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Winter Carousel performs playful noise/experimental music and features Diane Nelson and Kazko Peasmith. Artistic influences include stagework of The Grand Guignol, and animation of Ladislaw Starevitch. Diane and Kazko have been involved with various, separate noise projects and came together to form Winter Carousel in the summer of 2001. All of Winter Carousel’s costumes were designed and constructed by Diane.

DIANE NELSON is too sweet and unimposing in stature to be considered threatening or scary. Yet in spite of the politeness of her person, she creates an aggressive force with her sounds. Armed with her Realistic Synthesizer, Diane brings a pop sensibility to noise design. A fascination with circuit technology drives Diane’s desire to incorporate analog robotics into her artistic material. A former member of the noise group Panicsville, her solo audio work was last featured on the all-woman noise compilation Extreme Music From Women, produced by Whitehouse’s William Bennett.

KAZKO PEASMITH’s work with Winter Carousel finds her as usual, equipped with the ever-ready Yamaha RY9 Big Jam drum machine. As with her other projects, Kazko’s assistance here is influenced by a love of grotesque theatre and interest in cultural policy analysis. Introduced to experimental music by her cousin Honolulu noise artist Jay T. Yamamoto, Kazko began contributing in 1994 to the now defunct JTY Tapes. Originally from the Deep South, Kazko grew up on O’ahu and has been based in Chicago since 2000.

This site maintained by Julia Gilman