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What's New?

 Quick Survey

Hour of Decision  - 11.30pm Sundays 1467kHz MW.   20 The Countdown Magazine -  2pm Saturdays on DAB radio.

Insight For Living - 7.30pm Mon-Fri on DAB radio.

Click for Cardiff-Wales Forecast

Check out UCB's Satellite Radio listings (satellite info same as medium wave) for full schedule.  Reception quality (in S. Wales) was a little faint & slightly crackly, but definitely audible.  Tune in with TVs, computers, etc switched off (even in other rooms - old TVs are the worst culprit for interference) - rotate radio to strongest signal.

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27th March 2016 -

Happy Easter!

1st January 2016 - Miscellaneous updates to profiles on main page, and also to say...

Happy New Year!

24th December 2015 -

Merry Christmas!

4th April 2015 -

Happy Easter!

1st January 2015 -

Happy New Year!

24th December 2014 -

Merry Christmas!

20th April 2014 -

Happy Easter!

1st January 2014 -

Happy New Year!

24th December 2013 -

Merry Christmas!

31 March 2013 - Another quick update to say...

Happy Easter!

3 January 2013 - Just a quick update to say...

Happy New Year!

1 January 2012 -

Happy New Year!

24 December 2011 - Minor update to radio information on main page, and also to say...

Merry Christmas!

22 April 2011 - Just a quick update to say...

Happy Easter!

1 January 2011 -

Happy New Year!

Christmas Eve 2010 - Apologies for the lack of updates since Easter.  Removed Easter message and picture.  Just a long overdue update to say...

Merry Christmas!

5 April 2010 - Just a quick update to say...

Happy Easter!

7 January 2010 -

Removed Jonathan David Edwards CBE profile from list of Famous Christians due to recent news to the contrary. Also, removed out of date search engine code from main page, as Crosssearch appears to have been discontinued.

1 January 2010 -

Happy New Year!

Midnight Christmas/Christmas Day 2009 - Removed out of date Billy Graham 90th Birthday info link from main page.  Will gradually remove other out of date links in due course.  Just a quick update to say...

Merry Christmas!

31 October 2008 - Quick update to DAB listings - "20 Countdown" on Sundays and new time for "Let My People Think".

24 October 2008 - Updated radio listings to reflect DAB radio broadcasts.  Added Billy Graham 90th Birthday info link to main page.   Removed out of date radio shortwave radio frequency info. Other essential updates.

21 December 2007 - Apologies for the lack of updates this year.  Updated prices of CCM music and added The Picture Bible info.  Removed Samson: Judge of Israel graphic novel info as book is out of print/discontinued.

Last but not least...Merry Christmas!

Midnight Christmas/Christmas Day 2006 - Will gradually update obsolete links over the next few weeks.  In the meantime...

Merry Christmas!




Previous updates below:

Important Update: Less than 5 mins after I uploaded the main page, I tested the Dickens "The Life of Our Lord" link only to find it had been hijacked (possibly during the middle of this year). Removed link immediately from main page and the previous links this "What's New" page. Will try to check archival versions of the link to see if I can recover the original Dickens text.

Midnight Christmas/Christmas Day 2005 - Xmas update!

Fixed loads of broken links on Main page, and a few broken/obsolete links on Articles and Links pages.

Merry Christmas!

27 March 2005 - Quick update to reflect Easter.  Minor update to main page.  Removed 'peoplejustlikeus' link, as it no longer appears active.

3 January 2005 - Updated website in light of recent Tsunami earthquake disaster.

Please Support the Tsunami Earthquake Appeal

Disasters Emergency Committee at

Freely you have received, freely give... (Matt 10:8)

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything -- all she had to live on." (Mark 12: 41-44)

Repaired several links on the main page/index page, as well as a few links on the articles and links pages.

Midnight Christmas/Christmas Day 2004 - Xmas update!

Merry Christmas!

6 June 2004 - Partial update to main page.

Also, apologies to those who listened to the May 16 broadcast of Hour of Decision, when an unedited version of Dr Carson's testimony was broadcast.  A word was uttered which has a wider meaning in the UK than it does in the US. I used the contact form on the Hour of Decision website to query the broadcast and they responded as follows:


Thank you for your message regarding the Hour of Decision broadcast of 16 May 2004. You are correct in your surmise that in this broadcast the testimony from Dr. Carson that was previously edited did not run. You are also correct that the word in question does not have nearly the connotation here in the USA that it does in the UK. We deeply regret the offense and you can be assured that we will be much more careful with our editing in the future.

