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"Mona and The Monsters"...Part I


Archived at the Buffy Rebecca verse,

Disclaimer: All BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all
other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...

Summary: The BR verse continues...

Back in Sunnydale Buffy takes a job backstage on a ground-breaking new TV series while Buffy
Rebecca and Walthrop/Spike are away on their European honeymoon...

Check out the "Mona and the Monsters" main theme
Mona action theme (Peter Gunn)
Part I...

Peace and quiet...

College out for the summer...More important...

With two human Slayers on hand...And a peace agreement of sorts still functioning...At least for
some vamps...Sunnydale was calm...

With things quiet, Buffy Summers had the chance to consider her future...Her options...

After all adulthood was here...With a vengeance...

Both parents gone now...

And with the coming of Adulthood...A career had to be decided on...

In addition of course to the family business she and her robotic human-souled twin sister, Buffy
Rebecca, ran...With the help of Basey Granger, their new human fellow Slayer...And of course
Giles and the old gang...

A family business which did at least, thanks to Giles' efforts with the Council, provide for her
college education...And her immediate needs...But was not likely to provide for her or Dawn's

Naturally her astonishingly successful brother-in-law, "Dr." William S. Walthrop, redeemed
vampire, "cybergenius", and junior partner in W/S Bionetics, the new world leader in cybernetics
and artificial organ systems, was determined to provide them with anything they might need
financially...A position heartily, if amusedly...God, Spike the mainstay of the Summers
family?...seconded by her twin...However...

Buffy understandably wanted to stand on her own two feet...Or at least, maintain some modicum
of independence...

And she was a leetle embarrassed...

Her robotic twin...A perfect neural copy...Had married, settled on a career, and seemed likely to
embark on a family in the not too distant future...

Of course, she...Buffy...Had been occupied by her minor brush with death and transformation at
the hands of Darla and Drusilla...Glory...Her mom's death...Dawn's appearance...

But so had BR...Plus redeeming her beloved, a soul trapped with a deranged killer demon in one
body...Dealing with his fits of terrible, suicidal remorse...Helping him save the trapped soul of
his siress, the mad and mighty Drusilla...Fighting off attacks from relatives of Spike's victims
seeking revenge...And defending the now amnesiac, powerless, and quite sweet Glory from

Plus BR had had to puzzle out the question of her humanity...Just a leetle extra sandwiched in

And she had it all together...Well, perhaps not as together as it seemed, Buffy knew....Being after
all, Buffy Rebecca...But still...

Things sure looked together for her.

Well...It was time human sister started catching...

"Psychology?..." Dawn cut in on her thoughts, brightly...

They'd been brainstorming possible careers...

Ummn...Well, maybe...But Sis kinda has that field covered.

"Social Work?..."

Hmmn...She was good at dealing with all types of personality...And had a deep compassion for
the tormented and condemned...Married to a practical sense of what could and could not be done
for them.


Phone rang...Dawn grabbed it.

"It's Giles...That Krakos thing's finally popped up..."

Buffy sighed...But with secret relief...Thank God, something to let me dodge the future...At least
for a few hours...

No big deal though if what Giles had learned was true...A minor Hell guy, a former minion of the
Master, bent on vengeance against the humans who'd imprisoned him about the time the Master
first tried to open the Hellgates. Apparently allowed to escape the tween-dimensions zone every
25 years for a few brief hours to try and hunt down his old foes.

A leetle sad, really...He'd no idea, being rather a dim-brained branch of the demon race, that the
humans he wanted were all long dead. Still he was a killer and dangerous...

"Hi, Giles..." she took the phone...
Potential...That's the ticket, Job Wescox, self-proclaimed "hottest new producer in television"

I need...Potential.

He glanced around the street of the small Californian town...

Quiet, pleasant...Dull...

No potential...And yet...If any of what he'd been told was true...

But it looked like a thousand other nice little towns...Cutesy shops, a few nice views, ordinary
folks strolling along...Maybe a little cleaner than most places...An unusual amount of repair or
remodeling work going on perhaps...He sighed...

Hardly the setting for his bold, ground-breaking new TV series...

Still not bad for some exterior shots...To represent the quiet, peaceful town of Hellis...He'd
patted himself on the back many times for that one...Docile and sweet by day.

But...At night...

Useless though for the night shots...Place like this would hold all the menace of...

So much for his innovative idea of filming on location...Getting to know the ins-and-out of the
right little town...The moral rot and corruption breeding beneath the painted surface...

Hey it worked for David Lynch and the Northwest...

Well, the backlot would just have to do.
An eight-foot tall, drooling, hideously deformed man raced out of a small storefront past him...

Escaped mental patient no doubt...

Young blonde woman passed him, in pursuit...Attendant most likely...

Strollers didn't seem all that surprised...Well, probably some local "character"...Off his meds and
out of his restraints.

Mr. W returned to his pondering...This little field trip was proving a major disappointment.

Well, never trust a psychic advisor... "Go to Sunnydale" she'd told him... "You'll find exactly
what you seek there"...

Or a tip from a "pal"... "Confidentially, Mr. W..." his cop friend had told him... "There's a town
called Sunnydale, just out to the east...Where there's been some strange goings-on..."

Or a guy claiming to be an expert on the occult... "Sunnydale is the most powerful source of
mystic evil in America, Mr. Wescox...Evil is rampant and barely restrained there...Only a fool or
a TV producer should venture to such a place..."

This burg... "the most powerful source of mystic evil..."?...Please...

Still...Might be worth a look-see by night...

Hey, look what David Lynch did with Lumberton.

The pathetic maniac was racing back...Towards him.

"Watch it!..." the blonde screamed at Mr. W...Who dropped back a few steps...

Always best to let the professionals handle these things...

Krakos tripped on some boards on the sidewalk and fell...Next to Mr. W.

"You ok there, buddy?" Mr W. pleasantly called.

Krakos staggered to his feet and towered over him...

"Human!!...You behold the Demon Krakos the Mighty!...Tremble!! And know that..."

Buffy drove the long hollow metal pole she'd been carrying through his back and he collapsed
and dissolved into goo...

Giles, as always, right on the nose...Copper for this one...

Lucky Xander had plenty of copper pipe on hand at his construction site.

"Hi...You ok?..." she looked at Mr. W...Who stared back...

"Did you just kill that guy?" he asked her incredulously...

"What guy?..." she asked brightly...Eyeing the goo that had once been the mighty Krakos.

Who would not be returning in 25 years for his next outing.

Hmmn...Mr. W. regarded the young woman...

Perhaps there was potential here.

"Mona and The Monsters"...Part II

Mr. W. decided to stick with the blonde for a bit...Having smelled "potential" at last...

Buffy found she had acquired a fan...

Great...Now humans stalking her too...

A rather creepy little fellow at that...Regarding the small, pudgy, sandy-haired Wescox...

She was heading back toward the shop, her new "friend" hurrying to keep with her...

"Shouldn't we call the cops?..." he asked helpfully...Looking for an opening...

'Bout what?...she looked at him...

He looked back at the remains of the mighty Krakos...Well, ummn...

"I think you've had too much sun today, Mister..." she nodded at him...

Best to head indoors, she told him, smiling...Anywhere but the door I'm going to, she thought.

Xander and Anya pulled up in a hurry...

Buffy grinned to see Big Brother clearly in "Save his sis"...Well, practically sis...mode.

"Giles called us...?" he looked at Wescox...
Is that...?

No, no...Buffy told him...

Just some guy who saw me impale Krakos close up...she hissed...Don't go on about it...

If we don't encourage him, he'll probably get bored and leave.


Ah..Mr. W. got it now...Of course...Obvious...

Clearly word had gotten out...Somehow...Heralding his arrival...

An aspiring actress no doubt...Staging a little playlet for the "hottest new TV producer in

These folks her little repertory band...Well...

He pushed his card on her...Job Wescox, producer...Intertwined JW monogram...


Great...Buffy looked at the card, Xander and Anya peering over her shoulder to look...Another
"hot" TV producer...Just what California needs...she thought...

God, he's not another one of those reality show promoters...Looking for unusual participants to
spice things up?

And...? he hesitated...


Xander frowned at her...


When will I learn not to give my name out to every creepy human or demon who asks?

Anya pressed her card on him...And introduced herself and Xander.

No reason to pass up a potential income source...Especially with wedding plans in full swing...

"The Magic Shop can supply any occult or party needs..." she happily noted...

Gotta go...Buffy tried to end it pleasantly...

"Tell your friend in the monster suit he was terrific..." JW told her...Following her to the car...


Where'd he go by the way?...JW asked as Xander started the car...

Buffy shrugged as they pulled out.

Hmmn...Mr. W. pondered...

Well...She'd be at his hotel room in the morning, armed with acting resume, no doubt.

Hmmn... "Buffy" Summers... "Buffy Summers"...Nope, nope...All wrong...

Who'd believe a "Buffy Summers" as world-saving vanquisher of monsters from Hell?

Well...So long as this place seemed to have a little something...Maybe it was worth it to check
out that place whose address he'd been given...Where he could get some "low-down", according
to his cop friend, on the darker side of the little town.

Some place called "Willie's"...

"So..." Anya looked at Buffy...

"A TV producer?...Was he looking for...?"

Probably...Buffy noted.

"For the last time, honey..." Xander sighed... "I am not going on one of those reality shows..."

I'd be voted out the first night...he noted.

Probably you being one of the votes against me...he did not say.

Getting back to what we came for...

"Krakos all set?..." he looked at Buffy...

Gone to goo...she noted proudly.

Nice to win one without the help of robotic sis...Or our new human Slayer...

Basey, the new Slayer being off to LA to meet her incoming new Watcher...Spike's great-great-
great-great grandniece, Amelia Walthrop-Hunt.

Xander smiled to see her so obviously pleased with herself...

"Enjoyed yourself, there?..." he grinned.

"Felt good to win one on my own...Like the old days..." she admitted, smiling.


Strange goings on?...Willie smiled brightly at Mr. W. as he sat at the bar...

In Sunnydale?...

Mr. W passed his card...Willie scanned it a sec...Another TV producer?...
Probably another documentary on the occult.

Oh, well...Always nice to generate a little extras work for the clientele...He looked over at some
of the "clientele" keeping to the darkest booths...

One hand washes the other, you know...And hey, it saves the production people a bundle on
makeup costs and whatnot.

Thinking of shooting on location...Here...Mr. W. noted to Willie...

Maybe permanently...For my new series...

Hmmn...Steadily employed customers...Willie noted to himself.

I...Might know...Some people you'd find interesting to talk to...he suggested.

"Know a...ummn...Buffy?...Buffy Summers?..." Mr. W. asked.

Willie blinked...Buffy Summers?...Can't say as I...

Mr. W. had sized up his source...And passed a $20 across the bar...

Oh...Buffy, yeah...I know her...Nice girl.

"Actress, isn't she?..." Mr. W. asked...

Actress...? Willie blinked a bit, genuinely startled...Gee...

Never really did know what she did for a living...he thought...
A somewhat miffed member of the "clientele" had risen from his seat in the back...

It was bad enough the recent defeats and now the peace agreement had sucked the spirit out of so
many of Sunnydale's underdwellers...Now one couldn't even enjoy one's blood peacefully in
one's own hangout without Buffy Summers or her Slayer comrades intruding...

Scodos had been pushed far enough.


"Mona and The Monsters"...Part III

Job Wescox, Hollywood's "boldest new TV producer", had aroused the wrath of Scodos, former
leader of Glory's vampire mercenaries, while seeking the dope on the unusual girl who he'd met
earlier that day from good ole Willie the Snitch...

Who saw the angry demon rising out of the corner of his ferret-like eye...And ducked for the
cover of his bartop...

"So..".Scodos came over and looked down at Mr. W. as he stood at the bar, trying to look over
where Willie had gone down...

A friend of the Slayer, are we?...Scodos put his hand on the producer's shoulder...

"Don't touch the merchandise, friend..." Wescox looked at the vampire...Brushing his hand
away...But, wait...

Slayer?...Mr. W. was briefly intrigued...Before Scodos lifted him a foot off the ground...

"Scoo?..." Willie called from below... "No trouble, please...Peace-lovers here, you know?..."

