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David Gartner's World of Photography

Celebrity photographs, Silhouettes and the latest in digital photography!

Ready to take your eyes on a fantastic journey? Look closely at the artistry of world renowned photographer David Gartner. His sharp eyes and magical manipulation of the camera make dreams come true.

Celebrity photographs include; William Shatner, Muhammed Ali, Johnny Carson, Slyvester Stallone, Hulk Hogan, Dudley Moore, Jerry Stiller, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Shaquille O'Neal, and many more.

Silhouttes enhance such celebrities as: Geraldo Rivera, Harry Chapin, John Denver, CatfishHunter, Imuss, Joe Frazier, to name a few.

Digital Photographs include, flowers, birds, and animals.

To see David Gartner's World of Photography click on the links below.

Celebrity Photographs
David Gartner's Gallery
Silhouettes by David Gartner
David Gartner's Digital Delights
More of David Gartner's Digital Delights
Awesome Animals and Digitals by David Gartner
Anyone interested in purchasing Mr. Gartners' work please email Ashley at AshleyWing

All rights reserved by the artists and publisher under international and Pan American Copywright Conventions. No part of this website may be reproduced or utilized in any forem, or by any means, electronic and mechanical downloading, photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing by the artist and publisher. Copyright, David Gartner Art and Photography.

Excellent Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Ashley's Fav Fan Fun Page
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Al Gore's official Presidential Campaign Website

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