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Odyssey Of The Goddess Web Ring

This Odyssey Of The Goddess
website is owned by:
Lady Lora Venetii.
Odyssey Of The Goddess Webring

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Want to be a part of the
Odyssey Of The Goddess Webring?

If you have a pagan, wiccan or spiritual website, you are invited to join the Odyssey Of The Goddess Webring. I am looking for websites that are informative as well as entertaining. I WILL NOT ACCEPT sites that are pornagraphic, vulgar or disrespects the beliefs of others. So if you want to join please follow the steps listed below.

1 - Submit your site to the webring. You will be added to the RingMaster's "queue".

2 - Save the graphic "goddess.jpg" on your hard drive. Please do not link directly to this page.

3 - Add the HTML fragment to your webpage. *You will receive an email after submitting your information. Within that email, will be the URL to the webring home page and the HTML fragment that must be modified by you, to reflect your personal website information, and added to your page.

4 - Email me at letting me know you made the addition to your site. Please put in the subject line "addition to webring".

Within the body of the email please include:

Your site ID#
The URL for your website
Your email address

After I receive your email, I will review your site for the correctness of your HTML fragment. If everything looks good, I will add you to the ring! If I have any questions, I will contact you. If after 10 days if you still haven't place the HTML fragment and graphic on your site it will be removed from the queue and will not be added.

Submit site to Odyssey Of The Goddess
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

If you are already part of the webring, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site ID and password below:

Site ID #

If you have any questions, please email the Web Mistress.


This website owned and created by Lady Lora Venetii.
Celtic Ambrosia™