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This site will eventually be shifted to a book about all HL things -- hopefully to be published in 2006.


Names, Words, Places and Things

This started out just as a page for surnames that started with the letters "HL."
But now it's grown into something larger.
In my search I found so very much more.
So I started to put it all onto this page.
Now there are some 40 sections!

HL Names .... Are names that start with the letter combination "HL."
They come from about 2 dozen langauges all over the planet.

HL Words .... Are words in a dozen or more languages that start with the letter combination "HL."

HL Places .... Are geographic names that start with the letter combination "HL."
And I found hundreds of them in nearly two dozen countries!

HL things .... Are things that start with the letter combination "HL."
Or have some peripheral connection to "HL."

Names not much different than mine -- HLAVAC;
Words not much different than HLINIK;
Places not much different than HLUKOKA;
Things not much different than HLEEB.

The more I look the more I find.

And now we finally have a website just for us!

Like we really need one, right?

I figure there are several hundred different names comprising several thousand people. The vast majority of us are of Eastern European ancestry. You know, the countries barely anybody can remember: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, Poland and maybe one or two others. But we're also from Burma, Laos and South Africa. And I've found some in Iceland and Zimbabwe. There are a few odd and ancient names wandering around the langauges of the world -- but these are literally just a handful.

There are also hundreds of words in a multitude of languages.
And there are nearly 500 geographic place names.

Now, today is November 1st, 2002 -- so it'll take a while to get everything up. But right now this is the simple deal -- I'll put up all sorts of fun and interesting little tidbits about situation for those of us who "suffer with this affliction." I did this once before back in 1999 -- but then I moved and didn't keep the bellsouth phone number -- and eventually, I guess, is to move the whole site to a thingy -- but that costs money and so that's not going to happen at the moment.

I must confess that, at least here in the beginning, the majority of information on this website is based on Hlavac and Czech stuff.
That's becuase it's my name and it's a Czech Name.
It also seems that Czech is where most HL stuff is found.
Though South Africa is coming up a fast second.

Things which are from other cultures are already here, but to get more I'll need your help.
My email is plastered all over this website -- so if you can't reach me with your little HL tidbit than you're not trying.

I'll try to post things within one week of receiving them. I do have a life, you know.

Here's the complete list of the places you can go on this website.

And a little bit of instruction on how to get around the site.

So go take a Hleap into HL Hland

And find out what you've been missing!

What's that Hlongitude and Hlattitude?

If you want to just follow the Hleader then click on "Hleap Forward" and we'll start you on your journey through HL Hland.

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward