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A shortie


Disclaimer: All BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...

Archived at the "normal" Buffyverse (Note the quotes!) page of the Buffy Rebecca verse,

Spoilers for Angel to "Shells"

(Rant note for poor Fred--Joss, destroying innocent souls is just plain wrong!...Wesley, do whatever you hafta-yes, even time travel and "noble Illyria sacrifices herself", betrayal...)

Summary: At the End, one is Chosen...Nope it ain't our boys...

C'mon, you know who really deserves it...


Los Angeles, May 2004...

The treacherous move by the senior partners of W-H to use Angel and co as their tool for the Apocalypse has been defeated with the help of the Slayer organization and their cyborg allies...

Most important to William, Buffy is here and confirmed she meant it...

After whacking him repeatedly for not contacting her earlier, of course...Just her way of expressing affection, she reminds a perturbed Dawn...

Hmmn...Counseling sessions would make a good wedding present...she thinks...

Angel has had his chance for heroics, destroying the senior partners and saving his son...Now to his (recent freed from any Angelus return danger) soul's joy, a Connor aware, content, and fully reconciled to his true history...

But now, the Guardian of the Prophecy has awakened...Coming forth to announce the One Who Has Been Chosen...

A confident Buffy patting her William, sure as to the winner...Hey, who went out and got a soul, huh?...Angel a bit down at that sight, but encouraged by his dear friends' and family's support...A family now including the true love of his existence, a re-resurrected human Darla as well as his beloved son...

Wes, standing near a newly rescued Winifred-a rescue which has cost him a great deal in emotional pain, having had to win Illyria's unselfish love and consent to use her power to reverse time and prevent Fred's destruction...Both, along with other employees of the firm, firmly in their dear friend and revered Boss's corner...

Yes...The Guardian pronounces, eyeing the group..."I have emerged from my eons-old rest to hail the vampire whose efforts have won...Her...Humanity back..." He announces to the assembled group...

"Her?..." Angel blinks...

"Her...?" A slightly-crestfallen Buffy eyes William...Ummn, no prob, honey...She swiftly assures him...Carefully...And narrowly scanning round...

It couldn't be Dru...No way...She's only just been human-souled by Willow's use of the curse...

Still if that psychotic bitch somehow won an easy ticket...She glares at the Guardian...A tough one, but hey...She...And vengeful Love...Could find a way...She gives Will a firm pat of reassurance...

"But Darla's already human..." Angel begins...

"Who...My God..." William looks at the Guardian...Not...He looks behind him...

"Ms. Kendall...Come forth..." the Guardian points to Harmony, far back in the crowd of supportive W-Hers...

Me?...She stares...

Her?...Angel, Buffy, Willow, Wesley, Fred, Dawn, Darla, Connor, various W-Hers...

"But she doesn't even have a soul..." Darla notes...A bit annoyed for her heroically-crusading fella...Geesh...This is like the ole days...A guy or girl does her job...Damn well...And the customer won't pay up front...

Sucks...She hisses to Connor who nods...Can't believe it...Everyone who's ever seen Dad knows he's the One...I mean look at that Brood...It just says 'solemnly compassionate troubled hero here'...

"Of course she is the One..." the Guardian notes coldly... "Without even the support of her human soul, this vampire sought to be a better person, overcome her natural tendencies, offer support and comfort to those fighting for Good...And managed to win 'Employee of the Month' three times in a row..."

Well, if doing good things without a soul is the criterion...Dawn thinks, eyeing William supportively...

"Hey..." she calls, rather pissed... "What about..."

"He did it to please his girl-friend..." the Guardian states firmly...Sensing her thoughts...

"But my dad..." Connor begins...

"Likes to play hero..." the Guardian replies sternly... "Kinda its own reward..."

Hmmn...On the other hand, he'll still be able to fight with me...Buffy thinks...Eyeing Will...And he'll never age...

Could be worse...

Similar thoughts occurring to Darla...And an increasingly less unhappy Angel...

After all...Got my family...Angelus is out for good...

Could be worse...

And to Harmony, somewhat to her disturbance...

"I'll be human again?...My soul dragged out of Heaven?...My family thinking I'm not only dead, but the monster who killed some of them and a few close friends?..."

I'll age?...Wrinkles and everything?...

"Fraid so..." the Guardian eyes her...


"Not that this isn't an honor and everything..." she begins...