Your servant in Christ,

Bob Souer

Senior Producer - Radio

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

27 April 2004 - Added profiles of Jimmy Cricket & Gabbie Nolen.

Updated Music section.

8 April 2004 -

Happy Easter!

Easter Update & minor improvements to pages, update of Music Menu with AcornDirect info.

Fixed Warner Bros Christian label link.

Updated Maclaren profile with Gutenberg info.

Added Samson graphic novel info.

CrossSearch recently made Baptist Surfer a site (twice: once on Feb 24th 2004 & again on Mar 27th 2004!) indicating:

"This site has been consistently popular with other CrossSearch visitors. "

Thanks everybody!  And Praise The Lord for...well...everything really!

21 Feb 2004 - Quick update to main page, restoring main surf picture.

21 Dec 2003 -

Merry Christmas!

Usual Xmas update to main page.

Also, added Charles Dickens Link: "The Life of Our Lord" (same as last year!) 

Temporaily restored 20 Countdown.html due to another website linking to this page on a different website.

Updated music info on main page.

15 Nov 2003 -

News concerning "20 The Countdown Magazine" (Source:

Rivers Wins Court Action Over 20 The Countdown Magazine

Memphis--In a letter dated 09-18-03 accompanying the 09-27-03 edition of 20 The Countdown Magazine Jon Rivers wrote, "Attached you will find a document verifying that I, Jon Rivers, am the sole owner of '20 The Countdown Magazine'."

The document, dated 09-17-03, was an order from the US District Court in Memphis awarding ownership and sole right to produce and distribute "20 The Countdown Magazine" to Rivers. The order also named Rick Tarrant and Communion Communications Corporation as being "enjoined and prohibited from producing or distributing any radio show purporting to be related in any manner to '20 The Countdown Magazine' or utilizing that trademark in any manner whatsoever."

The dispute over ownership of the program began during late summer 2003 and resulted in several weeks where Rivers and Tarrants each distributed versions of 20 The Countdown Magazine. As of this writing Tarrant's website, was still online in apparent violation of the court's order.


Main page:

Updated price info on audio books and music.  Tweaked logo, background colour and surf pic, to make them more colour co-ordinated.

Updated Ravi Z and Greg Laurie profiles, removing out of date radio info.

Removed link for above reason.

Links page:

Removed 20 countdown link - see above.

Removed link - no longer available.

Added cmcentral newsfeed to main page, right next to klove link icon.

Removed "20 countdown fansite" and "CCM Showcase" pages - they haven't been updated for quite a while and I felt that the main page conveyed more "up-to-date" information on CCM music in general.

Minor enhancements to main page to speed things up, e.g. reducing no. of pictures displayed, trimming text on main page, etc.

12 July 2003 -

Added Quest Bible Study information to main page.

Minor enhancements to main page.

8 July 2003 -

Added Compton's NIV Bible info & MP3 Bible info to main page.  Added nice page transition when you enter & exit the website.  Decided to remove the surfer comet cursor pointer, as it tended to slow down the page transition effect (as well as the main page).

Deleted info on shortwave radio overnight schedules, as well as "Let My People Think" shortwave radio info; HCJB appear to have ceased broadcasting on the frequencies mentioned.  Check out the following info gleaned from the website:
HCJB ends English programs to North America and Europe

HCJB World Radio has decided to end nearly all programming in English and German to North America and Europe. English and Russian programming is set to end on May 31, while German programs to Europe will be phased out in September 2003. The world's first missionary broadcast organization is refocusing its radio ministries in Latin America for greater impact in the region and as part of a strategic global media mix. Regional broadcasts from HCJB studios in Quito, Ecuador, and its transmitter site in Pifo, Ecuador, will continue in Spanish, Portuguese, Quichua, Waorani, Cofán, German and Plautdietsch, but releases to North America, Europe and Africa will be phased out in 2003. HCJB has defended the move by saying that North American shortwave listeners have a growing number of Christian stations available, and the ministry is working to move European and African broadcasts to facilities in those areas. South Pacific and Asia broadcasts have already been moved to the new shortwave facility in Kununurra, Australia (see News from January 2003). Depending on listener response, an abbreviated morning shortwave release in English targeting missionaries serving in Latin America is however under consideration. The HCJB World Radio English Language Service will transition from a broadcast-focused ministry to a production focus, providing English programming to air in all regions around the globe.

(, May 1, 2003)

I'll try to find alternative broadcast times and frequencies.

Added Cornel Nuremberg info to Fast Facts section.  Moved radio info to main shortwave radio section on index page.

