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Digital *NSYNC version 5.0 // The d.i.g.i.t.a.l Experience 2001!
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:: Updates ::

Hey yall! As you can see, we have an AWESOME NEW layout thanks to Megan @ CMA World! Thanks chica you're the best! We are still going to be updating and adding lots to this site, but we figured we would open the site again due to the loss of traffic. We are also creating and opening a *NSYNC Fan Fiction site and a *NSYNC Award site, so stay tuned for more info on both of those! Also, please be sure to sign the guestbook, your comments mean the world to us. Well, we will shutup now so that you can go surf the site! LoL Peace out! *Kristina*

:: News ::

*NSYNC paid a visit to talk show host Larry King on his CNN show Larry King Live on Tuesday. Among the topics of discussion were dating, fame and controversial rapper Eminem. Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick revealed that they are the only two members of the group that are not currently dating anybody. King then spoke with Justin Timberlake about his relationship with girlfriend Britney Spears. "She's a wonderful, wonderful person and I'm very lucky to have somebody on the other side of the spectrum who understands all these things that I go through." King then asked Timberlake if he loves her: "Yes, I do love her," Timberlake said. "She's the kind of person that I have a deep, deep love for." King asked the group members about Eminem and J.C. Chasez admitted to liking the rapper. "I have the CD in my car and I play it all the time. I mean, you don't have to believe everything he says - and you know, follow what he does - because he hates us."

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