- PIMPADELIC-*Southern Devils* (Tommy Boy)-Another rapcore band. Although it sounds better than alot of the stuff out there now. It kind of reminds me of SHOOTYZ GROOVE or the first SUGAR RAY album. The song 'Vegas' is a completely lame attempt at mainstream acceptance (they do mention Bon Scott in it though, which is cool) but overall the album is OK. The new crowd of heavy music fans should check into PIMPADELIC.-Chris Lee
- PORTABLE-*Secret Life* (TVT)-Energetic pop rock that reminded me of a mixture of THE FOO FIGHTERS and GREEN DAY. These guys are probably a pretty good live band. Look for these guys to be on MTV soon. If TVT does some promotion I think PORTABLE will become a familiar name. Catchy songs , straight rock and roll style, the look and sound that the alternative rock crowd goes for. Pretty good stuff here. TVT Records, 23 E. 4th St., New York, NY 10003 - Lee
- REBELLIOUS BAND, THE-*The Future is Now*-Old style low fi punk. THE REBELLIOUS BAND prove that you don't need to spend alot of money in a studio to rock. This 17-song D.I.Y. effort is a mandatory purchase for fans of true punk rock. Songs like '8 Ball of Crack', 'Jamacain Underwear' and 'Revenge of the Mullet' showcase a band that just digs in and plays it how it should be played, bypassing slickness and trends. For more info on TRB check out or send an email to Lee
- REIGN OF TERROR, THE-*Sacred Ground* (Limb/SPV)-This album completely rules! I guarantee this will be in my Top Ten of 2001. Featuring vocalist Mike Vescera (ex-Yngwie/Loudness/Obsession), guitar phenom Joe Stump, and a super rhythm section of Matt Surfield and Jay Rigney (both of EVENT), this neo-classical opus showcases virtuosity at its best mirrored with great songwriting. Sounding influenced by the sounds of YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, RAINBOW and ULI JON ROTH era SCORPIONS, the REIGN OF TERROR smoke on 'Save Me', 'Sacred Ground', 'The Unknown' and the rest of the 12 song CD, finishing off with an awesome vrsion of RAINBOW's 'Kill the King'. A MUST CD for ALL metalheads. One of the year's best. Limb Music, Postfach 60 25 20, 22235 Hamburg Germany,, ,, Lee
- RHAPSODY-*Dawn of Victory* (LMP/SPV)-RHAPSODY return once again with another fine disc of their brand of epic symphonic metal. They don't stray far from their last album as far as songwriting goes but Luca Turilli and co. use the pattened RHAPSODY formula to produce yet another great album. With the guitars alittle heavier sounding than on *Symphony of Enchanted Lands*, RHAPSODY prove that they are at the forefront of the current Euro-power metal movement, along with GAMMA RAY and BLIND GUARDIAN, and that position is justly deserved. Limb Music Products, Postfach 60 25 20, 22235 Hamburg Germany,, ,, Lee