
Summer 2007

poets & artists

Bringing Up Spring by Paula Grenside

( Italy )

Featured Poet: Sandra Beasley

I: Thrum of Wings

[ Felino Soriano, Lori Desrosiers, Robert Klein Engler, Jill Chan,
Michael Lee Johnson, Jan Oskar Hansen, Jasmine Neosh,
Tamiko Beyer, John Grey, Micah Towery ]

II: Eclipsed by the Whirr and Squeak

[ Corrine De Winter, Jim McCurry, Amy Small-McKinney,
Jim Yagmin, Sue Blaustein, Steve De France, Eileen Moeller,
Oswald LeWinter, Lenny Lianne ]

III: Raw Silk in the Mouth

[ Rachel Mallino, Patrick Pfister, Cheryl Dodds, Clare L. Martin,
Robert Lietz, Gary Beck, Melissa Buckheit ]

IV: The Parenthetical Body

[ PJ Nights, Mark DeCarteret, Rebecca Lu Kiernan, Laurel K. Dodge
Tree Riesener, Martin Willitts, Nicholas Messenger,
Pui Ying Wong, Maureen McHugh, Jeff Crouch ]

Review: Suzanne Frischkorn

Review: Nicole Cartwright Denison

Essay: C. E. Chaffin

Current Issue - Summer 2007
