Frequently asked question about John Wayne and his movies
How many movies did John Wayne die in?
- The Shootist (Killed in a gunfight)
- The Cowboys (Killed by Bruce Dern)
- The Alamo (Killed by Santa Anna's army)
- The Sea Chase (Lost at sea, unknown if he was drowned or just got away)
- Sands Of Iwo Jima (Killed by enemy sniper)
- The Fighting Seabees (Killed while under enemy fire)
- Wake of the Red Witch (Killed by giant squid)
- Reap the Wild Wind (Drowns in wreckage)
- Central Airport (He was a corpse)
How many movies did John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara star in together?
- Big Jake
- McLintock
- The Wings of Eagles
- The Quiet Man
- Rio Grande
Did John Wayne ever receive an Academy Award?
Yes, he was nominated for best actor as Sgt Striker in Sands of Iwo Jima which he did not win. He was nominated again for Rooster Cogburn in True Grit which he did win.
Did John Wayne ever player other than a U.S. citizen?
- Men Without Women {British:He was a radioman on a British Destroyer.
- The Three Musketeers {Possibly French. It was not clear if he was a french in the French Foreign Legion or a US citizen.}
- Allegheny Uprising {British: Although his character was probably born in America, this movie takes place before the Revolutionary War. Therefore he is a British subject.
- Long Voyage Home {Swedish or Norwegian}
- The Sea Chase {German}
- The Conqueror {Mongolian}
- The Greatest Story Ever Told {A Roman Centurion}
Did John Wayne ever actual real people?
- The Hellfighters: Although the character's name is Chance Buckman, the movie is a portrayal of real life Paul N. "Red" Adair.
- How the West Was Won: Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
- The Longest Day: Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort
- The Alamo: Col. Davy Crockett
- The Barbarian & the Geisha: Townsend Harris
- NOTE:The Fighting Seabees This movie was to be based on an actual person so the studios wrote the character of Captain [Henry P.] Needham, commanding officer of the Construction Battalions at Camp Hueneme into the script. The studio even had the written permission of the Capt. to play himself. For reasons unknown, Needham did not appear in the movie nor was the character written in the story. Lt. Cmdr. Wedge Donovan (John Wayne) is a fictional character and cannot be added to this category.
If you have any questions, please email me at Sgt_klink@yahoo.com. Thanks!