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!!!!DO NOT OPEN!!!! Private Letters~Melinda Edison

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

A handsome physicist once told me that I reminded him of Peggy Noonan. It felt like a knife slicing my liberal soul.

But I think he may be right. (Did I just say that out loud??????????)

I just heard Bill O'Reilly speaking and I must confess that we are on the same page in many areas.

Yes, I do think there is way too much trash on teevee and in movies and in music that is easily accessible to children. Adults can do whatever they like, but we have a responsibility to protect our children, the children of America. They are being sexualized at too early an age.

We are a strange culture. We consider the naked human body sinful when it is strikingly beautiful, yet we have prime-time sitcoms that burst with continual sexual innuendo, and I must say most of it is drearily base and very thinly disguised.

I don't have children yet, but I do have a nephew. He isn't quite sure what it all means but he does know that all of the sexual talk is something he is supposed to be interested in and he knows when he is suppose to laugh.

Yes, I do believe that the individual has responsibility. As I see it the husband has responsibility to protect his wife and children (how 50s is that?) and the wife has obligations to her children. Caring more about earning money to buy trinkets is bullshit. Forget trying to impress your friends and neighbors. Impress your family. Your children are #1. Be there for them. Raise your children. Consider them a PRICELESS asset.

When the neighbor boy comes over and asks if he can spend time with me because his parents are busy, either at work or sleeping, well, that is wrong. He tells me, "At least I know you care about me." How sad is that?

I am all for freedom. It rings clear and true in my heart. To me adults should be self-monitoring, be good citizens, and enjoy EVERYTHING…lustful sex, bizarre literature and magazines, extreme adventures, anything, really, well, all except pedophile crap. I would shoot you myself if you mess with children. See, that goes with my totem pole of responsibility…man protects woman protects child…and to betray that is the worst of sins. And this goes for words as well as acts. Words can cut like knives.

I'm not afraid to fall on the unpopular side of an issue. I don't think I have actually turned into a conservative. I haven't been swallowed up or anything. I just see sense and nonsense, and for my money, I will go with the coolness of scientific logic…at least childrenwise.

Update:I changed my mind. I saw 10 minutes of his "children" show. O'Reilly is old and takes things too literally. If I say "Go Poision Yourself" I don't mean that you should drink arsenic, I mean stop acting stoopid and get off me. Get it Bill? M.E.T.A.P.H.O.R.

Still we should have some good fam programming on teevee before 9 for the under 10-year-olds.