Peace?...%&#@!!! the peace!!!...Scodos hollered, banging his fist as he held Mr. W. in mid-air...

Three Slayers, Scoo...Count them, three...And old Spike with them...When he and the other get
back...Willie noted.

Scodos grumbled...But, he was, after all, a fellow who had always known the better part of

He lowered Wescox...

"Tell the Slayers...All of them...That Scodos fears nothing...No one..." He turned away.

Wow...Mr. W. was as impressed as he supposed Miss Summers and her little acting troupe'd
wanted him to be...After he'd gotten some blood to his head...
Just a mo, pal...He called to Scodos...Lemme get you something...

Hmmn... Scodos returned...

Well, perhaps in the interests of the greater good of Sunnydale's underworld community...

The usual, he told Willie...Who had resurfaced.

Giles was clearly as pleased as Buffy with the outcome of the Krakos incident...

Nice to see her back in form...And to see no danger of her developing a dependance on her twin,
despite Buffy Rebecca's treble strength and speed...

She briefly mentioned the appearance and general pestiness of Mr. Wescox...However he'd
seemed harmless, not fully aware of what'd been going down...

No problem there, she concluded.

Giles pointed out that it still behooved her not to get too causal about Slaying in front of the
innocent and uninformed...

All too easy to wind up someday charged with the murder of some newborn vamp who's ID
checked out and whom no one had had a chance to learn was already dead.

"I'll watch it, Giles..." Buffy promised solemnly, looking down a bit...

But an excellent job, he couldn't help noting, unable to restrain his pride.

"Well..." Scodos reflected as he drank...Whiskey, following a glass of the artificial blood
Warren's synthesizers were providing for vamps who followed the peace agreement.

"I did do some acting back in college...Before I died..."

Stays in character...I like that, Mr. W. noted...

But when is Ms. Summers...Or whatever her real name is...Gonna show up and ask me how I
liked the show?...he wondered to himself...

Still her partner here is a find...A real find.

What I want is to capture the darkness that oozes underneath the prettiest little town...Wescox
explained to Scodos and a couple of his comrades who'd joined them...Mr. W. treating the house,
Capture?...One demon listening looked at his mates...

Not the Initiative again?...

I need villains...monsters of evil...Who will have my audience shrieking in the privacy of their
living rooms...Mr. W. went on...

Worthy foes of my heroine...

Hmmn...Scodos frowned at the "heroine"...Couldn't he do the show around a heroic and
charming demon from Hell?

Battling for his kind in a world that doesn't understand him....

Doesn't go over with today's audience...Mr. W explained...

They want a female heroine...And a monster defeated by the hour's end...

But no reason we couldn't have a season-long villain each year...May even series length...

A Big Boss type...

With just that touch of character that makes him sympathetic to the audience...

You know, like the Lex Luther character.

Hmmn...Scodos nodded...

A tragic anti-hero...Or hero, if you took a certain pov...

And he had to admit...Even some of his own couldn't help secretly rooting for the Slayer on
occasion...The heroic little girl taking on all manner of creature had a undeniable appeal.

And of course...Wescox continued...If we film on location here, we'd be needing supporting
villains, extras...

So if you have any actor pals who might be interested in the project?...And looking for something
steady?...He looked at the group...All in makeup...

Great to see such enthusiasm...Though he'd like to know how word got out of his coming...

But, hey...Job Wescox leaves a large footprint.

It will be mostly night work for the villains...he added.

I might know a few fellas who'd be interested...A night schedule wouldn't be a problem...Scodos

Excellent...If my tour tonight goes well...We'll start recruiting in a week...Mr. W shook hands
and headed out.

Hmmn...Touring tonight?...

"Just a mo, Mr. Wescox..." Scodos called him back...

If you're going out tonight...I might be able to help you...he noted.

After briefly discussing the upcoming evening's activities with Wescox, Scodos alerted his mates at the bar...See Mr. Wescox has an entertaining, but safe night out...

Wouldn't want to eat the goose that lays golden eggs...

In fact, we'd better get everyone we can in on this...

Absolutely, they agreed...And a real artist to work for too, one noted...

The others looked at him...

"I've seen some of his stuff on HBO...It was great..."

See...Willie thought to himself...Give my clientele a decent break and they're willing and ready
to get out and earn their living...


"Hey, sis..." Buffy, with Willow beside her, looked at Giles' new computer's screen...At her
twin, Spike beside her...

A satellite link system had been provided to Giles by the Council at the start of the Walthrops'
honeymoon in Europe...A long overdue tech upgrade, the Scoobies agreed.

"How's Greece hanging?..." she asked...And our amnesiac new friend the retired
goddess?...Now recovering from her little run-through by a fanatic...

"Preety good now..." BR replied, grinning...then a slight frown...

But we had to can Athens...Gotta get Will to his appointment with the Council in England.

Hmmn...The big one...Spike's interview for official Watcher status...With all the
privileges...And protections that position could offer.
"You guys ready for it?..." Buffy asked...

You bet...BR smiled...Nervously...

Giles will be heading out in a day or so...And will be there to help...Buffy noted.

William winked at the camera...

Surely one look at this sincere face, he noted...

"Mona and The Monsters"...Part IV...

Giles had come over for his greeting from the Walthrops calling by computer/satellite link from

Can't wait to see you in England, Giles...BR told him...

Really...Please be there...she bit her lip...

Landing a position with the Council as her official Watcher was a huge hurdle for Spike...But
once jumped...He'd have the support of the Council in his ongoing quest for full redemption...

Plus a few less people out to dust him would not hurt...

Giles promised to be there...And assured them William would come through it fine...

After all...If Rupert the Ripper could make the cut...

"So..." BR looked at the camera and grinned at her sis...Having sent Spike off


Well...Now that you mention it...

Giles had returned to his desk but on hearing Buffy, rolled his eyes a bit...As did Willow, sitting
next to her...

"Did Riley stick around after all?..." BR asked, interested...

Riley Finn had made a brief return but was planning to head back to Central America in a short
time...And had decided to visit some other cities to see friends and family before going...

Nope...Buffy frowned...Clearly not anxious to discuss Mr. Finn...
Jerk...BR thought...I mean Sis was killed, transformed, and resurrected just a couple of months
ago...Not to mention my appearance...And our merging...What kind of guy can't see when a girl
needs him?...

Takes a special kind of guy...she beamed over at Spike...

I do something right?...he wondered to himself...Standing over with good old Benedictus,
Glory's gentle doctor-god brother...

BR returned to sis...

Dad?...She asked, moving on...Meaning Dr. Warren Mears, Spike's fellow "cybergenius",
partner, and best friend...Next to Xander, of course...Creator of Buffy Rebecca's artificial human

Who had been eyed by Buffy...Following his excellent supporting roles in battles with Dru and
Darla and as BR's loving dad...As a potential beau...

Fine...Sweet as always...But a leetle restrained...Buffy sighed...

"I think he may still be having deal problems with you being his "little girl"...Buffy noted...

But that wasn't the...Development...

There was no way to put this easily...So out with it...

"Darla had a baby...A human boy..."


Angel's human boy...Buffy told BR tersely...


BR's jaw dropped...

"Something interesting, dear heart?..." Spike called over...Catching sight of her expression...


"Angie..." Wescox spoke into his small tape recorder..."Notes for my files and tomorrow's

Well...Sunnydale's a bit more interesting a place after all...

Have found some promising talent...

Please get any info you can on a young woman...Actress, I think...Named Buffy
Summers...Sunnydale resident...

Try William Morris, all the agencies you can...And maybe some of the local theater companies...

And...He paused...

"Maybe you should try that occult guy I had the interview with last week...His number's on my

Just ask if he's ever heard of Ms. Summers or...

"The Slayer..."

"So..." Scodos addressed the gathered pitiful remnants of Sunnydale's underworld in a large
cavern in the bowels of the town sewer system...Suffering under the multiple blows of two
human Slayers...Following on the cataclysmic assault of Buffy Rebecca and the disastrous
defeats of the Goddess of Glory and Victory, Darla, and Wolfram-Hart...

Only the slender protection of the much-strained peace agreement offering any cover.

"I know some of you hate the peace as much as I do..."

Here-here...Several feebly chimed in...

However...Scodos paused...There are times when reality has to be faced...

"Our kind faces utter annihilation...And serious underemployment in the current economy..."

Tell us about it...the famed Phil aka "the Voice" called from the shadows.

But help may have arrived...Scodos looked at the group...

If we have the self-control to handle the situation.

"That what I've always said..." Phil called...Maintaining his place unseen...

There's a place at the table for us in the human economy...If we just make proper use of our
talents...he noted.

"Job Wescox, TV producer, has come to Sunnydale..." Scodos announced...

And is looking for talent...Folks with a certain flare...To give his new horror series some real

"Horror series?..." one young vamp asked...

Not another cartoonish "horror" show...he sighed...

TV is such a repetitive wasteland these days.

No...Scodos firmly replied...This is one is special...

"He wants to build it around a character like the Slayer...A young, ordinary-seeming woman who
destroys Evil and Saves the World..."

Every Wednesday at eight.

Oh, Lord...the young vamp rolled his eyes...

Is this what we're reduced to in American entertainment?...God, back when I was on the stage...

"Lemme get this straight..." A middle-aged appearing female came forward...

You want us to work on a TV show about the Slayer?...That shows her killing us?...And winning
victories over us...Every week?...

"And we don't even get to kill the cast and crew?"

Would be nice to have a strong young female character on TV...A young female noted.

"We'd just be acting...It's fiction, that's all..."Scodos noted.

A chance to earn some cash...And if we let the Slayers know we're behaving ourselves...A
chance to keep them off our backs until we can regroup a little...

Besides...Wescox has promised to include a strong, sympathetic master villain...Scodos pointed
out...Some one who could occasionally make a case for our kind.

And we would be entertaining people...A former comedian noted...It's always nice to make
people smile...

"That "strong, sympathetic villain" won't be called "Spike"?...By any chance?" one demon

A mutual groan throughout the room...

Probably "Angel"...the young former thespian vamp noted sourly.

"God forbid..." Scodos shook his head...But he'll played by Sydney Mechamber...Wescox swears
he's got him signed.

Yeah...A female noted...I read something about that in Variety...

The Sydney Mechamber?...the young thespian perked up...

My God...A chance to work with Sydney Mechamber...he noted thoughtfully.

"Who's playing Buffy?..." one vamp called...

"Mona..." Scodos replied...

The heroine's name is gonna be...Mona.

"Mona?..." several looked at each other...

Mona...Scodos nodded...And the show...

"Mona...And the Monsters..."

Hmmn...Certain uncouth ring to it...the thespian noted...

Wow...Sydney Mechamber...he thought.

How'd they ever get him?...

"So...Who's playing..." the middle-aged looking female gulped... "Mona?"

Scodos shook his head...Mr. W. is keeping that under his hat...

But the point of our meeting tonight is...he went on...

"Wescox hasn't settled on the place for filming...He wants to do location shots...Which means
work for us...If we show him a Sunnydale that will keep audiences watching every week..."

And behave ourselves...he added.

Hmmn...The young thespian was intrigued...He could see the concept...

A beautiful, quiet little town by day...A horror movie nightmare after dark...

Very Lynchian.
So...Several called up to Scodos...

What do you want us to do?...

"Mr. W. is touring the town...Tonight..." Scodos noted...

Lets show him Sunnydale's darker side...Safely, of course...And no kills...

Of humans anyway.

Hardly "dark" without kills the thespian noted glumly...


Mona and the Monsters...Part V...

Looking at her twin via the computer/satellite link from Greece...BR was shocked...

Angel...A dad?...Of a human, soul-bearing child?!...

Darla's child...

"You do know what this means...?" Buffy paused, looking at her sis.

Naturally she did...After all...Buffy Rebecca was Buffy.

Why that soulful...All this time...BR thought...

All that blathering talk about how Sis and he...Would be together... "someday"...

When the blankety-blank-blank... "Prophecy" came true...When his f-ing Redemption was won...
When the world was "safe"...

When all the time...


"It's always been Darla..." Buffy noted sadly.

Of course he fell for me the moment he saw us...she went on to BR...

We're blonde...Like Darla...The Darla he's secretly always wished for...Human-souled Darla...

