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The Sacred Book of Bethalma

Chants to the Star Goddess Beth

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Written by Dahuenlil, Ron L. Adams, during the time of Apollo, Feb. 14, 1985

The Sacred Book of Bethalama

Aria One (written during the new year, Age of Apollo A.H. Two (January and February 1987).

Oh, seeker
The naked agent gives us the three eggs
of wisdom...wrapped in 24 sacred shades of silk
Adorned & wrapped by coiled serpents
to warm and protect
the nimble blue universe that awaits a new birth.

Go cry on every mountain
Life is a success
The universe assist us in tilting the great clock
Standing Stones, as the Druid's built.
As the Lumarians erected as 24 Easter-eggs on islands.
Thus sway the intellect.
Catch this prism of light and paradoxical hope

Remove the crud that blinded thou
during Ra Hoor Khut and his cruel, vengeful age.
Oh, Halley' us the rainbow.
oh blessed Star, give us the wheel
Of Scorpious...lay buried between seven hills in Loch Ness.
You have heralded in two ages...
Horus, and now Apollo.
That we may have victory in life.

Create who you will
Will your creation
to others. As what is done by one shall be extended to two.
388 times creation
has died and been born.
388 times around the wheel of karma
twice has the Earth died
and has given rebirth
to man's secrets and philosophies. Don't surrender to fate.
For the universe
has dominion over the riddle of three. Escape while the getting is good.
Time, Space, Distance.
Then, now, thence.
Past, present, future.
before Birth, Life, and after Death.
Oh, beloved creation.
Oh, cruel masters of fate.
You humor us into laziness. In back, in front
in between...we wait in haste
with this absurd datuum
Nurture us instead
with fertility and all matter
of weird fruit,
strange grain,
and vulumptuous nut.

I bid you stand
across from happiness.
Distance yourself from it,
As others can reach and pluck.
For happiness denied, is happiness gained.
For Happiness is happiness broken through happiness.
Whether here nor there. Questing for failure,
there is satisfaction. There is love actions,
as we marry elementals and transcend psychic ritual,
by responsible social grace.

Attract the covens. Use passion and sex
To arouse clan and establish commitment
as an honorable creation, suggesting civilization reborn. Find they true Self.
Do only thy will. Make thee new coins, to express thy great work.
Make new commodities to buy and sell.
For thee shall pass through life
beased on thy works.
Not mind.
Bethalma wealth...too sense, to sting after a legacy of defending truth.

The Goddess Beth, the power of fate...takes in sinners and lords...beggers and buyers all the same. For what thee resists, you get repeatedly.
Be friendly to spirits.
Nurture and create space for the spirit to quicken.
Give rooom for forgiveness and love. Reform space to create.
Work on thy devotion to me.
Oh, seeker. Bow down, to the event someone created before thee. What thou seekest has been found.
See that thou are prisoner of all these lovely things.
Let pleasure restore they dignity
and bring chuckle to thy lips.
For my solution is Telepathy.
Communication quickens the pulse, talking always exists.
Even in silence language translates.
Healing is more important you fool, than seeking angels and gods.

Wipe the past clean. Slate the future with courage and aggressive strength.
Know thy past and the future are one and it is known to thee as NOW.
Recieve the word.
The word is my word:
And be puzzled over its symbols.
It is a symbol of a race
Let thee have knowledge.





Let the king conquer to create.
Let him act to embrace sorrow as a villian and friend.
Intent on a glorious campaign.
Please receive love instead. It is futile to do any one else's work...for the Universe gave you birth to do what you will.
Create, not empires and compartments.
Seek thee the new seedens to emmulate.
Arrive to new frontiers.
And parade in thy naked drunken duty
Pridefully and without shame.
For lust should be thy integrity.
Lust for life and its good things. It would be futile to resist life.
Receive thy strength, as the sun and the moon nourish and heal prisoner of devotion.
Feed me in worship and I will renew thee always.

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