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Your punk diet is not complete without the legendary British punkers The DAMNED! Do yourself a favor and give "Grave Disorder", The Damned's latest, and first, release on Dexter Holland (The Offspring) owned Nitro Records, a thorough listen. It has been 14 years since this haunting power punk band has had a release. Though not a high profile "today" in the U.S., The Damned have accomplished much and history says they were the first punk band to get a single, and later a full-length on vinyl. They were also the first punk band to tour the U.S. "Back in the day"...

(MUEN) You must of did countless shows with The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones, right?

(Captain) "Oh sure we did many gigs with The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, The Clash... etc... don't remember much, we were always drunk. The Clash are decent folks..."

(MUEN) So how is the midwest leg of the tour going?

(Captain) "It's been great! Lots of people are showing up. Very nice here in the midwest, been such a long time. Been drinking a lot of cocktails to keep warm."

(MUEN) Has anybody come down with a bad cold yet?

(Captain) "No, you know that is an ol' wives tale... cold weather giving you a cold. I have a master in bio chemistry... You get a cold from germs, not the weather."

(MUEN) What made you decide to give it another go with The Damned anyway?

(Captain) "We were just doing gigs with our own separate bands, mine being Punk Floyd and Vanian's psychobilly/psychedelic Phantom Chords... we ended up playing a gig together and started realizing that it might be a great idea to reunite as The Damned."

(MUEN) How did The Offspring first approach you about covering your song, 'Smash It Up'?

(Captain) "They didn't approach us at all, they just did it..." I didn't even know about it until I heard it on the airwaves one day..."

(MUEN) Really!? Well weren't you at least a little pissed that they didn't even ask?

(Captain) "No, we were glad, we needed the cash...

(MUEN) How did the death of Joey Ramone effect you?

(Captain) "Major disappointment... Joey was a great entertainer and an even greater "person"... I did backing vocals on his solo album, 'Don't Worry About Me,' he died not long after I last saw him. The incredible thing about it all was that he knew about his illness for a long time, but never bothered anyone with it. We didn't even know about it! He never said a thing... There is a song on the album, Joey's reworking of "What A Wonderful World", it's incredible! You have to hear it! He never made it to his birthday, but his mum threw the party anyway... Deborah Harry was there.. Cheap Trick....The Independents, it was a great party and was at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City."

(MUEN) Well it was quite a blow to us all. Where are you guys tonight?

(Captain) "Atlanta, Georgia!"

(MUEN) And how do the American crowds compare to over in Europe?

(Captain) "I love the shows in the U.S. - for in the U.S., the first 5 rows are always filled with pretty girls! In Europe it's more like.. well like Mohican type women! With these sort of heavy clanking chains and ugly!" (laughing)

(MUEN: Sorry Europe) (MUEN) What do you think of punk today, as compared to the 70's?

(Captain) "It's a lot different. They still look like punk, and I love the guitar... they got good sound, but they are not "saying" what we were saying then. It was more political then... you know we wanted to change the world... and these days when the band finishes a show, I envision them talking with their accountants and counting the money."

(MUEN) Do the labels seem to operate much different these days.

(Captain) "Well no, not necessarily... the music business has always been mainly about money. I will say that the "Boy Bands" are lot easier for the labels to control. They just do as their told. We were always tearing up shit and freaking out on them."

(MUEN) How is your relationship going with Nitro?

(Captain) "They are very good, actually. They just let us do whatever we want. We have total creative freedom."

(MUEN) They must had done their homework on you before they signed you. Anything you want to add before you go?

(Captain) "Smoking is an evil capitalistic conspiracy... a globalistic conspiracy... the tobacco companies are the most evil there is. Oh and everyone go to I have a journal there that I update every day. I type everything that happens, and my wife back home knows the address..."

(MUEN) Well you screwed up there didn't you!

(Captain) "Yeah, I know..."

Interview by G. Cataline

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