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Welcome to my Webring home page!

hi...i'm Kerry Gibbons...i would like to tell all of you about my little webring!  it's all about Van Fanel from The Vision of Escaflowne!  Tekuu no Escaflowne, as it's known in Japan, is the most amazing anime ever created!!  If you have just any anime page, it might not fly!!! have to have at least a feature on The Vision of Escaflowne. YOU ALSO HAVE TO PUT THE ICON AND LINK ON YOUR PAGE EXACTLY LIKE I MADE IT!!!  I know how horrible it is trying to join a web ring...that's why i made this web ring...!  

i hope to be able to reply to all requests within the week!!...if i don' can write me a very evil email...but ONLY if i don't reply within a week!

so! here goes!

to register, sign up, or put your web site on the ring, click on van...

to get the html code for the little icon at the bottom of web ring pages, click on van...

to go to a random site on the ring, click on van...

and to edit the info on your site, already on the ring, click on van...


This O-Sama Ring of Van Fanel site owned by Kerry Gibbons.

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This ***The anime webring owners webring site owned by Kerry Gibbons.

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by the way...all the pictures being used are copyrighted by bandai...except for the one that reads "The O-Sama Ring of Van Fanel"...that one is mine.  I drew it.  Do not cut the signature off of the picture.  Also, if you recieve an email telling you that your site has not been accepted into the ring, you are required to take the entire html fragment...(little icon) off of your site...everywhere that you put it.  You will recieve two warning emails and then I will take legal action if you do not.  Thank you.