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Tigger's Thought For The Day: Wish upon a star tonight :o)

Tigger & Pooh Website!

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Page last updated on 7/14/04
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"Pooh's up, down, turn around"

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Welcome to The Tigger and Pooh Website!!! Here you'll
find cool pictures, Tigger and Pooh news, links, polls
and more! Please sign the guestbook and don't forget to
vote at the polls! Enjoy your stay!!!

Tigger & Pooh News

Visit Disney's movie "Monsters, Inc." site!

Visit Walt Disney's Movies Site "MOVIES" !

More Pooh Printables HERE

Check out these Disney videos:

  • Detective Tigger-1997 (great mystery!)
  • Pooh's Grand Adventure-1997 (awesome movie!)
  • Day for Eeyore-1998 (for Eeyore fans!)
  • Imagine that Christopher Robin-1998 (happy movie!)
  • Winnie the Pooh & The Blustery Day-1968 (fun movie!)
  • Winnie the Pooh & The Honey Tree-1965 (favorite!)

Click here to get these newest and latest videos and DVD's from Disney!

Tigger & Pooh's Pics Pages!

Tigger and Pooh's Holiday Pages!

Christmas Pics**St. Patty's Pics**Valentine's Pics

July 4th/Bdays**Thanksgiving**Halloween**Easter

***Visit Tigger & Pooh's Christmas Page!***

Tigger & Pooh Screensavers and Themes

Tigger & Pooh's Coloring Pages!

Tigger & Pooh's Search Engine

My Tiggerific Pages

My Webrings

Awards I've Won

Pooh's Poem to You!

Link to Us!

Tigger & Pooh's Favorite links!

Meet my Adopted Heffalumps


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Tigger and Pooh Fan Poll
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