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"Immortal Beloved..." CIV...

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!

It's all yours and ME's...

Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...

Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...Ok, just had to do one more...but I absolutely, positively...On my mother's soul...

Ok, I'm lying...But me poor ole mum would just say, "so long as I like it, it's ok..."



"No...Problem." A confident beam...

"You sure?...Have you really done this...?" "Sure I'm sure...Once, about a century ago...You ready?..."


"Slayer, come on...We've handled much worse than this...Singley and together...Just a few months ago in LA as a matter of fact..."

When you came to tell me something important...And two thousand demons couldn't block your way...he smiled at her...She smiling back...

"Hey!..." Dawn's voice calling, a mocking tone... "You guys going chicken on us or no?..."

"We're just taking our fair time, Nibs!...Like the professionals we are!..." a firm shout back...

"Yeah, right...Chicken...Bok-bok-bok!..."

"Girl, we been challenged...It's now or never..."

Right, right... A quick check of the vital equipment..."Ok...I'm ready..."

"Ahem...Ladies....Mr. Wells..."

Said Mr. Wells giving his way-more-manly-now bow in response...

"...And whatever you bloody well are, Harris...We who are about to die..."

A loud raspberry from the said Harris, standing with Andrew among a reasonably large group of assorted females, among them Dawn, Willow, and Kennedy...Most rather heavily bundled up in coats, hats, and gloves...

Ow!... "Love?..."

"Will you shut up?...I'm nervous enough...And where's your goggles?...Spell or no, your eyes are still gonna be sensitive to the light, Willow told you that...Especially here against the ice..."

"Got em...Lets go, girl...Our greatest challenge yet awaits us..."

Buffy gave her slight, blonde companion in arm a slightly annoyed look... "Thought our mutual returns from the dead were that...You know you're just making me more nervous...Maybe we oughta forget the whole thing..."

And find some nice quiet corner in the lodge...Alone...With cocoa...

Alone...she repeated...Giving a somewhat frowning glance out to the group watching...

"We're gonna look like idiots..." she noted, glancing down at the skates strapped to their respective feet...

"Nonsense...And vacationing in New England...With our little family there...Was your idea...You can do this, girl...Child's play...One quick step out to get started and..." he gave her a hard shove onto the ice...Ahhhhhh!!!!!...And followed...


Oooh...Xander looked away...Super beings or no, that's gotta hurt...

"I shoulda staked you, soul or no!!..." a cry... "Hey, whhhyyy aaarrreee wwweeee still gooooinnn'?"

"Iiiiceee, ddddeeeeaaarest...Saaayy, watcchh the branccchhh..."

Ow!... "We're slipppperyyyy..."

"Use the skates to brake!!..." Kennedy, competent LI skater shouted...

"My boooottttoooommm's frrrreeezzing off!...Stttttoooppp usss, Wiiiiillll!..." OWW!!...

"At your command...Ok, just a little trouble on take-off...We'll be taking on the Russian starring couple before you know it...Now lets just...One, two, three...Up!..."


"You've put on a little weight, dear..." Ow!...

"Shut up!"

"All right, lets try that again...Together...One, three...Up!...There we..."


"Sorry..." "I'm gonna be black and blue everywhere..."

Which is in part the idea...a whisper from her companion...


"Just play all bruises to the hilt and we can spend the next two days in our room tending our severe injuries together...Alone..." he noted...

Hmmn...A beam...

"Are you guys ok?..." Kennedy whizzed rather elegantly up to them...Swirling round them in a delicate glide...To a degree of applause from the admiring group now milling on the pond bank...

"Sure..." a rather peeved tone... "We can do this...C'mon, Will, lets try it again..."

"This was really too big a pond for them to begin with..." Willow hissed to Dawn...

"Anything smaller and they'd've gone flying into the woods..." Dawn replied...
