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Stan Lee Presents...

Howard the Duck Volume 2!

HtD #1
vol. 2
Glenn Fabry
Mar 02

Making the Band

Steve Gerber

Phil Winslade

Summary: Howard has returned to the same dead-end life he's had since he first arrived on Earth. Beverly is still with him and does better than he in the job department, signing on with Globally Branded But beware the benefits package! Boy bands from scratch and the return of Howard's greatest nemesis! What else? Oh yes, the Mouse!
To Be Continued!

HtD #2

Glenn Fabry
Apr 2002

Endangered Species

Steve Gerber

Phil Winslade

Summary: Howard's DNA madness continues! In Howard #1 he was dropped into a boy-band mixing pool and was chemically altered to become a mouse! This issue continued the weirdness as Howard returns home, deals with the cat, gets to shower with Bev, changes several more times with hilarious results - including a great pair of white gloves, talks directly to Dr. Bong -in a scene full of Star Trek 2 reference- and fights off the Government! Only Howard! Need We say it..?
To Be Continued!

HtD #3

Glenn Fabry
May 2002

bad girls don't cry

Steve Gerber

Glenn Fabry
Garry Leach

incorrect indica

Summary: A long overdue parody and toasting of an Image icon: Howard and Beverly are homeless, chased away and run into Suzy Pazuzu, policewoman and bearer of a suspciously familiar bracelet. Hello again to Tompkins, the cop from Giant-Size Man-Thing #5, the "Hellcow" story. Howard and Bev start the issue broke and homeless and end it the same way. But it's not all over yet - though Bong is sent packing -in a manner well-linked to the old series- there is much to be done!
To Be Continued!
Best Line: "I am touched... as by a summer's eve!"

HtD #4

Glenn Fabry
June 2002

Boarding House of Mystery

Steve Gerber

Phil Winslade

Summary: Special Vertigo parody issue! See Howard and Beverly file through the house that Cain and Abel built (or at least live in)! Gasp at the familiar plot from above! Chill at the dead-on savaging of John Constantine and Spider Jerusalem! Laugh out loud at the "Seven Goth Drawfs"! And Don't miss the most spectacular change yet for Howard! Almost too good to take and we're barely halfway.
To Be Continued!

HtD #5

Glenn Fabry
July 2002

Steve Gerber


HtD #6

Glenn Fabry
Aug 2002

Steve Gerber


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