jones MinnyFaninPhilly South Carolina WR Troy Williamson AbrevV South Carolina WR Troy Williamson PuffysGameWornJersey South Carolina WR Troy Williamson wdmvike trade down and select South Carolina WR Troy Williamson Adam3132 trade down and select South Carolina WR Troy Williamson OCVike South Carolina WR Troy Williamson SammyIA South Carolina WR Troy Williamson sandiegovikefan South Carolina WR Troy Williamson capecodvike Auburn CB Carlos Rogers studvike84 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman ViciousSid Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman Wolverine Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman joedaddy Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman Briody Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman gabe01 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman ahhhhhoooooooo
Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman Vikesguy1 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman StickyBun Vikes trade down with Dallas (#11), switching 1st rounders and getting a second round pick and then they select OLB Shawne Merriman at #11. 84BallsDeep Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman Vikes88 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman IaGuy Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman Inspiredvike Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman AllAboutWinning Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman EwOOwE Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman TechieVike Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman meekengh trade down with Arizona and select #9 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman brian1979 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman peregrin trade down and select Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman vikesdraft04 Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman MadVike Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman JeffCBrown Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman marcle Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman eagerowl Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman pgconboy Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman NHBred trade down and pick LSU DE Marcus Spears FargoDude trade down and pick LSU DE Marcus Spears Mossatron Vikes trade down with Dallas and select LSU DE Marcus Spears Z trade down and pick LSU DE Marcus Spears Touchdowntommyk LSU DE Marcus Spears UncleBillyBonz Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton MossyBalls trade down to #13 and pick Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Bullazin Auburn RB Carnall Williams ToughGuyTown Auburn RB Carnall Williams rdhdviking Utah QB Alex Smith - then traded to another team for South Carolina WR Troy Williamson VikingsNJ Florida State OT Alex Barron papascott Florida State OT Alex Barron bongbreath Florida State OT Alex Barron RS Express trade down with Dallas and take Georgia DE David Pollack at #12
vikeray Morgan State QB Littlejohn Bradshaw VOR RB Maurice Clarett
RandyMoss2002 anyone not overaged or overhyped
yikes BPA BPA BPA Rtyler Auburn CB Carlos Rogers vikingfan4ever Auburn CB Carlos Rogers Flexboy Auburn CB Carlos Rogers purplevein Auburn CB Carlos Rogers SoSly Auburn CB Carlos Rogers BobbyBouche Auburn CB Carlos Rogers trojanvike Auburn CB Carlos Rogers PurpleMosster Auburn CB Carlos Rogers w3junky Auburn CB Carlos Rogers PurpleLibrarian Auburn CB Carlos Rogers AllAboutWinning Auburn CB Carlos Rogers BozoSkeleton Oklahoma S Brodney Pool Parosuia Oklahoma S Brodney Pool Z Oklahoma S Brodney Pool Viking Tom Oklahoma S Brodney Pool SWELL1 trade down to #31 and select Oklahoma S Brodney Pool notch17 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton NHBred Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton joedaddy Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton SpanishVike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton AbrevV Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Touchdowntommyk Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Montana Vike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Vikes581
Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton MossWilliamsHenderson Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton ViKiNgSrEMiX013 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Mossatron Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton walleyevike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton gabe01 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton MadSkillz Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton dwyte
Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Peterpepper
Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton viken77 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Vikes88 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton IaGuy Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton b3rz3rk3r Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton studvike84 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton BennyHillVike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton BumOnaLaptop Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton iavikingmaster Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton TechieVike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton brian1979 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton bitterbruce Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton vikesdraft04 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton Nikkk Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton michiganvike Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton JMon348 Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton BudGrantFan Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton JeffCBrown Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton vikingpatrol Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton eagerowl Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton VikeFaithful Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton ScottR Oklahoma WR Mark Clayton wolfpack87 Michigan CB Marlin Jackson moorhead Michigan CB Marlin Jackson DELAWAREVIKE Michigan CB Marlin Jackson Rasputen Michigan CB Marlin Jackson FargoDude Georgia S Thomas Davis golfervike Georgia S Thomas Davis hardy008 Georgia S Thomas Davis Daunte Georgia S Thomas Davis 84BallsDeep Georgia S Thomas Davis MinnyFaninPhilly Georgia S Thomas Davis RioGrandVike Georgia S Thomas Davis GBFan4 Georgia S Thomas Davis Wolf on the Prowl Georgia S Thomas Davis Vikefaninoh Georgia S Thomas Davis vicoden4 Georgia S Thomas Davis losangelesvike Georgia S Thomas Davis vikesforever Georgia S Thomas Davis ssven Georgia S Thomas Davis vikings84 Georgia S Thomas Davis skolvikings44
