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2/5/01 - Wow...Happy new year to all. I'm still looking for a qualified webmaster to take over this site so send me an email with your work: This site still gets a decent amount of hits and I appreciate your support, but I am into the domain business now. My new site can be seen here if you care. Thanks for stopping by and I hope this website enlightens you.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

9/21/00 - You might be wondering what happened to this site, and why the lack of updates. I have quit the job of a Simpsons webmaster and moved on to greater things. I am now a domain broker and I have over 20 domains of my own. I am developing, so expect that to be up in the next month or so. It will offer free domain listings and free logos. I have also deleted my AOL account so if you have been trying to reach me at, that address has changed to Once again...I need a qualified owner to take over this site and content. He/she will be responsible for all updates and expanding the site. If you think you have what it takes please email me.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

5/12/00 - I haven't even looked at this site in about 6 months and realized that i need a qualified co-owner that can maintain and update this site. Please email me with any inquiries. I have already lost my place in the Simpsons Tree to "Krusty's Funhouse" probably cause of my lack of effort in updates. Expect to hear more from me in the future.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

12/17/99 - AN ACTUAL UPDATE*** I made a new, original page called Nonsense Email. I have collected some emails over the years that make absolutely no sense and put them in an archive. It's actually pretty funny. Check it out and happy holidays to everyone. Sorry for lack of updates.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

11/5/99 - My annual update just came so today I updated the contest winners on the Contest Page. Angelfire decided to make that annoying pop-up window maditory on every one of my pages. DAMN YOU ANGELFIRE!!!! Anyway...I also added a new "Where's Krusty?" image to the Where's Krusty? contest page. If you want to earn MONEY and prizes by playing games on the internet SIGN UP HERE.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

10/8/99 - Today I made a brand new contest on the Contest Page and the winners board was reset. I also added one original Krusty sound to my Sounds Page.
~Mike-- ICQ# 23438658

This web site, its operators, and any content contained on this site relating to "The Simpsons" are not authorized by FOX. "The Simpsons" and © FOX and its related companies. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication, distribution in any form is expressly prohibited. This site is maintained by Mike. I would like to thank Ben and Joe for helping out.