Life in a Northern Town

By Robert Cargill

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Copyright 2000, by Robert Cargill. All rights reserved.
For constructive criticism or comments, contact me


A Day's Rest

      Kelly lay motionless in bed. She could not decide whether to get up or go back to sleep. It was late morning. She had already slept in quite a bit longer than she usually did on an average Saturday. She felt well rested too. Yet, she could not quite make herself get out of bed.

      It was the first Saturday in a long time, that she was the only one home. Her roommate, Greg, had left with his boyfriend for Gay Pride festivities in downtown Cleveland. Their permanent houseguest, Tyler, was working his shift at the record store. And to top things off, she had absolutely no plans, errands, or appointments scheduled.

      Being able to simply lie in bed with no obligations was pure bliss for Kelly. However, a ring from the telephone reminded her that nothing lasts forever.

      Kelly reached for the phone. "Hello?"

       "Hi, is Greg there?"

       "No, he's not."

       "Is this Kelly?"

       "Yes," she hesitantly replied, not recognizing the voice.

       "This is Orly."

      Orly was a friend Greg's, who was planning to visit in a few weeks. Kelly had met Orly before, and liked her. However, Kelly was not looking forward to having an additional visitor to her household. "Oh, yeah, hi. Greg's with Anthony at Pride."

       "Oh, ok. I need to give him my flight info."

       "I can take a message."

       "Thanks. I kinda' wanted to talk to him, too. When will he be back?"

       "I'm really not sure." Kelly glanced around her bed stand, looking for pen and paper.

       "Ok." Orly fell silent.

       "I found a pen. Go ahead."

      Orly paused again. "Can I tell you something, Kelly?"

       "Sure, what?" Kelly tried to sound positive. She sensed what Orly had to say was important. She had a feeling this conversation was going to take a lot longer than just copying down flight information.

       "I have been meaning to tell Greg. I don't know why I haven't. He's such a good friend. He's always been so easy to talk to. But for some reason I haven't told him yet." Kelly remained silent while Orly paused. " I'm coming to Ohio for a reason. I hope you don't mind if I talk to you about it."

       "Of course not, go ahead." Whatever Orly had to say sounded serious. Kelly was almost afraid to hear it. Orly's news sounded ominous, but Kelly could not deny that she was curious.

Thertainly Thumbody

      Greg and his boyfriend, Anthony, were holding hands as they strolled down the center of Voinivich Park. Greg considered holding hands to be one of the simplest romantic pleasures to share with a loved one in public. Fingers intertwining with the other person's fingers, it was a symbol of the trust and reliance that they both share. For Greg, holding hands felt warm, sensual, and slightly erotic. It was especially nice for Greg. As a gay person, he did not often hold Anthony's hand for fear of reprisal from the narrow-minded.

      Greg and Anthony were browsing the various booths that were set up for Pride festivities: "Lutherans and Friends," "GLSEN," "ACLU," "Lesbian-Lemonade."

      Greg slowed, tugging on Anthony's arm. "Let's get some lemonade." It was a must on a hot June day.

       "How much is it?" Anthony fished some money out of his pocket as they turned toward the lemonade booth.

      Suddenly someone grabbed them both from behind in a hug. "Hi, you two!"

      Greg and Anthony both turned to look at who was affectionately holding on to them. "Thommy!" Anthony said. It was his best friend, Thommy Poppovich.

       "Hi, Thommy," said Greg.

      Thommy's tanned upper body was glistening with sweat, his shirt hanging from the waistband of his jean shorts. Thommy often displayed his body. He was very thin, but he worked hard to maintain just enough muscle tone. He was average in height, but his skinniness and boyish blue-eyed blonde looks made him appear to be very young. He was twenty-six, like Greg, but those who did not know him often assumed he was not much older than high school age. Thommy enjoyed using that fact to his advantage. He loved attention, especially from good-looking men.

       "How long have you been here?" Greg asked.

       "Not long. I was at the beer garden. But everyone there was 'gly. So I decided to walk around." Thommy waved to someone in the distance, who had called his name.

       " 'Gly?"

       "That's Thommy's word for ugly," Anthony whispered to Greg.

      Thommy continued to smile at the boy who had called to him. "No, I haven't really seen anyone. I think it's too early yet, nobody is here."

       "Oh, and we're nobody?" Anthony questioned.

       "No, sweetie, not you two. You're thertaintly both thumbodies!" He looked Greg and Anthony up and down as he spoke, as if he were mentally grading them on their apparel "So shall we walk around till things liven up."

       "Do you want some lemonade?" Greg asked Thommy, while Anthony handed him his drink.

       "No, t'anks." Thommy eased himself between Greg and Anthony, linking arms with each of them, as they walked away from the lemonade stand.

       "Wait, I can't split up the two lovebirds." Thommy removed himself from the middle, pulled Anthony and Greg's hands back together, and walked to the other side of Anthony. "So, Greg, what's this I hear about a little boy staying at your place?"

       "Well, his parents threw him out and he had no where else to go."

       "Because he's gay, right?"


       "Basically? What's basically mean?"

       "Well, he's just coming out, coming to terms with being gay. You remember how it was in high school."

       "In high school I knew I was gay! At eighteen, I left my parents and moved in with a guy, and that was my longest relationship, so far."

       "It's not easy for everyone, Thommy." Anthony added. "High school wasn't a good time for me."

       "And I was totally clueless in high school. I dated girls," Greg admitted.

       "I'm glad you made it out of that dark period, Greg."

       "So am I!" Anthony smiled at Greg and squeezed his hand.

       "So when do I get to meet this boy?"

       "Just remember - he is a boy, Thommy."

       "What's that supposed to mean? You make it sound like I jump every male I see."

      Greg and Anthony smiled mischievously at Thommy.

       "Stop grinning, you two. I am no slut!"

       "As it happens I have a friend from Florida coming for a visit in a few weeks, and we were planning to go to Cedar Point."

       "Would you like to go?" Anthony asked.

       "Who is this friend? What is he like? What's his name?"

       "It's a girl."

       "Oh," he said dejectedly. "In that case, can I bring a date?"

       "Who did you have in mind?" Anthony asked.

       "Someone tall, built, and gorgeous."

       "Who do you mean?" Greg asked.

       "I don't know. I haven't met him yet." Thommy winked.

Go back to...PART 5         Continued in...PART 7

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