Who finally came to him...Just like you came for Spike, Buffy pointed out to her sis.
So...BR couldn't resist noting to herself...Trying not to smile at her Spike...Don't wanna rub poor
sis' face in it...

Can Robo-buffy pick em or can't she?

But she was sorry for her sis...

Twit...Bloody thoughtless, stupid...Asinine...Christ-imitating...Twit...

Well, still...It does reflect so well on mine own true...she couldn't help noting to herself.

Spike, however...While sympathizing with dear sis-in-law...Viewed it as welcome news...

Apart from the large crack in the "noble Angel on a pedestal" monument...Which...Having come
to friendship with the Brooding one he was now astonishingly reluctant to exploit...

Although he naturally couldn't resist an inward chuckle or two...Or three...

The key point was...

If ole grandad could father a child...

Just a matter of checking to see that Hell had no claim on his new... "Brother" "Uncle"...?

And one more reason to get his voyage to the lower regions underway asap once they got home.

BR couldn't help feeling pleased herself on the biology issue...

If one vamp can father a kid...A human, hopefully utterly ordinary, kid...Then...

However she felt it best not to discuss the positive aspects of the situation with Buffy just yet...

Wescox's new "Fred" Scodos...Well, Fred had been his human first
name...Had suggested a personally escorted route around Sunnydale's night haunts that was sure
to provide the producer with "potential".

His "people" would be on hand and put on a grand show he'd assured him before Wescox had
left Willie's in the late afternoon.

Not all professional actors of course, but a dedicated company all the same...

And all excellent at makeup and their own special effects...Even quite capable of doing their own
stunt work.

A major cost-saver over other locales, Scodos had noted.

Would that Ms. Summers be along for the ride?...Wescox had asked.

Ms. Summers?...Well...

"I'm sure she'll turn up at some point..." Scodos had noted.

Very sure...he had sighed...

Just hope I get to discuss all this with her before she kills us all...he'd thought.

Terrific...Job had smiled...Of course...Wescox had hated to crush the poor kid's dreams...

You will let her know that the Mona role has been cast...?...he'd asked...

Don't want to lead her on...A fine little actress but...Gotta have a name here...

You understand.

Scodos had assured him that Ms. Summers would bear up under the disappointment...

Trooper that she was.
Scodos met Wescox just outside his hotel...Just after sunset...In the middle of downtown

Such as it was...Wescox thought, looking around...But that was ok...

Hellis, the home town of the TV show, was supposed to be a nice little town...Picket fencedy,
Main Street, and all that.

"Please keep by me, boss..." Scodos told Wescox pleasantly...Now wearing his human face, that
of a mild-mannered thirty-ish dark-haired fellow...Not particularly out of the ordinary in

My people are very enthusiastic and sometimes can get a leetle carried away in their
performances...he noted.

Wouldn't want you to get caught in one of our stunts...

Buffy was beginning Patrol with Willow...Xander to join later, Anya having insisted on
completing the selection of the wedding invitations this evening.

A meek-looking vamp approached them...Peace emblem prominently displayed...

"Slayer?...I bring greetings from Scodos...Our chosen leader..."

He begs your attendance at a meeting...At eight-thirty in the Market Street courtyard...He has
urgent matters to discuss...And pledges to come alone.

Hmmn...Thought Willow...Another peacemaking vampire leader...

Hopefully not another friend of my family...Like my old beau, Leto...

Poor Mr. Letos...God rest his kind soul...she quickly added.

"What's up with your boss?...What's he got to "discuss"?..." Buffy quizzed the emissary.

Who shook his head...Such matters were not for him to know...However...

Scodos had told him to tell the Slayer...The issues at hand affected her and her comrades...All
human Sunnydale in fact...As well as the underworld community.

Willow eyed Buffy...

"Another Glory-level crisis, maybe...?" she paused...

Buffy shrugged...Who knows?...

"Giles hasn't noticed anything special up and about...Excepting ole Krakos...Who's accounted
for now..." she noted.

Still, ounce of preemptive striking beats a pound of bloody and desperate fate-of-the-world-
hanging-in-the-balance struggles.

And the courtyard was a wide open place, crowded...Not suitable for an ambush, especially with
the underworld population so visibly reeling as they knew it was.

"Ok..." she told the meek emissary...

I'll meet him...At eight-thirty...The far end of the courtyard facing Market Street...

"And he better be alone..." she glared at the little vampire.

"Angie..." Wescox called into his tape recorder... "Get this all down..."

Switching to video, he noted.
He began filming with a small video camera...

Scodos waited patiently by his side...Nice to see the boss takes this seriously...

A true professional...

Scodos politely donned "work-face" as Wescox closed up on him...Giving a suitable look of

Great effect, that...Wescox noted...Gotta get the details on how he does it...

"Sunnydale at night..." he began...


Mona and the Monsters...Part VI...

Wescox had been taking some exterior video shots for half an hour when several of Scodos'
"people" arrived...

All in make-up, naturally...And excellent work, too, Wescox happily noted...

Hard to believe they did it themselves...Be a leetle difficult to slip it past the union of course
but...Something could be worked out...Probably involving hiring a union boss' dim-witted
brother or niece...

And what a cost-saver...If they were all as good at it as these four...

The three newcomers...Two eight-foot demons and a vampiress in "work-face" happily staged a
little fight for the camera...

A few passers-by noted the action and the camera...Stopping to watch...

Well, thought one...What'ya know?...All this time I thought something weird was going on in
town...And it was just a bunch of actors...

Course that still doesn't explain what happened to my cousin...

Scodos stayed by Wescox, keeping a careful eye on the proceedings...Fortunately the group at
present were the survival-minded, understood the necessity of good behavior...And had fed on
artificial blood beforehand...Plus a hearty brace of kittens in the case of the two demons...

The crowd of humans gathering was quite entertained in fact...he noted happily...And Mr. W.
obviously pleased...

But this was just the beginning, Scodos assured him...


Nearly eight-fifteen, Scodos checked the time and turned apologetically to Mr. W., briefly but
politely interrupting him...

He had to leave for about one hour...To make final arrangements for the main events of the
evening...Scodos noted...

And the future, if any, he thought to himself...

He called over one of the demons, a reasonably intelligent fellow named Grieg, who spent a
sufficient amount of time fleeing the original Slayer to fully understand what was at stake here...

"Boss, please ask Grieg here for anything you need while I'm away...He'll take care of you

He took Grieg aside a mo...

Not one human, remember, Grieg...

And no wandering...Everybody stays here unless Mr. Wescox wants to move...

Grieg nodded, looking at the crowd...

Actually rather nice to have fans...A couple had already asked for his autograph...

This TV series thing might be kinda fun at that...

Scodos set out towards Market Street and its remodeled courtyard...

This would work, he was sure of it...After all he had an offer he was sure the Slayer would not
Angie...Mr. W. spoke into his pocket tape recorder...Pausing the video shoot...

Get Jack Barclay out here first thing tomorrow...And arrange a conference call with my backers
for the day after tomorrow...

If the rest of tonight works half as well as it has so far...This is Hellis...

He watched the remaining demon and vampiress toss each other and clash a bit in mid-air...

The swelling crowd cheered as the two executed a perfect landing...
They smiled shyly and bowed...To tumultuous applause...

Which was not lost on Mr. W...

Looks like he had found his "potential"...And then some...

"My God..." he looked at the beaming Grieg... "Who is your choreographer?...That fight scene
was just perfect..."

Grieg smiled a bit...

"You?..." Wescox grinned...

Oh...Grieg replied modestly...Just a few ideas I suggested to the others...And Mr. Scodos before
we came over...

Glad you like...Boss...Grieg grinned back...

Nice to be appreciated, he thought...

Scodos was discussing the current situation with Buffy at the Market St. Courtyard...

"Surely you...In your wisdom, Slayer...Can see the benefits of our arrangement...?" Scodos asked
Buffy hopefully...

Our community's best and brightest...Collected in one area under your watchful
supervision...Easy to deal with if they should ever get out of hand...

"Which they will not...I promise you..." he hastily added...

Buffy stared at Scodos...Willow stared at Scodos...

Who she had to admit had been preety decent about accepting her presence...And Buffy's excuse
that the Slayer had said nothing about her being alone...

"You and your friends?...Working on a TV horror series?...As TV monsters?..." Buffy noted..

Actors...Scodos correctly gently but firmly...And extras, of course...

Working off some of their excess hunter energy...While leaving all humans encountered
unharmed...And many humans watching...Extraordinarily entertained...

Plus providing a healthy boost to Sunnydale's recession-battered economy...For all parties...

"But...How would I be able to keep watch over your... "People".." Buffy looked at Scodos...

While you're all...Working...

Mr. Wescox was very impressed with you, Slayer...Asked about you many times...Scodos

Thinks you're a wonderful actress...

I told him we all worked together...A sort of repertory company...Scodos smiled...

And came together...Or not at all...

So...He'd find something for you...

"How dense is this Wescox?..." Willow asked him...

Typical human, Scodos replied...Refuses to accept the irrational, supernatural side of things...

He regarded Buffy hopefully...

She hadn't said no per se...And that was half the battle...

And he could see that she was...Intrigued...

Give us a moment alone...Buffy told him...

He nodded pleasantly...As pleasantly as he could with that face...And went off to await the
Slayer's decision...

"You're not seriously considering this...Are you?..." Willow looked at Buffy...

Well...Buffy paused...BR told me she and Will will be in Europe for at least another month and a
half...If he makes Watcherdom, the Council will be putting him through a training session....Plus
they have to finalize things with the EU Cybernetics combine...

Would be convenient to have the Big Bads all in one locale...Keeping tabswise I mean...While sis
is gone...

It might encourage the peace process elsewhere...If it works out, other vamps may get the
message that it's better to accept the Slayers' terms and lead a rather comfortable non-violent
existence...She eyed Willow...

Plus, she thought...

Working on a TV series might be an interesting summer job...Maybe help with the career
decision thing...

And I'd have to hunt 'em somewhere...Might as well be where I can find 'em quick...

"If this guy can really deliver on the job thing...It might be worth a shot..." she concluded to

Nice to have something to put on my resume besides mass evil-killing experience...And one summer's waitressing...

I dunno...Willow looked at her...And over at Scodos...Who in human face was quietly strolling
the courtyard...

"They might be able to get us both in..." Buffy noted...

So that we could both watch 'em, of course...

Hmmn...Summer job on a TV series...Say, I thought they didn't work in summer...Willow
thought...And mentioned the last aloud...

"You sure the cast and crew are really human?..." she asked Buffy...

Well...Wescox was human when I met him the other day...she noted...

At least, as human as a TV producer can be...

But that's all the more reason to keep an eye on them, Buffy pointed out...If some new group of
evil-doers is gonna wander Sunnydale disguised as a TV film crew...

Well...Willow hesitated...

Does sound interesting...

And I guess we should "Give peace a chance"...

"Who do you suppose is playing..." Willow grimaced...


Buffy shrugged...

Of course...she thought...

Mr. Wescox did seem quite interested in me the other day...
Mona and the Monsters...Part VII...

All right, Buffy told a pleased Scodos...

If I don't see your "people's" "stunts" doing any harm on my Patrol tonight...I'll leave them be...

As for the TV series thing...

I'll think about it...she looked at him.

In the bag...he thought happily...

She's hooked...We've got her...

In the most non-violent way, of course...After all...

She's now a member of our little theatrical family.

A flattered, even slightly bashful demon Grieg was basking in the praise of his likely new
"boss"...Praise..From the "hottest" (Variety said so, so it must be so, Grieg noted) new producer
in television...

And in the cheers of the crowd who were so taken with the antics and stunts he'd choreographed
for the small group of demons and vamps now "performing"...
He didn't get this kind of approbation at home.

As for his cast...They were finding it rather nice to receive cheers rather than the sharp point of
one of the Slayers' stakes...

And to think...If all went well...They'd actually be getting paid for this.

An exuberant Mr. W. was clearly near signing on the dotted line...

And the best was yet to come...With a little touch of menace to maintain that dark and
threatening quality the series' location would call for...

A little David Lynch coming up, Grieg noted to Wescox...Just to keep things from turning too

Excellent...Mr. W. nodded...Just what he'd hoped for...