Between 30th June 2003 to 1st July 2003 - fixed broken links, such as the Martin Luther King biography link, Payne link, added Jimmy Stewart links, polished the shortwave info section, added trivia to Pascal profile, fixed "Ask a Geologist" link on articles page (uploaded fixed articles page I forgot to upload earlier!), etc.

26 June 2003 -

I'm pretty sure was a victim of the same problems that Christian Pirate Radio experienced, as explained by Christian Pirate Radio themselves:
"Decreased Internet advertising, the sluggish economy and the failure of the Librarian of Congress to enact a fair and affordable music licensing agreement with the RIAA has resulted in hundreds of Internet only radio stations closing their doors for good. Needing to be good stewards with our finances, we can no longer justify the monthly operational expenses, including the cost of delivering the streams to you, and the substantial amount of money that would have to be paid to the record companies, just for the privilege of promoting their artists’ music."

The Caribbean Radio (Caribbean Gospel Network) website also ceased broadcasting, for similar reasons:
"Thanks for your enthusiastic support of

We have thousands of friends like you, who have listened to our live stream over the past. Unfortunately, this popularity has a price tag. The bandwidth cost to support this great group of listeners has risen beyond our ability to support it.

We have had to cut our live stream until we have enough donations to pay for the monthly cost of streaming the largest collection of Caribbean Gospel Music."

Fortunately, I've found a pretty swish Christian Radio station called K-Love, which fills the gap left by

Added "Can I Trust The Bible?" link to Bible Search on main page.  Also, highlighted certain parts of the website with blue background tables.

Also, added link to the "Statement of Faith" page.

Minor miscellaneous additions, e.g. tiny trivia, to main page.

4 June 2003 -

Articles page updated links:

Minister who raised roof - deleted link.

Twr Japan link -no longer available so again deleted.

Lewis page link - updated link.

Main Page:

Evans and Robertson links- Updated links.

Ateam resource - No longer available. Deleted.

Stannard - Updated link.

Mowry teen advocate link - No longer available, uploaded backup instead.

dean jones link - updated, plus new link

Vvine and M Jones links - deleted some, added new links.

Added Andre Kole to profiles.

Added pics to Vine, Schneider, D. Jones, Polkinghorne, Mowrys and Chesterton profiles.

Note - Haven't updated main page of edition, since 20 mar 2003.  Will endeavour to do so sometime in the future.

26 May 2003 - Updated Books section.  Updated prices in Music section.

New short wave radio information.  Added extra link to Ben Carson profile.

Other minor improvements.  Removed link - they seem to have vanished.  Christian Pirate Radio has also stopped providing online radio, due to wrangles over finances, so perhaps gorillaforce had the same problems?

20 Apr 2003 - Updated Bible Search code: added new links.

Updated Point of Grace member profile - Warner Bros Records (Christian Division) website states 24 consecutive hits, so I've amended it accordingly.

Added Miller Bros profile to main page.

30 Mar 2003 - Updated radio listings to reflect British Summer Time (BST).

Added "Bible Search NIV UK" code to main page.

25 Mar 2003 -

Added NIV-UK link to main page, & updated Bible Search Code on articles, quotes & links pages.

Added links to articles page - Nuremberg, more Bible answers, Visions of Jesus: A Critical Assessment of Gerd Lüdemann's Hallucination Hypothesis, Bible Code article links, etc.

Extra links to links page.

Updates from 21 Sept 2002 to present date were made to the site, but I never got around to detailing these updates on the "What's New" page (see below).

Added Efrem Zimbalist Jr to main page.

Added additional apologetics links to the articles page.

Used archive webpages to create new links for Grisham, Carter & Tim Vine listings on the main page.

Pleased as punch about the return of broadcasts of "Insight for Living", on the (admittedly unauthorised) UCB Relay transmissions, on 549/558 kHz Medium Wave  at 7.30pm Mon-Fri. (Reception varies from evening to evening, but with the evenings getting lighter, reception can only improve.)

Added snowflakes anim, snowboard pic (retained for Winter season - not specific to xmas) & snowboard game link. Also, added geophrase code to greet different visitors in different countries. (Removed after Xmas.)

Added Babelfish translation code to top of page.

Around Xmas, added Charles Dickens Link: "The Life of Our Lord".  Interesting to note that around the same time the Xmas link was added, a CTMag article stated he was a Unitarian!  However, one website printed a letter apparently written by Charles Dickens to a correspondent (reprinted below):

I know you were a Christian. I understand you were not too happy about some Christian traditions (the Methodist tradition, for example). What is your attitude toward Christians (I mean different denominations)? Did you belong to the Anglican church?

