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"Words To Live By..."


Summary: In London, Giles passes on Buffy's own sage advice to William...Probably much to his benefit...

Disclaimer: All BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...

A London bookstore...

"Hey..." Buffy looked after the vanishing William in stunned surprise...

Several fans coming to her for an autograph...Waving copies of "Deathless Love...Slayer and Vampire..." Buffy A. Summers...

"Duty and book contract call, Slayer..." Willow noted...

Yeah, but...She watched the slight blonde Unman head out of the building...Never looking back...


"Why the hell did he go?...Willow?...I told him to wait and I'd try and see him after the book signing..."

Well...Buf...Willow shrugged...

"Telling him to keep outta sight until the signing was over may...Just possibly...Have hurt his feelings..."

"Well..." Buffy shook her head... "I thought he understood...I couldn't have my beloved vaporized vamp hero suddenly pop out in front of my fans like that...It woulda looked ridiculous...And really killed book sales..."

Giles?..." she turned to her Watcher, who eyed her causally...Xander beside him, likewise a bit...Causal...Dawn next to him, watching her sis with a slight frown...

"You were supposed to tell him to wait till afterwards...What did you say to him?...Xander, did you give him a hard time?..." Xander shaking his head...But eyeing her coolly...

"I told him what you told me to say, my dear..." Giles noted...Exchanging glances with Xander...

"Was he upset?...I only..."

"My dear he did come quite a distance to see you...Beyond the grave, Obliteration, and all...Not to mention plane fare from LA...I have to say I did think you might have handled it a bit more sensitively..."

But...Say?...She eyed him narrowly, then Xander... "What else did you say to him?..."

"Well..." Giles smiled thinly... "I did give him some sage words of advice...Taken from you, actually..."


"He seemed deeply hurt...So I told him... 'William...To paraphrase our dear Buffy... 'No (I took the liberty of filling in 'woman')... is worth dying for'...'..."

It seemed to make an impression on him...

"Made sense to me..." Xander noted... "Though I suppose you meant it to refer strictly to...Guys..." He and Giles headed off....

What?...She whirled to eye a nonchalant Dawn engaged in looking at the store ceiling... "You...You told them that?..."

"Well...It is what you said sis..." Dawn gave a hard stare back...


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