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Discworld Artwork

Welcome to my small but growing gallery dedicated to all my Discworld art. I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave a message!

The great Star Turtle, A'Tuin. I wasn't quite sure what an elephant standing behind a waterfall would look like - so I guessed!

I think everyone knows who this is! I was going for a straightforward skull study - but it has somehow transformed, and it really does look as if he's smiling. Creepy. :)

Vetinari in his severe chair of office. There have been lots of rumbling from people who've seen this that his skin is too dark, and I have a paler version in the gallery through the link at the bottom of this page. Tell me what you think in my guestbook!

A quick watercolour sketch of Drumknott, Vetinari's clerk. A bit random, I know - but I just had this sudden craving for knowing what he looked like. Any requests for other minor characters to be painted?

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