Christian Leadership Training Institute
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To: Christians Interested in LeadershipOur MissionWe are here to support Christians in working with the exciting area of communicating the Christian faith's practice in everyday life to the world through FREE, online, Christian Leadership training. If you answer yes to any of the following questions continue reading
Why Should I?
Wouldn't it be nice if the world could:...get World Class Christian Living guidance for Christians This Training Program connects people to Christ and each other for world class Christian living. We provide training that can be taken as a complete 4 year program leading to a certification as a ordained minister; including Christian Parenting, group leadership, board membership and other leadership position. Or you can use this site as a reference/continuing education tool or would you like lesson prospective. You can take only what you need, from dealing with addictive life styles to church finances. Could we ask you to provide your time to be trained to assist in this mission. If you feel that there is such a need for World Class Christian Living Support and you would like to receive training on it, please continue by selecting the product button on the left. Let's Get God's Word and Way of Living out to the Community.We believe that:
God needs you to see how special you are: (Psalm 139: 13-14) God expects you to acknowledge His right to be Lord of your gifts and talents by presenting your life to Him. (Romans 12:1-2) In Matthew 25:21-30 God expects you to accept responsibility for wisely using the gifts and talents entrusted to your care. In Genesis 2:2a God expects you to invest your life in purposeful activity. In 1 Corinthians 15:58 God expects you to use your abilities to meet His agenda on earth. In Matthew 6:33 God expects you to put mission at the center of your life. In 1 Corinthians 12:21 God expects you to acknowledge your need for others in discovering and doing work. You are visitor:
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