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Thursday, 27 September 2007
Celeb-dads* go back to work

Is it me? Or are all the celebrity dads "going back to work" at the same time? I really don't mean for this to turn into a celebrity baby blog, but I find myself in the midst of a new trend I just can't ignore, dads who stay with their kid(s) for a year or so, then run off to make/promote their new movie.

The latest celeb-dad* to join the Clooney/Pitt/Cruise gang is Jerry Seinfeld who dropped by Toronto's Varsity Cinema and offered his take on parenting to the Theater audience before showing a few teasers of his new film "Bee Movie":

I was one of those guys who just didn't get it,” he acknowledged, saying he was mystified by watching parents push strollers around and the idea of living with another person who “craps in their pants while looking you right in the eye.

“I love the kids,” he added, but said he still has a hard time with the endless chain of reciprocal birthday parties, at which “I envy the piñata.”

Children “don't like to see humans on screen,” but enjoy cartoon characters with human behaviour, he said.

He said bees seemed a natural choice: “They have an office, they have a product, they have bosses. … [They have] a little corporation, hanging from a tree.”

Then there's Richard Gere who had plenty to say about Fatherhood while promoting Hunting Party which came out a few days ago, And on Friday The Rock comes with Disney's  The Game Plan: "In my movie I play a superstar quarterback who suddenly discovers the kids he never knew he had"

You  get the idea, I'll skip the research on the last two movies I gotta take my kids to marching band practice. (Watch for my movie in 2010.)

* celeb-dad will be my new made up word if this is a new trend. (watch out you mom-blockers)

[ref: The Boston Visit, Globe and Mail]

Posted by athomedad at 3:32 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 October 2007 12:56 PM EDT
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