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The Circle of Light

Dawn of a Pagan Future

The Circle of Light
Issue #2
Date: 13/5/2001

The Circle of Light logo, (c) Taliana WolfSpirit 2001

In this issue:

Editor's Note


Daily Divination
by Taliana WolfSpirit

New Sections:

Psychic Gifts:
Astral Travelling

Teen Witch and Spiritonline

Book of Shadows

Regular Sections:

Animal Magick:

Crystals by Apasi

Gods and Goddesses
of Witchcraft:


Pagan Band Review
Moving Breath

Your Say:
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Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft:

Submitted by Ryan Bennington
Information from various sources


Loki is also known as Loki Laufeyiarson. The name comes from a Norse and Germanic root.

Loki (also called Loki Laufeyiarson), in Norse mythology, the evil trickster fire god, always mischievous, deceptive, and scheming, and one of the most well-known characters in Norse poetry and saga. As his name is derived from the Germanic root of flame, Loki is believed to have originally been a fire spirit. He was a trickster figure, and, as a shape-shifter, could become different animals at will.

He was the father of two sons, Nari (or Narfi) and Vali, by his wife, the Asynjur goddess Sigyn (Siguna). But since he could also assume the shape of the opposite sex, he could give birth, and he had a number of other offspring in this way.

In the surviving literature, Loki's name is mentioned more than that of any other god, and he is certainly one of the most inventive conceptions in folklore. He was a participant in many of the gods adventures, often accompanying the principal god Odin, or Odin's son the thunder god Thor, on their travels, though he was always stirring up trouble. Loki was able to charm everyone, despite his deep cunning, with his cleverness and good looks.

In the 'Prose (or Younger) Edda', Loki is cited as one of the 12 Aesir gods. Strictly speaking, however, in the Norse pantheon Loki was not a god but a giant, since he was the son of the giant Farbauti (Dangerous Striker) and the giantess Laufey, or Nal. This is why he was sometimes referred to as Loki Laufeyiarson. He had brothers named Byleist and Helblindi. Although he was usually an antagonist to the gods, he sometimes lived in Asgard, the heavenly realm of the gods.

The gods and the giants were usually enemies, but at some time in the distant past he had taken an oath with Odin that made them blood brothers, and because of these ties, the other gods enjoyed his company and tolerated his excesses and schemes until they got out of hand. Loki was always thinking up new angles-- sometimes these worked to the advantage of the gods, but often they led to disastrous consequences.

When the gods burnt the giantess Angerbotha as a witch, Loki ate her heart and as a result became impregnated. He gave birth to three monstrous children who later threatened the world: the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jormungand (the Midgard Serpent, or World Serpent), and the goddess Hel. Odin flung the serpent into the depths of the sea that surrounded the world and set Hel down in the underworld to be its queen. The Aesir were able to leash the huge Fenrir, but the god Tyr lost his right hand in the effort.

According to the 'Prose Edda', it was Loki who thought of a plan to cheat the architect and builder of Asgard, a giant, out of his payment. Assuming the shape of a mare, Loki seduced the giant's stallion Svadilfæri. The horse was essential to completing the work on time, and the dalliance delayed the giant's task. In this case, the gods were grateful for Loki's intervention, for had the giant finished on time, they would have had to turn over the sun, the moon, and the beautiful goddess Freya to him. As a result of this episode, Loki, as a mare, gave birth to the swiftest horse in the world, the eight-legged Sleipnir.

Loki had a hand in the disappearance of the goddess Idunn. He lured her outside Asgard so she could be kidnapped by the giant Thiassi. Since Idunn was the keeper of the golden apples of youth, which the gods needed to eat to keep from growing old, they were anxious to get her back, and they therefore forced Loki to use his trickery and magic to retrieve her from Jotunheim (Giantland).

Loki aided Thor in deceiving the giant Thrym, who had stolen the thunder god's magic hammer, Mjolnir. Thrym wanted to exchange the hammer for Freya, and Thor himself went in her stead, impersonating the beautiful goddess. Loki accompanied him, disguised as Freya's handmaiden. Loki's quick answers to Thrym's questions about the bride kept the ruse from being discovered too soon.

Loki was a seasoned thief. He stole Freya's famous Brisingamen necklace and hid it in the sea. He fought the god Heimdall in a battle for it in which both of them assumed the shape of seals. The shining god Heimdall, watchman of the gods, was a particular adversary of Loki's. Their animosity was to culminate at Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world, when the two gods would engage in mortal combat and kill each other.

In another story Loki cut off the beautiful blonde hair of Thor's wife, Sif. Thor was ready to kill him, and Loki, fearful but always scheming, promised to make Sif a better head of hair out of pure gold that would root and grow just like real hair. After calming Thor's rage with this promise, Loki went to the Sons of Ivald, dwarfs of the forge. He had them make not only the golden hair for Sif, but a magic ship, Skidbladnir, and a magic spear, Gungnir, which later belonged to Odin. But Loki loved to gamble, and he wagered with two other dwarf smiths, Brokk and Sindri, that they would be unable to forge objects comparable to those made by the Sons of Ivald. Brokk and Sindri then forged the magic ring Draupnir, a golden boar, and Mjolnir, the magic hammer that Thor was to use ever after. But as they worked, Loki, who had disguised himself as a fly, stung them continually to distract them so that he could win his bet. When the gods had seen all these marvelous objects, they declared that Brokk and Sindri had won. Loki vanished, but Thor caught him. Brokk wanted to decapitate the trickster god, but in the end Loki convinced him merely to sew up his lips so he could no longer fast-talk his way out of difficulties. But Loki painfully pulled the threads out of his wounds and was free to lie again, and the gods were the beneficiaries of the wonderful magic creations the dwarfs had made.

In some stories, Loki is merely too clever for his own good; in others, he performs terrible acts out of sheer maliciousness, jealousy, and spitefulness. A poem in the 'Poetic (or Elder) Edda', describes how Loki intruded on a banquet given by the sea god Aegir for all the gods and goddesses. He had not been invited, but since he was polite, they let him stay. Then he began to viciously insult each of them in turn, no matter how conciliatory they tried to be. Since Loki knew most of their secrets, he was able to genuinely embarrass them all. Finally Thor's wife, Sif, offered him a bowl of mead, and asked him to stop his insults. Loki drank it, but then revealed that he had once had a sexual encounter with Sif. Immediately Thor appeared, ready yet again to kill Loki, and Loki began insulting him as well. Finally, afraid that Thor would carry out his threat, Loki left, still in a foul mood, saying that the gods would never again have such a banquet and cursing the host, his home, and all his possessions with the statement that they would all be set aflame. This mention of destruction by fire was a foreshadowing of Loki's role as leader of the forces of evil at Ragnarok.

Loki's most terrible deed before the end of the world, however, was to cause, through trickery and sheer maliciousness, the death of Balder, Odin's beautiful and peaceful son, whom all the other gods loved dearly. Loki disguised himself as an old woman and tricked Balder's mother Frigg into revealing Balder's weakness, and then tricked Balder's blind brother, Hod, into killing the innocent god. After Balder's death, Loki, disguised as a giantess named Thokk (Thanks), was the only creature in the universe who refused to weep for Balder's death, and this meant that Balder would have to stay in Hel until the end of the world.

This time Loki had gone too far, and the gods, in their grief and anger, had to punish him. Knowing that they would come after him, Loki fled Asgard and hid in a mountain. At its summit he built a house as a lookout from which he could see in all directions. But he often turned himself into a salmon and hid in a waterfall called Franang (or Franangr). Odin soon spied Loki's hideout from his lofty tower throne, Hlidskjalf, and the gods came after him with a fishnet. At first Loki was able to avoid it, but Thor, with his great strength, waded along the middle of the river until the net almost reached the sea. Finally Loki, as the salmon, had no alternative but to leap up over the top of the net, and as he did, Thor got hold of his tail.

Once captured, Loki was taken to a deep cave. The gods took three stone slabs, set them on edge, and made a hole in each. They sent for Loki's sons Vali and Nari (or Narfi). The gods turned Vali into a wolf, and he immediately tore his brother to pieces. Then the gods took Nari's entrails and used them to bind Loki across the stones, with one stone under his shoulders, one under his loins, and one under the backs of his knees. Once bound, these cords turned into iron.

The giantess Skadi brought a poisonous snake to the cave and set it above Loki's head so that its poison would drip onto his face. There they left him, and there he would stay until the time of Ragnarok, when he would break free of his bonds, summon up all the wretched souls in Hel, and lead the forces of evil in battle against the gods. But until then he would remain bound, with his faithful wife, Sigyn, holding a basin over him to catch the poison drops. When the basin filled she would go to empty it, letting the poison drip for a brief time onto Loki's face. At these times, Loki strained at his bonds and jerked so hard in his agony that he rattled the Earth. This was the Norse explanation for the phenomenon of earthquakes.

Submitted by Ryan Bennington
(c) Ryan Bennington 2001

Email Ryan at:

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