A real find this Grieg...he thought...A true artist...

Just the man to walk his cast on that fine line between the tragic and the comedic...

Gotta remember to have Angie look up his work.

The young thespian vamp ran up to Scodos...Still wearing human face...

And clearly at peace with all the world.

"It went well?..." the thespian asked hesitantly.

A chance to work with the Sydney Mechamber hanging in the balance...

Very well...Scodos nodded, smiling...

The Slayer has approved tonight's activities and will consider our proposal...

"Let the others know...And, remind them...Best behavior...I'll get back to Mr. Wescox..." Scodos
eyed his friend...

"We have a show to put on..." Scodos left him.

First the peace agreement...Now this...What a Slayer...The thespian thought gratefully...Such
largeness of vision...

A true professional...

So...What'll Giles say about this?...Willow looked at Buffy as they continued Patrol.

Buffy shrugged...Better they're all in one place, play fighting each other...

Than scattered around town, massacring the innocent...

A nervously smiling seven foot demon passed by...Prominently displaying an emblem of the
peace party...

Buffy waved him on...

Of course he'll say that with a British accent and a slightly disapproving manner, she finished.

Willow nodded...Hmmn...Say...

"What time did that...Scodos?...say they'd be putting on their little show?..." Willow asked her.

Tenish...Buffy replied...

You want to see it too, eh...she grinned at Willow...

"Well, we are out here to watch demons and other menacy creatures..." Willow noted.

How's bout I tell Xander and Anya to meet us there...she suggested. Buffy looked at her...

Oughta be interesting to see Xander's take on all this...Willow grinned...

"Shame your sisters aren't round to see..." Willow paused as she dialed Xander on her cell

Ummn...Lets leave Dawny out of the loop just for now...Buffy suggested.

Prefer not to have her trying to hang around a TV series set all night long...Especially where part
of the cast is otherworldly.

As for BR...My twin would probably take the negative side of the argument I've been having in
my head for the last half-hour.

Don't know bout that, Willow thought...BR's a preety open person...I mean, look who she picked
for a hubs...

"Of course I'll clear it with Basey when she gets back..." Buffy noted...

Fellow Slayer courtesy...But I'd bet she'll be willing to give it a shot.

Unless of course Amelia turns out to be a by-the-book Watcher type...

They turned left on Finch heading down on towards Main Street...Just a few blocks from where
Mr. W. was conducting his test shoot.

Very quiet night so far...

Hmmn...Amelia...Willow thought...

"Did you notice how Basey jumps every time Giles mentions Amelia's name?..." Willow

Our new Slayer senses a rival, I'd say...

Well...Buffy grinned...Leetle competition is good for the soul...

And my Watcher is not one to be won easily.
Speaking of Watchers...she grinned at Willow...

Picture our Spike...He must be on his way to the Council right now...

She won't make him wear the tweed suit?...You think?...And those glasses?...Willow looked at

Who oughta know...After all...

Council of Watchers, Will...Buffy noted...And a very anxious Mrs. Summers-Walthrop...

She'll have him in tweeds, no doubt about it...Conservative tweeds...

And...He actually needs the glasses...

Don't spread this around, but my "bro-in-law" is near-sighted.

Really...? Willow grinned...

Sis made him take an eye exam...She'd seen him squinting at signs in the Mall back when they
lived together at the Greenwood crypt...Buffy peered down a dark alley...

No one...Not even a corpse...Scodos' "people" were definitely keeping their pledge...So far.

"And all the time I thought Spike was trying to look menacing with that squint?...He just couldn't
see us clearly?" Willow smiled.

Maybe we could get Giles to take a group picture, Willow chuckled, looking at Buffy.

Spike among the Watchers...The few, the proud, the bespectacled and tweedy...

Tell Giles it's like...A graduation thing...

William is trying very hard, Will...Buffy frowned a bit...

And all for love of...ummn, sis.

You don't find that kind of love growing on trees, you know...Buffy paused.

Oops...Willow had forgotten the little mind merge...Buffy had BR's memories of her
romance...And probably was not completely over them, poor kid.

Not to mention being at least in part the source of Buffy Rebecca's sympathetic soul...Just Buffy
in a kind mood on a good day, Spike had once told her...

And not always all that kind or all that good a day...he'd grinned...

"But it would be neat to have a photo like that..." Buffy smiled at her...

Something to hold over his head forever that's for sure...One forgotten sis-in-law birthday and all
his former demon pals get a copy.

A sweet young couple, their infant carefully bundled up and secure in its stroller, the dark-haired,
lovely mother pausing to check and tickle baby...Happily strolling the downtown streets of Hellis, Grieg corrected...As he laid out the scene to Mr. W., listening intently...


A black-leather coated swaggerer emerges from the bushes...Well-armed, with two hulking
brutes in support...

More than money on his mind as he eyes the lovely mother...

The helpless, hapless young father held fast in the arms of the leering brutes while their leader
amuses himself torturing the young mother with threats to her infant...

He raises the innocent babe's blanket...And howls...

First in hideous fear...Then in hideous pain as a horrible monstrosity grabs him by the
head...Swallowing his head up to the neck...

The mother smiles beatifically...While dear young dad reveals the face of an equally hideous
demon and hurls the now terrified brutes onto the ground...

The lovely human "mother", now clearly in thrall, kneels in front of the her master
demon's...equivalent of feet...As does the "dad", a minion of the creature...

A hideous evil has come to Hellis...Again...


Grieg ok Frank, let Sid go now...he hissed to the creature...Still holding "Sid", the
black-clad gang leader in its mouth...

In the interests of the underworld community's future, "Frank" released his acting partner...Who,
a true professional, maintained his human form throughout...

Wescox whistled...And gave a hearty thumb's up...

The crowd gave a cheer, stamping their feet...Which Mr. W. took full cognizance of...

Willow looked at Buffy...Buffy at Willow...As they stood near Wescox, the returned Scodos,
Grieg, and the underworld "troupe"...

Well...They'd seen better before...But...This was pretty good...

And admirable self-restraint on the part of that vampire playing the black-clad assailant with his
head in the sandworm demon's mouth...Not to mention...The sandworm demon's...

Scodos came over, back in human face...

Would Ms. Summers possibly consider joining their next little skit?...Naturally if she didn't care
for anything during the course of the performance she was free to take any action she deemed

It's just...Mr Wescox would like to see a scene with someone standing in for his monster killer,

Willow had not had time to give Xander more than the sketchiest outline of the situation when
she'd called to give him the new meeting place location...So that he was not quite prepared when
he and Anya came into to the square to see Buffy in an open area, surrounded by a huge crowd...

Facing three seven foot tall, gnarled faced demons...

Willow watching intently from the crowd, caught sight of him and waved...


Hmmn...Will didn't seem in any hurry to stop the three things with magics...

Well, maybe she just wants to give Buffy a chance to handle things on her own...Giles was
concerned she might be getting too used to leaning on Buffy Rebecca to deal with the nasties,
lose some of her edge...

Especially what with losing her parents and the dying, transformation, and resurrection things...

One of the three lunged at Buffy and grabbed her...Lifting her as the others closed in...

Whoa...Big bro to the rescue...

"Xander?!..." Anya cried as he rushed past her...
Willow waved her arms frantically...It's ok, Xander...

He charged through the crowd...Gangway...Hero coming through...

Ummn...Sorry, Xander...Willow sheepishly informed him...

Should've told you what was up over the phone, I guess...

Thought you'd get here before Buf went on...

Anya stroked him...

"You did just fine, honey..."

He rubbed his bruised forehead...The demons had been relatively gentle in restraining him but
the key word was...Relatively...

Jumping him as he crashed through to the open area, just as Buffy made her "here's the deal"
speech and kicked back two of her three co-actors...And jerked loose of the first...

Still he hadn't been hurt...Much...Just stunned....

Even the demon and vamp actors rather worriedly inquiring about his condition...Not wanting
anything to mar the evening's splendid performance...

And the scene had gone off well...

Except...Willow hesitated to mention...

Wescox didn't seem...Overwhelmed by Buffy's performance...Anya explained...


Hmmn...Wescox frowned...Well...Hadn't been a bad effort on Ms. Summers' part...

Nice...Fast...As to the staged fighting and all...But...

Just not exactly how he visualized... "Mona" her battles...

A ballet dancer's grace...And still able to express her deep compassion for the condemned
creatures she must kill...

An elegant expression of skill and sympathy...

Ms. Summers made it seem like the monster killer enjoyed her slaughters almost as much as the
monsters did...

But then, the kid was just filling the spot best she could...

Hopefully she had no illusions about actually getting the part...

And the rest of the company...Outstanding...

Job Wescox had found his Hellis...

As for Ms. Summers...Well...

As "Fred" Scodos seemed so determined she play a part in this...Demonstrating an admirable
loyalty to his troupe...


She seemed good at some of the fighting stunts...Maybe he could fit her in as a stunt person...Or,
to avoid the union headaches...A technical advisor...

Yeah...That always worked for the occasional mobster backer's idiot nephew or daughter...

And dear Libby would need some pointers on fighting...Ms. Summers really did seem to have the
kung-fu stuff down pat...

Just...No empathy...

I mean, where's the compassion...The feeling...These are supposed to be condemned former souls
for crying out loud...

Well...He'd find some place for her...

Kinda sad, actually...he noted to Scodos...Such a coldness to such a pretty young kid...

Well...Scodos sighed...You know, boss...A lot of these young actresses have been through the
wringer...Seen it all...

But underneath that slight callousing, our Buf's a great kid...he noted...

And will give it all she's got...

Mona and the Monsters...Part VIII...

It wasn't that she had expected to walk into the lead part of the series, Buffy told herself...

Especially after one rushed performance...With no real time to prepare...


"He didn't like my performance as the Slayer?..." Buffy looked at Willow, a head-bandaged
Xander, Anya, and a rather sheepish Scodos, current Sunnydale underworld leader...

Who had bravely come bearing the Slayer Mr. Wescox's opinion of the little scene she and three
of his "people" had just staged...

Well, Mr. Wescox's edited opinion...Scodos wanted the deal to come off...And to live to see
another sunset...

Mr. Wescox had said...She was...uh...Good...Scodos had told her...


But just right now...Mr. W didn't think he had an acting role in the show that would suit her...

However...He was impressed by her all-around abilities and hoped she would consider the
position of...

Technical Advisor...

Sounds like a blow-off to me...Buffy had grumblingly noted to herself...Before turning to her
friends for their opinions...

All naturally given with the strictest adherence to honesty...

By Anya...

"I thought it was good...But that Mr. Wescox didn't seem to care much for it...And the
crowd...Well, they were kinda sympathizing with the demons I think..." she noted...

Rather nice to see demons winning a little sympathy, actually...she thought...

Buffy turned to Willow...

It was just great, Buf...Just great...she nodded...


"Well...Didn't see much after I got clobbered...But up to then..."

Great, Buf...Just great...

She looked at their smiling, nervous faces...

"That bad?..." she looked at Willow and began sobbing...

No...No, Buffy...Willow hugged her sobbing friend...

Who couldn't do anything...Even her own job, for crying out loud...right...she noted as she went
on sobbing on Willow's shoulder...

Willow looked helplessly at the others...

Scodos helpfully noted, watching the poor girl cry, that the job of "technical advisor" usually
went to a distinguished and qualified professional...

No doubt Mr. W. had learned somehow of her true status and this was his way of utilizing her

Fred Scodos, former human resources director, calls on his half-forgotten "people skills" to rise
to the occasion...

Willow looked at the vampire...Hmmn...Clever fellow, this one...

Will bear some careful watching...

Buffy peeked over her friend's shoulder...


Absolutely...Xander chimed in...

Wescox and the demon choreographer Grieg came over...

Grieg having suggested they stop by Ms. Summers and her injured friend...

He'd noticed the poor girl looked a leetle downcast...And he wanted to reassure her regarding his
cast's actions to restrain Xander earlier...

"You ok there, fella?..." Grieg nodded to Xander...

Really sorry about the trouble back there...But the guys didn't know you were a friend of Ms. Summers...
No problem...Xander told him...Never been so gently handled by the undead...

Um...He looked at Wescox...By the undead...Played by actors...

Good line thought Wescox...And said so...

