The audio quality on all lesssons is excellent. They are recorded on high quality cassette tapes.This is a nonprofit organization
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The True
Messiah Revealed
Yahshuah or Jesus.
Who is Jesus?
Who is Yahshuah?
Which one is the
promised Messiah?
This lesson will
provide the answers2 Tape Set
$10.00Two 90 minute tapes
Run Time
176 minutesTape # 197202
The Biblical
Hebrew Israelites,
The Worlds
Greatest SecretThis Lesson Is
broken down into
a 4 part series$5.00 per tape
The Entire 4 part series:
$25.00 for a Total
of 6 Tapes, 4 lessons
6-Tape Set
3-90 min tapes
3-60 min tapes
Run Time
440 min (0ver 7 hours)TAPE #194201
The Physical
Appearance of
Ancient Israel.Did the Israelites
of Biblical time,
resemble the images
that are portrayed of them
in the mainstream?
How does the scripture
describe the
physical appearance of Israel?2 Tape Set
$10.001-90 minute &
1-60 min Tape
Run Time
150 minutesTAPE #194202
PART 2 -
THE CURSESWhat are the curses,
Learn why the curses
are the only tool
use to identify who
the true Israelites are.2 TAPE SET
$10.002- 90 MIN TAPES
Run Time
170 minutesTAPE # 194203
The Nationality
& Lost Identity
of Israel
According to scripture
What is the Nationality
of the Hebrews?
How and when
did they lose their Identity?$5.00 1-Tape Set
Run Time 60 minsTAPE # 194204
Hebrewism of AfricaHebrews have existed
in African for
thousands of Years.
Learn more about
this well documented
but hidden knowledge.
Learn how this
relates to prophecy$5.00 1-Tape Set
Run time 60 minsTape # 197203
The Valley of Dry BonesWhat is the
valley of dry bones?
Who’s bones are these?
This tape will explain it.$5.00 1-Tape Set
Run Time 60 minsTape # 197204
Genesis Chapter 6
And The Destruction
Of Sodom
and GomorrahDid a group of sinful
angels take human women
for wives? Why was Sodom
and Gomorrah really destroyed?2-tape set
$10.001-90 min &
1-60 min tape
Run Time
149 minsTape #197205
Israelites and EgyptologistDid Israel Take the
laws and commandments
from Ancient Egypt?
Was Yah the Name
of an Egyptian God?
Learn who Egyptologist are,
This tape is an
response to their false teachings$5.00 1-tape set
Run Time 90 MinsCOMING SOON
The Following audio
lesson will be
available soon------------->
vThe Time of Jacob's Trouble,
Learn How the Governments
Plans to Destroy Israel
The Plans are in PlaceThe True Messiah
Revealed Part 2
Is Yahshuah
The son of Yah
or Yah the Father?Genesis 6 Part 2
The Return of the
Sinful angelsOld & New Testament --The Message To Israel Israel & The Gentiles False Pastors and Preachers Living in the Matrix-- The coming of the Anti-Christ Rabbi's and The Talmud
Why Hebrew Israelites
must not follow Judaism
or Jewish tradition
Mission & Duty
of the
Ashkenazi Jews
What 3 prophecies
are the Jews fulfilling?
Why have Yah allowed
them to reside in the land of Israel
What is their purpose?
This Tape explains
from scripture
The Mission and Duty
of the Ashkenazi Jews.$5.00 Approximate Run Time
60 minsHEAVEN AND HELL Does Man go to
heaven or hell after death?
Are There Multiple Levels of Heaven?1-90 1-60 min tape
$10.00Approximate Run Time
150 MinsThe Soul And Spirit
Does Man Have
an eternal Spirit inside
of him?
Are the Soul
and Spirit one and
the same?2-tape set
$10.001-90 1-60 min tape
Run Time
150 MinsThe Soul and Spirit PT 2
Where is Enoch?Is the Biblical
Character Enoch stillalive today?
Did he go to heaven
According to Scripture
where is he$5.00 1 -tape
Approximate run time 60minsTape # 197209
I Will Be Like
The Most High
Satan's Parallel World
Satan Has created
a false Parallel world
Do you know how
that world looks?
Learn about his deceptions$5.00 Approximate
Run Time
90 minsTape # 197208
Marriage and SexWhat consitutes a biblical marriage?
Does having sexual intercourse with a person make you married to them?
How does Yah reconize marriage, between man and woman?
This tape will explain what marriage is$5.00 60 mins Click Here To Proceed To The Order Form
More lessons on audio, video, spiral bound books, and booklets are forth coming. Continue to check this site for new material.