And the Rest

I got lazy and couldn't figure out how to break these down. So, without further ado, here are the rest.

Dead Violets She thinks like me. She likes the same stuff as me. She wants to live in England... just like me. Frankly, I'm scared.

The Dialecterizer Put in a URL, and it'll change the page to a certain dialect. Loads of funny fun.

Eat Fiber, Stay Regular He thinks just like me. Only he's crazy and I'm not.

The President of France Why can't our President be like him?

Dinobuddy's Diary He's funny.

Still Doper Than You. True. She is dopier than me. She's the only one, however.

Looking for Mr. Amstrong? Crazy English people.

The Truth about the BSB The ending's the best.

Marisa's World of Toys from Long Ago: Everything from Strawberry Shortcake I think the name of the site covers it...

Parasites Ahh... parasites never cease to amuse me.


Test Bunnies Tests done on marshmellow bunnies. Finally, the truth is out.

Simulate a Life Are you like me? Do you not have a life? Now you can simulate on!

God's Webpage Even God has a site. Good for God!

Refrigerate Cheese Strangly enough, this isn't about cheese. But now I hate Sharp. ...The guy. I already hated sharp cheese.

SimCity in Japanese Everything you ever wanted to know about the great Sim games, and all in Japanish.

Hate Mail I sent a bunch of these babies out. You should too.

Click Here To Visit: Elvis Shot JFK - We Have Proof

dawntears got their NeoPet at
dawntears got their NeoPet at