I am from Minsk, Belarus (former USSR) and I have loved your books since I was 13 or so. You're one of my favorite authors still. I am 40 now.

(Yuri Smirnov , aged 25+)

Dear Yuri,

Many thanks for your kind comments on my work.

You are correct that I remained a Christian throughout my life.

I always considered religious faith to be a fundamentally personal business, and accordingly I had a lifelong distrust of those who were too showy in their profession of Christian ideals.

Both Evangelical religion (as practised by Mr Chadband in Bleak House) and Roman Catholicism, were the subject of my personal and printed scorn, and in general I detested all the ''unseemly squabbles about the letter'' of Christian doctrine, ''which drive the spirit out of hundreds of thousands'' (letter to Rev R H Davies, 31 Dec 1856).

My view was that the minutiae of faith was unimportant, if the heart be in the right place. Love, charity and duty are the core of my religious life.

My parents were Anglican (which is to say, Church of England), and my first church services were in the Anglican church in Chatham.

But they were not dogmatic, and I also attended services in a local Baptist chapel.

For much of my life I was drawn to a Unitarian faith, but eventually (as my biographer and friend John Forster puts it in his version of my life) I was able ''to accommodate all minor differences'' with the Anglican faith, and I ended my days as a regular communicant at Church of England services.

Yours faithfully,

Charles Dickens

The link seemed apt for Xmas - a Dickens retelling of the life of Jesus, to complement the Christmas Edition of this site.

26 Nov 2002 - Added Vishal Mangalwadi & Mike Follin to the profiles.  I'm really pleased about the Mike Follin info - I'm always keen to add people from the Computer Games & Video Games industry. (Nostalgia!)

20 the Countdown Magazine no longer broadcasts on the 7.58 MHz Shortwave frequency, so I'm afraid we'll have to make do with the broadcasts on 549 kHz medium wave (N. Ireland & S Wales) or UCB Satellite (if you have satellite).

I'm not sure if Let My People Think broadcasts on the Shortwave frequency given by HCJB. I'll try to find out more info. In the meantime, you can listen online via their broadcasts archive.

5 Nov 2002 - Added Paul Overstreet profile, unlinked several files on the articles page (Billy Graham Questions and answers section no longer works: Graham's website has been given a radical overhaul), added extra info to Carter profile (Nobel Peace Prize), removed several links that no longer work (again Graham website links, due to aforementioned overhaul), updated Samaritans profile, and updated radio frequencies and times to reflect end of BST (British Summer Time).

21 Sept 2002 - Plenty of new links:

Articles Page- Karla Faye Tucker, Harry Potter, King James Bible, & Bible Code Review links.

Index Page - added Don Knuth, Larry Wall, Sara Evans (Welsh surname!), European footballers & an extra Tim Vine link.  Added Vijay Benedict and added info on where you can get Alexander Maclaren's works on CD Rom.

Links - Ministry link icons on top of page.

AskJeeves (UK & US) now carries Baptist Surfer.  In fact, perform a search for either "Famous Baptists" or "Famous Christians" & Baptist Surfer is on the 1st page of results!!!  Thanks, AskJeeves!!

In addition, Google lists Baptist Surfer on the 2nd page of results if you perform a search for "Famous Baptists"

Removed link (Domain for Sale),

Jaguar XJ220 link (don't ask!),

Funk&Wagnalls link

CCN link (not active)

Prince of Egypt link (see above)


Library of Online Evangelical Christian Books link (web host reports page was not found, but a quick Google search found the following link for "Library of Online Evangelical Christian Books":

However, it seems to be on a secure server. It will probably appear again via this domain

Also removed Ulster Christian Mag "UCMag" link

I've emailed the "Keep It Christian Campaign" website (see links) about the link.

Added press coverage table to the links page and a few link icons.  Removed the "Gospel International" link, as it's forever under development.

25 Jul 2002 - Good News!  Baptist Surfer now has over 2000 hits on the main page alone!!!

Other News: I was recently contacted by Netscape - Website Garage will be discontinued from August 15th this year, which includes the counter on the main page (unless you're an AOL Hometown user - but I use Angelfire for my free webspace).  I'm currently testing out Ultimate Counter.

Added loads more links to the Tia & Tamera Mowry profile.

Added extra links to Tim Vine & Milton Jones profiles.

Added links to Mr. T profile.

Additional Richard Kiel links.