Picturing the scene...Wisecracking sidekick turns to Mona after the Big Fight...


"Mind if I take that one down?...Can never tell when it'll fit..." he looked at Xander...who
shrugged....And grinned...


Hmmn...Anya pondered...TV writers make more money than carpenters...If their work captures
the public's imagination...Like those writers on "Will and Grace"...

Not that I would ever push my darling to do any work he wouldn't enjoy. And get all soft and
puffy sitting in front of a word processor every day.

No, I love him when he's all carpentryish...Still, if he...Occasionally earned something extra for
the long-term education of any offspring we may have...Just as a part-time thing...

Besides...He actually has been writing me poetry...And that thing for the carpentry magazine...

This is fate knocking...Anya thought...Knocking for my Xander...

Hopefully minus any demon messenger...Or large Death figure with a sickle waiting for him to

Angie...Wescox spoke into his recorder...Repeating Xander's line...

Which was...Sparkling and hilarious...Anya noted to herself...

And he has a million of em....Which she noted to Mr. W.

Really...Wescox looked Xander over...

So...You're a writer?...

Maybe we should talk...I'd be looking for a writer who knows this town inside out...

"My beloved fiancee knows this town inside and multidimensionally out..." Anya smiled...

My...He does have that "writer's chin"...The lean, thoughtful variety, not the pudgy double
type...And that far-away look in his beautiful eyes...she thought...

Writer?...Xander looked at Anya, then Wescox...

Well...There is that thing I've been trying to write...

And the stuff I wrote about Anya's hair and feet...

Writer?...Xander Harris?...Willow blinked...

"Of course he's only an amateur...Right now...But you should read some of his stuff..." Anya

What?...Willow looked at her...

"Xander?..." she looked at him...

"It's nothing...It's just a couple of poems...And..."

"And a wonderful article for Young Carpenter's Magazine..." Anya beamed...

Well...Wescox nodded...I'm always ready to hear from a new source...Especially when it's from
the locale I may be planning to work in...

Send some of your stuff over...Maybe include a scene or two based on tonight's work...

Geesh...Buffy stared...

One lousy line and Xander's a television writer?...

"Ummn...Ms. Summers... " Grieg came over to her...

"Hope you're not upset with the way of the cast behaved...Tried to keep things
orderly..." he nervously looked at her.

"It was fine...Your "cast" was great...And well-behaved..." Buffy told him...

Especially for seven-foot Kundri demons, Willow thought...All gnarly and twisty does not make
for a good disposition.

And you were just great...Grieg smiled at the Slayer...

He thought she'd got it just right...Quite sincerely, judging from his open face...

And his particular brand of demon had a rather open face.

Thank you...she beamed.

This..."Mona" seems more like the sort of Slayer Drusilla would have made...Buffy joked...As
she, Willow, Anya, and Xander headed home after seeing Wescox reached his hotel safely.

Wescox had treated everyone to a little dinner at the restaurant down the street and enlarged on
his view of the upcoming series...Now a definite go for Sunnydale, he'd announced to the table's
and the restaurant's enthusiastic applause...And his view of his heroine...Mona...

Brave, tough...But never forgetting the trapped, lost souls in the hideous things she destroys...Her
compassion ever present...

Ummn...I mean, human Drusilla...Buffy noted...Before Angelis took advantage of her
compassion, drove her insane, and turned her into a homicidal maniac..

Yeah, Xander nodded...I could see that...Human Drusilla would have made a very compassionate

Very thoughtful and sympathetic.

Points which Wescox had stressed in his description of his noble Mona.

Buffy stared at him...Xander?...

"So that is to say?...I'm not compassionate, thoughtful, and sympathetic?... "

Willow looked down the street...Must be something going on...Somewhere...

Wasn't talking in specifics, Buf...Xander noted...

It's just...The Council has trained you guys...Well...Generally...It's kill first and ask if seeking or
capable of redemption second...

Though since they're usually ashes by then you generally don't ask...he noted.

Buffy blinked at him...Jaw slightly open.

"I...I'm very compassionate...I my neurally copied twin married and redeemed a
vampire...I've...Spent time...with a vampire boyfriend...."

Ok, a soul-bearing, redemption-seeking vampire.

But...I'm always kind to the ones I hunt down like dogs...I do it quick and easy for them...

And usually some witty banter to lighten a grim and frightening situation.

Scodos and Grieg were heading home themselves, having escorted Wescox back to his hotel
in the company of Buffy and co...

Could it have gone better?...Scodos jubilantly noted.

Well...Grieg was pensive...

As befitting the new assistant choreographer of a new and ground-breaking television series...

And he felt badly about Ms. Summers...She'd done well, he thought...It couldn't help worrying
him a little.

Worried?...What about?...Scodos looked at his friend.

"I don't know if Mr. Wescox has a good take on what Mona should be like..." Grieg explained...

Hard for us to bring her to real life if he's got her on some artificial pedestal...Too good for the
world, that sort of thing.

Scodos stared at him...Blinking...

All well and good, Grieg...And I appreciate your enthusiasm...But we are in this for the money,
you know...he noted.

No reason we can't have the money and do a solid piece of creative work, Grieg replied...

Something we can all be proud of...A real artistic contribution.

"Weren't you a garbageman in your human life?..." Scodos asked the demon.

Even a garbageman can appreciate the finer things, you know...Grieg looked at him...

I watched PBS all the time...Still do whenever I can get cable.

But Buffy had secured one piece of info...

Or rather it had dropped into her lap...Mr. W. having decided her "technical duties" could include
assisting his new and soon-to-arrive star to get acclimated to Sunnydale.

"Libby Marsden?..." Willow's eyes bulged...

The Libby Marsden?...Xander's jaw dropped...

You'll be working with the Libby Marsden?...In chorus.

Geesh...Buffy thought...

They're all gaga over a little movie star...

You'd think I never saved the world or killed a single hideous purveyor of evil and death.
Mona and the Monsters...Part IX...

Casting call...

Wescox, with the approval of his backers, had decided to begin initial casting of the smaller parts
from "Fred" Scodos' theatrical company as soon as possible...The following Tuesday in fact, just
five days after their performances had sold him on Sunnydale...

One must move on a good idea in the fast-paced world of modern television...

Scodos had arranged for the daylight capable demons of his "company" to arrive at Wescox's
temporary office for their interviews...In general, a formality, Wescox had assured him, though
naturally those obviously not up to the mark would be politely declined...At 3:30pm...With the
vamps and other daylight-challenged "people" coming in after dark...

After all, as he'd noted to Wescox in making the arrangements...Most actors have to work day
jobs to get by...

Nothing unusual in that most would need to come late in the day or early evening...Besides the
shooting schedule was to be aiming for mostly night shots anyway.

While he himself would also have to join the activities later, Scodos was happy to assure Mr. W.
that the capable...daylight-capable...Grieg...And Ms. Summers...Would be on hand early.

Now just the little matter of falsifying documentation for his little company...Not really a major
problem, thanks to the underground network of false references and phony papers long
established by and for the underworld population.

Which even Buffy Rebecca and her dear hubs had made use of for covering their respective
"unusual" pasts...

Alexander Harris, television writer...

With Anya's devoted help...And constant prodding, Xander had managed to craft two scenes set
in Sunnydale, based largely on the Scoobies' past exploits...

One, from his time as barkeeper at the U-Cal Sunnydalers favorite pub...

The other...From his adventures as "jackal boy"...

Minus of course the leetle attack on Buffy during his deranged state...

No need for either the world or Anya to learn about that one.

Buffy reviewed them at his request...Slightly grudgingly...

But had to admit...They were kinda...Good...

Never knew Xander had such a good eye for the details.

Willow was rather more effusive...Though equally surprised...

But then, she always suspected Xander had hidden depth to him...Why, when they were in high
school and she was madly in...

Ummn...When they were in high school...She hastily corrected, looking at Anya who was fixedly
staring at her...Tara as well.

Even Giles, who Xander very nervously asked to look the stuff over, gave a hearty, if startled,

Hard to believe this was the same Xander Harris who couldn't read a chapter of "Malefactor
Malitorum" without falling asleep.

Though Giles was in fact a trifle preoccupied...The new Slayer, Ms. Granger, accompanied by
her new Watcher, Ms. Walthrop-Hunt having returned and Buffy Rebecca due back after Spike's
training session, he was in the midst of preparing training schedules, Patrol assignments,
preventative planning...

The head that wears a Master Watcher's crown does not rest easy...Particularly when caring for
three Slayers, two with rather inexperienced Watchers...Even allowing for Spike's unusual
previous experience...

Wescox echoed their enthusiasm in a phone call a day after receiving the scenes...

Young Mr. Harris had that magic word... "Potential"...
He was pleased to offer him a part-time spot as assistant writer...To help bring a local take to his
writing crew.

The gang congratulated television's newest writer at the shop...Anya beaming proudly...

Not that she had anything against her future husband's carpentry and construction career...Just
nice to know he was as multi-talented in his professional life as in their bedroom...

And "Artisan-writer" has such a nice ring to it...

Dawn insisted that he write her into the show...Well, she cast a nervous glance at Buffy...Not her
per se of course...Just, maybe a Dawn-ish character for some actress to play...

After all, "Mona and the Monsters" would need to capture the teen audience...And a young teen
sidekick for Mona would be crucial in that, she noted...

And of course, if Mr. Wescox should find the idea a good one...And be looking for someone to
fill the role...she went on...Hopefully...

"No way, Dawn..." Buffy told her grimly.

You are not spending every night on a TV set around a bunch of creeps and weirdos...

Not to mention Scodos' little theater company of the undead.

Besides...Since when were you my "sidekick"?...

"Actually...Buf...I kinda think it's a good idea..." Xander noted...Hesitantly...

Not for Dawny to work on the show, of course...Just...The teen sidekick thing...

Kinda...Works for me...

"Does sound neat..." Willow enthusiastically agreed, coming over...

Buffy glared at her friend...Who clammed up...

Gee, Buf...I mean we were teens when we started, you know...she thought...Retreating to her seat
by Tara...

"I could help you write her up..." Dawn told Xander, happily resuming her campaign...

I'll bet we could come up with something by Tuesday...

Great...Just great, thought Buffy...

Xander and Dawn, TV writers...Ok, assistant, part-time writer and assistant to the

While I get the exalted job of holding "Mona"'s hand...

Ferrying her around town...Fetching her coffee...Plumping her pillows...Stroking her little star's

While trying to keep an eye on Scodos' little band.


Oh, well...Beats working all summer at Doublemeat Palace...

Hmmn...She looked at television's newest writing team, Harris and Summers, who were eagerly
conferring...With Willow, Tara, and Anya as enthusiastic sounding board...

I bet I could come up with a few good script ideas myself at that...

Tuesday brought chaos to Sunnydale on a scale even Glory's rampage could not equal...

Traffic was hopelessly snarled from 11 am on...Less from the trucks and cars of Wescox's
production team as from the crowds milling around downtown Sunnydale...Anxious to catch a
glimpse of the new series' star...

Naturally the Mayor was in attendance...A rather well-meaning, clueless, ordinary human type...

Who prattled happily to the assembled crowd of local dignitaries on the boon Wescox's show
would bring to Sunnydale...

A town sorely in need of a boost...Not to mention of good PR...So many odd incidents having
gone on in the past couple of years, he couldn't help noting...In spite of his handlers' nervous

"Hasn't anyone told him what this series is about?..." Willow whispered to Buffy as they
watched from the charmed circle of the Wescox company...

At least I rate a seat near the center of things Buffy thought...

A young woman in large rumpled cowboy hat, jeans, and faded blouse came over to them...Hat covering
part of her face...

"You guys with the Wescox crew?..." she asked...

Buffy Summers...Technical advisor...Buffy noted...

With a slight air of pride which Willow couldn't help grinning at...

"You with the show?..." she asked the woman...About their age, Willow noted...

Hmmn-hmmn...Just came on board, she told them...Grinning at Buffy...

"Technical advisor, eh?...What do you "technically advise"?..." she smiled at her...

No offense, she quickly added...Waving her hands...

Honest...I'm just trying to get a handle on who's who here...

I help with the stunt work, that sort of thing...Buffy explained, a tad miffed...

And you?...she turned to Willow.

