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Kip Jones
The website of Kip Jones



Narr Research

"“Kip Jones is one of the most inspiring sources
of social science performance work in the world today.”`
—Ken & Mary Gergen, Playing with Purpose, (draft, 2011)

"Changing the way we communicate Social Science,
one download at a time"

"Performative Social Science: What it is/What it isn't" Podcast by Kip Jones

This website contains links to my past efforts in
Biographic Narrative Interpretive Research and Performative Social Science.
I am now concentrating my web presence on a blog
where I post my thoughts and links to resources on a more frequent basis.



My increasing work in video format can now be viewed at VIMEO

Background on the research and making of the short film Rufus Stone
can also be found on its own blog site.

Rufus Stone

Join us for discussion, announcements, posters and photos
on the Performative Social Science FACEBOOK group

Pop Research

This long-awaited resource is published with an opening Chapter by Kip Jones.
The Chapter, “Short Film as Performative Social Science: The Story Behind "’Princess Margaret’"
outlines his fascinating and innovative approach to research and its dissemination
via a fusion of the arts and social sciences.

Available online
Special Issue of FQS on
Performative Social Science

You can now join us on an email discussion list
Performative Social Science (PerformSocSci)

The list grew out of a growing interest of a wide range of social scientists
to keep up to date on activities of interest to those
exploring arts and humanities-based methods for use in
the production and dissemination of social science data.
The list has now reaches almost 300 members worldwide and continues to grow.
To join PERFORMSOCSCI click here and follow the instructions.

Dr. Kip Jones

Reader in Qualitative Research

Leader, Performative Social Science Group
Centre for Qualitative Research

School of Health & Social Care and
The Media School
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth U.K.

"The goal of my life is to unify serious scholarship and popular culture, even if I break my neck in doing so"
–Kip Jones, paraphrasing composer, Alfred Schnittke
"A Biographic Researcher in Pursuit of an Aesthetic:
The use of arts-based (re)presentations in 'performative' dissemination of life stories"

in a special issue on Biographical Sociology
in the
Qualitative Sociology Review

The Continuing Development of a Performative Social Science
at Bournemouth's Centre for Qualitative Research

Kip Jones explores a bit of the background of performative social science
and outlines the progress so far in establishing a hub at Bournemouth
for the 'performative' in production and diffusion of qualitative data.
Past and future activities at Bournemouth are highlighted.

Other Works by Kip Jones
Systematic Reviews of Qualitative Evidence
in Ethnicity, Health & Diversity
Examining 'race' in health research: the case for 'listening' to language
Published in Diversity in Health and Social Care,
Volume 3, Number 1, March 2006, pp. 35-41(7)

The Qualitative Report, V. 9, No. 1, pp. 94-111
Qualitative Review Methods paper:
Mission Drift in Qualitative Research, Or
Moving toward a systematic review of qualitative studies,
moving back to a more systematic narrative review

CEEHD Systematic Review papers by KIP JONES:
Diversities in Approach to End-of-Life:
A view from Britain of the qualitative literature

The final version of this paper was published in the July 2005 issue of the
Journal of Research in Nursing
and is available on the journal's Sage website

Annotated Bibliography: Qualitative review of end-of-life and ethnicity/race/diversity

Websites of interest to end-of-life researchers and policy-makers

Geborgenheit in a Paradise Garden: The architecture of the Bromley-by-Bow Centre

produced for NHS Estates

Papers Using the ARTS as a lens to interpret
Social Science data:
The Spiritual Dimension:
a gerotranscendental take on Akira Kurosawa's film, "Ran"

paper presented at
International Association of Gerontology
34th EBSSRS symposium on Ageing and Diversity
Bergen, Norway 31 August 2002

PDF version of paper available here
The Spiritual Dimension . . .
Also now available on
Lars Tornstam's Theory of Gerotranscendence website.

"The Birth of Constructionism! or
On a Train from Morgantown,
West Virginia, 1976,
with Klaus Riegel & Kenneth Gergen"
An audio fantasy in one act
By Kip Jones

Presented at the Free University of Berlin
February 2002
REVISED version of the script is available on line

Mary and Ken Gergen during
the author's visit to their home in July 2003.

Kip Jones' paper presented at:
International Sociological Association

Methodological Problems of Biographical Research
Kassel Germany
24-26 May 2001
"Beyond the Text: An Artaudian take on the non-verbal clues
revealed within the biographical interpretive process"

by Kip Jones

Volume 1, No. 3 - December 2000
Big Science or The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even"
Review Essay:
Wendy Hollway & Tony Jefferson (2000)
Doing Qualitative Research Differently
Free Association, Narrative and the Interview Method

Community of Science Profile
Social Psychology Network Professional Profile Click here to visit my profile
My most recent CV is available by emailing me

Centre for Narrative Research

Narrative Psychology Internet and Resource Guide

The Virtual Faculty The Discursive Turn in Psychology
Lots of links to papers, etc.

Ken Gergen's webpage
many of his papers on-line here under Recent Manuscripts

If you have comments or suggestions, email me

Qualitative Research Web Ring

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