Inserted Jesus Christians profile into the Cross Examine Section

10 Jul 2002 - Added Benjamin S Carson profile, after hearing him on a recent Hour of Decision broadcast.

Updated Adventist profile with the following link: (relates to Benjamin S Carson entry)

The Watchman Expositor: Seventh-day Adventism Profile

"Historically, evangelicals have had difficulty defining and categorizing SDA. Much SDA doctrine is biblically orthodox. Within its ranks are many true Christians, some even in positions of prominence. At various points in its history, most notably in the 1888 General Conference, the SDA church has been shaken by the biblical gospel."

Baptist Surfer comment: There are still uncertainties regarding the SDA, but as the above link admits, there are also good Christians within the organisation, and I believe Benjamin Carson is one of them.  However, I'm keeping the Adventist profile within the "Cross Examine" section, to reflect those uncertainties.

Added Alice Cooper to "Children of Baptist Ministers" section:

He no longer performs some of his back catalog. Any song promoting promiscuous sex and drinking "gets the axe," he said. "I was one thing at one time, and I'm something new. I'm a new creature now. Don't judge Alice by what he used to be. Praise God for what I am now." (Source: CharismaNews)

There are 3 different versions of how he got his name, including a myth concerning the use of a certain board.  However, in recent interviews, he's always stated that the name was chosen because he wanted a name that sounded like a sweet little old lady: Miss Cooper.. Alice, Alice Cooper - to contrast against his shock image persona.  This seems the most credible, in light of various other myths concerning the band.

Updated loads of broken links on the main page:

Chesterton, Pascal & Bunyan links, new Dan Dare links, new Sting (Steve Borden) & Mr. T Links, and plenty of other links. Added "Was Charles Schulz a Secular Humanist?" link on the Articles page, and updated a few links.  Removed "New Book Tallies Religions" link - no longer available.

Apparently, UCB do not broadcast on medium wave - it's been suggested that a local Irish group are relaying the satellite broadcasts, to a local transmitter, and broadcasting them on medium wave.  However, it seems to switch between UCB Inspirational & UCB Talk - I used to be able to listen to Insight for Living, at 8pm mon to fri - not any more.

TNIV debate - the debate continues.  Those against the TNIV read like a "Who's Who " of famous Christian Ministers: Chuck Swindoll, Joni Eareckson Tada, Alastair Begg, Charles Colson, etc.  However, maintains that the critics continue to misrepresent the changes made.  They point out that other translations have also been gender accurate/gender neutral, without criticism by those who are anti-TNIV.  However, anti-TNIV sites point out that:  "The TNIV raises more concern in this regard than previous Bible versions because, riding on the reputation of the NIV, the TNIV may vie for a place as the church's commonly accepted Bible."

I haven't yet had the opportunity to read my sample copy of the TNIV New Testament (I had hoped to read it last Easter), but intend to read it over the next few months, to see for myself what differences there are between the NIV & TNIV.

7 Jun 2002

Index page -

Updated programme timings to reflect British Summer Time (BST), for midnight radio broadcasts.

Angelfire allowed me to place a small graphic in the advert banners, so I placed a small British flag in the banners, to reflect my country of origin.

Updated a few Billy Graham links.

Added another link to Francis Collins profile.

Added link to Polkinghorne profile, and added Templeton Prize award info.

Added Henry Drummond link, to provide a source of his works

Added Musical note anim gif and tiny gifs, to clearly indicate musical links.  Normally, I'm not keen on lots of tiny little gifs on the main page (especially where text alone will do the same job & in less time), but at 89 bytes, the musical notes seemed fast enough to load in each time.  Also, unlike text, there's no keyboard equivalent of a musical note.

Other minor improvements, including link updates on articles & links pages.  WWF/WCW changed to WWE for wrestlers profiles.  Play247 changed to

Added extra info on Point of Grace member Heather Payne.

Added purchase info for "Down to the river to pray" song.

Most of the links on the Articles page have been refreshed.

30 Mar 2002 -                                                          Happy Easter!

New URL for CrossSpot Edition of this site :

Changes since last recorded update:  

Easter Link Icon on main page (note the cute, anim bunny!)

Also, on ITV1 this Easter Monday (1st April), look out for an animated version of C S Lewis's "The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe", at 11.15am. [29 Apr 2002 Update:  Unscheduled film replaced it, probably due to recent Royal events.] To be honest, I've never read this series of books, but many authoratative commentators have heaped huge praise on this series, so I will have a chance to see it for myself this Monday.  (I vaguely recall a BBC Children's live action series, but it took a kind of theatrical/drama approach, whereas I prefer the emphasis on action and adventure.(Probably why I prefer the old B/W Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies, to the modern tv series versions.)