Willow Rosenberg...Friend of the "technical advisor"...Willow grinned back...

And of one of the writers...Mr. Harris...she added, a hint of pride in her voice, which Buffy

Watch it Willow...Anya is antsy enough around you already...Not that I'm not proud of our
Xander, too.

Hmmn...Funny...Willow thought...I have the feeling I've seen her before...Even the little I can
see of her...

"Are you one of the actors?..." Willow asked her.


Sort of...she noted.

Willow caught a better view of her lower face...With a pair of lips that were...Unmistakable...

To anyone who ever left their home or watched TV...

My God...She blinked, nudging Buffy...


The girl had caught Willow's look...

"Please...sssh?...I just wanted to get in without a lot of fuss..." she smiled at Willow...

Who nodded, a bit dazed...

See ya...She left them...Heading towards the main tent...

Will?...Buffy looked at her...

Was that?...

"Your boss..." Willow replied...
Mona and the Monsters...Part X...

Though there was less excitement over him among the assembled crowd, the initial entrance of
the other series star, the famed actor Sydney Mechamber, was considerably more grand than that
of Ms. Libby Marsden...

A limo with himself and series creator/producer Job Wescox pulled up through the milling crowd
to the roped-off tent and stand area just about 12:45pm...Finally kicking off the part of the event
they had come to see, the arrival and introduction of the cast...Photographers and TV journalists
running up in a frenzy...

The tall and distinguished fifties-ish actor emerged to a reasonable wave of applause and
enthusiasm by the crowd...Smiling and waving as Wescox stood beside him...

Even Giles had lost a little of his pained expression in discussing the series when she'd
mentioned Mechamber would be playing the chief villain, Buffy noted to Willow, grinning...

Though he'd been puzzled as to why such a gifted actor would be working in some crappy little
horror show...Seeking a cash cow for his retirement fund, he had supposed in the end...

Wescox took center stage promptly at 1pm...Greeting and thanking the Mayor, the assembled
local dignitaries, and above all the crowd of future fans...

"Mona", he was sure...Would have a long and happy future in Sunnydale...

Grieg, moving out from the main tent, politely requested permission to stand with the Slayer and
her friend...

Human crowds made him nervous...And unable to disguise himself as human he was attracting a
slight degree of attention...
Admiring attention, for the most part...Great make-up job, there pal...Still...

The technical advisor was pleased to consult with the assistant choreographer, Willow noted,
grinning at Buffy...

Wescox continuing his build-up, praising Sunnydale as a fine community, symbolic of America's
basic values...

Which he intends to expose as concealing a sleazy, sinister underbelly, Willow wryly smiled at

Without further ado...Job paused...

"Let me introduce our cast...

Mr. Sydney Mechamber..."

Hearty applause...

"Miss Sally Kirke..."

Friendly applause...

Buffy caught sight of Warren stumbling around at the edge of the crowd, a guard keeping him

"Warren!!..." she called...Waving...

Back in a mo...she turned to Willow...

"Mich Bramwell..."

Hmmn...Hunky...Willow noted...

Rather an impossible standard considering he plays Mona's nerd assistant...

Shame Tara couldn't make it...But one must earn a summer's living...

Unless one chooses to make cash or valuables magically appear...

Not that I would ever suggest...Willow thought...

Still, seems a shame...With our talents...

But then, she likes working with kids...
"Susan Cooke..." Wescox beamed...

Heavy, rather wild applause for the young teen actor...

Sorry, Dawny...Willow thought...

Sidekick role filled...Oh, well, Buffy would never allow it, anyway...

Posturing little princess, isn't she...

She remembered her companion...

"You must be preety excited with all the goings-on and all..." Willow smiled at Grieg...

"Yah!!...Demons forever..." a kid running past, chased by a guard, gave Grieg the high
sign...Which he kindly returned...

Well, just hope all goes well and the Slayer is pleased...Grieg replied, smiling back...

But yes, it was very exciting...And he was extremely grateful to Ms. Summers for granting him
the opportunity to do some creative work...

"I'm sure it'll work out..." Willow told him sympathetically...Shielding him a little from the
crowd as she realized he was quite leery of them...Poor fellow...

Buffy led Warren back through the crowd to them...Clearly crowds had a similar effect on their
resident cybergenius Willow noticed...

"Warren, hi...Enjoying the craziness?..." Willow grinned at him...

Do people always get this excited over a TV show?...he asked...Looking around...

"And..." Wescox had reached the climax...

Our star...Playing Mona Medaris, champion of the oppressed, fighter against all things evil...

Willow caught Buffy's slightly sour frown...

Buf...Smile for the cameras, professional attitude...she nudged...

"Ms. Libby Marsden!!!..."

Ms. Marsden emerged, rather better dressed than on their earlier encounter...

Hmmn...Dresses even better than Buffy, Willow noted...
At least on public occasions...

But then, with Joyce gone and all, there have been restrictions on the old clothing allowance...

Wild cheers from the crowd...Guards struggling to hold the fans back...

Oddly the same expression on both Warren and Grieg's faces...Nervous dread...

Their gallant companions took them each in hand...Poor guys, Buffy and Willow thought...

Little too much for them...

Buffy caught sight of Ms. Marsden looking over at her...Shrugging and grinning...A hair
nervously as she held Mechamber by the arm...

Little too much for her too...

Mechamber was patting her shoulder gently...Occasionally whispering...

Little Ms. Cooke preening happily for the cameras and her fans...

Rest of the cast jockeying for position a bit...

Wescox in his element...Beaming at the crowd...Stepped forward...

"Mona..." he announced....Pausing for the tumult to die down a bit...

Demons never did as much damage to the park and downtown as this crowd, Willow noted...

"Mona...Will break bold, new ground in television history..."

"A tale like an ancient legend, rooted in the contemporary..."

Hmmn...Didn't "Wonder Woman" already cover this ground?...Willow wondered...

"A heroine of the modern world, no one unusual...A woman you might meet in the street..."

Might meet often in the street, at night...Willow whispered to Warren, who grinned, looking at
Buffy...Who was paying admirable attention to her boss of bosses...Like the dutiful Technical
Advisor she was...

"But with the courage of the great heroes of history...And...A heart to cover the world..."

Anya had struggled through the crowd to reach them...See Xander over there, she happily and
proudly pointed him out...
Among the writing crew...

"Saving Mankind from the forces of darkness...Both without...And within..."

So...she's Monster-Killer and Psychotherapist...? Willow whispered...

"Sounds like your little girl..." she nudged Warren...who nervously grinned back...And turned to

"At last you get a proper tribute, Buffy..." he whispered...

Even if the guy hasn't a clue...

She grinned back at him...Why, Warren Mears...

Very nice, Dr. Mears...Willow thought, smiling at him...About time you got moving...

The cast safely ferried away...The crowd began to disperse about an hour and a half later...

Allowing for the real work of the day...The extras and supplemental cast interviews...

Buffy stood by, watching...Occasionally helping out with paperwork, directing both Scodos'
"people" and the local humans hoping for a break to the proper places...Away from each other...

No need to tempt fate...She was rather excited about this thing now...And it would be a shame to
have it fail over one demon losing his cool in proximity to a quick meal...

But...True to their pledges...Scodos' little company were behaving themselves...Indeed, their
quiet dignity impressed Wescox's staff favorably...

Especially by comparison to the human candidates...Many of whom were a bit...Unprofessional...


Nearly all had been processed...Most of the human candidates long gone, just a few hopefuls and
some of Scodos' vamps left...

Name...The secretary looked at the girl facing her...Who'd clearly had to rush to make it...

Pretty enough...Especially after all those folks in make-up...

But what the hell is up with that horrible wig?...

"Harmony Kend..." the girl halted...Ummn...

Oops...Still family around who might catch the show...


Name...? Ms. Fried frowned at the girl...

Harmony thought fast...As always...

"Harmony Ken-Jones...With a hyphen..."

Scodos, having just arrived, was standing nearby...And sighed...

Still, he had promised her...

He came over...

"One of mine..." he smiled at Ms. Fried...

Fortunately Ms. Fried was all in and only too ready to accept a chance to finish quickly...

Harmony caught sight of the "technical advisor" and her friend...

"Buffy?!!...Willow?!!..." she called...

Oh my God...Willow tapped Buffy's arm...

Hey guys...she waved happily at Buffy and Willow...

Buffy rolled her eyes...Willow rolled her eyes...

"Long time no see..." Harmony called happily...

"We should have staked her..." Buffy hissed to Willow...

This is our punishment, obviously...

"Buffy Rebecca told me we should go after her in LA..." Buffy sighed...

We were gonna do it as soon as she and Will got home...

Do it soon, Buf...Willow told her...

Nobody deserves the curse of that wig...
You know her...? Warren asked...

By early evening all of Scodos' group were approved and signed up using their phony credentials
without incident...

Scodos entering into conference with a happy Wescox...The pilot shooting would be underway
within two days and logistical planning was a necessity...

Buffy "technically assisting" the ground crew to put away the temporary casting office and

A content Harmony now a night extra...Even...Possibly...

Just possibly...Girl number three in the first night-time college scene...If Mr. W ruled favorably...

Happily chatting with a reluctant, though sympathetic as always...Willow...

If only we could quietly lure her to some place where we could kill her...she sighed...Smiling at


How's LA treatin' you?..." she asked...

By the way, nice wig...

Oh...LA is fine...Very nice variety of people...Ummn...

The wig is my disguise, you know...Harmony noted...

Uh-huh...And a really great one...Willow smiled at her...

Still...Poor kid is trying to spare her family...she sighed...

"Say...Is Buffy a friend of Mr. Wescox's?..." Harmony asked hopefully...

Fraid not...She only met him once...In fact, she actually got her job through your friend, Mr.
Scodos...Willow smiled back...

Oh...Harmony sighed...Well...

Catch you later...she headed over to towards the main tent...

God...Even Undead she's still the eternal suck-up...Willow thought...

Ummm...Wonder if I should take that "Catch you" literally...?


"Excellent job..." Buffy congratulated a shyly beaming Grieg as they emerged from the main tent

Grieg, like the "technical advisor", not wishing to seem "above" helping in the more mundane

"Tell Scodos his people did very well...The Slayer is satisfied as to things so far..."

So far...she emphasized...But gave the demon choreographer a kind smile...

He joined a now waiting Scodos and Harmony and they headed off...Scodos nodding politely at

"The Slayer...?" Willow whispered to Warren, as they stood off to one side with Anya, who was
busy congratulating her Xander...TV's new writer...

Now she's using the third person...? Willow grinned at Warren...

"Wescox's bombast is having a detrimental effect on our Buffy..." she joked...

Harmony turned to wave a reluctant good-bye to her old friends...

"Call me, Willow!..." she called...

Oops....she paused...Forgot...Have to work on the phone thing...I'll get back to you!...she cried...

Hmmn...Willow thought...

Maybe I was a little rough on her...

Should I have invited her to dinner with us?...

Ummn...Best to take it slow...

After old Leto's wooing last month, I don't need to become Harmony's latest eternal galpal

Buffy went over to see Wescox for tomorrow's instructions regarding her charge, Ms.
Marsden...With clearly rising enthusiasm...

"Why don't you ask "The Slayer" if she'd like to join "The Wiccan", "The Writer", "The Former
Demon", and "The Cybergenius" for dinner?..." Willow grinned at Warren...

Unless you have the good sense to have a better idea...she thought...And dump the rest of us...

"Don't be too hard on her..." Warren smiled...

"It's nice to see her having a good time..."

Say...He paused...That Harmony seemed very nice...For a vampire...

Though maybe not all that...

Eh, well..Harmony...Tends to be a little on the shallow side...Willow shrugged...Always was...

"First rate killer, though....So...Watch it around her..." she noted...

But she does seem a little lonely...Willow sighed...

We really should have killed her long ago...she told Warren...

Well...She seemed to be making an effort...Warren replied...I mean...For a killer...

But then...Spike is the only vampire I've gotten to know...

"I only met Darla and Drusilla briefly..." he noted...

Mona and the Monsters#1 ...

Series pilot...

"A Fourth for a Bridge..."

