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Tutorial about creating “spell casting” throwing weapons

By Nefarius


Ok so this kind of easy compared to other stuff so this tutorial will be somewhat smaller the other ones,

First you will need 2 files Missiles.txt and weapons.txt but the editing will be done ONLY in weapons.txt,

Open up weapons.txt with excel and find the throwing knife  duplicate it and simply change the code of the

item and its image to whatever you like next go to column missiletype and now open up missiles.txt choose

whatever missile you like (note: some dont work well as missiles eg: the flame of andariels death seams to

crash the game) next take the id number of the chosen missile and put it in the missiletype column in weapons.txt

now simply go to the column minmisdam and maxmisdam and make sure the are somewhat higher but not to high

(if the are to high the will mess up the item (eg: happened to me that the minimum damage

got higher that maximum damage) which made the game ignore the damage. If every thing was made

correctly you now will have a throwing weapons casting spells.







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