CrossSearch Search box extended to fit top of main page (index). 

HeartLight Bible Proverbs (NIV) NewsFeed at top of main page.  The only occasional problem, is that it's a non anglicised news feed.  i.e neighbor for neighbour.  There were plenty of KJV scripture news feeds, but  I felt that a modern english translation, would make more of an impact on visitors to this site.  (Other countries have translations in their own language, so why not a modern english translation for a modern english generation?

Added "John Schneider" pocket profile.

Improved "Music Menu" on main page - sample Classic CCM Albums.

Currently updating links on Articles page (most Terry Mattingly links updated).

Removed the following links: Another look at 'Peanuts' religion, For heaven's sake, why do they ban Christian radio? & Steven Hawking Debunks Astrology, as they are either no longer available, or require payment to read them (or both).

Updated Billy Graham links (& mini pic) on main page.  Currently in the process of updating Billy Graham links on the Articles page.

Updated Radio info (ready for British Summer Time).

Other minor improvements to main page.

TNIV Translation

I was one of the 40,000 who applied for & received the TNIV New Testament sample book.  (All the way from America - to be honest, I didn't think they'd send it to countries outside the USA.  I figured they'd just keep me up to date with the latest TNIV news.)

I've kept up with the debate regarding the gender accurate/gender neutral changes.  If passages that were mistakenly translated as masculine, are actually gender neutral, then I don't see a problem with the changes.  However, other influential figures state that these very same passages, have been mistakenly translated as gender neutral, when they are actually masculine references.  In particular, respected theologian J I Packer seems to think the NIV translators have taken a wrong turning.

I'm also curious about the other changes -  "tunic" changed to "shirt", time changes, etc.

For what it's worth, I'm looking forward to reading this new translation, at least to see what difference the changes have made. I suppose you could argue that the differences between the NIV & TNIV, aren't as great as the differences between the (Middle English) King James Version & NIV .  (The change from "tunic" to "shirt", seems to indicate a mainly stylistic change, perhaps even a semi colloquial approach.)

"Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land." Proverbs 25:25

Receiving a New Testament all the way from America (it must have cost a fortune!), has cheered me up no end, and is particularly welcome during this Easter season.  If a translation were judged by the generosity of it's translators, the "T" in "TNIV" would stand for terrific!

Medium Wave Updates

Interesting to see that, from 1st April, "Through the Bible" will broadcast on TWR's 1467 kHz Medium Wave frequency. A few years ago, it used to broadcast around the 13?? kHz frquency, but the reception was overlapped by other radio broadcasts.

Some time ago, I suggested to "Insight for Living" that they could broadcast on TWR's 1467 kHz Medium Wave frequency. They were kind enough to respond that their broadcasts, on Satellite & on London's Premier radio (& Premier's Satellite frequency), already covered a wide enough area.

I can't help feeling it was a missed opportunity to reach a wider audience though. (Not everyone has or is permitted a satellite dish on their roof.  If you travel a lot, a satellite dish is impractical to install all the time, and  it restricts mobility to one room.) 

On radio, a medium wave frequency is easier to "stumble" upon, compared to a satellite frequency.   There's also the personal, portable, compact (& cheap!) nature of radio.  To splash out £100 on a satellite dish & receiver, just to listen to a radio broadcast you may not listen to again, represents more of a risk, in comparison to using your existing sub £10 AM/FM radio to tune into the broadcasts for the first time.

New URL for CrossSpot Edition of this site :

29 Jan 2002 - Just a quick mention of  Today's New International Version (TNIV).  A recent Christianity Today Magazine article, Revised NIV Makes Its Debut, explains the changes far better than this webmaster could. (The full version of this new Bible translation will be released in 2005!).  This new translation represents a 7 percent change from the NIV. You can request a complimentary copy of the TNIV New Testament via their Feedback form.

TNIV Story

Frequently Asked Questions

TNIV New Testament online




6 Jan 2002 -                                     Happy 2002!!!

I've decided to keep the snowboard pic & snowflake anims on the site - they're not exclusive to Xmas, and seem apt for the Winter season.

Added Keep It Christian Campaign link to the Links page.  My only concern about this campaign is that, by suggesting that they're willing to buy back former Christian websites (even at a high price), the current owners will use this money to buy more abandoned Christian websites.  i.e. indirectly funding future purchases of abandoned Christian websites.  Still, if the campaign prevents other websites from being abandoned in the future, then it's got to be worth checking out!