Summary: Aided by foolish humans, the fiendish Demontos emerges from Hell into the peaceful
town of Hellis, CA, bent on world conquest, vengeance against the humans who killed him and
left him an undead monster, and acquiring a decent place to live...Not necessarily in that order...

Guest cast in order of appearance...

Delivery boy: Lou Greyson

Joey: Moronic magics practitioner :George Sidari

Lidia: His greedy girlfriend: Evelyn Blackwell

Abelard: Famed ancient magician of white magic, summoned by moron Joe...: Michell Wilkins

Nicephorus, a hell demon: Fred Scodos

Non-speaking demons, Imps, Hell chorus, Townspeople: The Scodos Theatrical Company

Cyndy Bess, Hellis real estate agent: Susan Fowlis

Police sergeant: Doug Loew

Policewoman: Mina Harker

Additional townspeople, college, coffee shop and K-mart: Willow Rosenberg, Tara Maclauy,
Will Wesler, Jonathan Levinson, Warren Mears, Buffy Summers, Jill West, Janice Presler, Bill
Grier, Michell Wilkins, Job Wescox, Fred Scodos, Bill Grieg, Michael Cheng, Ann Lester,
Harmony Ken-Jones

Regular cast in order of appearance...

Demontos: Sidney Mechamber

Meng, his chief aide: Michael Cheng

Henry Tugwell, college grad student and student of the paranormal: Mich Bramwell

William Norie, uncle of Mona Medaris: Kurt Webster

Mona Medaris, monster fighter, college student, K-mart shopgirl: Libby Marsden

Ruthie Myers, college student, Mona's best buddy : Sally Kirke

Janey Myers, Ruthie's sister: Susan Cooke

Amanda Wilkens, wealthy businesswoman, later servant of Demontos: Henrietta Lowler

Dr. Freider, college history professor, expert on the paranormal, college advisor to Henry: Mark

Ann Medaris, Mona Medaris' mom: Kathy Laner

Moe Medaris, Mona Medaris' dad: Henry Madwell

Moe Medaris, Jr, Mona Medaris' older brother: Charles King

Sheriff Oscar Franke: Michael Henry Farr

Deputy Barney Miller: Hank Calder

Man in coffee shop, table # 4: Job Wescox

Director: Job Wescox

Written by: Felix Larsen, Sukie Willis, Alexander Harris

Produced by Job Wescox

Choreography by Sid Fried and Bill Grieg

Music by Michael Herner, Job Wescox

"Mona and the Monsters" is a Job Wescox production, 2002 all rights reserved...


Tara having joined the gang for dinner...They were looking over Xander's script copy at the

"A Fourth for A Bridge?" Willow asked...

Xander's idea ..Anya noted proudly...

Well...The title anyway...

Warren scanned the script...

"So...The idea is the villain in Hell needs only one more human...A "fourth"...To get out?..." he
looked at Xander...

Hmmn...Buffy looked at Xander...Who squirmed a bit...

I'd swear I've heard this one before...she grinned...

Only the Master needed me to make his "bridge"...she noted...

Not sure I like seeing this fellow win his way to Earth in the first episode...

"Gotta get him out to begin wreaking havoc, Buf..." Xander replied, a hair apologetic...

It's not like he wins every week...

"Demontos seems very charming..." Willow looked at Xander, as she glanced over the pages...
Spike will be flattered...she grinned...

Xander waved his hands...Very little input as yet...

Oh...Anya looked at him...Don't be modest, honey...

"See the part about the real estate agent...Demontos fussing as he selects his house?..." she
pointed out the scene...

All Xander's...she noted proudly...

I thought Demontos seemed to have quite a grounding in carpentry and construction...Willow

It's actually very funny, Xander...Tara noted with a smile...

Wescox is in the pilot?...Warren asked...

Xander shrugged...

"Just for a second at the end, in the coffee shop...

It's sort of a Hitchcock thing..."

Mona and the Monsters...Part XI

Scodos had kindly put in a word with JW, anticipating the Slayer's request, first-rate former
human resources administrator that he had been...And Willow Rosenberg, tentative new ground crew
assistant, pending final approval by Wescox, was on her way to the Summers' the next morning...

Though shooting was a few days off yet, Buffy was assigned to "acclimate" her new boss to

To her surprise, Willow found a nervous Buffy up and ready...Pacing a bit actually...

Dawn, the new Slayer Ms. Granger, just returned from picking up her new Watcher, and young
Leroy Granger her brother, watching Buffy wearing a rut in the kitchen floor...

Dawn winked at her and Basey smiled as Willow came in...

Well...? Willow looked at Basey...How's the new Watcher?...

"Nice..." Basey nodded...Looking a hair ready to pace herself...
"We were right, weren't we...?" Willow smiled...

Emma Thompson's spitting image, right...?

Very...Basey sighed...

"Don't worry..." Willow grinned...

Giles has had plenty of chances to pick up one of those over the years...

He's looking for something...Someone...Else...

Really...? Basey asked, nervously pleased...But diverted the conversation, remembering her little

Ummn...I'm sure Giles and Ms. Walthrop-Hunt will work well together...she hastily noted...

"Like two stiff-upper-lipped British peas in a pod..." Willow teased...

Buffy paused in her pacing to give Willow a slight frown...

Poor Basey was nervous enough...Planning to head out to help her new Watcher find suitable
lodgings...While said new Watcher would naturally be doing an impromptu evaluation of her

Been there...Buffy thought sympathetically, smiling at her colleague...

"Mr. Giles is Basey's feller..." Leroy noted solemnly...And decisively...

Mr. Granger rolled her eyes...Leroy...

"Your sister has him hooked, that's for sure..." Willow grinned at him...Basey squirming a bit,
but clearly pleased...

"So...When do we pick up Hollywood's finest?..." Willow asked, grinning at Dawn and tickling

9ish...Buffy noted...Just waiting for them to bring my car...

The "technical advisor" rates a car...Willow nudged Dawn and winked at Basey...

Basey and Leroy headed out to join Ms. Walthrop-Hunt at her motel...

A few minutes later a small old Ford Escort pulled up to the front of the house...
Willow looked out the living room window...

Ms. Marsden...In the same old outfit as they'd first met her in yesterday, nervously scanning
house numbers as she checked a sheet...

"Buffy?!..." Willow called...

The boss is here...

"Ms. Marsden?..." Buffy had rushed out to greet her new boss...

Followed by Willow and an eager Dawn...Who'd had to miss everything yesterday and no way
was gonna miss this...

Oh...Gosh...Libby looked at them nervously...

"I make a boo-boo?...I thought it'd be easier if I came over...And I wanted to see if I could find
my way around..."

No, no...Buffy hastily replied...Perfectly ok...

Geesh...Willow thought...They let her just wander around?...

Where's the squad of protective goons?...Even if Wescox is utterly clueless regarding Sunnydale,
he can't want to risk his mega-star running about alone...

"Why don't you come in a moment?..." Buffy smiled...Clearly the same thoughts occurring to her
as she glanced up and down the street...

Fortunately no stalkers lurking...Not even a single photographer...Unless that guy delivering mail
up the street was not what he seemed...

Just what I'd need...Our star gets snatched...On my watch...

Nice house...Libby looked around...Ummn...

She looked at Buffy as Dawn raced ahead to get the kitchen in a semblance of order...

"Job told me about your parents...I'm sorry..."

Thank you...Buffy replied quietly...

Must be tough...My mom passed away a while ago...Libby noted...

Don't see Dad very often...

And...It's Libby, by the way...Except when Job makes a speech...

"Say..." she paused...Waving a bag...

"I brought bagels...You guys have breakfast yet?"...

Just starting...Dawn called...

"You guys have a seat while I bring it out..."

Buffy and Willow eyed each other...

Dawn?...Getting our breakfasts?...

Libby grinned at them as they took seats in the dining room...

"She doesn't do this everyday, does she?..."


So...Libby glanced around the kitchen...Having insisted on coming in to help bring things out...

No guys, eh?...

"I mean...Ummn...No brothers?...And you're not married or anything...?" she looked at Buffy...

Not anything at present...Buffy smiled...

"Not wanting to pry...It's just...I saw the blonde one in the picture on the coffee table..." Libby

With you...she turned to Buffy...In what looked a lot like a wedding dress...?

"My brother-in-law, Will...And my twin sis...Buffy Rebecca..." Buffy noted...

Buffy...Rebecca...?... Libby nodded, curious...

Neat way to do it...But isn't it hard...With the same first name and all...?

"Our Buffies love it..." Willow smiled at Buffy...

They drive us crazy with the twin trick all the time...

"It's probably Buffy Anne in Europe with Will right now..." she teased...

Kinky...Libby grinned back...

But then he is a cutie...she noted...

"Will, huh...?"

"Dr. William Soames Walthrop..." Dawn put in, rather proudly...

Whoa...And a doctor as well as cute?...Libby grinned, nodding...

Cybernetist...Buffy noted...A tad proudly, Willow smiled to hear...

"Your sis did well..." Libby smiled at Buffy...

Yeah...Buffy nodded...A slight sigh...

Libby eyed Willow...

The twins share something else, eh?...

"Spike's partner Warren is going with Buffy..." Willow noted hastily...

We're all one big happy family...

"Spike"...? Libby smiled...

He was into punk rock bigtime in his wilder days...Nickname's a holdover...Buffy noted...

Come on, Will...she frowned at Willow...Warren is... "Going with me"?... she thought...

We're out of high school you know...

And I only wish he'd make that bold a move...

Kinda like to meet this..."Spike"...:Libby grinned...

He into small scale movie and TV divas?...she asked, winking at Dawn...

He and BR will be in Europe for a bit yet...Business and honeymoon trip...Buffy replied...

We got guys though...Dawn noted...

Damn good guys, too...
There's...Xander, Giles, Buffy's Warren...

My Warren?...Buffy thought....

Well...Why the hell not?...

And...Ben...Dawn added slyly...Buffy frowning...

Lettle too soon for Ben-dreaming, Dawny...

"But..." Dawn frowned...And sighed...

He's in Greece...

"Greece, eh..." Libby smiled...Looking at Willow...

"With his sister...He runs a clinic...She's..." Dawn started to bubble...

A historian...Buffy put in quickly...

A historian and linguist...Expert on Greece and Rome...

"Whoa..." Libby stared at Dawn who nodded...Rather proud in her possession...

Sounds like a mucho intimidating family...

"Lemme get his picture!!..." Dawn raced for her room...

Big crush?...Libby smiled...

Oh, yeah...Buffy and Willow nodded, rolling eyes...

But...A very nice guy...Willow noted...

Dawn returned...Bearing Ben's photo...

Hmmn...Buffy frowned...

Didn't know she had one that big...

"Dawn?...When did you...?"

I had the one he gave me blown up...Dawn replied...Avoiding her sis' glare...

"Yikes...Very cute..." Libby stared at Ben...
"Isn't he?..." Dawn noted proudly...

I pity the poor guys round abouts...Libby grinned...They don't stand a chance...

He hasn't got a twin, has he?...she teased...

Not in this dimension...Dawn smiled...

Course...she noted...We got others as well...

"Lemme get the album!.."

Dawn...Buffy called to her speeding sis...Libby doesn't want to see everyone...

"Yeah!!..." Libby called to Dawn...

"Just cut to the unattached ones...If they're all like Will and Ben..." she winked at Willow...

"Sorry bout this..." Buffy sheepishly noted...

Hmmn...Libby eyed her...

Well...Given a choice between an eyeful of Sunnydale scenery...Versus an eyeful of Sunnydale
hunkery...Libby paused...

So...That's Will and Warren...Dawn pointed...

And Angel...she hastily noted...

Wow...Libby eyed Buffy...

"I can see why you like to keep this place quiet..."

"Let's not forget ole Wes..." Willow grinned...Pointing out a beaming Wesley where he stood by
Spike and Buffy Rebecca at their wedding reception...

"Your boyfriend?..." Libby beamed at Willow...

Uh, no...See...Willow began...

Mona and the Monsters...Part XII...

Breakfast and a through review of the "hunks of Sunnydale and LA" complete...
Libby having commented quite favorably on Giles as well...

The technical advisor, pending ground crew assistant, guest...Libby having insisted on Dawn's coming...,
and "Mona" herself...Set out in Libby's borrowed car to tour Sunnydale.