Georgia S Thomas Davis osubud
Georgia S Thomas Davis bdbviking Georgia S Thomas Davis VikingsSuperbowlChampions05
Georgia S Thomas Davis wdmvike Georgia S Thomas Davis Inspiredvike Georgia S Thomas Davis MossyBalls Georgia S Thomas Davis CycloneJim Georgia S Thomas Davis Viking CT Georgia S Thomas Davis FolsomPPE Georgia S Thomas Davis purplepat69 Georgia S Thomas Davis jbarnes1393 Georgia S Thomas Davis marcle Georgia S Thomas Davis OskiVike Georgia S Thomas Davis nordicvike Georgia S Thomas Davis NWVikingFan Georgia S Thomas Davis Purplexing Georgia S Thomas Davis akarogue trade down to #20 and select Georgia S Thomas Davis taz24 Georgia S Thomas Davis pgconboy Georgia S Thomas Davis toolvike Georgia S Thomas Davis vikingwacko Clemson CB Justin Miller royy2 Clemson CB Justin Miller foreverpurple Clemson CB Justin Miller HissingBoomslang trade down and select Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware ViNSaNiTy15UnC9 Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware natedogge7 trade down and select Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware JR Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware MichVike1> Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware godhead Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware MRLTIBBS Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware sandiegovikefan Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware SanDiegoVike Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware ACSChief Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware Daunte11 Troy State OLB Demarcus Ware capecodvike Virginia Guard Elton Brown Hobgoblin Virginia Guard Elton Brown Prospectsrising Virginia Guard Elton Brown Vikeduck Virginia Guard Elton Brown IndyVikings Virginia Guard Elton Brown kispoko trade down to #31 and select Virginia Guard Elton Brown ToughGuyTown Arkansas TE Matt Jones DarkVikingLord Arkansas TE Matt Jones CaliforniaViking Arkansas TE Matt Jones EwOOwE Arkansas TE Matt Jones meekengh Arkansas TE Matt Jones peregrin Arkansas TE Matt Jones SLIPKNOTXRAVEN West Virginia CB Adam Jones flexboy West Virginia CB Adam Jones Club81 Michigan S Ernest Shazor UncleBillyBonz Michigan S Ernest Shazor VikingBlitzkrieg Michigan S Ernest Shazor Inspiredvike Notre Dame DE Justin Tuck viketyke Notre Dame DE Justin Tuck sodakvikefan Notre Dame DE Justin Tuck VikingVick USC DT Shawn Cody purpleparty USC DT Shawn Cody Adam3132 USC DT Shawn Cody Vlibf99 Florida LB Channing Crowder colvike2004 Georgia DE David Pollack TheHighRoad Georgia DE David Pollack toughnut2crack Georgia DE David Pollack Wolverine Georgia DE David Pollack JIMVK55 Georgia DE David Pollack zer0effect Georgia DE David Pollack kmvikes Georgia DE David Pollack Mossasser04 Georgia DE David Pollack TheBeez67 Georgia DE David Pollack PuffysGameWornJersey Georgia DE David Pollack KWillsABeast Georgia DE David Pollack SFVikeFan Georgia DE David Pollack PApurple Georgia DE David Pollack dustcrow Georgia DE David Pollack purplevein Georgia DE David Pollack Daunteman11 Georgia DE David Pollack Hinezer Georgia DE David Pollack Packerhaters Georgia DE David Pollack rudyVike Georgia DE David Pollack DonT77 Georgia DE David Pollack vikeswin Georgia DE David Pollack Vikings66 Georgia DE David Pollack DauntesInferno Georgia DE David Pollack King84 Georgia DE David Pollack Biekert55 Georgia DE David Pollack JoeyInNorseJersey South Carolina WR Troy Williamson albuddah
South Carolina WR Troy Williamson StickyBun South Carolina WR Troy Williamson ViciousSid
South Carolina WR Troy Williamson Briody South Carolina WR Troy Williamson yoopervike South Carolina WR Troy Williamson AGRforever South Carolina WR Troy Williamson Calminnfan South Carolina WR Troy Williamson VikingsNJ
South Carolina WR Troy Williamson ahhhhhoooooooo South Carolina WR Troy Williamson 84BallsDeep South Carolina WR Troy Williamson RS Express South Carolina WR Troy Williamson swarf South Carolina WR Troy Williamson Touchdowntommyk South Carolina WR Troy Williamson FutureViking South Carolina WR Troy Williamson ProVike South Carolina WR Troy Williamson VikingInCO South Carolina WR Troy Williamson DubsOnD Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Otosis Wisconsin DT Erasmus James playa768 Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Kaneohevike Wisconsin DT Erasmus James VikingDavid
Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Vikesguy1 Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Moss4President Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Vikes1 Wisconsin DT Erasmus James vikingjedi Wisconsin DT Erasmus James kajjansiblackmamba Wisconsin DT Erasmus James 1Vikesfan Wisconsin DT Erasmus James FLVikesFan Wisconsin DT Erasmus James sullytool Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Mosstradamus Wisconsin DT Erasmus James rousuvikes Wisconsin DT Erasmus James SammyIA Wisconsin DT Erasmus James vikeincheeseland Wisconsin DT Erasmus James nokio8423 Wisconsin DT Erasmus James Bolstad79 Oklahoma DE/OLB Dan Cody TeddieBrown Oklahoma DE/OLB Dan Cody PegViking West Virginia WR Chris Henry Bullazin Michigan G David Baas ThankGod4Winfield Michigan G David Baas rdhdviking Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman PurpleRugger Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman bongbreath Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman toledoviking Maryland OLB Shawne Merriman drhoades Wisconsin DT Anttaj Hawthorne Arctic Warrior Tennessee OLB Kevin Burnett VIKESIN2003 LSU DE Marcus Spears papascott LSU DE Marcus Spears GunnVike LSU DE Marcus Spears TheCrimsonKing Nebraska CB Fabian Washington MG427 UAB WR Roddy White MadVike UAB WR Roddy White 1128446 UAB WR Roddy White SuperGonzo USC WR Mike Williams leetlenitz USC WR Mike Williams BlackMagic7 Texas RB Cedric Benson OCVike Texas RB Cedric Benson GCBen Miami S Antrel Rolle Akvike Ohio State PK Mike Nugent Viking33 Florida State OT Alex Barron Galaxy Washington T Khalif Barnes footballdiehard trade down to #20 and select Iowa DE Matt Roth