18 Dec 2001 -                                          MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Christmas updates completed.  Admittedly, I 've used the same snowboarder pic, but the snowboarding game is new! Click on the snowboarder pic to load game.  Control snowboarder via mouse.  

At the time of writing, if you perform a search for the word "baptist" in, the first site it links to is none other than... Baptist Surfer!!!  (Thanks!!!) (Update Mar 30 2002: back on page 3 again.)

Added quote to main page.

Added "Billy Graham "& "Christianity Today Mag" link icons to main page (index).

Added link to Saint Nicholas profile (from articles page).

Added Samaritans song link by The Darins.

Added Knighthood links to "Billy Graham" profile.

Added KBE to "John Polkinghorne" profile (& new link).

Added "Interview with Francis Collins" link to profile. has been acquired by, run (according to Christianity Today Mag's Weblog) by four Princeton grads in their mid-twenties, so maybe the profiles I've linked to - Tia & Tamera Mowry transcript page Mr.T transcript page (inc.Video interview) WCW's Sting (Steve Borden) (inc.Video interview) - will still be available in the future.

9 Dec 2001 -

According to a recent Christianity Today Magazine Weblog, Billy Graham was named an honorary Knight of the British Empire!!!  So it's Billy Graham KBE!  A First Class award honour for a First Class preacher!!!

Added "Music Menu" (More music links).

You can also search CDNow for sound clips: type in the name of any CCM Artist, into the search box of their website, and click on the MPEG links (less than 30 second sound clips).

WesleyOwen links up with & Sunrise Software. (Reflected on the Links page.)

Minor improvements to several pages (index, 3 main links, CCM pages, etc).  

Xmas updates - more to update later.

Added "The Samaritans" contact number and email address - makes sense...founder of  "The Samaritans" (and "The Samaritans" link) already in profiles.

2 Dec 2001 -

Restored Surf picture to main page.

Moved the Al Green profile to the "Famous Baptists" section, due to new info on his church.

Tidied up a few pages & links.

Added article link to "Deniece Williams" profile.

Added "20 Countdown" shortwave listing to main page.

Removed the HCJB India listing for "Let My People Think", as it doesn't seem to broadcast in that slot (contrary to the scheduled listing).

Added some quotations to several files (Ten Commandments, Unitarian fact file, Trinity,& J Simpson files) on this website. Expanded upon the Simpson file, adding a few more links.

10 Nov 2001 -

Good News!  Baptist Surfer passes the Millennium mark!!! Over 1000 hits on the main page alone !!!

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2: 8-10

A recent Christianity Today Magazine Weblog (Week of November 5), indicates that is to close, due to financial difficulties.

Three of my "Famous Christians" profiles, link to various interview pages from their archives:

Tia & Tamera Mowry transcript page

Mr.T transcript page (inc.Video interview)

WCW's Sting (Steve Borden) (inc.Video interview)

Now would definitely be a good time to read and save out these transcripts, just in case the site goes offline.

I recall reading (ages ago) that Chuck Colson and a few other ministries, were interested in acquiring the site - perhaps they'll snap it up?

Found an alternative shortwave radio to purchase (from Maplin):

PLL World Radio - Affordable shortwave radio - with bonus of FM & MW. £29.99 from Maplin. Features: PLL tuner (so you can actually see the numbers of the frequency you're tuning into), as well as 5 pre-set buttons for each frequency (20 memories, 5 for each band), to save your favourite stations on. It's a bargain!  For more information, click here.  Built in Stereo earphone jack socket, so for best results, use with headphones. Maplin actually lists 2 entries for the same radio (same code: QL 94C).  Click here for the alternative description.

Finally located the updated HCJB shortwave frequencies, on a different part of the main HCJB website.


HCJB India broadcasts, on 11.785 MHz Short Wave, the "Let My People Think" and "Slice of Infinity" radio programmes. Check out the following:

Slice of Infinity -             11.785 MHz Short Wave - 12.25am Monday - Friday (HCJB India: audible across UK!)

Let My People Think -   11.785 MHz Short Wave - 12.00am Sunday               (HCJB India: audible across UK!)

Updated the AwesomeArt webpage & placed it on this site.- the pictures are now split across 8 different pages, which should mean faster loading times.

Added Down to the River to Pray music link..

The 2 "NIV Compact" books  featured on the main page, can be purchased in paperback from WesleyOwen

Also, updated through-the-night shortwave radio broadcast information:

Insight for Living           -                 9.745MHz  Short Wave       -          2.00am  Monday - Friday

A New Beginning         -                  9.745MHz  Short Wave        -         1.30am  Monday - Friday

Slice of Infinity             -                  9.745MHz  Short Wave       -          1.55am  Monday - Friday

Hour Of Decision         -                  9.745MHz  Short Wave       -          2.00am  Sunday


I haven't included my email address on this site, but I have submitted it to the various search engines/directories, which mention my website.  If it's really important to contact me, you can email the search engines which carry this site - in fact, one Christian search engine, ChristSites, already displays my email address, and is picked up by Google.

In other words, my email address isn't a's just not that well known(!)  In any case, the information published on this website speaks for itself.

Thank you for your interest, and feel free to copy any of the links on this website.


6 Nov 2001 -

Thanks to Jesus Folk for informing me of a corrupted link on my site.  The offending link has since been expelled from my website.  Apologies to any other readers, who may have clicked on the offending link.

Other points of interest:

Let My People Think shortwave frequency changes. (Updated late - I only found out about the new "LMPT" times by chance. The main HCJB website didn't mention this change.)

The shortwave radio mentioned on the index page, is no longer available.  I'll try to locate a different radio page to link to, or several outlets that sell a number of radios to choose from.

Also, should have mentioned (on 13 Sept 2001) - added Heather Payne (CCM supergroup Point of Grace) Famous Baptist Profile.

Also, note:  The 20 The Countdown Magazine radio broadcasts, on 7.58 MHz shortwave, are prone to unscheduled programme changes.  

13 Sept 2001 -         Main Update:    Tributes & Prayers links (see above)

Minor enhancements to main page.

William D. Phillips profile added.

Deniece Williams profile added.



18 Aug 2001 -

Good News!  Baptist Surfer has over 700 "hits"!

Also, I've decided to tidy up a few web pages:

All "What's New" updates, between 25 Sept 2000 - 17 Aug 2001, can be accessed on a separate link (see foot of page), thus freeing up space, and accelerating the loading of this "What's New" page.

Also, added "Guide2Games" newsfeed - very favourable reviews of the Monkey island series of games - and a Cardiff Weather Forecast newsfeed!!!

The "Leading Light Awards" website seems to have retired.  (It seems to link to a footwear company!)   Replaced the link.  

Index page -

Minor improvements, including Christian Roots of Soul link (cut and pasted from a different part of the the web page), for soul singer profiles.

The 2 "NIV Compact" books  featured on the index page, are no longer sold by WH Smith any more, but you can still purchase the hardback editions, from Christian Retailer (about £12.99 each, excluding £1.00 postage - at the time of writing/typing).

Added "Kriss Akabusi MBE MA" profile & Official Website link.  Also, CBE addition to "Jonathan David Edwards" profile.

Although "Sir Ron" was a nice gesture(!), I think "Ronald Reagan KBE" is probably more accurate for his profile.  The site has both Jimmy Carter (Democrat) & Ronald Reagan (Republican), which helps balance the list of profiles.

Links -

Sharpened up a few descriptions, and added Baptist Surfer's "Internet Monthly Religion Top 10" snapshot, as well as link icons for Mirago & Lycos.

Background information

Quick comment on the Pocket Profiles - Not a complete list of every single name, just a personally compiled list of Famous Christians.  Includes Christians from all Christian Denominations (Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian, Quaker, etc). Since this is a Baptist website, it also happens to highlight famous Christians who are also famous Baptists.  Hence "Famous Baptists" section.

There are several other famous Christian websites.  This site profiles famous Christians from a UK perspective, with an emphasis on historical Christians, and some modern day Christians.  Also note, that they don't have to be "famous" in themselves, but can be "famous" for what they've created, or "famous" in their own field of study.

For a list of famous Christians in the Movie, TV, and Sports industries, from a US perspective, click on the following link: PeopleJustLikeUs.

It was thanks to this website, that I was able to verify "Tia & Tamera Mowry" as Christians. (I figured at least one of the Mowry twins was religious: I recall reading about a Christian movie, called "Something to Sing About", starring CCM Artist "Kirk Franklin" and one of the Mowry twins.)  It provided a link to a website with a very useful search engine.  After searching this website's archives, I was able to provide a direct link to an interview with them.  

I also found Video interviews with Mr T (I think I can recall some religious comments he made, but couldn't verify them) & WCW's Sting (Steve Borden).  The Tiffany Brissette (80s sci-fi/fantasy series Small Wonder) listing (placed in the Articles section - it wasn't so well known in the UK), was completely new to me, so full credit to PeopleJustLikeUs for this information.

What's New? Archive (25 Sept 2000 - 17 Aug 2001)