"You know..." Libby grinned as she drove...

Job heard the weirdest things about this town before he came down...

Some psychic guy he knows claimed it was some big evil magnet.

"Sunnydale...?" Willow, sitting next to her, smiled...

Of course we have our darker side...Like any town...Dawn noted solemnly from the rear.

"And you know this "darker side"...How?..." Buffy asked her...

Real estate is cheap here...I'll say that...Libby noted as she turned a corner...

Hard to believe it's California.

"We've been having an economic downturn round here..." Buffy noted.

Scodos rolled his eyes...As he sat in the main chamber of Sunnydale's largest remaining "safe"

Its safety guaranteed...Within limits...By the Slayers themselves, so long as the peace was

Harmony frowned...

"Why can't I be in on this?...I'm a former Sunnydaler..."

You said I was in.

He sighed...

"Harmony...You are in...You have an extra's part in the pilot, with two nice bits...One as demon,
one as sweet human college girl..."

It's better than most of the company, he noted.

"But...I don't have any lines...Where are my lines?..."

I mean, once any relatives get over the shock and horror of recognizing me...They're gonna
wanta know why I didn't get lines.


To get you...Lines...Scodos patiently explained...Would mean providing an acting resume,
credentials, the works...

That would take time...And some doing by our network...

Even then, it would be subject to JW's approval.

"Doesn't seem fair...Just cause I'm the undead..."

Always prejudice getting in my way, she thought...Strangling my career development.

First when I was a member of the blonde race...And everyone was so jealous of me...

Now when I'm a blonde vampire person...And everyone is still so jealous of me.

A glass ceiling, she sighed...Or, a wood one, considering the vamp thing...

Hey...? she paused...

"Does Buffy Summers have lines?...Cause, you know...She is no actress...Didn't even try out for
the school play..."

Nope...Scodos noted, thankfully...Not a line...She's just the technical advisor...

Oops...Had to mention the title...Damn...

"Well...If the Slayer doesn't rate a..."

Wait...A...Minute...Harmony stopped...

Technical Advisor?...

Buffy Summers?... "Technical Advisor?"...


"Well..." Scodos paused...

"She is a very capable fighting expert, you know..." he smiled, nervously.

And she is a Slayer...For this deal to work, I have to keep her happy...

Harmony darkened...

Buffy...Summers... "Technical Advisor"...

"It's just a sinecure...To give her something to do..." he paused...

Harmony's glare reached Buffy intensity...

Whoa...Didn't think she was capable of one like that, Scodos noted...

"You know..." he dropped to a confidential whisper... "Wescox and I had to come up with
something for her, poor kid...She was terrible in the scene we tested..."

Really?...Harmony brightened a bit...Then resumed glare...

Terrible, terrible?...Or terrible just to make me feel better, terrible?...she stared at him...

"Terrible, terrible...Really..." Scodos assured her...

"Wescox thought she was cold and really harsh towards her victims...No empathy at all..."

And empathy is Mona's hallmark...he noted solemnly...

Well...That is true...Harmony reflected...

Buffy always was such a cold person...Especially towards our people...

Why, when she killed my entire band of followers...All old classmates of ours, I should point
out...she noted to Scodos...

"Never even a kind word...A little sympathy...Just whip that stake out and kill, kill, kill..."

"She's a bad influence on Willow Rosenberg..." she went on " ...You know Willow?..." she
asked, looking at Scodos...

Every underworlder who wants to stay alive knows the Slayers' nearests and dearests, Scodos

Only a foppish idiot like Angelis...Or a fool for love like Leto or Spike would ever mess with the
Slayers' kin...

"Well...Willow was very sweet in high school but since she's hung around with Buffy...I sense a
certain hardness growing..." Harmony sighed...

Of course, to be fair...In high school I wasn't very appreciative of Willow's qualities...Or

Kinda thoughtless back then, you know?...

Oh, yeah...Scodos knew...

"But...We've all grown a lot since then..." she reflected...

Look at Cordy...I mean my friend Cordelia Chase...The one who works with Angel now...

Scodos nodded...Once had a eye on that young lady himself, he thought...Very high mate
potential...Too bad the poor kid went out to LA and missed out on eternal life...

"She was very shallow in high school..." Harmony noted, not meaning to be judgmental, of
course... "But now she's almost as deep as me..."

"Anyway...The last few times I've seen Willow...She's just been...A little cold...Hard, you

The Slayer business...Scodos noted...

They and their associates have to develop a hard shell to deal with things...Else, one sympathetic-
seeming vamp...Say like Angelis...And they're toast...

It's a tough job...he nodded sympathetically...And difficult to keep from getting a little jaded...

Hmmn...Yeah, Harmony nodded...

"But...Buffy was really terrible?..." Harmony continued to brighten...

Awful...he shook his head...He felt for the poor kid, really...

But she's just doesn't have...Potential...As their new boss, Mr. W. would have and had, said...

"And you have an excellent chance to show your stuff in two scenes..." Scodos noted...

Just don't be too hard on our "technical advisor"...he smirked...Tone it down...

Poor Buffy...Harmony's mood changed...As quickly as always...

"Well, I saw she has a little extra bit in the pilot..."
"Just way in back...Part of the downtown crowd scene..." Scodos put in hastily...

But Harmony was now in generous mode...Concerned for her dear friend...Whose calling was
adversely affecting her nature...Making her hard...On top of losing her parents and all...

This thing might be just what Buffy needed...A creative outlet to draw her out of her hard
shell...she noted to Scodos...

Scodos blinked at her...

As for her sad lack of talent...she went on...One scene didn't prove she was hopeless...

Maybe she just needed some pointers...

An experienced friend to take an interest...

"After all I was in three school plays...As the lead..." she noted...

"I'm sure the Slayer would appreciate any advice...Just..." Scodos paused...

"Don't get her upset..."

I'll be very subtle...Harmony nodded, solemnly...Just make suggestions, that sort of thing...

Anything to help out an old girlfriend, classmate, and fellow cheerleader...

Anya nervously rechecked the shop counters...All in place...Sale signs rendered unobtrusive...

Hell, a Hollywood megastar can afford to pay full price...

Floors clean except for the bloody spot on the floor...Ooze from a magically-inflicted wound that
will never heal...

Some stains are just impossible to remove, you know...

Ok...Thanks to the generous early...And I mean early...Morning help of her beloved artisan-
writer...The Magic Shop was ready to welcome the new star of "Mona and the Monsters..."

She eyed herself in an anti-theft mirror...Wouldn't go so far as to say I was "Hollywood"

Xander should do that...And did, she noted happily...

Ok...So...Where are they?...
Buffy said to expect them between eleven and twelve...It's now 11:24...

Well...Calm, cool...Ready to welcome America's soon-to-be hottest new TV star of America's
soon-to-be hottest new TV show...

We hope...

A show centering on...Magic...

With a certain local magic shop to be prominently featured in the local shots, including the
opening credits...

She eyed the far left wall of the main shop...Perfect place for "Mona" spin-off products...

Of course, Giles would have to be persuaded...Though he had not said, No...

Had oked the use of the shop in shots for the show...

And in fact had given...Indications...That he might...Just might, mind you...Go along with adding
a few "Mona"-related items...

So long as the quality part of the business was not adversely affected...

Oh, yeah...Anya could see it now...Magic Shop franchises across the country, featuring the
unique "Mona" line of tricks and products...

Graced by the occasional guest appearance of the co-owner and her distinguished husband, that
renowned artisan-writer...

But where the heck were they all for crying out loud?...

Well...Only 11:32 and Buffy did say arrival between 11 and 12...

She wouldn't let us down...Not the Slayer and "Technical Advisor"...


"I don't think I've seen this much of Sunnydale in the past six years..." Willow noted to Buffy as
they strolled down Webster street in the heart of downtown Sunnydale...

Libby had cruised them all over the town...The town museums, excepting Joyce's art
museum...Which Libby wanted to devote more full attention to in the evening...The historical
society...The library...City Hall, where Libby had kept a very low profile and spoke a kind of
pidgin French, fearing recognition...The small craft and art shops of downtown...Tramping over
several neighborhoods...
All the while constantly snapping photos...With a large camera...

Partly for the show...To give to Job and keep for her own study... "Getting the feel..."

And partly, she smiled at Dawn...To keep her face and those damn big lips a little better hidden...

Wherever she felt reasonably safe from recognition, she spoke at length to the store or coffee
shop people...Trying to see if she was getting the place down, Willow realized...Including a
check of her working knowledge of local issues...Gleaned from several papers and questions to
her companions...

Who found themselves embarrassed to be so clueless as to what were the current local issues...

Never knew there was a fight to save the park at Oleander and Cross St...Willow noted...

I guess I should know which way the property tax rates are going...Buffy sheepishly thought...
Bet sis and Will keep track of every fluctuation...

"Say..." Libby looked at them, back in the car and headed for the Magic Shop at last...

"What's the real deal on the Incident at Sunnydale High a few years back?..."

Incident?...With a capital I, Willow noted...Willow and Buffy looked at each other...

What incident?...they asked...

Better still, which one? Dawn thought...

"The one where your last mayor and a bunch of students and faculty were killed...?" Libby
looked at them...

On Graduation Day...

Ah...Willow nodded...

That Incident...

"We never discuss...That Incident..." Buffy noted solemnly, eyeing Dawn...

Too painful...she noted...

Sorry...Libby hastily replied...I didn't mean to be insensitive...

"A Columbine sort of thing, huh?..."

Dawn and Willow gave slight, solemn nods...

Gee...And parents gone a couple of years later...Libby thought, looking at Dawn and Buffy...

Maybe I should recommend my therapist...

The tall, distinguished-looking customer thumbing through the general books on Demonology
and the Occult Arts for the clueless thanked Anya for her offer of assistance...

He was quite content to browse a bit, if that was alright...Waiting for someone, actually...

Looks familiar, she thought...English...Maybe some friend of Giles...Maybe a Watcher Council
type who's dropped by before...

"Giles?..." Anya looked at her partner as he entered...

I thought you were home today...Avoiding any..."Hoopla"...And planning for your new "Master
Watcher" job...

Just thought I'd look in he replied...

"Ms. Walthrop-Hunt and Ms. Granger are out looking at apartments so..." he paused...

Giles...? Anya looked at him...As he blinked at the customer going through "The Idiot's Guide to

He turned to her...Giving her a definite "Follow me...Quietly" look...

She followed him to the rear office...Quietly...

"Giles?...Something wrong...?" she looked at him...

Is he something...Awful?...she paused...

"Sydney Mechamber..." Giles whispered, gasping a little...

That is Sydney Mechamber...

Oh, right...The actor guy...Anya nodded...

The guys must have told him to meet them here...They're due...Now...she noted...

"He must be looking for background stuff...Playing the demonic villain and all..." she
continued...Looking out to where Mechamber was quietly flipping through
"Demons!...Demons!...Demons!...The Compleat Guide..."

Giles...? Anya grinned, watching him look at the actor...

Are you...A fan?...

"Ummn...I wouldn't say...Not exactly...A fan, per se..."

I have seen all his films...And been to a number of his stage performances...Giles noted...

"Go over and say hi..." Anya smiled...Pushing at her partner...

He frowned at her...

"Anya, my dear...I am not some starstruck teenage girl..."

Chicken....She replied...Looking away...

"I much prefer rabbit, myself..." he returned...

She frowned...

The shop door jangled...Anya racing to greet the entering megastar and her little entourage...

Giles following at a dignified and sober, if somewhat hurried pace...

"Whoa..." Libby grinned, turning around...Neat place...

"Hey, Sydney..." she waved...

"Welcome..." Anya waved her hands upwards... And curtsied...

"To the Magic Shop..."

Was that a curtsy?...Libby whispered to Willow...

Think so...Willow replied...

Part of the atmosphere she and Giles try to generate...she added hastily...

"Libby...And...?" Mechamber came over, smiling...

"Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Willow Rosenberg..." Libby introduced her companions...

"Ladies..." he nodded...
Amazing place, eh?...he smiled at Libby...

"Job has got to get some scenes in here..." he noted...

Place almost makes you believe in the damned things...

Buffy introduced a very nervous...Much to her and Willow's amusement...Giles...And a deeply
content Anya...


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