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A quick tutorial on making the titlescreen change

By Nefarius


Even I posted this on cheatlist forums also people from the forum mailed me

about this matter so I said to my self ill make a tutorial bout it and post it

on my site so that I wont need to mail it bout 10.000 times.


First you will need to make a new image or convert a existing one, for this to

work make sure the image is 800x600 pixels and not even on pixel bigger!!! If

you do make a image with other pixel amount the results can often be VERY

nice(laugh), next you must make sure that the image has only 256 colors and is

in pcx format(zsoft paintbrush), next you will have to apply a palette to the

file that matches the Diablo II palette, if you don’t know where to get

something like that simply go here the have both a tutorial

on making a palette by yourself or have ready palettes to download, after you

applied the palette you will need to save the image as titlescreen.pcx and

convert the image from pcx to the dc6 format used by Diablo II, do this with

dc6con(also get that one from the phrozenkeep), now simply use dc6con like

mpq2k(throughout run option in start menu) note: since this and also mpq2k are

dos programs you will need to have all files in the same folder, type in “dc6con

titlescreen.pcx” (DO NOT APPLY A TRANSCOL!!!), now after you have the dc6 image

use psidc6(also from the phrozenkeep) to test the image, if it works then read

the green text, if it does not work read the red text:


if the image seams to get twisted or has messed up colors then you have not

applied the palette, or your image is more then 256 colors, or you may have

applied a transcol by mistake, or your image is to big in size.


if it does work launch mpq2k and put the new image into this location:

mpq2k a patch_d2.mpq titlescreen.dc6 data\global\ui\frontend\titlescreen.dc6


now simply test it and your mod should have a new title screen like my mods do

8-), aka: with this very same method you can also change the char select

screen(charselectbckg.dc6) and also the trademark screen named(trademark.dc6).




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