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Kyle getting some skating in friday night before the beer took over.

Doug had the same idea

CIA agent Dan Fluharty

I'm not sure who this is, but I am sure he felt more pain than I did when that board took my legs out

Brewce: the fast and the furious

Matt Dyck taking care of business

Highest Frontside in the Cradle contest was on Saturday, Brewce judged


Bowl Troll

Dale Busta


Packy Came in first

...and payed the price



Good pool sesh Saturday morning, Doug slashed the shallow, I took late pictures.

Dyck was getting super long fs grinds in the shallow and rolled in backside. He is a beast.

Jamison, Doug and Kyle, lurk stylee.

"Move it or lose it!" - Brewce Martin

Don't think we didn't stop by Athens






Get back to where you once belonged