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Welcome to the Bardly Fiction Home Page!

This page contains fiction based on the television series "Xena: Warrior Princess". All of these tales contain references to same gender adult relationships. If you find this idea offensive, perhaps you would be happier elsewhere in the digital universe.

IMPORTANT: Please continue ONLY IF YOU ARE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER! Kids, sorry, but you should select the back button now.

Still here? You'd better be a grownup!

This way to the stories!

Tales Set in the Time of Xena: Warrior Princess

Bittersweet Homecoming - have you ever wondered what happened to Eponin after "Hooves and Harlots"?

Frustration - it can do strange things to anyone; even a bard and a warrior princess.

Uber Tales

Gridiron Princess - Do you know what a gridiron is? It's a football field. Please read the disclaimers on this one; there are some rather disturbing, though not too graphic, descriptions of rape and abuse. Not for the fainthearted.

Gridiron Princess II -- Loose Ends - All the Gridiron Princess disclaimers apply, plus more. I had to put a nightmare warning on this one. There are asterisks marking that section for those who would like to skip that part.

Pure Silliness

Fish, Fans, and Turkey Legs, or Xena and Gabrielle go to the Renaissance Festival.

Constructive comments? I'd love to hear them. Bring 'em on!

Flames? Beware, I have a fire extinquisher and will not hesitate to use it.

Thanks for visiting!