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Jim Hlavac's Skyscrapers


by Jim Hlavac

Eventually I want to make this into a book about my designs. Sort of a wish list for skyscrapers.

This page is laid out like a book. You can either flip through it page by page, or you can go to a particular page. There are 17 pages of skyscrapers, five designs per page.

Along side each design there is some commentary about cities, and not necessarily about skyscrapers. But since they are in cities, I figured this was as good a place as any to put my commentary about cities.

I am so fed up with the plain, brown boxes that dot the skylines of America's cities. So I drew up more than a 150 so that you can see what I think should be built. Now I'm no architect. But being a trained architect doesn't give you an imagination. It only gives you the opportunity to build what you can think up.

On the other side of the issue are the overwrought creations of people like Frank Gehry. So far out to fancy that it's hard to conceive of his buildings ever coming to reality. What I try to do is wind up some where in the middle.

Here's what I tried to bring to my designs.

There are two sets of skyscrapers:

85 Hand Drawn Designs
70 Computer Designs

In case you get bored with skyscrapers you can always go to one of my other pages:

Music, Mazes and More
Hlavac Central
The Practicalist
Czechs on the Gulf Coast
Adventures in Louisiana
The Family Genealogy
Dealing with the Name Hlavac