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Go to the publisher's website and read a story from the book FREE.

Here's what some reviewers have said about the book:

Phyllis Gotlieb:"Ahmed Khan's delightful fantasies, set in the world of not-quite-mythical Ghelenden, freshen an ancient storytelling tradition with a sharp-eyed modern viewpoint and a sparkle of satire."

Matt Hughes:"Unicorns, swordsters, nasty magic and plucky heroes, cunning plans and deft table-turnings in a land of enchantment called Ghelenden-- and all of it good, clean fun."



Future Imperfect Published in ""

Gaia and the Art of Fighting Marine Oil Pollution Published in "MMASS Review"

Lateral Thinking For Writers Published in "T-Zero: The Writers Ezine"

Non-verbal Communication: Fact or Fiction Published in "Strange Horizons", reprinted in "Visions" (Australia) and "SF Canada"

What Little Girls are Made Of: An Interview With Tanya Huff Published in "Strange Horizons"

Two Solitudes: An Interview With James Alan Gardner Published in "Absolute Write"

Philosophy of Monotheism Published in "Ambitions"

My Reviews on Amazon


Not a Laughing Matter - Published in "Jackhammer"
Destiny Demystified - Published in "Jackhammer", reprinted in "Ambitions"


Seventh Sense Published in "Anotherealm"

Seventeen: A belated response to Maureen Daly's "Sixteen" Published in "The Sword Review"

The Comic Thief Published in "Story Station", a different version of the story was published by "Cyber Oasis" under the title, "The Con"

My Girl Cindy Published in "Leafing Through" (UK), reprinted in "The Sword Review"

The Shores of Id Published in "Kenoma", reprinted in "Ragged Edge Publishing"

The Crystal Fruit Published in "Kenoma", Greek translation published in "Dramaturges of Yann"

The Meaning of Life and Other Clichés Published in Anotherealm

The Book of Pain Published in "Anotherealm", reprinted in "Dana Literary Society Journal" and "Ragged Edge Publishing" (where it won the BEST OF THE BEST award) and "Titty Biscuits" (UK)

A Piece of String Published in "Murderous Intent", reprinted in "Cyber Oasis"

The Presonic Man Published in "Anotherealm", reprinted in "Antipodean", "GateWay S-F", "Ragged Edge Publishing", translated and published in "Spin" and "Dorados Raganos" (My favorite little story)

Day of Dust

Published in "Anotherealm" (This story has been picked up to be included in FCAT Grade 8 Test Preparation book).

Deathwish Published in "Anotherealm"

Thus Spake Bleerbo Published in "Anotherealm", reprinted in "Planet Relish" and "EOTU"

The End Published in "Anotherealm"

See-Saw Published in "Anotherealm"

MAZASH Published in "Anotherealm"

The Maker Myth Published in "Anotherealm", reprinted in "GateWay S-F", "Kenoma"

Dr. Watson's Secret Diary Published in "Cyber Oasis"

Word Spell Published in "Ghelenden"

OTHER PUBLISHED FICTION (Links not available)

The Best of Everything - Published in "Armchair Aesthete", reprinted in "Crossroads Magic"
The Curse of the Science Fiction Writer Published in "Open Space" anthology of Canadian SF
The Definition - Published in "Cyber Tales" anthology
Mirror, Mirror - Published in "GateWay S-F"
The Atavism Device - Published in "GateWay S-F", translated and reprinted in "Nova Galactica"
Tug of War - Published in my book, "Ghelenden"
Rebirth - Published in "Shadowkeep", reprinted in my book, "Ghelenden"
Force of Attraction - Published in "Shadowkeep", reprinted in my book, "Ghelenden"
The Life, The Times and The Unicorn - Published in "Shadowkeep", reprinted in my book, "Ghelenden"
Close Encounters of the Prepostrous Kind - Published in "Planet Relish"
Deserter - Published in "GateWay S-F"
Holy Alliance - Published in GateWay S-F"





Ø     Script of a graphic novel about super heroes from India. It is titled Fearless Indian Super Heroes (FISH, for short). The story is a study in contradictions. Some of the characters are intentionally clichéd representation of the quintessential superhero stereotypes and others are totally original. The story deals with some serious matters in a light hearted way. The story is in 3 parts and the first part is now complete. I think the story can be turned into a nifty movie. Spielberg, where are you?


Ø     I am also working on a science fiction novel. It is a closed room murder mystery set in a future where almost totally human looking androids are a common sight, so much so that testimony of androids is admissible in courts of justice. It is a society where sometimes androids are mistaken for humans and humans for androids. Interesting times indeed.





I am an IT professional, infected with the writing bug. I was born and educated in India and currently live in Canada. In between these two places, I spent quite some time in the Middle East (Kuwait, to be specific). My works (both fact and fiction) have appeared in magazines of India (e.g. Science Today, Femina), Kuwait (e.g. Kuwait Times, Arab Times), USA (Murderous Intent), Canada (e.g. Realms, Imelod) and webzines like Anotherealm, AlienQ, Pif, Cyber Oasis, GateWay S-F, Jackhammer, Millennium SF, Strange Horizons, The Phone Book, etc. I am married and a father of four (three sons and a daughter).

And if any of you were ever curious about how I look like (I can hope, can't I), then the time to put your curiosity to rest is here:


To know more about my day to day activities and thoughts and musings and other useful information, visit Ahmed A. Khan's Weblog