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!!!!DO NOT OPEN!!!! Private Letters~Melinda Edison~Chapter 2


Dear Remi,

Did you do that video yet? I want details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday was wonderful. My family came down and we all went to Rosemont Theater for a David Copperfield performance. It was too much fun. Lots of smoke and mirrors.

Copperfield is quite the showman. His plastic-featured, characterless face makes him ideal for playing out a sleigh-of-hand (and body!) masterpiece. And there are lots of nearly naked assistants for the men.

He did a disappearance to Hawaii that was very extravagant. He was in the center of the room on a crane where everyone could see him and somehow he transported himself and a hottie to the beach on Maui!

And when he did the magic he said that he didn’t use shills from the audience and he would bounce balls through the people then stop and that was the chosen person.

Oh and there was a clown who had his face smashed flat. How did he do that?

Most of all I loved being with my family. I hadn’t seen them since Christmas and it was sweet. It is nice to look into someone’s eyes and see a part of you looking back. Family is great, even if they piss me off sometimes.

Oh I had shrimp de Johnge for lunch. Jere’s ribs were tasty too. I loved Jim’s carbonara! I should try to make that! Looks easy enough.

I was home by 7 so around 9 I went up to the pub. I wanted to listen to some music. West End Drive, a Chicago blues band, was playing. I tried to use that “I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” technique on the pawmen, but it didn’t work, so I left after an hour. Men need to realize that a girl in a bar isn’t always interested in getting laid. I need to come up with a better bug-off line.

Actually it was good that I left. I did two new painting…BIG ones…political spooferies on dubya and yes, even my YAYA man Clinton. Say have you noticed how good that man looks? He’s still young and he did a double term. Plus Hill has her chance now. Plus they raised a decent daughter. Man they have it peachy. I don’t know if I can forgive that NAFTA thing though.

okay enough…enough.

Write soon. Send a VHS!!!!!! Writegirl

Say did you ever notice how annoying the name Kenneth is? Kenneth The Prosecutor and Kenneth Lay. There was a Kenneth (Goodman) that bugged me in high school too! Kenneth baaaaaaaaaaaaah! If my husband comes with the name Kenneth I hope he is willing to change it to something more amenable.

Good God I just said the “H” word! What is happening to me? I will go splash water in my face right now!!!!!!!!!!
